Forestry Fact Sheet

Forestry Fact Sheet
Forest cover 42% of Canada’s total area
Softwood forests make up 66% of Canada’s forest
Hardwood forests make up 12% of Canada’s forest
Soft wood- wood from Coniferous Trees
Hardwood- Wood from deciduous trees
*Forestry mainly occurs in the western provinces of Canada
There are 2 types of Forests
Commercial Forest& Non-Commercial Forests
Non Commercial Forests
Trees unlikely to be harvested
Commercial Forests
Trees that can be harvested profitably
Exists to the North of Commercial Forests
Close to roads, railways and water ways
Temperatures and precipitation levels are low
The tree grows quickly
Trees Grow Slowly
Commercial forests exist in the warmer and
wetter area of Canada
Trees don’t get big enough to harvest
Too far from Transportation
There are 2 main industries that come from the forestry industry, wood and
paper. The forest is important part of Canada’s economy. The forest
industry can make many things like pulp and paper. Half of the products
made are sent to other countries.
*The industry can give jobs to 360 000 Canadians
-Forestry can be very dangerous, to the people working and also to the
planet. Biodiversity shrinks with each forest that we cut down, and the job
itself is very dangerous.
-50% of the wood cut down is used for energy in the developing countries
-Forestry can destroy our planet because when we cut down trees, our
biodiversity shrinks, also we can destroy watersheds. Watersheds balance
land; they absorb excessive rainfall that will be released later on. When
watersheds are destroyed it can result in losing control of stream flow and
also flooding.