Grade 10 History – World War II Prominent Battles Group Assignment There were numerous battles in World War II. Some of these battles lasted only days while others took months or years. Some of the battles were notable for the material losses such as tanks or aircraft carriers while others were notable for the number of human losses. Although this is not a comprehensive list of all battles of WWII, it is a list of the major battles of World War II. In groups of 3, choose one of the following battles and present the information to the class. 1) Battle of Britain 3) Battle of Stalingrad 5) Operation Barbarossa 7) Battle of Ortona 9) Battle of Kursk 11) Battle of Iwo Jima 13) Normandy (D-Day) 2) Battle of the Bulge 4) Battle of Monte Cassino 6) Pearl Harbour 8) Battle of Midway 10) Battle of El Alamein 12) Guadalcanal 14) Okinawa Your research should include the following information: a) The date of the battle? b) Where the battle occurred? c) What was the objective of the battle? d) Who were the major participants? e) What method of warfare was used? f) How many people died or were wounded in the battle? g) What was the outcome of the battle? (Who won, who lost?) h) What is the overall significance of the battle in the war? Each group must include ONE picture/image that captures the “Essence” of the particular battle. Your picture can be transferred to an overhead sheet or you can put it on a Power Point slide for your presentation. Your group must then come up with 4 specific points that successfully summarize your research and what happened and what exactly the battle was about. Your points should be succinct and must be able to successfully capture the “gist” of your battle in a very abbreviated form. Submit your entire report, using your picture as your title page. Your presentation should only be 3-5 minutes long and must successfully explain the details of the battle and its significance. All group members must speak. See the following for the marking rubric. Grade 10 History – WWII Prominent Battles Group Assignment Evaluation Rubric Name: ________________________________________ Criteria Grade Level 0 49% or Below (-5) Level 1 50% - 59% (5 – 5.5) Level 2 60% -69% (6 – 6.5) Level 3 70% - 79% (7-7.5) Level 4 80%-100% (8-10) Quality of Information Did not meet expectations. (Knowledge) Written Report - Displays limited amount of the content required - Displays some of the content required. - Displays considerable amount of the content required. - Contains all the content required. Presentation & Organization (Communication) - Content is presented in sequence that demonstrates limited planning and sense of purpose. - Content is presented in a sequence that demonstrates some planning and sense of purpose. - Content is presented in a sequence that demonstrates considerable planning and purpose. - Content is presented in a clear, logical sequence. Demonstrates excellent planning and a strong sense of purpose. - Incorporates a limited degree of style and imagination to create only a few simple undeveloped ideas. Ideas are presented with limited degree of understanding. Displays limited use of visual strategies. - Incorporates some imagination and style to create a variety of single ideas. Ideas are presented with some degree of understanding. Displays adequate use of visual strategies. - Incorporates a degree of style and imagination to develop ideas with some complexity. Ideas are presented with a considerable degree of understanding. Displays effective use of visual strategies. - Incorporates a high degree of style and imagination. Develops ideas fully to reflect a deep understanding. Displays highly effective use of visual strategies, incorporating imaginative elements. - There are several major errors or omissions, needs improvement in terms of accuracy and effectiveness. - There are several minor errors or omissions, some accuracy and effectiveness. - There are only a few minor errors or omissions, considerable accuracy and effectiveness - There are practically no errors or omissions, high degree of competence. Did not meet expectations. Oral Presentation Creativity and Visual Presentation (Thinking) Did not meet expectations. Oral Presentation Written Communication (Application) Written Report Comments: Did not meet expectations. Mark /10 /10 /10 /10