DSAES Assessment Plan for AY 2015-2016 Department/Program Name: Director: Scholarships and Financial Aid Executive: Sal Loria, Operations Director: Scott Moore Department/Program Assessment Anushah Ahmed- Customer Service Assistant Director, Shari Corprew Grants and Scholarships Assistant Director, Lety Contact(s) (in addition to above): Gallegos Information Technology Assistant Director, Candida DuBose- Quality Control Assistant Director, and Lear Hickman Loans Assistant Director The mission of Scholarships and Financial Aid (SFA) is to provide financial assistance to student to students through grants, loans, scholarships, and employment in a way that provides timely, efficient, and customer-oriented services to student and Department Mission Statement: internal and external stakeholders. Department Vision Statement: The vision of Scholarships and Financial Aid is to strive to poise accountable stewardship of all financial aid resources with an institution of student-centered philosophy. We are working to establish ourselves as a leader in financial aid services when measured against peer institutions, using technology to streamline financial aid processes. We equip our staff with the tools necessary to conquer all of the challenges resulting from changes in federal, state, institutional and private funding rules along with economic changes. We seek to model campus-wide communication and collaboration while respecting the needs, values, and diversity of our students, parents, and colleagues. 1. SFA will report clearly defined measurable data that represent the attainment of first time in college student’s ability to understand our website and email communications. (DSAES 4c) 2. SFA will collaborate with students to determine why they came into or contact the office and if there concern was address and resolved during this visit. (DSAES 5b) Department FY16 Goals: (include all 3. SFA will implement staff development and evaluation processes that will ensure accountability and improved professional department goals and DSAES practices resulting in exceptional financial aid advisement. (DSAES 2.e) strategic plan mapping) 4. SFA will work with student employees on creating a well-rounded work experience enhancing work ethics, critical thinking, and life skills that will lead to success at their next level of employment. (DSAES 2c) 1 DSAES Assessment Plan for AY 2015-2016 Program or Services Being Assessed (Assessment Activity #1): First Time in College experience with website Learning Outcome(s) and/or Assessment Activity Objective(s) First time in college (FTIC) should be able to navigate through our website to find any pertinent information regarding their financial aid needs. Student should also be able to read, interpret, and respond to email communication with ease and clear understanding of what is required. Purpose of Assessment Activity To measure the FTIC ability navigate through our website with ease, and clear understanding of our email communications. Method Advisors will ask FTIC students during their visit at the counter if they are interested in participating in a cognitive focus group to discuss their experience using our website. If the student is willing to participate there information will be collected to invite to participate in a cognitive focus group. Where all participants will complete multiple choice questions and randomly up to two individuals will be selected to answer open ended questions. Data will be compared from semester to semester as well as year to year. Summary of this activity (to be completed at the end assessment cycle for this activity) Results (i.e. data collected): Action (i.e. what will change in the department or program as a result of the data collected): 2 Frequency / Timeline FY16 Goal(s) Supported After the start of the 1; 2e, 4a semester: September, February, and July DSAES Assessment Plan for AY 2015-2016 Program or Services Being Assessed (Assessment Activity #2): Issue Resolution Learning Outcome(s) and/or Assessment Activity Objective(s) SFA will be able to identify the number of contacts a student made to SFA before getting awarded. Along with accessing if the communications they received were clear and concise on what was needed. Purpose of Assessment Activity Method To determine those students that contacted SFA more than 5 times, and get there input on their experience and the time it took to receive an SFA award. Outbound calls utilizing a survey through Campus Labs. Data will be compared from semester to semester as well as year to year. Summary of this activity (to be completed at the end assessment cycle for this activity) Results (i.e. data collected): Action (i.e. what will change in the department or program as a result of the data collected): 3 Frequency / Timeline Once a semester: Fall - September Spring - February Summer - July FY16 Goal(s) Supported 2; 4a DSAES Assessment Plan for AY 2015-2016 Program or Services Being Assessed (Assessment Activity #3): Staff Development Learning Outcome(s) and/or Assessment Activity Objective(s) SFA staff will develop a more comprehensive approach that will provide our students, staff, and community a more professional overview of financial aid, scholarships, and debit management. Purpose of Assessment Activity To measure the progression of SFA employee professional development and job knowledge based on assessment feedback. Method Frequency / Timeline FY16 Goal(s) Supported Create an anonymous survey through Twice a year/ October, 3; 4.a, 4.d,5.c Campus Labs do a post and pretesting of and April knowledge. Based on feedback staff will attend work-shops, trainings, conferences, and cross trainings. Will also try and get an outside source to come and work with staff in groups and assess the needs. Summary of this activity (to be completed at the end assessment cycle for this activity) Results (i.e. data collected): Action (i.e. what will change in the department or program as a result of the data collected): 4 DSAES Assessment Plan for AY 2015-2016 Program or Services Being Assessed (Assessment Activity #4): Student Workers Learning Outcome(s) and/or Assessment Activity Objective(s) Purpose of Assessment Activity SFA student employee will To evaluate SFA student employees on demonstrate skills that promote their work ethic/practices. professionalism in the workplace as as result of the SFA Student Employee Development Program. Method Supervisor and Employee Self Evaluation will be done to evaluate all student workers punctuality, reliability, customer service, personal skills, following policies and procedures, and productivity though an evaluation rubric in Campus Labs. Summary of this activity (to be completed at the end assessment cycle for this activity) Results (i.e. data collected): Action (i.e. what will change in the department or program as a result of the data collected): 5 Frequency / Timeline Three times a year: Early December Early April, and Mid July FY16 Goal(s) Supported 4; 1.c, 1.f, 4c,