The Youth Criminal Justice Act History Under English Common Law, youths aged 7-13 were not charged with criminal offenses as they were deemed unable to understand their crimes. • In 1908 the government passed the Juvenile Delinquents Act largely for youths aged 12-16, however youths as young as seven could be charged. – The idea was to reform youths, not punish them. • These ideas were enhanced in the Young Offenders Act in 1984 and set the age of a Young Offender at 12-17. The YOA deemed people aged 0-11 to have no criminal responsibility, 12-17 partial responsibility and 18+ full responsibility. – This is still in place today. • In 2003 the YOA was replaced by the Youth Criminal Justice Act (YCJA), which has four objectives: – Promote accountability, responsibility and consequences; – Support long-term solutions for youth crime by reinforcing respect, responsibility and accountability; – Respect human rights for youth while protecting society; – Making youth justice more flexible. Extrajudicial Sanctions • Penalties for those charged as a youth are different from adults. • Police have the power in less serious cases to use extrajudicial sanctions to avoid a trial: – They can include an apology letter, essay, compensation, education, counselling, supervision or community service. – About 30% of youths charged are sentenced to extrajudicial sanctions. – The catch is that a youth must confess in order to be eligible. Trial • During the trial reporters and the public may be let in, but the names of the accused or underage victims usually cannot be published. – The exception is for serious crimes like aggravated assault/sexual assault, manslaughter and murder, but only if they are CONVICTED. Adult Court • The Crown must decide before the trial begins whether to request that the trial be transferred to adult court. – The accused must be over 14 and the crime violent or a repeat offense. • A hearing is then held by judge alone to determine where the trial will be held. – What might be some problems with this? The Youth Criminal Justice Act 1. What is the first option that police must consider if they believe that a Youth has committed an offence? 2. What happens after an extrajudicial measure is completed? 3. What happens if the police officer thinks an extrajudicial measure is not an appropriate response – what are their options? 4. What are the steps involved from the initial police contact to receiving an extrajudicial sanction (list them in order). 5. When a case is referred to the Crown, what three options do they have? 6. What may happen if an extrajudicial sanction is not completed? 7. Why might the Crown or a Youth Justice Committee modify a sanction that has not been completed? 8. If the Crown decides that an extrajudicial sanction is not a sufficient response to the offence, what are the next two steps that they may take? 9. What are the two options that youth have when making a plea? 10. If the youth pleads “not guilty” what happens to their case? 11. If the youth pleads “guilty” or is found guilty in a trial what happens to their case? The Youth Criminal Justice Act