8/9/2009 MEASURE OF AN ANGLE The measure of an angle is the degrees from the initial side ray to the terminal side ray. We can measure an angle in degrees or in radians. If we look at a circle, we can better understand degrees. A circle has 360 degrees. A straight line is 180 degrees. When you want to indicate measure of an angle, use the symbol m < ABC = 45 degrees. 135 degrees POOL ROOM MATH Lesson 2.2 90 degrees 45 degrees 0 degrees 180 degrees 225 degrees 270 degrees PROTRACTOR We use the protractor to measure the number of degrees in an angle. Step 1: Place the center mark of the protractor on the vertex of the angle. Step 2: Rotate the zero-edge of the protractor to line up with one side of the angle. Step 3: Read the measure of the angle where the other side of the angle crosses the protractor’s scale. 335 degrees USING THE RIGHT SCALE Note whether the angler you are measuring looks like it’s measure is greater than or less than 90 degrees. If the angle looks less than 90 degrees, use the smaller of the two numbers on the protractor. If the angle looks greater than 90 degree4s, use the larger of the two numbers on the protractor. 1 8/9/2009 CONGRUENT CONGRUENT ANGLES AND SEGMENTS Two figures that have the EXACT same size and shape are called congruent figures. For two segments or angles to be congruent, they would have to have the same measure. To indicate that they are congruent, we use tick marks that are the same. Two angles are congruent angles, if and only if they have the same measure Two segments are congruent segments, if and only if they have the same measure. The symbol for congruent is 2