DSA Assessment Plan for AY 2014-2015 Department Name: Director: Assessment Contact(s) (if not the director): Department Mission Statement: Department Vision Statement: Center for Diversity and Inclusion Niya Blair The Center for Diversity and Inclusion fosters an inclusive university community by providing services, programs, and support that engage, empower, and educate our highly diverse student population and campus partners. A multifaceted, nationally known Center for inclusive excellence that provides educational, cultural, and leadership experiences that transform lives through intercultural understanding 1.Develop a diversity/inclusion and global education strategy for UH students. ( DSAES Strategic Initiative’s: 3b , 3e) A. Develop a Cultural Connect week consisting of educational and social programs B. Host spring Speaker Series focusing on social justice advocacy C. Establish phase one of divesity workshop series D. Partner with Counseling and Psychological Services to host Diversity Institute 2. Implement measures to retain our highly diverse student population. (DSAES Strategic Initiatives: 1d, 3b, 3e, 4a, 6a) A. Establish CDI Advisory Board B. Establish strategic partnerships with college departments and faculty members C. Institute protocol to send students to diverse student leadership conferences D. Host "after-hours" study and meeting space for students Department Goals: (include DSAES 3. Develop and implement an inclusion communication plan. (DSAES Strategic Initiatives: 5a,5b, 5c, 6a) strategic plan mapping) A. Create and launch #IAMUH campaign B. Establish Center's identity within university branding standards C. Establish a university diversity calendar of events and maintain an ongoing list of campus departments that provide diversity initativies and services on the Center for Diversity and Inclusion's website 4. Create a welcoming and inclusive university environment. (DSAES Strategic Initiatives: 3d, 1d ) A. Create diversity student organization roundtable B. Partner with the MLK Committee to host campus/community event C. Work with Institutional Research and the Division of Student Affairs to distrubte EBI Campus Climate survey 1 DSA Assessment Plan for AY 2014-2015 Program or Services Being Assessed: Diversity Workshops/Seminars Learning Outcome(s) and/or Purpose Program Objective(s) 1.Participants will be able to name 1. To increase participants multicultural one positive behavior they will competence 2. To continue to do that fosters provide awareness of diversity-related offices inclusiveness and name one negative and programs behavior they will stop doing that hinders being inclusive 2.As a result of the presentation/workshops, participants will be able to differentiate between individual differences, cultural differences, and universal similarities 3. Participants will be able to identify diversity-related campus resource 2 Method 1. Develop an in-house survey using Baseline that will be emailed after each workshop/seminar and Cultural Conversation (Signature event). 2. Focus groups will be conducted after Center's Signature event- Cultural Conversations and CDI staff member will take notes and document findings Frequency / Goal(s) Supported Timeline November, 1. 3. & 4. February , and March DSA Assessment Plan for AY 2014-2015 Results: Cultural Conversation participants were asked to identify diversity-related resources available on campus through surveys processed through Baseline. During the first Cultural Conversation held in Spring 2015, 50% of the participants were able to list at least one other diversity-related resource on campus. During the second Cultural Conversations, 70% of students were able to identify at least two CDI related programs and services offered. Also, through in-person interviews, five students agreed to give their testimony regarding their experiences and opinions of previously attended Cultural Conversations. Some students had only attended one while others had attended both. Due to the irregularity, I asked each student to specify if their responses were specific to a certain conversation or topic or relevant to all. The areas in which the participants perceive the Center achieved the goals set by the office were as follows: 1) the program is relevant and educational to the UH community; 2) the program is engaging; 3) the Center is a place where students feel safe to express their opinions and explore different topics; 4) facilitation was effective. While Cultural Conversations were viewed as being a positive addition to campus, students did identify areas for improvement, such as: 1) some topics are naturally more engaging than others. If the focus is on a certain population, frame the marketing be more of a panel style. While there is nothing wrong with this format, it does tend to be less engaging than when everyone feels knowledgeable and able to contribute; 2) more innovative and engaging techniques could be used during facilitation; and 3) timing of the program could be improved to better fit the course time and schedule. Participants were also more than willing to share potential topics for the future including the LGBTQ community, gender equality issues, and student veterans. At the end of each of our workshops, we asked students to identify a behavior that they would like to start, stop and continue doing to create a more inclusive campus. For the people that completed the survey, we found this to be an effective measure of the student’s reflection and learning. Because the answer was open ended, we did not limit the type of response that was given. As a result, we are able to see that almost 100% of students who took the survey were able to identify behaviors in each area. Although the written learning outcome, “As a result of the presentation/workshops, participants will be able to differentiate between individual differences, cultural differences, and universal similarities” was a good intention, the methods that we listed and used were not able to accurately assess this outcome. Our assessment did t thi t 3 DSA Assessment Plan for AY 2014-2015 Action: The Center staff is confident in continuing the Cultural Conversations program on campus to ensure students have the ability to engage, educate, and be educated by their other students, faculty and staff. To better ensure students are learning about diversity-related resources on campus during our conversations, we plan on emphasizing diversity resources before and after each conversation, providing a list of resources to be viewed and taken, and ensuring applicable resources are discussed during the conversation. We also need to make sure we are having students sign in with their name and email address so we are able to contact everyone who has participated to be a part of the focus groups. The feedback from the focus groups made us more aware that we may have timing issues with programs that do not align with class schedules and that the format of conversations focused on certain demographics or populations may be considered less engaging by those not included in said demographic or population. In the future, we will continue to use Baseline on a regular basis. Paper surveys remain effective, but we will want to enter the info into baseline to assist with the review of the analytics. Additionally, we will modify the language in our questions to name a specific behavior and ask people to share what it actually looks like, not just give a generically vague answer. We will continue to have students identify resources offered by our office and across campus in our presentations. 4 DSA Assessment Plan for AY 2014-2015 Program or Services Being Assessed: Usage and knowledge of the Center for Diversity and Inclusion Learning Outcome(s) and/or Purpose Method Program Objective(s) 1. Participants will be able to state 1. Create awareness about the Center for 1. Develop an in-house survey using two services and/or programs that Diversity and Inclusion and its services and Baseline Survey.Pre-Test and Post-Test the Center for Diversity and Inclusion programs so that the Center can be used as a Surveys will be given to participants who offers 2. The Center referral center attend selected programs and/or 2. Track the number of students who visit the workshops. for Diversity and Inclusion will 2.Center for determine how many students utilize Center 3. Increase students' Diversity and Inclusion staff will record the Center on a weekly basis intercultural competence by use of resources who visits the Center and the times they and services visit 3.Attendance will be taken at each program/workshop sponsored by the office and recorded on program evaluations Frequency / Goal(s) Supported Timeline 1. Surveys 2. & 4. distributed during the month of November, February, and April 2. Office utilization tracked on a daily basis 3. Attendance will be taken at every program Results: We track all customers that come in and utilize the center. This information is then logged into Center for Diversity and Inclusion track sheet. We track people by peoplesoft ids, names, e-mails, and demographics to help our center when attracting customers. Overall we had over 516 visitors, 7 student organizations and 36 departments on campus utilize our center in 2014-2015. As a result of this data we found that customers that use our center come back, so therefore it is an indicator that people feel welcomed once they are here and are more likely to return to the center. By show of numbers we found that there are customers such as student organizations who do not know we are here and that are not aware of space and resources available to them. We will continue to make efforts to increase utilization of the center and the space and resources that are available to all students, organizations, and staff. After reviewing last year’s assessment plan, it no longer made sense to track the visitor’s knowledge of the Center’s resources. Because of the community feel that we wanted to create in the office, a survey to test their knowledge of the center did not seem feasible. 5 DSA Assessment Plan for AY 2014-2015 Action: • CDI will use resources throughout campus and resources we already have such as student employees, ambassadors, tabling events with Student Center to reach out to different students and organizations on campus. • CDI Staff has established monthly visitor target numbers to meet throughout 2015-2016. We will discuss utilization of the Center in staff meetings to make sure the target is met. We will also brainstorm strategies and explore different ways to market center to unique customers and returning customers as well. • In order to increase visitors to the Center we have created a weekly visit program where students can stop in, pick up a pastry or coffee and learn about our Center and our resources. • CDI will continue to build relationships with leaders and peers. • Because of our findings of peak visitation hours, we will adjust our hours to have the center open late for those who wish to utilize center after regular business hours. • Staff will hold each other accountable and be intentional when targeting customers Program or Services Being Assessed: Campus Climate Survey Learning Outcome(s) and/or Frequency / Purpose Method Goal(s) Supported Program Objective(s) Timeline The Center for Diversity and To inform the work of the Center for Diversity EBI Campus Climate Survey distributed to a Based on 1. 2. & 4. Inclusion will be able to identify and Inclusion and to provide a framework for sample of the student body academic yearstudents’ perceptions, knowledge, the types of services and programs needed on -Snapshot interviews Spring 2015 needs, and experiences from a campus to create a more welcoming and diversity and inclusion lens inclusive campus environment 6 DSA Assessment Plan for AY 2014-2015 Results: Our Office use the SKYfactor (formally Educational Benchmark International (EBI) survey and administrered the sruvey in April of 2015. 639 students ( 10% response rate) completed the survey on the following factors: Factor 1. Perceptions of the Institution Factor 2. Visibility Factor 3. Personal Attitudes and Behaviors Factor 4. Co-Curricular Environment Factor 5. Perceptions of Peers Factor 9. Campus Accessibility Factor 13. Overall Learning Factor 14. Overall Satisfaction Overall, our results were generally posiitve. Our Low Impact Factors were the following: 5.79 Percepections of the Institution Visibility Personal Attitudes and Beliefs Environmet Campus Accessiblity Our High Impact Factor was 5.27 Perecpetions of Peers 5.97 6.04 5.66 Co-Curricular 6.04 Our impact factors were the following: Our Center will continue to look for ways to enagage students in diversity related conversations. We will emphasize skills on how to be more open to others' ideas and opinions without sacrificing their own beliefs. We will work with the Director of Assessment for the Division of Student Affairs and Enrollment Services to administer the survey again in two years, 7