Transcript for #emec11 - What the Hashtag?! Page 1 of 8 #emec11 Transcript from February 8, 2011 to February 17, 2011 All times are Pacific Time February 14, 2011 12:08 am 7:30 am Marianosky: Day 1 at #emec11 in Dusseldorf, It was nice to catch up with so many friends and meeting professionals after so long time.Missed networking mpi: Who said arts and crafts are only for kids? Use your artistic talent for good. Wfaa #CSR project in the Global Village, ALL DAY! #EMEC11 7:54 am lindebrekke: ready for a nother day with great content and great people at #EMEC11 8:03 am michaelluehrs: Sustainable #events start w/ smart planning and a great destination. #MPIs #EMEC11 scores on both counts. Engaging #suppliers session at 5 8:23 am Padraicino: RT @michaelluehrs: Sustainable #events start w/ smart planning and a great destination. #MPIs #EMEC11 scores on both counts. 8:29 am RuudWJanssen: Flashpoint intro #emec11 - 6 speakers in 60 minutes -> Lisa Ekstrom kicks off 8:49 am MariaJacobsson: "The best way to become successful is by making others successful" #EMEC11 Flashpoint with Robert Benninga 8:56 am sustevents: #emec11 robert genninga 5 pillars of success :put yr ego in the refrigerator, find a guide to take u to yr goal, talk less ask more 8:58 am ChampBouwman: Talk less, ask more. Rule number 3 by Robert Benninga. I see a challenge coming up! #EMEC11 8:59 am OnePlusEditor: have you downloaded the #emec11 mobile app yet? Connect to the entire conference on the go. 9:00 am mpi: The second round of Flash Point speakers go on in 30 minutes. Room 1 Auditorium. #EMEC11 9:00 am sustevents: #emec11 Robert Genniga 5 pillars of success: ask for help and do what you feel passionate about! 9:00 am 9:02 am miguelseven: #EMEC11 "Asking for help is a sign of greatness" Robert Benniga OnePlusEditor: #emec11 Copies of the NEW February One+ are available on tables at the flashpoint coffee break. Enjoy great content in YOUR magazine. 9:04 am CharliePerkin: RT @sustevents: #emec11 robert genninga 5 pillars of success :put yr ego in the refrigerator, find a guide to take u to yr goal, talk less ask more 9:04 am CharliePerkin: RT @MariaJacobsson: "The best way to become successful is by making others successful" #EMEC11 Flashpoint with Robert Benninga 9:04 am miguelseven: Oranges & people have in common = under pressure, what is inside comes out. Thought from great flash point talk from Robert Benning #emec11 9:05 am CharliePerkin: RT @miguelseven: Oranges & people have in common = under pressure, what is inside comes out. Thought from great flash point talk from Robert Benning #emec11 9:09 am Qnigge: if you want change, you need leaders. #emec11 Mt. Andy Bounds 3rd flashpointspeaker. nice excercise of communication with 350 people-action 9:10 am ehluna: RT @miguelseven: Oranges & people have in common = under pressure, what is inside comes out. Thought from great flash point talk from Robert Benning #emec11 9:22 am MariaJacobsson: RT @miguelseven: #EMEC11 "Asking for help is a sign of greatness" Robert Benniga 9:22 am lindebrekke: RT @miguelseven: #EMEC11 "Asking for help is a sign of greatness" Robert Benniga 2/23/2011 Transcript for #emec11 - What the Hashtag?! 9:23 am MPITheresa: Live from #EMEC11 press conference - European membership up almost 7% YOY per @bmacmpi 9:25 am MPITheresa: Sneak peek in to briefing where we are learning more about economic research in Europe #EMEC11 9:36 am jdogniez: RT @MPITheresa: Live from #EMEC11 press conference - European membership up almost 7% YOY per @bmacmpi 9:48 am MPITheresa: #EMEC11 press keen to learn more about which countries are exploring economic studies. 10:00 am 10:06 am 10:13 am IMEXDeutschland: RT @GCB_Deutschland: EMEC 2011: Die europäische Event-Branche trifft sich in Düsseldorf #EMEC11 MrsBarbican: RT @MPITheresa: Live from #EMEC11 press conference - European membership up almost 7% YOY per @bmacmpi IMEXDeutschland: @tw_media nein, bin im Büro, verfolge Dich aber :-) M. Schultze und A. Pruust sind vor Ort #EMEC11, Düsseldorf 10:20 am RuudWJanssen: @paulbridle u r being missed in Dusseldorf Paul, regards from #emec11 10:22 am MariaJacobsson: #emec11 painting for the hospital in Düsseldorf. 10:23 am MrsBarbican: ?@RuudWJanssen: @paulbridle u r being missed in Dusseldorf Paul, regards from #emec11? I agree! Miss you PB! 10:23 am MrsBarbican: RT @MariaJacobsson: #emec11 painting for the hospital in Düsseldorf. 10:24 am MariaJacobsson: RT @RuudWJanssen: @paulbridle u r being missed in Dusseldorf Paul, regards from #emec11 10:24 am MirandavanBruck: RT @RuudWJanssen: @paulbridle u r being missed in Dusseldorf Paul, regards from #emec11 10:25 am MrsBarbican: Great first morning Flashpoint conference..#EMEC11 (@ Congress Center Düsseldorf) 10:27 am MirandavanBruck: #emec11 in-depht interviews being conducted on the Future and Business Value of Meetings live at the conference - exciting insights! 10:30 am MagdaIbrahim: Adele lindauer sharing steps for business change put together after berlin wall experience during mpi event #emec11 10:31 am miguelseven: Interesting analogy by Adele Landauer. From Berlin wall falling to breaking through walls of change in personal or professional life #emec11 10:37 am planetplanitbiz: RT @miguelseven: Oranges & people have in common = under pressure, what is inside comes out. Thought from gr8 from Robert Benning #emec11 10:40 am MirandavanBruck: #emec11 Frans Johansson on stage - are you ready? High speed, great thoughts! 10:42 am 10:42 am Page 2 of 8 MariaJacobsson: #emec11 Frans Johansson "Diversity drives innovation" - High energy level! tw_media: Diversity drives inovation. I like! #emec11 10:44 am eco_efficient: RT @RuudWJanssen: Content is King ->so here=slideshow #CMM info presentation #EMEC11 yet Context=Queen, so see u in room 8 at 15:00 10:44 am dassis: RT @planetplanitbiz: RT @miguelseven: Oranges & people have in common = under pressure, what is inside comes out. Thought from gr8 from Robert Benning #emec11 10:45 am AstridCreutz: RT @tw_media: Diversity drives inovation. I like! #emec11 10:47 am AstridCreutz: RT @sustevents: #emec11 robert genninga 5 pillars of success :put yr ego in the refrigerator, find a guide to take u to yr goal, talk less ask more 10:47 am miguelseven: "@MirandavanBruck: #emec11 Frans Johansson on stage - are you ready? High speed, great thoughts!" 10:47 am AstridCreutz: RT @MariaJacobsson: "The best way to become successful is by making others successful" #EMEC11 Flashpoint with Robert Benninga 10:47 am miguelseven: RT @MirandavanBruck: #emec11 Frans Johansson on stage - are you ready? High speed, great thoughts! Good call!!! 2/23/2011 Transcript for #emec11 - What the Hashtag?! 10:48 am MrsBarbican: RT @planetplanitbiz: RT @miguelseven: Oranges & people have in common = under pressure, what is inside comes out. Thought from gr8 from Robert Benning #emec11 10:49 am AstridCreutz: RT @miguelseven: #EMEC11 "Asking for help is a sign of greatness" Robert Benniga 10:50 am AstridCreutz: #EMEC11 I wish you all high inspirations, great input and good discussions. Thanks for your tweets! 10:56 am 10:56 am MirandavanBruck: #emec11 Yes the world is connected! Thanks Johan for a great talk. CharliePerkin: the old adage of try try and try again Frans Johanssen @#EMEC11 cant get it right first ime 11:22 am miguelseven: RT @MirandavanBruck: #emec11 Yes the world is connected! Thanks Johan for a great talk. 11:24 am MrsBarbican: #EMEC11 Lunch - thank you to our wonderful sponsors, RUHR.Tourismus & Tourismus NRW - Delicious! 11:25 am RuudWJanssen: After flashpoint now pallette cleanser ...enjoying lunch w/MPi UK+Ireland + NL friends @MrsBarbican #emec11#MPi 11:26 am MrsBarbican: RT @RuudWJanssen: After flashpoint now pallette cleanser ...enjoying lunch w/MPi UK+Ireland + NL friends @MrsBarbican #emec11#MPi 11:31 am lindebrekke: How is it possoble to make sutch a bad presentation of Düsseldorf #EMEC11 12:17 pm MPITheresa: The hallway phone calls outside the #EMEC11 luncheon are so cool. Italian, French , German, and so believe Korean. 12:55 pm GreenA_V: Good feedback - how could they make it better? RT @lindebrekke: How is it possoble to make sutch a bad presentation of Düsseldorf #EMEC11 1:25 pm eco_efficient: RT @AstridCreutz: #EMEC11 I wish you all high inspirations, great input and good discussions. Thanks for your tweets! 1:28 pm HPNGlobal: A Global Network of Hospitality Executives connecting meeting planners and suppliers seamlessly #emec11 1:29 pm Page 3 of 8 eco_efficient: I totally agree! RT@MariaJacobsson "best way to become successful is by making others successful" #EMEC11 Flashpoint with Robert Benninga 1:30 pm lindebrekke: RT @eco_efficient: I totally agree! RT@MariaJacobsson "best way to become successful is by making others successful" #EMEC11 Flashpoint with Robert Benninga 1:40 pm lindebrekke: @GreenA_V Leav out all the numbers and more visualising AND 1/2 the time #EMEC11 1:58 pm miguelseven: Shame on those hijacking the #emec11 handle for promotion! If you want my respect participate in the discussion. 2:06 pm MPITheresa: RT @miguelseven: Shame on those hijacking the #emec11 handle for promotion! If you want my respect participate in the discussion. 2:07 pm MPITheresa: if you are using the #EMEC11 iPhone app, on the 2nd page you can upload photos to the EMEC photo gallery - I posted some from press FAM 2:19 pm LAWriter2010: RT@HPNGlobal: A Global Network of Hospitality Executives connecting meeting planners and suppliers seamlessly #emec11 2:46 pm michaelluehrs: Meetings and #events industry today='Woodstock 2.0' a new paradigm of connection, innovation @patrickdelaney #EMEC11 2:48 pm Marianosky: RT @eco_efficient: I totally agree! RT@MariaJacobsson "best way to become successful is by making others successful" #EMEC11 Flashpoint with Robert Benninga 2:49 pm Marianosky: RT @RuudWJanssen: After flashpoint now pallette cleanser ...enjoying lunch w/MPi UK+Ireland + NL friends @MrsBarbican #emec11#MPi 3:20 pm tinefuchs: Real blending w/t digital, face-to-face or online. How will we meet in the future? How will we bring generations 2gether @ 1 table? #emec11 3:23 pm MariaJacobsson: Chapter leaders providing lots of feedback and insights on #EMEC11 and 2012 2/23/2011 Transcript for #emec11 - What the Hashtag?! 3:24 pm tinefuchs: @OnePlusEditor frans j., for sure: very engaged, very knowlegable, enthusiastic+entertaining. Think outside of the box: i like! #emec11 3:30 pm converve: Going to #EMEC11 tomorrow, give me a note if you want to meet me there! 4:08 pm 4:23 pm eco_efficient: After #EMEC11, why not check out the #GMIC 2011 Sustainable Meetings Conference Feb 20-23 via free web access MariaJacobsson: #emec11 Big party at the Rendezvous from 9pm at Ufer 8, Rathausufer 8 Düsseldorf. Purchase your ticket at EMEC registration! 4:24 pm MPITheresa: should be great, can't wait! RT @MariaJacobsson: Big party at the Rendezvous from 9pm at Ufer 8- Purchase tickets @ #EMEC11 registration! 4:29 pm MrsBarbican: RT @MariaJacobsson: #emec11 Big party at the Rendezvous from 9pm at Ufer 8, Rathausufer 8 Düsseldorf. Purchase your ticket at EMEC registration! 4:34 pm 4:55 pm 4:57 pm CantravServices: RT @eco_efficient: After #EMEC11, why not check out the #GMIC 2011 Sustainable Meetings Conference Feb 20-23 via free web access RuudWJanssen: RT @eco_efficient: After #EMEC11 check out #GMIC 2011 Sustainable Meetings Conference Feb 20-23 free web access eco_efficient: RT @RuudWJanssen Way to go Midori! @GreenA_V rocking the house at #emec11 full house session in room 7 5:00 pm rog_simons: RT @MariaJacobsson: #emec11 Big party at the Rendezvous from 9pm at Ufer 8, Rathausufer 8 Düsseldorf. Purchase your ticket at EMEC registration! 5:01 pm MirandavanBruck: RT @MariaJacobsson: #emec11 Big party at the Rendezvous from 9pm at Ufer 8, Rathausufer 8 Düsseldorf. Purchase your ticket at EMEC registration! 5:47 pm 6:16 pm YHChengVan: RT @eco_efficient: After #EMEC11, why not check out the #GMIC 2011 Sustainable Meetings Conference Feb 20-23 via free web access MagdaIbrahim: Great buzz at mpi's uk & ireland reception this evening at the intercontinental dusseldorf. All relaxing after #emec11 today 7:12 pm jdogniez: The alumni presidents dinner starts strong - roel is officially voted secretary #emec11 7:15 pm jdogniez: Sorry he is acting assistant general secretary... #emec11 9:19 pm MPITheresa: wo ist das waschbecken? #EMEC11 10:24 pm elizabethglau: @greena_v Sounds like you are rocking #emec11 ! Can't wait to see you at #gmicconference next week. 10:34 pm GreenA_V: @elizabethglau Actually, the Europeans are the ones rocking it - AMAZING people here!! #emec11 11:50 pm Page 4 of 8 MPITheresa: Rendezvous #EMEC11 goes on & on & on - I am simply an observer. Any photos you might see are FAKE ;) February 15, 2011 7:23 am 8:16 am 8:19 am MPI_UKIreland: Our reception photos now live. Thanks for attending and special thanks to our sponsors (InterCon Düsseldorf). #emec11... lindebrekke: It's not easy to stand out - iInnovative Leader: How to Build, Change and Grow Your Business - Frans Johannssen #EMEC11 ChampBouwman: Early rise for Futurewatch session at #Emec11 #workhardplayhard #rendezvous #ufer8 8:30 am mpi: Visit the Global Village to find out how you can help the local Duesseldorf community thru Help and Hope Foundation. #EMEC11 8:39 am mpi: EMEC 2012 planning well underway with great input from #EMEC11 delegates 8:51 am miguelseven: RT @mpi: EMEC 2012 planning well underway with great input from #EMEC11 delegates 8:52 am miguelseven: RT @MPI: EMEC 2012 planning well underway with great input from #EMEC11 delegates. Great be able to give input. Looking forward next moves 2/23/2011 Transcript for #emec11 - What the Hashtag?! 9:18 am miguelseven: RT @MPI_UKIreland: Our reception photos now live. Thanks for attending and special thanks to our sponsors (InterCon Düsseldorf). #emec11... 9:29 am MPITheresa: Anyone in Bill Voegeli's FutureWatch session at #EMEC11 - heard there's new data, but I'm tied up elsewhere. How's it going? 9:29 am eco_efficient: RT @MPI_UKIreland: Our reception photos now live. Thanks for attending and special thanks to our sponsors (InterCon Düsseldorf). #emec11... 9:32 am MICE_AG_DE: RT @mpi: Looking for #EMEC11 handouts you might have missed? Check here: 9:37 am tw_media: RT @mpi: Looking for #EMEC11 handouts you might have missed? Check here: 9:40 am IMEXDeutschland: Fotos #emec11 via @MPI_UKIreland: reception photos now live. Thanks for attending and special thanks to our sponsors 9:41 am MariaJacobsson: #emec11 mmmm Chocolates in the global village from Belgium Convention Bureau 9:41 am 9:46 am 9:51 am MPITheresa: on my way! RT @MariaJacobsson: #emec11 mmmm Chocolates in the global village from Belgium Convention Bureau MariaJacobsson: #emec11 MPITheresa: #EMEC11 twitter delegates, pls share with your colleagues that yes - sessions will be audio recorded & availab? (cont) 9:58 am MrsBarbican: RT @mpi: Looking for #EMEC11 handouts you might have missed? Check here: 9:59 am MrsBarbican: RT @MPI_UKIreland: Our reception photos now live. Thanks for attending and special thanks to our sponsors (InterCon Düsseldorf). #emec11... 10:06 am rosa_garriga: looking forward to @GreenA_V and @RuudWJanssen session on event technology #emec11 10:07 am MrsBarbican: Last day :( bring on another great #EMEC11 day! (@ Congress Center Düsseldorf w/ 2 others) 10:08 am miguelseven: RT @rosa_garriga: looking forward to @GreenA_V and @RuudWJanssen session on event technology #emec11 Me too! 10:08 am miguelseven: RT @mpi: Looking for #EMEC11 handouts you might have missed? Check here: 10:24 am sustevents: Thank you Intercontinental Dusseldorf for a fantastic MPI UK & Ireland receptiongreat to see everyone there #emec11... 10:25 am rosa_garriga: loving 'creating event engagement through technology' by @RuudWJanssen & @GreenA_V at #emec11 these guys know how to run a session! 10:25 am MrsBarbican: @GreenA_V and @RuudWJanssen Event engagement..all about care, initiative, action, behaviour & conversation.. #emec11 10:27 am CharliePerkin: RT @rosa_garriga: loving 'creating event engagement through technology' by @RuudWJanssen & @GreenA_V at #emec11 these guys know how to run a session! 10:28 am CharliePerkin: RT @MrsBarbican: @GreenA_V and @RuudWJanssen Event engagement..all about care, initiative, action, behaviour & conversation.. #emec11 10:30 am MrsBarbican: #emec11 Event engagement...Content, Context, Connectivity, Continuity 10:38 am simonbucknall: Really enjoyed Frans Johannson's session on innovation this morning at #EMEC11. What a high-octane experience! 10:39 am MrsBarbican: #emec11 @jeffhurt is being talked about as a great blogger..make sure when you blog you give people the opportunity to comment.. 10:45 am miguelseven: RT @simonbucknall: Really enjoyed Frans Johannson's session on innovation this morning at #EMEC11. What a high-octane experience! 10:46 am Page 5 of 8 ChampBouwman: Jim Stolze at #EMEC11: we are not in the meeting industry, we're in the attention industry #foodforthought #ufer8 2/23/2011 Transcript for #emec11 - What the Hashtag?! 10:46 am MrsBarbican: #emec11 tap into your association members, company employees, clients etc..for content #blogging 10:47 am Roundpeg22: RT @MrsBarbican: #emec11 tap into your association members, company employees, clients etc..for content #blogging 10:50 am miguelseven: @worldconcierge Thank from @MPI_UKIreland for sponsoring our #emec11 reception last night at InterCon Düsseldorf 10:51 am miguelseven: RT @ChampBouwman: Jim Stolze at #EMEC11: we are not in the meeting industry, we're in the attention industry #foodforthought #ufer8 10:52 am 10:53 am 10:59 am 11:01 am 11:04 am 11:20 am 11:23 am 1:08 pm CharliePerkin: create a story use humour and engaging topics #EMEC11 mpi: #EMEC11 Solution Room is in Room 2 @ 2 PM innovative new format. Come one, come all MrsBarbican: #emec11 Gr8 video tools Animoto, Xtranormal, Vimeo..This is a really great session with some EXCELLENT take aways & great energy MariaJacobsson: #emec11 Peter Fisk "shape your industry and drive innovation to manage change and become number one"! miguelseven: @GreenA_V sharing Facebook tips at #emec11 Great content. CharliePerkin: RT @miguelseven: @GreenA_V sharing Facebook tips at #emec11 Great content. BMACMPI: RT @mpi: EMEC 2012 planning well underway with great input from #EMEC11 delegates lindebrekke: #EMEC11 Norway Chapter celebrates 10 year aniversary 21 July!!!!! 1:12 pm GreenA_V: @ruudwjanssen getting us ready to kick off a learning experiment in the solutions room at #emec11 1:17 pm GreenA_V: @mypco @rosa_garriga @mrsbarbican @miguelseven Thank you all SO much for your active contributions to our tech session at #emec11 2:00 pm mpi: Our knowledge & programming team are looking forward to the insights & findings from the Solution Room at #EMEC11 2:03 pm mpi: Many thanks to the speakers & SME team that have worked so diligently on the #EMEC11 Solution Room 2:18 pm MPITheresa: one more reason Ruud is super cool RT @RuudWJanssen: Now live streaming Solution Room #emec11 2:21 pm RuudWJanssen: RT @MPITheresa: one more reason Ruud is super cool RT @RuudWJanssen: Now live streaming Solution Room #emec11 2:24 pm mpi: Duly noted - enjoy the rest of conference RT @lindebrekke: RT @ChampBouwman: @mpi EMEC12 in Amsterdam? #Holland -You got my wote ! #EMEC11 2:28 pm MPITheresa: From the press office downstairs I can hear the applause from the Solution Room at #EMEC11 3:04 pm simonbucknall: Just finished the Solution Rooms at #EMEC11 - great group and plenty of quality ideas, tips and insights. Thank you all! 3:12 pm rosa_garriga: at 'Behind the scenes of a groundbreaking #hybrid #event: Sappphire now' with Mary Boone as virtual presenter! #emec11 3:32 pm eco_efficient: RT @rosa_garriga: loving 'creating event engagement through technology' by @RuudWJanssen & @GreenA_V at #emec11 these guys know how to run a session! 3:33 pm tinefuchs: @MPITheresa gosh, they were sooo delicious! Great treat! #emec11 3:36 pm tinefuchs: Hi #emec11, great time guys! But need more time and space for personal meetings+networking without missing interesting sessions next time. 3:42 pm miguelseven: Agree! "@tinefuchs: #emec11, gr8 time guys! But need more time for personal meetings+networking without missing interesting sessions." 3:46 pm 3:58 pm Page 6 of 8 mpi: Thank you for the feedback, noted & will add to staff notes RT @tinefuchs: Hi #emec11, great time guys! But ne? (cont) CantravServices: RT @MPITheresa: From the press office downstairs I can hear the applause from the Solution Room at #EMEC11 2/23/2011 Transcript for #emec11 - What the Hashtag?! 3:59 pm 4:14 pm 4:35 pm CantravServices: RT @mpi: Many thanks to the speakers & SME team that have worked so diligently on the #EMEC11 Solution Room lindebrekke: Thx a lot for 3 days of learning at #EMEC11 - now preparing fore the closing night gala miguelseven: RT @lindebrekke: Thx a lot for 3 days of learning at #EMEC11 - now preparing fore the closing night gala 5:03 pm tinefuchs: @MPITheresa thnx for the link. Will check out videos at home! #emec11 5:10 pm 5:12 pm Yoda18: Great content and networking. Check-out Flashpoints and Solution Room. Preparing for Gala Dinner #EMEC11 CharliePerkin: RT @lindebrekke: Thx a lot for 3 days of learning at #EMEC11 - now preparing fore the closing night gala 9:19 pm 9:23 pm jdogniez: Samme allen top model at #emec11 MPITheresa: #EMEC11 closing dinner fashion show 9:27 pm 9:31 pm Page 7 of 8 roelfrissen: PICTURES PLS :) RT @jdogniez: Samme allen top model at #emec11 MPITheresa: #EMEC11 closing gala dinner. Now we are to follow the models upstairs for dessert. February 16, 2011 1:53 am 8:26 am 9:36 am 11:12 am CharliePerkin: RT @jdogniez: Samme allen top model at #emec11 jitskekramer: @MPI Thanks for the great time, the nice people and all the learning I took away from #emec11. Thanks for inviting me! lindebrekke: Thx to Marriott for a good stay at, now checking out to go backhome after 4 good days at #EMEC11 miguelseven: Thank @mpi Fantastic feeling the day after #emec11 Shame to have to say goodbye, but nothing beats a week with MPI clan ;) 12:13 pm sustevents: Too true RT @miguelseven: Thank @mpi Fantastic feeling day after #emec11 Shame to have to say goodbye, but not? (cont) 1:14 pm MrsBarbican: ?@miguelseven: Thank @mpi Fantastic feeling the day after #emec11 Shame to have to say goodbye, but nothing beats a week with MPI clan ;)? 4:01 pm GOAMPI: RT @MPI: Have u checked out the #EMEC11 review posts? Great news from EMEA community, find out from the #Engage post 6:47 pm mdalton86: Had a great time at #emec11 Thanks to all @MPI @MPI_UKIreland who made it such a great experience 8:10 pm metsovou: So happy #EMEC11 showed me I'm studying the right industry! Great conference and lots of new insights! 9:23 pm simonbucknall: Fantastic time in Dusseldorf these past four days at #emec11. Big thanks to the team at MPI! Tomorrow - off to Dubai... 9:23 pm RuudWJanssen: Good 2 be home after #MPi #emec11 full of captivation cultivation and elevation [pic]: 9:41 pm 11:56 pm Dalicejt: RT @simonbucknall: Fantastic time in Dusseldorf these past four days at #emec11. Big thanks to the team at MPI! Tomorrow - off to Dubai... MariaJacobsson: RT @mpi: Have you checked out the #EMEC11 review posts? Great news from our EMEA community, find out from the #Engage post #MPI February 17, 2011 12:02 am 7:16 am 8:43 am MariaJacobsson: Thanks to #MPI Germany Chapter, Host committee, partners, sponsors and all MPI community friends for making #emec11 in Düsseldorf a success! lindebrekke: RT @MariaJacobsson: Thanks to #MPI Germany Chapter, Host committee, partners, sponsors and all MPI community friends for making #emec11 in Düsseldorf a success! RuudWJanssen: RT @MariaJacobsson: Thanks to #MPI Germany Chapter....and all MPI community friends for making #emec11 in Düsseldorf a success! 2/23/2011 Transcript for #emec11 - What the Hashtag?! 8:47 am MrsBarbican: RT @MariaJacobsson: Thanks to #MPI Germany Chapter, Host committee, partners, sponsors and all MPI community friends for making #emec11 in Düsseldorf a success! 9:21 am MrsBarbican: RT @mpi: Have you checked out the #EMEC11 review posts? Great news from our EMEA community, find out from the #Engage post #MPI 9:58 am rosa_garriga: RT @mpi: Have you checked out the #EMEC11 review posts? Great news from our EMEA community, find out from the #Engage post #MPI 10:08 am 11:52 am faceplacecase: RT @mpi: Have you checked out the #EMEC11 review posts? Great news from our EMEA community, find out from the #Engage post #MPI tw_media: RT @RuudWJanssen: RT @MariaJacobsson: Thanks to #MPI Germany Chapter....and all MPI community friends for making #emec11 in Düsseldorf a success! 11:55 am lindebrekke: I now have invitet all that I got a bussines card from at #EMEC11 - hope to se you all in my nettwork. 11:57 am lindebrekke: RT @lindebrekke: I now have invitet TO LinkedIn all I got a bussines card from at #EMEC11 - hope to se you all in my nettwork. 1:30 pm 5:37 pm Page 8 of 8 roelfrissen: RT @RuudWJanssen: RT @MariaJacobsson: Thanks to #MPI Germany Chapter....and all MPI community friends for making #emec11 in Düsseldorf a success! MPITheresa: spot on w/ comments from @BMACMPI about the global interest in this. at #EMEC11 the press were very keen on #MPI work on this pan-Europe Powered by WTHashtag, A Microblink Property | Contact 2/23/2011