DSAES Assessment Plan for AY 2015-2016

DSAES Assessment Plan for AY 2015-2016
Department/Program Name:
Children's Learning Centers
Jennifer Skopal
Department/Program Assessment
Contact(s) (in addition to above):
Department Mission Statement:
Department Vision Statement:
The mission of the Children’s Learning Centers (CLC) is to provide a nationally accredited exemplary early childhood program
that supports the student, staff, and faculty of the University of Houston (UH) while at the same time, encourages UH student
success by offering opportunities for learning, discovery and engagement.
To be a program that: honors the young child and their family; advocates for young children, current research, and the early
childhood profession; and demonstrates a commitment to the University of Houston (UH) and student success. The Children’s
Learning Centers wants to maintain a strong focus on resource management that enables CLC to identify revenue
opportunities for building a new (or renovating the current) centers so that the CLC facility reflects both the University of
Houston’s Tier One status and an exemplary early childhood program.
#1. CLC will collaborate with departments within DSAES to create opportunities for self-discovery and professional/academic
success for UH students. (DSAES 1.c)
#2. CLC will explore opportunities to expand internships and the application of academic disciplines for UH students. (DSAES
Department FY16 Goals: (include all #3. CLC will attract and maintain a consistently qualified, well-trained staff who continuously strengthen their leadership skills
and relationships with others and work to improve the conditions of children and families within our programs. (DSAES 2.a)
department goals and DSAES
strategic plan mapping)
#4. CLC will assess student employment and internship opportunities and provide professional development training and
preparation in adult supervision, mentoring, and leadership development to teaching staff who supervise or mentor other
staff members. (DSAES 2.c)
#5. CLC will establish intentional practices designed to foster strong reciprocal relationships with families and UH students
from the first contact and maintain them over time. (DSAES 2.e)
DSAES Assessment Plan for AY 2015-2016
Program or Services Being Assessed (Assessment Activity #1): CLC Student Employee Development Program/Goal development
Learning Outcome(s) and/or
Assessment Activity Objective(s)
The CLC student employees will be
able to formulate excellent rated
professional development S.M.A.R.T.
goals for the following semester as a
result of synthesizing his/her CLC
work experiences.
Purpose of Assessment Activity
To measure the CLC student employee’s
ability to formulate professional
development goals that are specific,
measurable, attainable, relevant, and timespecific (S.M.A.R.T.)
At the end of the semester, CLC student
employees employed, for more than 3
mos., will engage in one on one coaching
sessions with CLC site managers to discuss
their evaluations and self-assessment
surveys. The students will be asked to
formulate professional development
S.M.A.R.T. goals for the next semester
based on discussions during the coaching
session. The goals will be evaluated
utilizing a Campus Labs rubric.
Frequency / Timeline
Summary of this activity (to be completed at the end assessment cycle for this activity)
Results (i.e. data collected):
Action (i.e. what will change in the department or program as a result of the data collected):
FY16 Goal(s)
For CLC student
#1, #2 & #3
employees employed
in the fall, S.M.A.R.T.
goals will be
developed in
and evaluated during
the spring semester.
For those employed in
the spring, S.M.A.R.T.
goals will be
developed May/June
and evaluated during
the summer semester
(or the next fall if they
were not employed
during the summer).
DSAES Assessment Plan for AY 2015-2016
Program or Services Being Assessed (Assessment Activity #2): CLC Student Employee Development Program/Goal attainment
Learning Outcome(s) and/or
Assessment Activity Objective(s)
The CLC student employee will be
able to complete excellent rated
professional development S.M.A.R.T.
goals developed the previous
semester as a result of synthesizing
his/her CLC work experiences.
Purpose of Assessment Activity
To measure the CLC student employee’s
ability to meet excellent rated professional
development goals that are specific,
measurable, attainable, relevant, and timespecific (S.M.A.R.T.).
Frequency / Timeline
At the end of the semester, the students
who developed excellent rated S.M.A.R.T.
professional goals the previous semester
(Assessment Activity #1), and continued
employment at CLC, will be asked to
evaluate their degree of goal attainment
utilizing a Campus Labs rubric.
Summary of this activity (to be completed at the end assessment cycle for this activity)
Results (i.e. data collected):
Action (i.e. what will change in the department or program as a result of the data collected):
FY16 Goal(s)
For CLC student
#1, #2 & #3
employees who
completed Assessment
Activity # 1 in the fall,
S.M.A.R.T. goal
attainment will be
evaluated during the
spring semester. For
those completed
Assessment Activity #
1 in the spring,
S.M.A.R.T. goal
attainment will be
evaluated during the
summer semester (or
the next fall if they
were not employed
during the summer).
DSAES Assessment Plan for AY 2015-2016
Program or Services Being Assessed (Assessment Activity #3): CLC Enrollment Termination Review
Learning Outcome(s) and/or
Assessment Activity Objective(s)
Purpose of Assessment Activity
CLC will analyze baseline information To review completed CLC Enrollment
collected from the CLC Enrollment
Termination Forms to determine if any
Termination Forms in an effort to
trends exist in the data collected.
improve customer satisfaction.
Frequency / Timeline
FY16 Goal(s)
CLC administrators will track baseline data August, December and #3 & #5
collected from the CLC Enrollment
Termination Forms, completed by parents
of enrolled children, at the end of each
semester using Baseline.
Summary of this activity (to be completed at the end assessment cycle for this activity)
Results (i.e. data collected):
Action (i.e. what will change in the department or program as a result of the data collected):
DSAES Assessment Plan for AY 2015-2016
DSAES Assessment Plan for AY 2015-2016