midterm 02 – JYOTHINDRAN, VISHNU – Due: Mar 7 2007, 11:00 pm Mechanics - Basic Physical Concepts 3 Math: Circle: 2 π r, π r2 ; Sphere: 4 π r2 , (4/3) √ πr 2 −4 a c −b± b 2 Quadratic Eq.: a x + b x + c = 0, x = 2a Cartesian and polar coordinates: y x = r cos θ, y = r sin θ, r2 = x2 + y 2 , tan θ = x Trigonometry: cos α cos β + sin α sin β = cos(α − β) α−β sin α + sin β = 2 sin α+β 2 cos 2 α−β cos α + cos β = 2 cos α+β 2 cos 2 sin 2 θ = 2 sin θ cos θ, cos 2 θ = cos2 θ − sin2 θ 1 − cos θ = 2 sin2 2θ , 1 + cos θ = 2 cos2 2θ ~ = (Ax , Ay ) = Ax ı̂ + Ay ̂ Vector algebra: A ~ =A ~+B ~ = (Ax + Bx , Ay + By ) Resultant: R ~·B ~ = A B cos θ = Ax Bx + Ay By + Az Bz Dot: A Cross product: ı̂ × ̂ = k̂, ̂ × k̂ = ı̂, k̂ × ı̂ = ̂ ¯ ¯ ¯ ı̂ ̂ k̂ ¯ ¯ ¯ ~ ~ ~ ¯ C = A × B = ¯ Ax Ay Az ¯¯ ¯ ¯ B x By Bz C = A B sin θ = A⊥ B = A B⊥ , use right hand rule d xn = n xn−1 , d 1 Calculus: dx dx ln x = x , d sin θ = cos θ, d cos θ = − sin θ, d dθ dθ dx const = 0 Measurements Dimensional analysis: e.g., 2 F = m a → [M ][L][T ]−2 , or F = m vr → [M ][L][T ]−2 PN PN Summation: i=1 (a xi + b) = a i=1 xi + b N Motion One dimensional motion: v = ddts , a = ddtv s −s v −v Average values: v̄ = tff −tii , ā = tff −tii One dimensional motion (constant acceleration): v(t) : v = v0 + a t s(t) : s = v̄ t = v0 t + 12 a t2 , v̄ = v02+v v(s) : v 2 = v02 + 2 a s Nonuniform acceleration: x = x0 + v0 t + 12 a t2 + 1 j t3 + 1 s t4 + 1 k t5 + 1 p t6 + . . ., (jerk, snap,. . .) 6 24 120 720 ttrip v0y 2 = g 1 2 h = 2 g tf all , R = vox ttrip 2 Circular: ac = vr , v = 2 Tπ r , f = T1 (Hertz=s−1 ) q Curvilinear motion: a = a2t + a2r Relative velocity: ~v = ~v ′ + ~u Projectile motion: trise = tf all = Law of Motion and applications Force: F~ = m ~a, Fg = m g, F~12 = −F~21 2 Circular motion: ac = vr , v = 2 Tπ r = 2 π r f Friction: Fstatic ≤ µs N Fkinetic = µk N P Equilibrium (concurrent forces): ~ i Fi = 0 Energy Work (for all F): ∆W = WAB = WB − WA 1 RB F~ · d~s (in Joules) Fk s = F s cos θ = F~ · ~s → A Effects due to work done: F~ext = m ~a − F~c − f~nc Wext |A→B = KB − KA + UB − UA + Wdiss |A→B RB Kinetic energy: KB −KA = A m ~a ·d~s, K = 12 m v 2 R K (conservative F~ ): U − U = − B F~ · d~s B A A Ugravity = m g y, Uspring = 12 k x2 ∂ U From U to F~ : Fx = − ∂x , Fy = − ∂∂yU , Fz = − ∂∂zU Fgravity = − ∂∂yU = −m g, U = −k x Fspring = − ∂∂x 2 ∂ U ∂ U Equilibrium: ∂x = 0, ∂x2 > 0 stable, < 0 unstable W = F v = F v cos θ = F ~ · ~v (Watts) Power: P = ddt k Collision Rt Impulse: I~ = ∆~ p = p~f − p~i → tif F~ dt Momentum: p~ = m ~v x1 +m2 x2 Two-body: xcm = m1m 1 +m2 pcm ≡ M vcm = p1 + p2 = m1 v1 + m2 v2 Fcm ≡ F1 + F2 = m1 a1 + m2 a2 = M acm K1 + K2 = K1∗ + K2∗ + Kcm Two-body collision: p~i = p~f = (m1 + m2 ) ~vcm vi′ = vi∗′ + vcm vi∗ = vi − vcm , Elastic: v1 − v2 = −(v1′ − v2′ ), vi∗′ = −vi∗ , vi′ = 2 vcm − vi R P ~r dm m ~r Many body center of mass: ~rcm = P i i = R mi mi P p Force on cm: F~ext = d~ = M~ a , p ~ = p ~ cm i dt Rotation of Rigid-Body Kinematics: θ = rs , ω = vr , α = art R P Moment of inertia: I = mi ri2 = r2 dm 1 1 2 Idisk = 2 M R , Iring = 2 M (R12 + R22 ) 1 M ℓ2 , I 1 2 2 Irod = 12 rectangle = 12 M (a + b ) Isphere = 25 M R2 , Ispherical shell = 23 M R2 I = M (Radius of gyration)2 , I = Icm + M D2 Kinetic energies: Krot = 12 I ω 2 , K = Krot + Kcm Angular momentum: L = r m v = r m ω r = I ω Torque: τ = ddtL = m ddtv r = F r = I ddtω = I α Wext = ∆K +∆U +Wf , K = Krot + 12 m v 2 , P =τω Rolling, angular momentum and ´ ³ ´ ³ torque Ic + M v 2 Rolling: K = 12 Ic + M R2 ω 2 = 12 R 2 ~ Angular momentum: L = ~r × p~, L = r⊥ p = I ω ~ Torque: ~τ = d L = ~r × d~p = ~r × F~ , τ = r F = I α dt dt 1 dL = τ = mgh Gyroscope: ωp = ddtφ = L L Iω dt Static equilibrium P P~ ~τi = 0 Fi = 0, about any point +mB ~rBcm Subdivisions: ~rcm = mA ~rAcm mA +mB Elastic modulus = stress/strain stress: F/A strain: ∆L/L, θ ≈ ∆x/h, −∆V /V ⊥ midterm 02 – JYOTHINDRAN, VISHNU – Due: Mar 7 2007, 11:00 pm Gravity F~21 = −G m12m2 r̂12 , r12 for r ≥ R, g(r) = G M r2 G = 6.67259 × 10−11 N m2 /kg2 Rearth = 6370 km, Mearth = 5.98 × 1024 kg ³ ´2 2 Circular orbit: ac = vr = ω 2 r = 2Tπ r = g(r) U = −G mrM , M E = U + K = −Gm 2r r0 r2 = 1−ǫ Fluid mechanics Pascal: P = FA⊥1 = FA⊥2 , 1 atm = 1.013 × 105 N/m2 1 2 Archimedes: B = M g, Pascal=N/m2 P = Patm + ρ g h, with P = FA⊥ and ρ = m V R R F = P dA −→ ρ g ℓ 0h (h − y) dy Continuity equation: A v = constant Bernoulli: P + 21 ρ v 2 + ρ g y = const, P ≥0 Oscillation motion f = T1 , ω = 2Tπ 2 2 S H M: a = ddt2x = −ω 2 x, α = ddt2θ = −ω 2 θ x = xmax cos(ω t + δ), xmax = A v = −vmax sin(ω t + δ), vmax = ω A a = −amax cos(ω t + δ) = −ω 2 x, amax = ω 2 A E = K + U = Kmax = 12 m (ω A)2 = Umax = 21 k A2 Spring: m a = −k x Simple pendulum: m aθ = m α ℓ = −m g sin θ Physical pendulum: τ = I α = −m g d sin θ Torsion pendulum: τ = I α = −κ θ Wave motion Traveling waves: y = f (x − v t), y = f (x + v t) In the positive x direction: y = A sin(k x − ω t − φ) λ T = f1 , ω = 2Tπ , k = 2λπ , v = ω k = T q Along a string: v = F µ fixed end: phase inversion open end: same phase General: ∆E = ∆K + ∆U = ∆Kmax 1 ∆m 2 P = ∆E ∆t = 2 ∆t (ωA) ∆m ∆x ∆m Waves: ∆m ∆t = ∆x · ∆t = ∆x · v P = 21 µ v (ω A)2 , with µ = ∆m ∆x ∆m ∆A ∆r ∆m Circular: ∆m ∆t = ∆A · ∆r · dt = ∆A · 2 π r v ∆m 2 Spherical: ∆m ∆t = ∆V · 4 π r v v= q Sound B, ρ s = smax cos(k x − ω t − φ) 1 2 Intensity: I = P A = 2 ρ v (ω smax ) I Intensity level: β = 10 log10 I , I0 = 10−12 W/m2 0 Plane waves: ψ(x, t) = c sin(k x − ω t) Circular waves: ψ(r, t) = √c sin(k r − ω t) Spherical: ψ(r, t) = rc sin(k r − ω t) L ⊥ ⊥ ii) L = r m ∆r −→ ∆A = 21 r ∆r const. ∆t = 2 m = ³ 2´ ³∆t ´2 ∆t r 1 4π 2 π a M 3 2 1 +r2 iii) G a2 = a, a = 2 , T = GM r T Escape kinetic energy: E = K + U (R) = 0 Reflection of wave: ∂s ∆P = −B ∆V V = −B ∂x ∆Pmax = B κ smax = ρ v ω smax ∆m A ∆x Piston: ∆m ∆t = ∆V · ∆t = ρ A v r 2 F = − ddrU = −m G M = −m vr r2 Kepler’s Laws of planetary motion: r0 0 i) elliptical orbit, r = 1−ǫrcos θ r1 = 1+ǫ , 2 ′ v Doppler effect: λ = v T , f0 = T1 , f ′ = λ ′ ′ Here v = vsound ± vobserver , is wave speed relative to moving observer and λ′ = (vsound ± vsource )/f0 , detected wave length established by moving source of frequency f0 . freceived = fref lected Shock waves: Mach Number= vvsource = sin1 θ sound Superposition of waves Phase difference: sin(k x − ωt) + sin(k x − ω t − φ) Standing waves: sin(k x − ω t) + sin(k x + ω t) Beats: sin(kx − ω1 t) + sin(k x − ω2 t) Fundamental modes: Sketch wave patterns λ String: λ 2 = ℓ, Rod clamped middle: 2 = ℓ, Open-open pipe: λ 2 = ℓ, Open-closed pipe: λ 4 =ℓ Temperature and heat Conversions: F = 95 C + 32◦ , K = C + 273.15◦ Constant volume gas thermometer: T = a P + b Thermal expansion: α = 1ℓ ddTℓ , β = V1 ddTV ∆ℓ = α ℓ ∆T , ∆A = 2 α A ∆T , ∆V = 3 α V ∆T Ideal gas law: P V = nRT = N kT R = 8.314510 J/mol/K = 0.0821 L atm/mol/K k = 1.38 × 10−23 J/K, NA = 6.02 × 1023 , 1 cal=4.19 J Calorimetry: ∆Q = c m ∆T, ∆Q = L ∆m R First law: ∆U = ∆Q − ∆W , W = P dV −H ℓi ∆T Conduction: H = ∆Q ∆t = −k A ∆ℓ , ∆Ti = A ki Stefan’s law: P = σ A e T 4 , σ = 5.67 × 10−8 m2WK 4 Kinetic theory of gas 2 m vx x F = ∆p ∆t = d N 2 Pressure: P = NAF = mVN vx2 = m 3V v K 1 P = 23 N V K, K x = 3 = 2 k T , T = 273 + Tc , P V = N k T , n = N/NA , k = 1.38×10−23 J/K, NA = 6.02214199 × 1023 #/kg/mole Constant V: ∆Q = ∆U = n CV ∆T Constant P: ∆Q = n CP ∆T Ideal gas: ∆px = 2 m vx , C γ = CP , CP − CV = R V CV = d2 R, for transl.+rot+vib, d = 3 + 2 + 2 Adiabatic expansion: P V γ = constant t 1 Mean free path: ℓ = (v vrms = √ 12 ) t π d2 n rel rms V 2 π d nV midterm 02 – JYOTHINDRAN, VISHNU – Due: Mar 7 2007, 11:00 pm 3 Question 1, chap 9, sect 5. part 1 of 1 10 points The gravitation force of the Moon obeys Newton’s law of general gravitation 4. Moon Earth 5. Moon Earth ~ m,e = −G Mm Me R̂m,e F 2 Rm,e and is responsible for tides on the oceans of Earth. Select the diagram which best describes the effect of the tides on the oceans on Earth. The diagrams show an exaggerated amount of water on the surface of the Earth (shown in gray) and make the assumption that the whole Earth is covered with water. Assume also that the only relevant force causing the tides is the gravitational force. 1. Moon Earth 2. Moon Earth correct 3. Moon Explanation: The side of the Earth closest to the Moon will feel a stronger attraction to the Moon since it is closer to the Moon and vice versa; the side farthest from the Moon will feel a weaker attraction from the Moon. Therefore the shape of the water on the Earth’s surface will be an oblate ellipsoid. The center of mass of the whole Earth is balanced between gravitational attractions and centripetal forces. The center of mass of the Earth and the water on the Earth will be at the same point (to first order), since the gravitational attraction of the water by the Earth is very much stronger than the gravitational attraction of the water (on the Earth’s surface) by the Moon, Sun, planets, etc.. That is, the spherical shape of the Earth and the oblate ellipsoidal shape of the water have the same center of mass. This results in the ocean sticking out on either side of the Earth. A small higher order effect results in the tide being very slightly higher on the side of the Earth facing the Moon than on the side opposite the Moon. Earth Question 2, chap 7, sect 4. part 1 of 1 10 points Energy is required to move a 793 kg mass from the Earth’s surface to an altitude 0.922 midterm 02 – JYOTHINDRAN, VISHNU – Due: Mar 7 2007, 11:00 pm times the Earth’s radius RE . (RE =6.37 × 106 m) What amount of energy is required to accomplish this move? Hint: G and ME can be eliminated in favor of parameter of the gravitational acceleration at the surface of the earth; i.e., the acceleration of gravity on Earth is 9.8 m/s2 . Correct answer: 2.37474 × 1010 . Explanation: 4 Consider a frictionless roller coaster such as depicted below. The acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s2 . A C hA 16 m Let : RE = 6.37 × 106 m , h RE = 0.922 RE , so Rmass = (1 + h) RE , and m = 793 kg . Using the formulae U = −G and g=G m ME R ME , 2 RE (where ME is the mass of the Earth and g is the gravitational acceleration at the Earth’s surface), we obtain that the change, ∆U , in the potential energy of the mass-Earth system is ∆U = (Ufinal − Uinitial ) 1 1 − = G m ME Rinitial Rfinal 1 1 = G m ME − RE RE (1 + h) 1 = m g RE 1 − 1+h h = m g RE 1+h = 793 kg × 9.8 m/s2 × 6.37 × 106 m 0.922 × 1 + 0.922 = 2.37474 × 1010 J . Question 3, chap 8, sect 1. part 1 of 1 10 points B Passenger cars start at point A with zero initial speed, accelerate as they go down to point B, swing around the circular vertical loop B → C → B of radius 16 m, then go on towards further adventures (not shown). When a car goes through the top of the loop (point C), the passengers feel weightless (for just a moment). What is the height hA of the starting point A above the loop’s bottom B? Correct answer: 40. Explanation: Let : R = 16 m and g = 9.8 m/s2 . A passenger feels weightless when his acceleration ~a is precisely equal to the freefall acceleration ~g . At the top of the loop (point C), passengers have no tangential acceleration while their normal acceleration is directed straight down and has magnitude aN = v2 . R Weightlessness happens when this acceleration equals g, therefore the cars should go through point C at speed vC = p Rg. midterm 02 – JYOTHINDRAN, VISHNU – Due: Mar 7 2007, 11:00 pm 5 Correct answer: 8.41634. In the absence of friction, the mechanical energy of a car is conserved as it follows the coaster’s route, thus Explanation: KA + UA = KC + UC =⇒ Let : g = 9.8 m/s2 , m = 0.448 kg , k = 12000 N/m , v = vx , d = 0.055 m , and ℓ = 1.3 m . m 2 m 2 vA + m g hA = v + m g 2 R. 2 2 C Therefore, in light of the initial condition vA = 0, we have m 2 v 2 C m Rg = mg2R + 2 5 = mgR 2 5 hA = R 2 5 = (16 m) 2 = 40 m . m g hA = m g 2 R + b b b b b b 2.3 m 5.5 cm 1.3 m µ=0.4 b ℓ b b b since vi = 0 m/s. 1 1 Since K = m v 2 , Us = k d2 , and W = 2 2 µmgℓ, 1 1 m vx2 = k d2 − µ m g ℓ 2 2 k d2 − 2µgℓ vx2 = m Thus r k d2 vx = −2µgℓ m (12000 N/m) (0.055 m)2 = 0.448 kg 2 − 2 (0.4) (9.8 m/s ) (1.3 m) vx b b b b b b b ∆x Applying Conservation of Mechanical Energy, Ui = Uf + Kf + W A block is pushed against a spring with spring constant 12 kN/m (located on the lefthand side of the track) and compresses the spring a distance 5.5 cm from its equilibrium position (as shown in the figure below). The block starts at rest, is accelerated by the compressed spring, and slides across a frictionless track except for a small rough area on a horizontal section of the track (as shown in the figure below). It leaves the track horizontally, flies through the air, and subsequently strikes the ground. The acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s2 . 448 g h d Question 4, chap 8, sect 1. part 1 of 2 10 points 12 kN/m vx k b b = 8.41634 m/s . b b b ∆x What is the speed v of the block when it leaves the track? b 1/2 Question 5, chap 8, sect 1. part 2 of 2 10 points What is the horizontal distance x the block travels in the air? b midterm 02 – JYOTHINDRAN, VISHNU – Due: Mar 7 2007, 11:00 pm 6 Correct answer: 5.76619. Explanation: Choosing the point where the block leaves the track as the origin of the coordinate system, ∆x = vx ∆t Earth 1 ∆y = − g ∆t2 2 13 R 2 R Satellite since axi = 0 m/s2 and vyi = 0 m/s. At ∆y = h (below the jump off height), 1 h = − g t2 s2 −2 h . t= g (8) (9) Since x = vx t , we have x = vx t s r k d2 −2 h = −2µgℓ m g s 2h k d2 −2µgℓ = − m g (12000 N/m) (0.055 m)2 = − (0.448 kg) 2 − 2 (0.4) (9.8 m/s ) (1.3 m) 2 (−2.3 m) × (9.8 m/s2 ) = 5.76619 m . 1/2 Question 6, chap 9, sect 5. part 1 of 2 10 points The radius of the satellite around the center 13 of the Earth is r = R , where R is the 2 radius of the Earth. Hint: You may find it useful to take into account that the gravitational force is a conservative force. Hint: The universal gravitational force law is ~ = G M m r̂ . F r2 Caution: Neglect the rotational kinetic energy due to the Earth’s rotation. Find the energy required to launch a satellite from Earth into the circular orbit at the 13 R. specified radius r = 2 13 G M m 1. E = 12 R 13 G M m 2. E = 10 R 12 G M m 3. E = correct 13 R 4. None of these 10 G M m 13 R 11 G M m 6. E = 10 R 11 G M m 7. E = 13 R 14 G M m 8. E = 13 R 15 G M m 9. E = 13 R 11 G M m 10. E = 12 R Explanation: Basic Concepts: Force of gravity between two masses m1 and m2 at a distance r 5. E = m1 m2 and r2 m1 m2 Ug = G , r Fg = G where G is the gravitational constant. midterm 02 – JYOTHINDRAN, VISHNU – Due: Mar 7 2007, 11:00 pm Centripetal acceleration for circular motion is v2 ar = , r for the radial acceleration, where v is the tangential speed. Solution: Since the gravitational force supplies the centripetal force, m ar = m v2 mM =G 2 r r so that m v2 = G mM mM =G . 13 r R 2 Then the kinetic energy of the satellite in orbit is found to be Kr = 1 m v2 = G 2 mM . 13 R 2 2 Conservation of energy gives us UR + ∆E = Ur + Kr ∆E = Ur − UR + Kr GM m GM m GM m =− + + 13 R 13 R R 2 2 13 1 GM m − + + = R 13 13 13 = 12 G M m . 13 R Question 7, chap 9, sect 5. part 2 of 2 10 points Consider the case where the rocket is fired vertically to rise to a maximum height h = 11 R , the same height as in Part 1; i.e., r = 2 13 R+h= R. 2 Assume: All the rocket fuel is expended at the initial instant of firing; e.g., as in the case of a rail gun. Caution: Here you must take into account that the gravitational force is being reduced as the rocket moves upward into outer space. 7 GM Given: g = . R2 Find the initial velocity, immediately after it is fired. r 5 1. vR = gh 12 r 5 gh 2. vR = 11 r 3 gh 3. vR = 14 4. None of these r 1 5. vR = gh 3 r 2 gh 6. vR = 7 r 4 g h correct 7. vR = 13 r 1 gh 8. vR = 5 r 3 gh 9. vR = 13 r 5 10. vR = gh 13 Explanation: Using conservation of energy, we have KR + UR = Kr + Ur = Ur , or KR = Ur − UR GM m GM m =− + 13 R R 2 11 G M m , and = 13 R 1 11 G M m m vR 2 = , so 2 13 R r 11 G M vR = 2 r 13 R 22 G M R = 13 R2 v u 22 G M h =u t 13 R2 11 2 midterm 02 – JYOTHINDRAN, VISHNU – Due: Mar 7 2007, 11:00 pm = r 4 gh , 13 h GM . and R = 2 11 R 2 Question 8, chap 12, sect 3. part 1 of 1 10 points since g = Given: A rotating bicycle wheel has an angular speed of 71 ◦ /s at t1 = 3.9 s and a constant angular acceleration of 22◦ /s2 . Given: With the center of the wheel at the origin, the valve stem is on the positive x-axis (horizontal) at t0 = 1.1 s. Using 0◦ ≤ θ ≤ 360◦ , what angle θ does the valve stem make with its original direction at t2 = 6.9 s? Correct answer: 64.56. Explanation: 8 = (9.4◦ /s) [5.8 s] 1 + (22◦ /s2 ) [5.8 s]2 2 = 424.56◦ = (424.56◦ ) − 1 (360◦) = 64.56◦ . Question 9, chap 7, sect 3. part 1 of 1 10 points A projectile of mass 0.363 kg is shot from a cannon, at height 6.3 m, as shown in the figure, with an initial velocity vi having a horizontal component of 6.8 m/s. The projectile rises to a maximum height of ∆y above the end of the cannon’s barrel and strikes the ground a horizontal distance ∆x past the end of the cannon’s barrel. The acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s2 . vi t0 t1 t2 ω0 ω1 θ0 θ2 = 1.1 s = 3.9 s = 6.9 s =? = 71◦ /s = 0◦ =? First, find the angular velocity ω0 where the angle θ0 = 0◦ is know. The angular velocity at t0 = 1.1 s is ω0 = ω1 + α [t0 − t1 ] = (71◦ /s) + (22◦ /s2 ) [(1.1 s) − (3.9 s)] = (71◦ /s) + (22◦ /s2 ) [−2.8 s] = 9.4◦ /s . Now the final angle can be determined. The angle θ2 at t2 = 6.9 s is 1 θ2 = ω0 [t2 − t0 ] + α [t2 − t0 ]2 2 h i ◦ = (9.4 /s) (6.9 s) − (1.1 s) h i2 1 ◦ 2 + (22 /s ) (6.9 s) − (1.1 s) 2 ∆y 6.3 m Given : ◦ 41 ∆x Find the magnitude of the final velocity vector when the projectile hits the ground. Correct answer: 14.306. Explanation: Let : vxi xi yi θ = 6.8 m/s , = 0 m, = 6.3 m , and = 41◦ . For the horizontal component of vector vi , we have vxi = vi cos θ; consequently vxi cos θ (6.8 m/s) = cos 41◦ = 9.01009 m/s . vi = midterm 02 – JYOTHINDRAN, VISHNU – Due: Mar 7 2007, 11:00 pm 9 q The work done by gravity depends only = 2 (9.8 m/s2 ) [(6.3 m) + (1.78274 m)] on the vertical distance yi , since the work = 12.5866 m/s , so involving ∆y adds and subtracts; i.e., cancels. q The work done by gravity is vf = vy2f + vx2i q W = m g yi . = (12.5866 m/s)2 + (6.8 m/s)2 1 1 From ∆K = m vf2 − m vi2 2 2 = 14.306 m/s . and the work-energy theorem ∆K = W , the final velocity is Question 10, chap 8, sect 5. part 1 of 1 10 points 1 1 m vf2 = W + m vi2 2 r 2 2W + vi2 vf = m r 2 m g yi + vi2 = m q = 2 g yi + vi2 h = 2 (9.8 m/s2 ) (6.3 m) i1/2 + (9.01009 m/s)2 A(n) 547 kg elevator starts from rest. It moves upward for 4.26 s with a constant acceleration until it reaches its cruising speed of 1.98 m/s. The acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s2 . Find the average power delivered by the elevator motor during this period. Correct answer: 5.55869. Explanation: The height y is y = vave t 1 = vt 2 1 = (1.98 m/s) (4.26 s) 2 = 4.2174 m . = 14.306 m/s . Alternate Solution: The initial velocity in the vertical direction is vyi = vxi tan θ = (6.8 m/s) tan 41◦ = 5.91115 m/s , and the vertical velocity vytop = 0 at the top, therefore we have vy2i = vy2top + 2 g ∆y , so s vy2i ∆y = 2g s (5.91115 m/s)2 = 2 (9.8 m/s2 ) = 1.78274 m . The magnitude of the final vertical velocity vyf is p |vyf | = 2 g [yi + ∆y] Since the elevator starts from rest, the power P supplied by the motor is totally transferred into Kinetic Energy K and Potential Energy U , where E = K + U , is E U +K = t t 1 m g y + 2 m v2 = t 1 m g 2 v t + 21 m v 2 = t mv (g t + v) = 2t (547 kg) (1.98 m/s) = 2 (4.26 s) × [(9.8 m/s2 ) (4.26 s) + 1.98 m/s] = 5558.69 W = 5.55869 kW . P = midterm 02 – JYOTHINDRAN, VISHNU – Due: Mar 7 2007, 11:00 pm µ = 0.2 , and k = 5 N/m . Question 11, chap 8, sect 2. part 1 of 1 10 points The two blocks are connected by a light string that passes over a frictionless pulley with a negligible mass. The 2 kg block lies on a rough horizontal surface with a constant coefficient of kinetic friction 0.2. This block is connected to a spring with spring constant 5 N/m. The second block has a mass of 7 kg. The system is released from rest when the spring is unstretched, and the 7 kg block falls a distance h before it reaches the lowest point. The acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s2 . Note: When the 7 kg block is at the lowest point, its velocity is zero. h 5 N/m 2 kg 2 kg µ = 0.2 Solution: ext WA→B = (KB − KA ) + (UBg − UAg ) dis + (UBsp − UAsp ) + WA→B . For the present case, the external work ext = 0, A corresponds to the initial state WA→B and B the state where m2 has descended by a distance s. The sum of the kinetic energy of m1 plus that of m2 at B is given by K = KB dis = (UAg − UBg ) + (UAsp − UBsp ) − WA→B 1 = m2 g s − k s2 − µ m1 g s . (1) 2 Based on the Eq. 1 at s = h, KB = 0, we have 7 kg µ m1 g h = m2 g h − h 7 kg Explanation: Basic Concepts: Work-Energy Theorem Spring Potential Energy Frictional Force according to the WorkEnergy Theorem h k m1 m1 µ m2 h Given : m1 = 2 kg , m2 = 7 kg , 1 k h2 . 2 In turn, Calculate the mechanical energy removed by friction durning the time when the 7 kg mass falls a distance h . Correct answer: 101.418. m2 10 2 g [m2 − µ m1 ] (2) k 2 (9.8 m/s2 ) [(7 kg) − (0.2) (2 kg)] = (5 N/m) = 25.872 m . h= We know that Einitial = Ef inal + Eµ , where Eµ is the mechanical energy removed by friction. In order to solve the second part of the problem we need to calculate the initial and final energies. Let y1 be the vertical position of m1 and y2 the vertical position of m2 , where say y = 0 is the initial vertical position of m2 . The total energy of the system is E = U + K, where U = Ugrav1 + Ugrav2 + Uspring . Initially, Ugrav1,in = m1 g y1 , Ugrav2,in = 0, Uspringi n = 0 (the spring is unstretched) and Kin = 0 . In the final situation the masses have a null velocity, and so we have once again Kf in = 0 . The potential energies are Ugrav1 = m1 g y1 , Ugrav2,f in = m2 g (y1 − h) 1 and Uspring = k h2 . 2 midterm 02 – JYOTHINDRAN, VISHNU – Due: Mar 7 2007, 11:00 pm Finally, letting y1 = 0 m and using Eq. 2 for h, we get Eµ = Einitial − Ef inal 1 = −m2 g (−h) − k h2 2 1 = m2 g h − k h2 2 2 2g m2 (m2 − µ m1 ) − (m2 − µ m1 )2 = k 2 µ m1 g 2 = [m2 − µ m1 ] k 2 (0.2) (2 kg) (9.8 m/s2 )2 = (5 N/m) × [(7 kg) − (0.2) (2 kg)] = 101.418 J . 11 A block is at rest on the incline shown in the figure. The coefficients of static and kinetic friction are µs = 0.4 and µk = 0.34, respectively. The acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s2 . 17 k g 18◦ µ What is the frictional force acting on the 17 kg mass? Correct answer: 51.4823. Explanation: N Alternate Solution: Ff Eµ = µ m1 g h = (0.2) (2 kg) (9.8 m/s2 ) (25.872 m) 18◦ = 101.418 J . Question 12, chap 7, sect 99. part 1 of 1 10 points An advertisement claims that a(n) 1700 kg car can accelerate from rest to 23 m/s in 7.6 s. Given: Unit conversion: 746 W/hp. What average power must the motor produce to cause this acceleration, if we ignore friction and air resistance? Correct answer: 79.3089. Explanation: 1 W = P t = Ef − Ei = E = m v 2 2 m v2 2t (1700 kg) (23 m/s)2 1 = 2 (7.6 s) 746 W/hp P = = 79.3089 hp . Question 13, chap 6, sect 1. part 1 of 3 10 points mg The forces acting on the block are shown in the figure. Since the block is at rest, the magnitude of the friction force should be equal to the component of the weight on the plane of the incline Ff = M g sin θ = (17 kg) (9.8 m/s2 ) sin 18◦ = 51.4823 N . Question 14, chap 6, sect 1. part 2 of 3 10 points What is the largest angle which the incline can have so that the mass does not slide down the incline? Correct answer: 21.8014. Explanation: The largest possible value the static friction force can have is Ff,max = µs N , where the midterm 02 – JYOTHINDRAN, VISHNU – Due: Mar 7 2007, 11:00 pm normal force is N = M g cos θ. Thus, since Ff = M g sin θ, M g sin θm = µs M g cos θm tan θm = µs θm = tan−1 (µs ) = tan−1 (0.4) = 21.8014◦ . 12 The test mass will 1. oscillate back and forth about the center of the shell. 2. move in a circular trajectory around the center of the shell. 3. move to the surface of the shell farthest from the test mass (to the left). Question 15, chap 6, sect 1. part 3 of 3 10 points What is the acceleration of the block down the incline if the angle of the incline is 25◦ ? Correct answer: 1.12184. Explanation: When θ exceeds the value found in part 2, the block starts moving and the friction force is the kinetic friction Fk = µk N = µk M g cos θ. Newton’s equation for the block then becomes M a = M g sin θ − Ff = M g sin θ − µk M g cos θ and a = g [sin θ − µk cos θ] = (9.8 m/s2 ) [sin 25◦ − (0.34) cos 25◦ ] = 1.12184 m/s2 . 4. move to the surface of the shell closest to the test mass (to the right). 5. remain stationary. correct Explanation: Consider a thin spherical shell. The gravitational force on a test mass anywhere inside the gravitational shell can be expressed by considering a solid angle subtended in opposite directions. The shell’s mass will be proportional to the area within the solid angle. y R A ∝ r2 m x r R sh el l A test mass m is placed at rest inside a thin spherical shell with uniform areal mass density. y sh el l Question 16, chap 15, sect 1. part 1 of 1 10 points m x As can be seen the distance from the test mass m to the surface scales as r and the surface area scales as r 2 . Since the gravitational 1 force scales as 2 and the mass scales as the r surface area of the sphere which scales as r 2 , the force to the left is equal and opposite the force to the right. midterm 02 – JYOTHINDRAN, VISHNU – Due: Mar 7 2007, 11:00 pm Therefore, no net gravitational force on the test mass m and no net gravitational field within the shell. Since there is no net force the mass remains stationary. Question 17, chap 6, sect 3. part 1 of 2 10 points The coefficient of static friction between the person and the wall is 0.8 . The radius of the cylinder is 6.97 m . The acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s2 . An amusement park ride consists of a large vertical cylinder that spins about its axis fast enough that any person inside is held up against the wall when the floor drops away. 6.97 m support the person vertically, the maximal friction force must be larger than the force of gravity m g, so that the actual force, which is equal to or less than the maximum µ N , is allowed to take on the value m g in the positive vertical direction. In other words, the “ceiling” µ N on the frictional force has to be raised high enough to allow for the value m g. The normal force supplies the centripetal acv2 celeration on the person, so from Newton’s R second law, mv 2 N = . R Since fmax = µ N = 2 µ m vmin = m g , or R s gR . vmin = µ From this we immediately find the angular speed vmin rR g = µR s 9.8 m/s2 = (0.8) (6.97 m) ωmin ≡ Explanation: Let : µ m v2 ≥ mg, R the minimum speed required to keep the person supported is at the limit of this inequality, which is ω What is the minimum angular velocity ωmin needed to keep the person from slipping downward? Correct answer: 1.32572. 13 R = 6.97 m and µ = 0.8 . = 1.32572 rad/s . Basic Concepts: Centripetal force F = m v2 . r Frictional force f ≤ µ N = fmax . Solution: The maximum force due to static friction is fmax = µ N , where N is the inward directed normal force exerted by the wall of the cylinder on the person. To Question 18, chap 6, sect 3. part 2 of 2 10 points Suppose the person, whose mass is m, is being held up against the wall with an angular velocity of ω ′ = 2 ωmin . The magnitude of the frictional force between the person and the wall is 1. F = 1 mg. 4 2. F 3. F 4. F 5. F 6. F midterm 02 – JYOTHINDRAN, VISHNU – Due: Mar 7 2007, 11:00 pm i + (2.9 N/m) y (̂ · ı̂) dx = 4mg. Z 2.4 m h i = (2.6 N/m) x (ı̂ · ı̂) dx 1 = mg. 0 2.4 m 2 1 2 1 = (2.6 N/m) x = mg. 2 0 5 = (2.6 N/m) (2.88 m2 ) = 2mg. = 7.488 J . 1 = mg. 3 14 7. F = 3 m g . Question 20, chap 8, sect 5. part 1 of 1 10 points 8. F = 5 m g . 9. F = m g . correct Explanation: As discussed above, f ≤ fmax = µ N . Once the angular velocity has increased past the minimum angular velocity ωmin required to keep the person pinned against the wall, there is no “incentive” for the force of friction to increase any more. Therefore, regardless of the maximum frictional force allowed by the angular speed, f stays at its value m g. Question 19, chap 7, sect 2. part 1 of 1 10 points ~ = a x ı̂+b y ̂ , where a = 2.6 N/m A force F and b = 2.9 N/m, acts on an object as the object moves in the ı̂ direction along the xaxis from the origin to c = 2.4 m. Find the work done on the object by the force. Correct answer: 7.488. Explanation: The work is found through the expression Z sf ~ · d~s . F W = si For the force given, Z 2.4 m h W = (2.6 N/m) x (ı̂ · ı̂) 0 A particle of mass m moves along the x axis. Its position varies with time according to x = (5 m/s3 ) t3 − (8 m/s2 ) t2 . What is the power delivered to the particle at any time t? h 1. P = 18 m t (25 m2 /s6 ) t2 i −(15 m2 /s5 ) t + (2 m2 /s4 ) h 2. P = 98 m t (9 m2 /s6 ) t2 i −(9 m2 /s5 ) t + (2 m2 /s4 ) h 3. P = 2 m t (729 m2 /s6 ) t2 i 2 5 2 4 −(324 m /s ) t + (32 m /s ) h 4. P = 36 m t (32 m2 /s6 ) t2 i −(12 m2 /s5 ) t + (1 m2 /s4 ) h 5. P = 2 m t (225 m2 /s6 ) t2 i −(315 m2 /s5 ) t + (98 m2 /s4 ) h 6. P = 4 m t (72 m2 /s6 ) t2 i −(126 m2 /s5 ) t + (49 m2 /s4 ) h 7. P = 8 m t (81 m2 /s6 ) t2 i −(27 m2 /s5 ) t + (2 m2 /s4 ) h 8. P = 8 m t (9 m2 /s6 ) t2 i 2 5 2 4 −(9 m /s ) t + (2 m /s ) midterm 02 – JYOTHINDRAN, VISHNU – Due: Mar 7 2007, 11:00 pm y h 9. P = 2 m t (729 m2 /s6 ) t2 −(162 m2 /s5 ) t + (8 m2 /s4 ) h 10. P = 2 m t (225 m2 /s6 ) t2 2 5 15 2 4 i F i −(360 m /s ) t + (128 m /s ) correct Explanation: The velocity of the particle is dx dt d (5 m/s3 ) t3 − (8 m/s2 ) t2 = dt = (15 m/s3 ) t2 − (16 m/s2 ) t . r x m planet v= Determine tne the effective force constant k of the harmonic motion; i.e., use Hook’s Law F = −k x . Correct answer: 0.00289927. Explanation: The acceleration of the particle is The power delivered to the particle at any time t is Mp = 7.67 × 1024 kg , and G = 6.67259 × 10−11 N m2 /kg2 . When the object is in the tunnel, the gravitational force exerted on the object acts towards the Earth’s center and is given by the equation GmM Fg = − r, R3 where r is chosen to lie on the r-axis. y Rp P =Fv = mav = m (30 m/s3 ) t − (16 m/s2 ) × (15 m/s3 ) t2 − (16 m/s2 ) t h = 2 m t (225 m2 /s6 ) t2 i 2 5 2 4 −(360 m /s ) t + (128 m /s ) . Let : m = 114 kg , Rp = 2.72 × 106 m , r dv a= dt d = (15 m/s3 ) t2 − (16 m/s2 ) t dt = (30 m/s3 ) t − (16 m/s2 ) . m x Question 21, chap 15, sect 1. part 1 of 1 10 points Given: G = 6.67259 × 10−11 N m2 /kg2 An object of mass 114 kg moves in a smooth straight tunnel dug through the center of a planet of mass 7.67×1024 kg and radius 2.72× 106 m as shown in the figure. Note: If we consider only the mass outside the Gaussian surface (a spherical shell), this mass produces no gravitational field inside the Gaussian surface (inside this spherical shell). midterm 02 – JYOTHINDRAN, VISHNU – Due: Mar 7 2007, 11:00 pm A ∝ r2 R sh el l Only mass inside the Gaussian surface contributes to the gravitation field. Note: Another way of obtaining the same result is to consider a thin spherical shell. The gravitational force on a test mass anywhere inside the gravitational shell can be expressed by considering a solid angle subtended in opposite directions. The shell’s mass will be proportional to the area within the solid angle. y m x r As can be seen the distance from the test mass m to the surface scales as r and the surface area scales as r 2 . Since the gravitational 1 force scales as 2 , the force to the left is equal r and opposite the force to the right. Therefore there is no net gravitational force on the test mass m and there is no net gravitational field within the shell. The mass Mr inside the Gaussian surface (dashed circle indicating a spherical surface) is Mr = Mp Vr Vplanet 4 π r3 = Mp 3 , so 4 π Rp3 3 G m Mp r. Fr = − R3 Applying Newton’s second law to the motion along r and Hook’s Law, we have Fr = −G m Mp r = −k r , Rp3 16 therefore the effective force constant k is equal to k=G m Mp Rp3 = (6.67259 × 10−11 N m2 /kg2 ) (114 kg)(7.67 × 1024 kg) × (2.72 × 106 m)3 = 0.00289927 N/m .