DSA Assessment Plan Children's Learning Centers (CLC) 2013-2014 Jennifer Skopal

DSA Assessment Plan
Department Name:
Assessment Plan for Academic Year:
Assessment Contact(s)
Department Mission Statement:
Department Vision Statement:
Department Goals:
Children's Learning Centers (CLC)
Jennifer Skopal
The mission of the Children’s Learning Centers (CLC) is to provide a nationally accredited exemplary early childhood program
that supports the student, staff, and faculty of the University of Houston (UH) while at the same time, encourages UH
student success by offering opportunities for learning, discovery and engagement.
To be a program that: honors the young child and their family; advocates for young children, current research, and the early childhood profession; and
demonstrates a commitment to the University of Houston (UH) and student success. The Children’s Learning Centers wants to maintain a strong focus on
resource management that enables CLC to identify revenue opportunities for building a new (or renovating the current) centers so that the CLC facility
reflects both the University of Houston’s Tier One status and an exemplary early childhood program.
1. The Children’s Learning Centers will utilize available resources and seek new funding opportunities to enhance the children’s and UH
student experience.
2. The Children’s Learning Centers will create new opportunities and build upon ongoing programs to facilitate success through learning,
engagement, and discovery for children and UH students.
3. The Children’s Learning Centers will continue to promote a culture of accountability that aligns with local state standards, national
accreditation criteria, federal grant guidelines, as well as, the Division of Student Affairs & Enrollment Services and University of Houston
policies, processes and procedures.
4. The Children’s Learning Centers will create and engage in strategic partnerships.
5. The Children’s Learning Centers will cultivate a collective identity that demonstrates a united vision on campus.
6.The Children’s Learning Centers will foster the creation of a global learning community that actualizes and embraces inclusion while
preparing children and UH students to become active citizens.
DSA Assessment Plan
Program or Services Being Assessed: CLC Student Employee Development Program (Fall)
Learning Outcome(s) and/or
Program Objective(s)
The CLC student employee will
At the completion of December, May, and
orientations, trainings, and
demonstrate skills that promote
each semester
coaching to the CLC student
professionalism in the workplace as a
employees that they
result of the CLC Student Employee
Development Program.
supervise. It will be measured
using the Student Staff
Performance Review
evaluation form. The students
will be rated using the
following scale for each
criteria: poor, good, excellent
and exemplary.
To evaluate the CLC student
employees on their work
ethic/practices in the
following areas: Adherence to
schedule, customer
orientation, personal skills,
policies and procedures,
productivity and work
Goal(s) Supported
Goals: #2 & #6
Status: This is the
first time the
outcome is being
asssessed; the
measurement tool
has been used in
previous semesters.
CLC teachers provided orientations, trainings, and coaching to the CLC student employees that they supervise throughout the duration of the fall
semester. In December, the Student Staff Performance Review evaluation form was completed by the student employees’ supervising teachers. The
students were rated using the following scale for each criteria: Poor, Good, Excellent and Exemplary.
The Learning Outcome was achieved; from the Student Staff Performance Review data collected, administrators were able to determine how well
student employees performed in the areas assessed: Poor: 0, Good: 5, Excellent:12, Exemplary:30
Of the 20 first semester employed students: 4 received a Good rating, 8 received an Excellent rating, and 8 received an Exemplary rating.
The Student Employee Development Program entails orientations, trainings, and hands-on learning. From the results of this assessment, the CLC
student employees are demonstrating work ethic/practices that promote professionalism.
The teachers were comfortable using the Student Staff Performance Review document/rubric and stated that it provided an accurate assessment of
how the student employees performed over the semester.
CLC will continue using these methods in developing our student employees.
DSA Assessment Plan
Program or Services Being Assessed: CLC Student Development Program (Spring)
Learning Outcome(s) and/or
Program Objective(s)
The CLC student employee will
At the completion of December, May, and
orientations, trainings, and
demonstrate skills that promote
each semester
coaching to the CLC student
professionalism in the workplace as a
employees that they
result of the CLC Student Employee
Development Program.
supervise. It will be measured
using the Student Staff
Performance Review
evaluation form. The students
will be rated using the
following scale for each
criteria: poor, good, excellent
and exemplary.
To evaluate the CLC student
employees on their work
ethic/practices in the
following areas: Adherence to
schedule, customer
orientation, personal skills,
policies and procedures,
productivity and work
Goals: #2 & #6
Status: This is the
first time the
outcome is being
asssessed; the
measurement tool
has been used in
previous semesters.
CLC teachers provided orientations, trainings, and coaching to the CLC student employees that they supervise throughout the duration of the fall
semester. In May, the Student Staff Performance Review evaluation form was completed by the student employees’ supervising teachers. The students
were rated using the following scale for each criteria: Poor, Good, Excellent and Exemplary.
The Learning Outcome was achieved; from the Student Staff Performance Review data collected, administrators were able to determine how well
student employees performed in the areas assessed.
The ratings were: Poor: 0, Good: 5, Excellent: 15, Exemplary: 28
Of the 11 first semester employed students: 1 received a Good rating, 7 received an Excellent rating, and 3 received an Exemplary rating. Of the 30
students evaluated and retained from fall 2013, 4 students advanced a rating category while 1 remained in the Good rating category, 2 remained in the
Excellent rating category and 21 remained in the Exemplary rating category for spring 2014.
There are not any changes at this time. The Student Employee Development Program entails orientations, trainings, and hands-on learning.
From the results of this assessment, the CLC student employees are demonstrating work ethic/practices that promote professionalism.
DSA Assessment Plan
Program or Services Being Assessed: CLC Student Employee Development Program (Fall)
Learning Outcome(s) and/or
Program Objective(s)
The CLC student employee will
At the completion of December and May
self-report the extent to which
reflect on and assess the impact of student employment at CLC the fall and spring
CLC employment in skill acquisition has developed their skills and semesters worked
competences through a
and competencies.
Campus Labs survey.
To evaluate CLC
student employee
skill development as a
result of CLC
Goal(s) Supported
Goals: #2 & #6
Status: The outcome and
measurement tool have
both been used/assessed
in previous semesters.
At the completion of the fall semester, CLC student employees self-reported (through a Campus Labs survey) the extent to which student employment
at CLC has developed their skills and competences. The survey was administered using skip logic. Student employees who had been employed 1 or 2
semesters answered different questions than those that were employed 3 or more semesters. Student Leaders answered additional questions.
Of the 19 respondents who answered questions designated for those employed 1 or 2 semesters, 90% indicated they strongly/moderately agreed that
their skill development had improved as a result of their CLC employment. Of the 10 respondents who answered questions designated for those
employed 3 or more semesters, 90% also indicated they strongly/moderately agreed that their skill development had improved as a result of their CLC
employment. (The remaining percentage of responses from both groups neither agreed nor disagreed.) The 1 student leader responded that she
strongly agreed her skill development improved in all assessed areas.
From the open-ended questions, we were able to determine the areas of development student employees wanted additional training on. We will
utilize this information when planning spring 2014 student employee trainings.
This was the first time we utilized skip logic and found it to be less time consuming for the respondents. It is our goal that this will also prove to be less
repetitive for student employees who are retained in our program from semester to semester.
DSA Assessment Plan
Program or Services Being Assessed: CLC Student Development Program (Spring)
Learning Outcome(s) and/or
Program Objective(s)
The CLC student employee will
At the completion of December and May
self-report the extent to which
reflect on and assess the impact of student employment at CLC the fall and spring
CLC employment in skill acquisition has developed their skills and semesters worked
competences through a
and competencies.
Campus Labs survey.
To evaluate CLC
student employee
skill development as a
result of CLC
Goals: #2 & #6
Status: The outcome and
measurement tool have
both been used/assessed
in previous semesters.
At the completion of the spring semester, CLC student employees self-reported (through a Campus Labs survey) the extent to which student
employment at CLC has developed their skills and competences. The survey was administered using skip logic. Student employees who had been
employed 1 or 2 semesters answered different questions than those that were employed 3 or more semesters. Student Leaders answered additional
The student employees were able to reflect on and assess their learning experience as a result of CLC employment.
Of the 16 respondents who answered questions designated for those employed 1 or 2 semesters, 90% of the responses indicated they
strongly/moderately agreed that their skill development had improved as a result of their CLC employment. This is consistent with fall 2013 results. Of
the 11 respondents who answered questions designated for those employed 3 or more semesters, 97% of the responses indicated they
strongly/moderately agreed that their skill development had improved as a result of their CLC employment. This is up from 90% in fall 2013. (The
remaining percentage of responses from both groups neither agreed nor disagreed). The 3 student leaders responded to the additional questions
stating that they strongly agreed their skill development improved in all assessed areas.
From the fall 2013 assessment open-ended questions, we were able to determine the areas of development student employees wanted additional
training on in spring 2014. We utilized this information when planning spring 2014 student employee trainings and provided a “Classroom
Management” training in response to the most requested areas of professional development (36%). From the spring 2014 assessment open-ended
questions, we were able to determine the areas of development student employees wanted additional training on in summer & fall 2014. We utilized
this information and implemented a summer training on “Child development and Curriculum” in response to the most requested areas of professional
development (36%).
This was the first year we utilized skip logic and found it to be less time consuming for the respondents. It is our goal that this will also prove to be less
repetitive for student employees who are retained in our program from semester to semester.
DSA Assessment Plan
Program or Services Being Assessed: CLC Student Employee Development Program
Learning Outcome(s) and/or
Program Objective(s)
The CLC student employee will
At the completion of December and May
engage in one on one
synthesize their work experiences
the fall and spring
coaching sessions with CLC
and formulate goals for areas of
site managers to discuss their semesters worked
evaluations and selfgrowth.
assessment surveys.
To evaluate CLC
student employee
skill development as a
result of CLC
Goal(s) Supported
Goals: #2 & #6
Status: This is the first
time the outcome is being
asssessed; the
measurement tool has
been used in previous
At the completion of the fall semester, CLC student employees engaged in one on one coaching sessions with CLC site managers to discuss their
evaluations and self-assessment surveys. During the meetings, areas of strengths and professional development were discussed as well as academic
Areas that were mentioned most as student employee strengths included: professionalism, interactions with the children, and positive attitude. Areas
that were mentioned most as student employee goals for professional development included: classroom management/discipline and guidance,
accreditation standards, and children’s cognitive development.
CLC will utilize the information gathered from the meetings to develop student employee trainings for the spring 2014 semester as well as build upon
the student employees’ strengths to benefit the learning environment for the children and other student staff.
In addition, student employees were informed about ways in which CLC and Division of Student Affairs and Enrollment Services can provide support if
academic assistance is needed.
DSA Assessment Plan
Program or Services Being Assessed: CLC Student Employee Development Program
Learning Outcome(s) and/or
Program Objective(s)
CLC will assess the Student
Upon termination
Employment Program through exit analyze information gained notification
from an exit questionnaire
questionnaires in order to make
to assess what should be
future improvements if needed.
improved, changed or
remain intact.
To gather information
on why the employee is
leaving and comments
about the CLC
Goal: #2
This is the first time the
outcome is being
asssessed and the first
time the measurement
tool has been used.
Students employees were asked to complete exit questionnaires along with UH CLC employment resignations. CLC employee UH classification, reason
for leaving, and comments about the CLC experience were reviewed. Questionnaires received during the 2013-2014 academic school year (through
7/31/14) were evaluated.
The Learning Outcome was achieved; from the Exit questionnaires, administrators were able to gather the necessary information to determine if future
changes to the program are needed.
Of the 18 questionnaire submissions- 8 employees (44%) left to go home for the summer (all 8 are seeking re-employment); 4 employees (22%)
graduated; 2 employees (11%) left for internships/student teaching; 2 employees (11%) were no longer UH students; 1 employee (6%) left due to an
increased course load; and 1 employee (6%) left for another employment opportunity. The classifications of student employees completing
questionnaires are: 2 (11%) freshman; 4 (22%) sophomores; 5 (28%) juniors; 5 (28%) seniors; and 2 (11%) graduate students.
The majority of CLC student employees who terminated employment in 2013-2014 left to go home for the summer and plan to return in fall 2014. Only
one employee left CLC for another employment opportunity. From these results, there does not seem to be a need to make improvements to the
current program for employment retention purposes.