DSAES Assessment Plan for AY 2014-2015

DSAES Assessment Plan for AY 2014-2015
Department Name:
LGBT Resource Center
Lorraine Schroeder
The mission of the UH LGBT Resource Center is to launch the next generation of healthy, proud, academically successful
lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) citizens, leaders and activists. By providing support and a safe space for
LGBTQ people on campus to access resources, ask questions, and make connections, we strive for them to develop a positive
self-image and a sense of optimism about their future as a member of the LGBTQ community. Through visibility and
education, we seek to create an environment of LGBTQ acceptance and affirmation for the entire campus community. Values:
The guiding values of LGBT Resource Center:
• Student success
Department Mission Statement:
Department Vision Statement:
• Student empowerment
• Student development
• Embracing differences
• Inclusion
• Equality
• Diversity of cultures
• Advocacy
• Education
• Campus and community engagement and collaboration
• Professional development
• Accountability
• Outcome based assessment
Our vision is acceptance and affirmation for LGBTQ people in every aspect of their UH experience, and an environment on
campus where justice, equality and respect for all prevail.
1. Provide support, resources and a safe space for LGBTQ people on campus.
a) GA will create and run a Peer Mentoring Program to provide at risk LGBT students with direct access to needed
resources. DSA Strategic Initiative 2c
1) Promote program during orientation
2) Ongoingmarketing during the semester.
b) Take student leaders to the National GLBT Task Force Creating Change Conference to provide an opportunity for
community and national engagement. DSA Strategic Initiative 3b, 2d
1) Raise funds, 2) Advertise to students, 3) Learn travel procedure, 4) Make arrangements
c) Continue with ongoing programs, 1) Lending Library, 2) Brown Bag Lunch, 3) Lunch n Learn, 4) Ice Cream Social, 5)
Spring Scholarship, 6) Sexual Health Jeopardy, 7) Speakers Bureau
DSAES Assessment Plan for AY 2014-2015
2. Create a campus environment of LGBTQ acceptance and affirmation
a) Visit 4 faculty department meetings to discuss heteronormativity and promote Cougar Ally Training. DSA Strategic
Initiative 6a
1) Comparative Cultural Studies 2) NSM 3) Business 4) English
b) Bring Roby Ochs for National Coming Out Day DSA Strategic Initiative 1d
Department Goals: (include DSAES
c) GA to do outreach to student organizations, fraternities and sororities in order to do 4 educational programs(Speaker
strategic plan mapping)
Bureau Panels) per year, DSA Strategic Initiative 1d
d) Create Lavendar Graduation for Spring 2015 (student worker to initiate) DSA Strategic Initiative 3a
e) Develop and implement Pride Partner program. DSA Strategic Initiative 3a
f) Continue with ongoing programs 1) TDOR, 2) CAT 3)Visibility Project 4) Trans, Intersex, Bi Awareness Weeks
3. Develop and maintain a continual source of funding for the LGBTQ Resource Center
a) Apply for grants for NCOD, Spring events, Creating Change Conference, and/or Camp Pride DSA Strategic Initiative 2d
1) Possible sources Hollyfield, Kellet, Cloverdale, Bunnies
b) Further develop the Rainbow Friends to increase the percentage of members who donate to the LGBT Resouce
Center, DSA Strategic Initiative 2d
1) Do annual mail out
2) Brainstorm possible fundraisers (possibly with alumni network)
3) Clean up mailing list.
4. Develop a marketing strategy to increase participation with the center and its programs. DSA Strategic Initiative 5c
DSAES Assessment Plan for AY 2014-2015
Program or Services Being Assessed: Heteronormativity Presentations
Learning Outcome(s) and/or
Program Objective(s)
Faculty who attended the
To determine if the presentation has an
presentation given at their
impact on faculty's ability to help create a
departmental meetings will express more inclusive and accepting classroom
LGBT people or issues in the
classroom at least one time per
At the end of the semester faculty who
attended the presentation will take a
survey asking the number of times they
expressed LGBT people or issues in the
classroom and what methods they used.
Due to the lack of presentations done last Spring, there will be no surveys sent out until Spring 2015.
The survey will be
Create a
given twice per year
depending on the
presentation schedule. of LGBTQ
December and May
2a- NEW
Frequency / Timeline
DSAES Assessment Plan for AY 2014-2015
Program or Services Being Assessed: Speakers Bureau Panelist
Learning Outcome(s) and/or
Program Objective(s)
As a result of participating on LGBT To determine if the panelist gain a sense of
Panels, students will report an
pride in their identity and connection to
increased sense of pride regarding
their LGBT identity, and an increased
sense of connectedness to UH.
A Baseline survey will be emailed to all
Twice per year toward Provide
panelists asking them to rate their level of the end of each
pride in their LGBT identity and their level semester - November resources
and a safe
of connection to UH before and after being and April
space for
a panelist.
people on
campus - 1c
Frequency / Timeline
Twenty-three panelists participated in the suvey The results indicate that their average sense of pride in their LGBT identity before becoming a panelist was 6.83.
This raised to 8.74 after becoming a panelist. In addition, their average level of connectedness to UH as a result of participating on the Speakers Bureau was 4.35 on
a 5 point scale.
We will continue to gather this data for a few years to confirm the findings that students benefit in their sense of pride in their identity and their connectedness to
UH. These are indicators of student success.
DSAES Assessment Plan for AY 2014-2015
Program or Services Being Assessed: Speakers Bureau Panel Presentations
Learning Outcome(s) and/or
Program Objective(s)
As a result of attending a panel
To determine if the panels contribrute to
presentation, student participants
the inclusive environment at UH and
will be able to identify one ally
therefore better prepares students to be
behavior they are more likely to do. global citizens.
This behavior will relate to an ablility
to function better as a global citizen
and make UH a more inclusive
Immeditately after each panel
After each panel
Create a
presentation, participants Baseline Student presentation, but at
least two times per
Response (Clicker Technology)
questionairre asking them to complete the semester. Dependent of LGBTQ
sentence “as a result of today’s program I on when panel
am more likely to…” On a scale from 1-10 presentations are
scheduled with
affirmation they will rate the likelihood of this
student, staff, or
2c NEW
behavior before and after the program.
faculty groups.
Frequency / Timeline
Two panel presentation were done for UH classes during the fall semester. The students were able to identify ally behaviors and rate the likelihood of them
executing that behavior before and after the training. The rating scale was 1-10. The average before rating was 5.73. The average after rating was 8.62. An increase
of 2.91.
We plan to present panels to student organizations, Greek Life, and residential halls next semester and will continue to gather this data.
DSAES Assessment Plan for AY 2014-2015
Program or Services Being Assessed: Cougar Ally Training (CAT)
Learning Outcome(s) and/or
Program Objective(s)
Staff at the LGBT Resource Center
To determine what part of the training
All of the narrative responses on the CAT
will be able to identify the most
staff, faculty, and student participants feel evaluation over the past 5 years will be
valuable parts of the training as well is the most valuable to them as an ally.
categorized and analyzed.
as make suggestions for
Frequency / Timeline
One time initiative to
be completed by the
end of FY 15.
Create a
affirmation 2f NEW
Categorizing and analyzing the narrative responses to the open ended questions on the evaluation confirmed that we are doing several things right.
1. Addressing negative comments by tweaking the training accordingly, stops the recurrence of that particular negative response.
2. Participants benefit from the things we emphasize in the training; experiential learning, campus resources and the panel presentations.
We also found a common theme regarding a desire for more interaction among the participants.
We plan to change the quantitative part of the evaluation form to be a direct reflection of our learning outcomes for the program. We will keep the open ended
questions as they provide us with valuable feedback on our presenters and our training. We will also add more interactions among the participants.