Condit Elementary School


Condit Elementary School

7000 S. Third St.

Bellaire, TX 77401

SDMC Meeting Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Members: Dan Greenberg, Julia Tamm, Jorge Chiriboga, Diane McLaughlan, Janice Donalson,

Catherine Kerr, Grace Amezquita, Emily Adell, Kari Beissner, Alison Heath

Start time: 3:35

Discuss 2014-2015 meeting schedule, Tuesdays

Committee Reports

Courtesy committee collects money for special staff occasions

Leader in Me Lighthouse Team

School Improvement Plan Executive Summary reviewed

Demographics similar to last year

35% free and reduced lunch-Title 1.

Earned TEA academic distinction in all 6 areas.

Condit improvement goals:

High frequency words: 100% of 1 st and 2 nd pass by second administration.

Final Recommended Standard in STAAR Reading 3-5

Istation: 100% students move up at least one tier from BOY assessment by middle of the year. 100% students at tier one by end of 2014-2015 school year.

Writing STAAR: 4 th grade scoring 7 or 8 on expository writing. Goal move from 8% to


Increase percentage of students scoring at the highest level on Math STAAR 3-5.

Attendance: 2013-2014 attendance 97.2%. Goal for 2014-2015 98% or better. School is funded based on attendance percentage. Important for kids to be present and not miss instruction.

Your Voice Survey: Condit’s goal is for 90% of parents to believe that Condit is free of bullying. Leader in Me and empowering students to be beneficial.

Condit Initiatives:

LivingTree-What is LivingTree? A place (similar to facebook) for teachers and parents to communicate. Many languages so all parents will benefit from LivingTree posts.

Anyone with a code has access to it. 2014-2015 challenge is to get all parents signed up. Following years will be easier for parents to join their child’s class.

Mr. Greenberg - parent perspective, great to see what is going on in the class.

Is it like facebook? Can parents see what other people post? Yes, so far, no issues!

Teachers are able to delete anything if necessary.

Can the teachers be reluctant? No, it is more user friendly. Easier than having an individual website. Great for reminders.

Writers in the Schools - different collaboration than prior years. 3 rd and 4 th writing teachers work with WITS writer on hard to teach, hard to reach subjects.

Learning Walks- began 2013-2014 school years. Teachers are able to see what is going on in other classrooms. Led by Mrs. Heath. Great to get ideas from other teachers and see what other teachers are doing.


Any new GT Programs? Not as of this year.

Meetings in October and November to discussing dual language program in 2015-2016 school year. Ms. Cunningham in kinder will the dual language program. K-3 Will be selfcontained. 4-5 can be split since they are learning 50/50.

Any special qualifications? Must have a bilingual certification. Total mastery of both languages in order to successfully teach class. Have the luxury of time to find the right teachers for this position. Many parents interested in the dual language program.

Several teachers applied for position. Most likely will not need to recruit transfers for the program. Goal is for the students in the program to stay together and in program entire way through K-5. Strengths and weaknesses in keeping a class together. Condit will use deadlines of magnet programs so parents in neighborhood are aware. Biggest challenge is not a lot of urgency in our neighborhood when it comes to Kindergarten enrollment.

With new building will there be any new classes? Two Pre K in new building. The more students in Pre K program, the better prepared for kinder.

Is there enough demand for a 2 nd Pre K? Yes, around 60 students applied for 2014-2015 school year. Significant number of Mandarin speaking students in Pre K, as well as


Why not go to Mandarin school? Mandarin school fills spots very systematically. Our district challenge is resources for Mandarin speaking students.

ESL and bilingual program, no mandarin program for 2015-2016 school year. 25 languages other than English spoken at Condit. It has been a positive challenge.

31 classes 2014-2015 school year, 30 classes prior school year. No major problems with large classes.

SDMC Meetings this year - Tuesdays









Meeting ending: 4:13 pm
