Battles of the WW2

Battles of the WW2
Germany – “Lightning War”
Fast and open style of warfare through enemy defensive lines
(occurring in a single spot) - Panzers
First used in Poland
True worth: France broke through defensive lines and rushed for the coast
before any counterattack(Dunkirk)
Aircraft used first (bombing/artillery) – This created PANIC
then tanks and motorized infantry co-ordinated by two-way radio (invention)
Strategy developed as reaction to attrition of trench warfare (WW1)
Small force could destroy a much larger one through confusion
Battles of the WW2
Britain, France and Germany (Panzers)
Allies northern/southern forces separated by German advance
pushed back to Dunkirk (beach on the English Channel)
eventually escape
Where? European Theatre France
When? May 26 to June 4 1940
Germany’s continued conquest of Europe
Hitler ordered the attack to stop at Dunkirk – He thought Britain would surrender
This allowed the allies to regroup and strengthen their defences
Outcome? Operation Dynamo – evacuation of 350 000 troops
– allowed allies to continue the war
Battle of Britain
Battles of the WW2
Britain (RAF) vs. Germany (Luftwaffe)
Operation Sea Lion
Fought mostly in the air
Where? Began attacks on airfields near coast before moving inland to London
When? July 10 to October 31, 1940
1. Luftwaffe was to gain control of British air space and destroy the RAF
2. Destroy aircraft production/intimidation for surrender
Invention of the Dowding system: early warning detection – radar
Canadian pilots were involved
Outcome: First failure of Hitler’s war machine
Realized the Allies were better equipped for the air war
Battles of the WW2
Pearl Harbor
Imperial Japanese Navy attack on the American Navy
What? Surprise assault on the American Navy base and Army airfield
Destroyed 6 aircraft carriers, 12 battle ships and nearly every plane on the ground
2403 Americans lost their lives
Where? Pearl Harbor, Oahu, Hawaii – Pacific Theatre
When? Morning of December 7, 1941
Japanese wanted to neutralize the American fleet in the Pacific
Japan needed oil and supplies – planned to take over Asia
Japan feared the Americans because of their presence in China
Outcome - Attack was a success – the US navy was crippled
- long term disaster as US declares war on Japan
- Germany declares war on the US
- Hiroshima and Nagasaki get bombed with an atomic bomb
Battles of the WW2
The Dieppe Raid
Canada, Britain, US vs. Germany
5000 out of 6000 were Canadian
What? Diversionary attack on German fortifications (defences) at Dieppe
Where? Theatre: France beaches of Dieppe
When? Dawn August 19th, 1942
Diversionary attack used to draw Hitler’s attention back to the West away from
the Soviets and also to get info for a larger attack (Normandy)
Everything went wrong – 1. Bombers were delayed (soften German forces)
2. Ships delayed so troops ended up landing in the daylight
3. Troops were quickly pushed back
More Canadian losses on this day than any other. 1400 dead 2000+ captured
Battles of the WW2
Operation Barbarossa and the Battle of Stalingrad
Who? Hitler vs. Stalin
German army (3 000 000 men and 3400 tanks) march into Russia
What? Germany stormed into Russia with the largest offensive in history
Germans quickly make it to Moscow
1941 – Hitler launched an offensive on Moscow
1942 – Hitler attacked Stalingrad
Where ? European theatre – Eastern Front
Majority of the battle was in Stalingrad
When ? Operation Barbarossa began in June 22, 1941
Germans advance into Stalingrad the summer of 1942
Why ? Hitler wanted Russia for land and resources
Major victory that saved Russia – turning point of the war
Battles of the WW2
The Italian Campaign
Who ? Canada & Britain vs. Germany & Italy
What ? Invasion of Italy (Sicily to the main land)
Where ? Theatre: Sicily and mainland Italy
When ? July 1943 (after defeating the Germans in North Africa)
Why ?
Allied offensive into Southern Europe with important Canadian involvement
-Continued pressure on German defensive positions forcing them to give up territory
- Little resistance until German stand in Ortona
- Canadian forces `The Vandoos` distinguish themselves in battle
Battles of the WW2
D-Day (Operation Overlord)
Who ?
What ?
Where ?
When ?
Why ?
Canada, Britain, US & others vs. Germany
Allied assault landings and invasion onto mainland Europe.
Theatre: Beaches of Normandy, France
Dawn June 6th, 1944
Massive offensive by Allies to gain a foothold in mainland Europe
These landings were the beginning of the end of the war in Europe.
-Largest assault landing ever undertaken. Allied involvement: 180000 men, 5000 ships
8000 aircraft, 3200 landing crafts, 3000 heavy guns and 1500 tanks
-Plan: Massive aerial and naval bombing, paratroopers drop behind enemy lines and then
the landing of the troops. – Set a false attack in Calais to deceive the Germans
-Canadians fought with British to take Juno beach (1074 casualties and 359 dead)
- Success
- Gave Allies a base from which they could free Western Europe. Using this base for
operations the Allies continued to force the germens back to Germany
- May 1945 Canadians accept the surrender of the Nazi`s in the Netherlands