midterm 01 – JYOTHINDRAN, VISHNU – Due: Feb 14 2007, 10:00 pm Mechanics - Basic Physical Concepts 3 Math: Circle: 2 π r, π r2 ; Sphere: 4 π r2 , (4/3) √ πr 2 −4 a c −b± b 2 Quadratic Eq.: a x + b x + c = 0, x = 2a Cartesian and polar coordinates: y x = r cos θ, y = r sin θ, r2 = x2 + y 2 , tan θ = x Trigonometry: cos α cos β + sin α sin β = cos(α − β) α−β sin α + sin β = 2 sin α+β 2 cos 2 α−β cos α + cos β = 2 cos α+β 2 cos 2 sin 2 θ = 2 sin θ cos θ, cos 2 θ = cos2 θ − sin2 θ 1 − cos θ = 2 sin2 2θ , 1 + cos θ = 2 cos2 2θ ~ = (Ax , Ay ) = Ax ı̂ + Ay ̂ Vector algebra: A ~ =A ~+B ~ = (Ax + Bx , Ay + By ) Resultant: R ~·B ~ = A B cos θ = Ax Bx + Ay By + Az Bz Dot: A Cross product: ı̂ × ̂ = k̂, ̂ × k̂ = ı̂, k̂ × ı̂ = ̂ ¯ ¯ ¯ ı̂ ̂ k̂ ¯ ¯ ¯ ~ ~ ~ ¯ C = A × B = ¯ Ax Ay Az ¯¯ ¯ ¯ B x By Bz C = A B sin θ = A⊥ B = A B⊥ , use right hand rule d xn = n xn−1 , d 1 Calculus: dx dx ln x = x , d sin θ = cos θ, d cos θ = − sin θ, d dθ dθ dx const = 0 Measurements Dimensional analysis: e.g., 2 F = m a → [M ][L][T ]−2 , or F = m vr → [M ][L][T ]−2 PN PN Summation: i=1 (a xi + b) = a i=1 xi + b N Motion One dimensional motion: v = ddts , a = ddtv s −s v −v Average values: v̄ = tff −tii , ā = tff −tii One dimensional motion (constant acceleration): v(t) : v = v0 + a t s(t) : s = v̄ t = v0 t + 12 a t2 , v̄ = v02+v v(s) : v 2 = v02 + 2 a s Nonuniform acceleration: x = x0 + v0 t + 12 a t2 + 1 j t3 + 1 s t4 + 1 k t5 + 1 p t6 + . . ., (jerk, snap,. . .) 6 24 120 720 ttrip v0y 2 = g 1 2 h = 2 g tf all , R = vox ttrip 2 Circular: ac = vr , v = 2 Tπ r , f = T1 (Hertz=s−1 ) q Curvilinear motion: a = a2t + a2r Relative velocity: ~v = ~v ′ + ~u Projectile motion: trise = tf all = Law of Motion and applications Force: F~ = m ~a, Fg = m g, F~12 = −F~21 2 Circular motion: ac = vr , v = 2 Tπ r = 2 π r f Friction: Fstatic ≤ µs N Fkinetic = µk N P Equilibrium (concurrent forces): ~ i Fi = 0 Energy Work (for all F): ∆W = WAB = WB − WA 1 RB F~ · d~s (in Joules) Fk s = F s cos θ = F~ · ~s → A Effects due to work done: F~ext = m ~a − F~c − f~nc Wext |A→B = KB − KA + UB − UA + Wdiss |A→B RB Kinetic energy: KB −KA = A m ~a ·d~s, K = 12 m v 2 R K (conservative F~ ): U − U = − B F~ · d~s B A A Ugravity = m g y, Uspring = 12 k x2 ∂ U From U to F~ : Fx = − ∂x , Fy = − ∂∂yU , Fz = − ∂∂zU Fgravity = − ∂∂yU = −m g, U = −k x Fspring = − ∂∂x 2 ∂ U ∂ U Equilibrium: ∂x = 0, ∂x2 > 0 stable, < 0 unstable W = F v = F v cos θ = F ~ · ~v (Watts) Power: P = ddt k Collision Rt Impulse: I~ = ∆~ p = p~f − p~i → tif F~ dt Momentum: p~ = m ~v x1 +m2 x2 Two-body: xcm = m1m 1 +m2 pcm ≡ M vcm = p1 + p2 = m1 v1 + m2 v2 Fcm ≡ F1 + F2 = m1 a1 + m2 a2 = M acm K1 + K2 = K1∗ + K2∗ + Kcm Two-body collision: p~i = p~f = (m1 + m2 ) ~vcm vi′ = vi∗′ + vcm vi∗ = vi − vcm , Elastic: v1 − v2 = −(v1′ − v2′ ), vi∗′ = −vi∗ , vi′ = 2 vcm − vi R P ~r dm m ~r Many body center of mass: ~rcm = P i i = R mi mi P p Force on cm: F~ext = d~ = M~ a , p ~ = p ~ cm i dt Rotation of Rigid-Body Kinematics: θ = rs , ω = vr , α = art R P Moment of inertia: I = mi ri2 = r2 dm 1 1 2 Idisk = 2 M R , Iring = 2 M (R12 + R22 ) 1 M ℓ2 , I 1 2 2 Irod = 12 rectangle = 12 M (a + b ) Isphere = 25 M R2 , Ispherical shell = 23 M R2 I = M (Radius of gyration)2 , I = Icm + M D2 Kinetic energies: Krot = 12 I ω 2 , K = Krot + Kcm Angular momentum: L = r m v = r m ω r = I ω Torque: τ = ddtL = m ddtv r = F r = I ddtω = I α Wext = ∆K +∆U +Wf , K = Krot + 12 m v 2 , P =τω Rolling, angular momentum and ´ ³ ´ ³ torque Ic + M v 2 Rolling: K = 12 Ic + M R2 ω 2 = 12 R 2 ~ Angular momentum: L = ~r × p~, L = r⊥ p = I ω ~ Torque: ~τ = d L = ~r × d~p = ~r × F~ , τ = r F = I α dt dt 1 dL = τ = mgh Gyroscope: ωp = ddtφ = L L Iω dt Static equilibrium P P~ ~τi = 0 Fi = 0, about any point +mB ~rBcm Subdivisions: ~rcm = mA ~rAcm mA +mB Elastic modulus = stress/strain stress: F/A strain: ∆L/L, θ ≈ ∆x/h, −∆V /V ⊥ midterm 01 – JYOTHINDRAN, VISHNU – Due: Feb 14 2007, 10:00 pm 2 . Flow Diagram for iCliker test Mode BEFORE CLASS: log into TT, go to menu item A.4 \manage aount info". Enter the serial number (eight haraters) from your liker, and memorize your box number. quiz mode Is the exam test or quiz mode? test mode quiz mode is easy. Just bring your liker to lass. In lass: using the box number (above), nd your box on the projeted sreen. re-enter From the top of page 1 of your test, get the 5-letter version ode. Type this ode using your liker. DO NOT PRESS THE \E" (enter) BUTTON YET. no Version Entry Does the ode in your box agree with the version ode printed on your test? yes DO NOT PRESS THE \E" (enter) BUTTON. Press \E" to onvert the version ode to a number. no Does the version number in your box (1, 2, or 3 digits) agree with the version number printed at the top of page 1 of your test? yes Press \E" to submit your version number. Use the \CC" (previous question) and \CD" (next question) odes to navigate to whih question you want to answer. These two odes must be submitted using the \E" (enter) button. Find and enter the 2-letter hoie ode for your answer from the \TWO-LETTER CODES" listed below. DO NOT PRESS \E" (enter) BUTTON YET. Answer Entry Does the hoie ode in your box agree with your entry? yes Press \E" to onvert the hoie ode to a hoie number. Does the number in your box agree with your seleted hoie? yes Press \E" (enter) button to submit your hoie. Chek your box. Red: wrong Green: orret y t tr nex ano . on esti qu ther re-enter no DO NOT PRESS THE \E" (enter) BUTTON. no TWO-LETTER CODES Choie 1: AA Choie 2: AB Choie 3: AC Choie 4: AD Choie 5: BA Choie 6: BB Choie 7: BC Choie 8: BD Choie 9: CA Choie 10: CB previous question: CC another question: CD enter: E midterm 01 – JYOTHINDRAN, VISHNU – Due: Feb 14 2007, 10:00 pm Question 1, chap 5, sect 5. part 1 of 1 10 points Two students sit in identical office chairs facing each other. Bob has a mass of 95 kg, while Jim has a mass of 77 kg. Bob places his bare feet on Jim’s knees, as shown to the right. Bob then suddenly pushes outward with his feet, causing both chairs to move. Explanation: North vre vbe East Taking North and East be positive, let vbe = velocity of boat relative to earth vbr = velocity of boat relative to river vre = velocity of river relative to earth vre = 2.77 m/s vbr = 7.3 m/s . Jim In this situation, while Bob’s feet are in contact with Jim’s knees, 1. Each student exerts a force on the other, but Jim exerts a larger force. 2. None of these answers is correct. 3. Bob exerts a force on Jim, but Jim doesn’t exert a force on Bob. 4. Each student exerts the same amount of force on the other. correct 5. Each student exerts a force on the other, but Bob exerts a larger force. 6. Neither student exerts a force on the other. Explanation: By Newton’s third law, action and reaction are of the same magnitude and in the opposite direction. Question 2, chap 4, sect 6. part 1 of 3 10 points A river flows due North at 2.77 m/s. A boat crosses the river from the West shore to the East shore by maintaining a constant velocity of 7.3 m/s due East relative to the water. What is the magnitude of the velocity of the boat relative to the shore? Correct answer: 7.80787. θ vbr Given : Bob 3 and ~vbe = ~vbr + ~vre . The velocities are perpendicular, so q 2 + v2 vbe = vbr re q = (7.3 m/s)2 + (2.77 m/s)2 = 7.80787 m/s . Question 3, chap 4, sect 6. part 2 of 3 10 points By how many degrees off course is the boat forced by the current? Correct answer: 20.7794. Explanation: tan θ = vre vbr vre θ = tan v br −1 2.77 m/s = tan 7.3 m/s −1 = 20.7794 ◦ . Question 4, chap 4, sect 6. part 3 of 3 10 points If the river is 255 m wide, how far downstream is the boat when it reaches the East shore? midterm 01 – JYOTHINDRAN, VISHNU – Due: Feb 14 2007, 10:00 pm Correct answer: 96.7603. Explanation: Given : ∆y = 255 m . ∆x = vre ∆t and ∆y = vbr ∆t The times are the same, so ∆t = Explanation: • Check y = A cos(k x − ω t): Since k is an inverse length, k x is dimensionless, and similarly, ωt is also dimensionless, so k x − ω t is dimensionless, as an argument of a trigonometry function must always be. The value of a trigonometry function (e.g. cos(k x − ω t)) is also dimensionless. So the right hand side has the dimension of length. ∆y ∆x = vbr vre [y] = L [A cos(k x)] = L . and vre ∆y vbr (2.77 m/s) (255 m) = 7.3 m/s ∆x = This equation is dimensionally correct. • Check F = m ω 2 r: ML The dimension of force is [F ] = . The T2 dimension of right hand side is = 96.7603 m . Question 5, chap 1, sect 6. part 1 of 1 10 points Identify the equation below which is dimensionally incorrect. A, x, y and r have units of length. k here has units of inverse length. v0 and v have units of velocity. a and g have units of acceleration. ω has units of inverse time. t is time, m is mass, V is volume, ρ is density, and F is force. 1. g = ρ F + gV m m 2. y = A cos(k x − ω t) q −v0 + v02 + 2 a x v2 3. t = + 2 a a t v correct 4. F = m g 1 + rg p 5. v = ±ω A2 − x2 p 6. v0 = v 2 − 2 a x r p rF 7. v = 2 g y + m 8. F = m ω 2 r 4 2 ML 1 L= 2 . mω r = M T T 2 So it is also dimensionally correct. r p rF : • Check v = 2 g y + m L F = 2 = [g], and [y] = [r] = L, Since m T # "r hp i rF 2gy = m r L2 L = . = 2 T T L The left hand side of the equation is [v] = . T So this equation is also dimensionally correct. v : • Check F = m g 1 + rg v F = [g], so 1 + As mentioned earlier m rg should be dimensionless. However, v = rg L T =T. L L L 2 T midterm 01 – JYOTHINDRAN, VISHNU – Due: Feb 14 2007, 10:00 pm and 2 L 2 v T = 2 = T . 2 a t L T T2 So this equation is dimensionally correct. p • Check v0 = v 2 − 2 a x: As mentioned earlier, this one is correct. p • Check v = ±ω A2 − x2 : i h p 1√ 2 L L = = [v] . ω A 2 − x2 = T T So this equation is dimensionally correct. F ρ + gV: m m F = [g] , and As mentioned earlier m • Check g = hρ m i gV = M L3 [g] L3 = [g] . M So this equation is also dimensionally correct. Question 6, chap 4, sect 4. part 1 of 1 10 points A cannon fires a 0.242 kg shell with initial velocity vi = 10 m/s in the direction θ = 50 ◦ above the horizontal. The acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s2 . m /s ∆h 10 Therefore the right hand side of this equation is not dimensionally correct because quantities of different dimensions can not be added up together. q −v0 + v02 + 2 a x v2 • Check t = + 2 : a q a t L2 2 v0 + 2 a x = Since [a x] = 2 , we have T L = [v0 ], therefore T q L −v0 + v02 + 2 a x = T =T L a T2 5 ∆y ◦ 50 y ∆x The shell’s trajectory curves downward because of gravity, so at the time t = 0.404 s the shell is below the straight line by some vertical distance. Your task is to calculate this distance ∆h in the absence of air resistance. Correct answer: 0.799758. Explanation: In the absence of gravity, the shell would fly along the straight line at constant velocity: x̂ = t vi cos θ , ŷ = t vi sin θ . The gravity does not affect the x coordinate of the shell, but it does pull its y coordinate at constant downward acceleration ay = −g, hence x = t vi cos θ, g t2 . 2 1 Thus, x = x̂ but y = ŷ − g t2 , or in other 2 words, the shell deviates from the straight-line path by the vertical distance y = t vi sin θ − ∆h = ŷ − y = g t2 . 2 Note: This result is completely independent on the initial velocity vi or angle θ of the shell. It is a simple function of the flight time t and nothing else (besides the constant g = 9.8 m/s2 ). midterm 01 – JYOTHINDRAN, VISHNU – Due: Feb 14 2007, 10:00 pm Explanation: v = ωR, 1 I = M R2 , and 2 1 1 Kdisk = I ω 2 = M v 2 . 2 4 Consider the free body diagrams a m3 m3 g m2 T1 R m1 m1 g a T1 Given: The pulley is massless and frictionless. A massless inextensible string is attached to these masses: m1 = m, m2 = m, and m3 = 4 m. T3 Let : T2 Question 7, chap 5, sect 6. part 1 of 2 10 points 9. T1 = m g m2 g g t2 ∆h = 2 (9.8 m/s2 ) (0.404 s)2 = 2 = 0.799758 m . 6 ω T2 T3 m2 T1 ℓ m3 m1 What is the tension T1 in the string connecting the two objects of equal mass? 1. T1 = 2. T1 = 3. T1 = 4. T1 = 3 mg 2 1 mg 2 2 mg 3 4 m g correct 3 5. T1 = 3 m g 6. T1 = 4 m g 1 7. T1 = m g 4 8. T1 = 2 m g Basic Concept : For each mass in the system Fnet = m a . Solution : The acceleration a of the system will be down to the right, and each mass in the system accelerates at the same rate. For the lower left-hand mass, the acceleration is up and m a = T1 − m g . Multiplying this Eq. by (−5), we have −5 m a = −5 T1 + 5 m g . (1) For the upper left-hand mass, the acceleration is up and m a = T2 − m g − T1 . (2) For the right-hand mass, the acceleration is down and (4 m) a = (4 m) g − T2 . (3) Adding Eq. 1, 2, and 3 together, 0 = 8 m g − 6 T1 . 8 mg 6 4 = mg 3 T1 = midterm 01 – JYOTHINDRAN, VISHNU – Due: Feb 14 2007, 10:00 pm Alternate Solution : Considering that a pulley only redirects the motion, and doesn’t itself act as a force, then we can consider this problem a little bit differently. Consider the all of the masses to be a system and consider over the pulley to the right to be positive. Then, the sum of the forces is the sum of the masses times the acceleration, or 4ma+ 2ma = 4mg − 2mg = 2mg. So g 2g = . 6 3 Then we examine the free body diagram of the bottom left mass, m1 , a= T1 − m g = m a mg . = 3 7 9. Fnet = (m3 − m1 ) a 10. Fnet = m2 a Explanation: The net force on m1 is Fnet = m1 a. Question 9, chap 5, sect 2. part 1 of 2 10 points The following 2 questions refer to a coin which is tossed straight up into the air. After it is released it moves upward, reaches its highest point and falls back down again. Indicate the force acting on the coin for each of the cases described below. The coin is moving upward after it is released. 1. The force is down and decreasing. Then, finally, 4 T1 = m g . 3 Question 8, chap 5, sect 6. part 2 of 2 10 points Let: m3 > m1 + m2 and let m1 > m2 . The magnitude of the acceleration of the masses is just a. What is the magnitude of the net force on mass m1 ? 1. Fnet = m3 a 2. Fnet = m1 g 3. Fnet = m1 a correct 4. Fnet = m2 g 2. The force is up and constant. 3. The force is up and decreasing. 4. The force is zero. 5. The force is up and increasing. 6. The force is down and increasing. 7. The force is down and constant. correct Explanation: The force acting on the coin is the gravity. Question 10, chap 5, sect 2. part 2 of 2 10 points The coin is at its highest point. 5. Fnet = (m1 − m2 ) g 1. The force is down and increasing. 6. Fnet = (m3 − m1 ) g 2. The force is up and decreasing. 7. Fnet = (m1 − m2 ) a 3. The force is zero. 8. Fnet = m3 g 4. The force is up and increasing. midterm 01 – JYOTHINDRAN, VISHNU – Due: Feb 14 2007, 10:00 pm 8 and 5. The force is down and constant. correct B y = R y − Ay = R sin θR − A sin θA = (191 cm)(sin 52.8◦ ) − (225 cm)(sin 157◦ ) = 64.223 cm , 6. The force is down and decreasing. 7. The force is up and constant. Explanation: The same reason as Part 1. Question 11, chap 4, sect 3. part 1 of 2 10 points A man pushing a mop across a floor causes the mop to undergo two displacements. The first has a magnitude of 225 cm and makes an angle of 157◦ with the positive x-axis. The resultant displacement has a magnitude of 191 cm and is directed at an angle of 52.8◦ to the positive x-axis. Find the magnitude of the second displacement. Correct answer: 328.923. Explanation: Let : A = 225 cm , θA = 157◦ , R = 191 cm , θR = 52.8◦ . which act at right angles to each other. From the Pythagorean Theorem, q Bx2 + By2 q = (322.592 cm)2 + (64.223 cm)2 B= = 328.923 cm . Question 12, chap 4, sect 3. part 2 of 2 10 points Find the direction of the second displacement with respect to positive x axis. (Consider counterclockwise to be positive and answer within the limits of −180◦ to 180◦ .) Correct answer: 11.2595. Explanation: and tan θ = 1c m 19 Since cm 28. B=3 923 cm ~ +B ~ =R ~, A ~ =R ~ −A ~. B ~ has components Thus, the vector B B x = R x − Ax = R cos θR − A cos θA = (191 cm)(cos 52.8◦ ) − (225 cm)(cos 157◦ ) = 322.592 cm By θ = tan B x 64.223 cm −1 = tan 322.592 cm −1 = 225 R A= By Bx = 11.2595◦ , which is directed above the x axis. Question 13, chap 4, sect 5. part 1 of 1 10 points In the spin cycle of a washing machine, the tub of radius 0.422 m rotates at a constant rate of 939 rev/min. What is the maximum linear speed of the water inside the machine? midterm 01 – JYOTHINDRAN, VISHNU – Due: Feb 14 2007, 10:00 pm Correct answer: 41.4962. Explanation: First we have to convert the rate of rotation n (expressed in revolutions per minute) into angular speed ω (in radians per second or, equivalently, in s−1 ): 2 π rad min ω = (939 rev/min ) rev 60 s = 98.3321 s−1 . Then we use the formula connecting linear and angular velocities and obtain v = rω = (0.422 m) (98.3321 s−1 ) = 41.4962 m/s . Question 14, chap 5, sect 4. part 1 of 1 10 points You weigh 198 lb on Earth (4.448 N = 1 lb). When you reach Alderon, you discover that its gravity is 1.29 that of earth. What is your weight on Alderon? Correct answer: 1136.11. Explanation: Assume: An astronaut drops a ball off the rim of the crater and that the free fall acceleration of the ball remains constant throughout the ball’s 34 km fall at a value of 4 m/s2 . (We assume that the crater is as deep as the volcano is tall, which is not usually the case in nature.) a) Find the time for the ball to reach the crater floor. Correct answer: 130.384. Explanation: Let : h = 34 km and a = 4 m/s2 . Basic Concepts: Free fall 1 s = so + v0 t + a t2 2 2 2 v = v0 + 2 a h . Solution: The distance an object falls from rest under an acceleration a is 1 h = a t2 , so 2 r 2h t= s a WA = m gA = m (1.29 gE ) = (1.29) m gE = (1.29) W E = (1.29) (198 lb) = 1136.11 N . 2 (34 km) (4 m/s2 ) = = given : WE = 198 lb , and gA = 1.29 gE . 9 q (272000 m2 /s2 ) = 130.384 s . Question 16, chap 2, sect 6. part 2 of 2 10 points b) Find the magnitude of the velocity with which the ball hits the crater floor. Correct answer: 521.536. 4.448 N 1 lb Question 15, chap 2, sect 6. part 1 of 2 10 points The tallest volcano in the solar system is the 34 km tall Martian volcano, Olympus Mons. Explanation: Since the object falls from rest, v 2 = 2 a h so √ v = q2 a h = 2 (4 m/s2 ) (34 km) q = (272000 m2 /s2 ) = 521.536 m/s . midterm 01 – JYOTHINDRAN, VISHNU – Due: Feb 14 2007, 10:00 pm A subway train starting from rest leaves a station with a constant acceleration. At the end of 6.11 s, it is moving at 13.1976 m/s. What is the train’s displacement in the first 4.68026 s of motion? Correct answer: 23.6572. Explanation: Basic Concepts: Uniform Acceleration of Motion a= v t Displacement of Motion from Rest s= a t2 2 Solution: The acceleration of the train is v t1 (13.1976 m/s) = (6.11 s) = 2.16 m/s2 . a= So, the displacement in the first 4.68026 s is Distance (meters) Question 17, chap 2, sect 5. part 1 of 1 10 points 10 Distance vs Time 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 Time (minutes) Jill has been riding for 16 min ± 2.24 min. She has gone a distance of 55 m ± 7.15 m. Estimate her speed. Correct answer: 3.4375. Explanation: Distance equals velocity times time (d = v t), so we have d t (55 m) = (16 min) v= (1) = 3.4375 m/min . 1 2 1 = 2 1 = 2 s= a t22 v 2 t t1 2 (13.1976 m/s) (4.68026 s)2 (6.11 s) = 23.6572 m . Question 18, chap -1, sect -1. part 1 of 2 10 points The graph below shows the measurement and accuracy of Jill riding a bicycle at a constant speed on a country path. Question 19, chap -1, sect -1. part 2 of 2 10 points What is the uncertainty in her speed, as calculated in Part 1? Correct answer: 0.928125. Explanation: Fractional expansion of the calculation used in Part 1, Eq. 1, defines error propagation. Let ∆t 2.24 min = = 0.14 t 16 min 7.15 m ∆d = = 0.13 . d 55 m midterm 01 – JYOTHINDRAN, VISHNU – Due: Feb 14 2007, 10:00 pm Substituting ∆v = v ∆d d≡d 1± , (2) d ∆v , and v ≡v 1± v ∆t t≡t 1∓ , t d , we have into Eq. 1 v = t ∆d 1± d ∆v d = v 1± ∆t v t 1∓ t ∆d 1± ∆v d = 1± ∆t v 1∓ t ∆d ∆t ∆v = 1± 1± 1± v d t ∆v ∆t ∆d ∆d ∆t ± (3) =± + + v t d d t ∆v = (0.14) + (0.13) + (0.13) (0.14) v = 0.2882 , so ∆v v ∆v = v = (0.2882) (3.4375 m/min) = 0.990688 m/min , 1 ≈ 1 − χ, where χ ≪ 1. since 1+χ ∆d ∆t However, the second order term d t in the calculation usually can be neglected, so we have ∆v ∆t ∆d = + v t d = (0.14) + (0.13) = 0.27 , so ∆v ∆v = v v = (3.4375 m/min) (0.27) ∆v v d ∆t ∆d = + t t d d 1 = 2 ∆t + ∆d t t (55 m) (2.24 min) = (16 min)2 1 (7.15 m) + (16 min) 11 (4) = 0.928125 m/min , or using Eq. 4 (5) = 0.928125 m/min . The full answer is v = v ± ∆v = 3.4375 m/min ± 0.928125 m/min . Note: Usually, only the first couple of digits are useful. Books and journals require the removal of unneeded digits for the purpose of saving paper. Alternate Solution: This approximation (keeping only first order terms) is equivalent to ∂ v ∂ v ∆v = ∆t+ ∆d ∂t ∂d 1 d (5) = 2 ∆t + ∆d , t t which the same as the previous Eq. 5, since ∂v ∂ d d = =− 2, ∂t ∂t t t ∂ d 1 ∂v = =+ . ∂d ∂d t t and The use of algebraic parsing programs (e.g., Mathematica, Maple, etc.) make error analysis just a “click”. Question 20, chap 1, sect 5. part 1 of 1 10 points A piece of wire has a density of 7.6 g/cm. What is the mass of 12.8 cm of the wire? Correct answer: 97.28. Explanation: midterm 01 – JYOTHINDRAN, VISHNU – Due: Feb 14 2007, 10:00 pm Let : ρ = 7.6 g/cm ℓ = 12.8 cm . and g Since · cm = g, we must multiply the dencm sity by the length of the wire to obtain the mass. This can also be determined by the definition of linear mass density: m , so that ρ= ℓ m = ρℓ = (7.6 g/cm) (12.8 cm) 12 A cat chases a mouse across a 1.6 m high table. The mouse steps out of the way, and the cat slides off the table and strikes the floor 3.0 m from the edge of the table. The acceleration of gravity is 9.81 m/s2 . What was the cat’s speed when it slid off the table? Correct answer: 5.25268. Explanation: Basic Concept: ∆x = vx ∆t 1 ∆y = − g (∆t)2 2 = 97.28 g . Given: ∆y = −1.6 m ∆x = 3.0 m g = 9.81 m/s2 . Question 21, chap 1, sect 99. part 1 of 1 10 points Two airplanes leave an airport at the same time. The velocity of the first airplane is 740 m/h at a heading of 59.4◦ . The velocity of the second is 560 m/h at a heading of 180◦ . How far apart are they after 1.5 h? Correct answer: 1699.11. Explanation: Under constant velocity, the displacement for each plane in the time t is d = v t. These displacements form two sides of a triangle. The angle between the displacements is α = θ2r − θ1r . Given two sides, d1 and d2 of the triangle and the angle α between them, by the law of cosines, the distance between the planes is q d = d21 + d22 − 2 d1 d2 cos(α) = (1110 m)2 + (840 m)2 1/2 −(−949262 m2 ) = 1699.11 m . Question 22, chap 4, sect 4. part 1 of 1 10 points Solution: ∆t = vx = = r s s 2 ∆y ∆x = −g vx −g ∆x 2∆y −(9.81 m/s2 ) (3 m) 2 (−1.6 m) = 5.25268 m/s . Question 23, chap 1, sect 5. part 1 of 1 10 points A newly discovered Jupiter-like planet has an average radius 11 times that of the Earth and a mass 313 times that of the Earth. Calculate the ratio of new planet’s mass density to the mass density of the Earth. Correct answer: 0.235162. Explanation: Let : Rnp = 11 RE and Mnp = 313 ME . midterm 01 – JYOTHINDRAN, VISHNU – Due: Feb 14 2007, 10:00 pm The volume of a sphere of radius R is V = 4 π R3 . The (average) density ρ of a body is 3 the ratio of the body’s mass to its volume, ρ = M . Planets are spherical, so the (average) V density of a planet of a given mass M and a given radius R is ρ= M 4 π R3 3 ρnp ρE no initial velocity in the vertical direction, so the time spent in the air may be deduced from the kinematic equation, y= Mnp 4 3 π Rnp 3 = ME 4 3 π RE 3 Mnp M = E 3 Rnp RE 313 = (11)3 = 0.235162 . Question 24, chap 4, sect 5. part 1 of 1 10 points A ball on the end of a string is whirled around in a horizontal circle of radius 0.316 m. The plane of the circle is 1.11 m above the ground. The string breaks and the ball lands 2.7 m away from the point on the ground directly beneath the ball’s location when the string breaks. The acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s2 . Find the centripetal acceleration of the ball during its circular motion. Correct answer: 101.839. Explanation: In order to find the centripetal acceleration of the ball, we need to find the initial velocity of the ball. Let y be the distance above the ground. After the string breaks, the ball has 1 2 gt . 2 Solving for t, . Comparing the newly discovered planet to the Earth, we have 13 ⇒t= r 2y . g Let d be the distance traveled by the ball. Then d d . vx = = r t 2y g Hence, the centripetal acceleration of the ball during its circular motion is vx2 r d2 g = 2yr ac = = 101.839 m/s2 . Question 25, chap 2, sect 1. part 1 of 2 10 points You drive a car 3 h at 45 km/h, then 3 h at 68 km/h. What is your average velocity? Correct answer: 56.5. Explanation: Basic Concept Average velocity is defined by vav = ∆d ∆t Solution If you drive for t hours at a speed of v1 and for the same time at a speed of v2 , then ∆d = d1 + d2 = v1 t + v2 t in a time of ∆t = t1 + t2 = 2t midterm 01 – JYOTHINDRAN, VISHNU – Due: Feb 14 2007, 10:00 pm 14 so that the average velocity is v1 t + v2 t 2t v1 + v2 = 2 (45 km/h) + (68 km/h) = 2 = 56.5 km/h . 710 vav = Question 26, chap 2, sect 1. part 2 of 2 10 points What is your average velocity if you drive a distance of 169.5 km at a speed of 45 km/h, then the same distance at a speed of 68 km/h? Correct answer: 54.1593. N θ1 and d d + v1 v2 so that the average velocity will be N θ 685 N a) What is the angle θ1 which the righthand cable makes with respect to the ceiling? Correct answer: 29.8661. Explanation: Observe the free-body diagram below. θ2 F2 θ1 F1 Explanation: If you drive the distance d at v1 and the same distance at v2 , then ∆d = d1 + d2 = 2 d 730 Wg Note: The sum of the x- and y-components of F1 , F2 , and Wg are equal to zero. ∆t = t1 + t2 = vav = 2d · v1 v2 v1 v2 d d + v1 v2 2 d v1 v2 = d v2 + d v1 2 v1 v2 = v1 + v2 2 (45 km/h) (68 km/h) = (45 km/h) + (68 km/h) = 54.1593 km/h . Question 27, chap 5, sect 5. part 1 of 2 10 points Consider the 685 N weight held by two cables shown below. The left-hand cable has tension 710 N and makes an angle of θ with the wall. The right-hand cable has tension 730 N and makes an angle of θ1 with the ceiling. Given : Wg F1 θ1 θ2 = 685 N , = 730 N , = 29.8661◦ , = 90◦ − θ . and Basic Concepts: X Fx = 0 F1x F1 cos θ1 F12 cos2 θ1 X and Fy = F2x = F2 cos θ2 = F22 cos2 θ2 (1) (2) =0 F1y + F2y + F3y = 0 F1 sin θ1 + F2 sin θ2 − F3 = 0 F1 sin θ1 = −F2 sin θ2 + F3 F12 sin2 θ1 = F22 sin2 θ2 −2 F2 F3 sin θ2 + F32 , since (3) F3 sin θ3 = F3 sin 270◦ = −F3 , and F3 cos θ3 = F3 cos 270◦ = 0 . midterm 01 – JYOTHINDRAN, VISHNU – Due: Feb 14 2007, 10:00 pm = 29.8661◦ . Question 28, chap 5, sect 5. part 2 of 2 10 points b) What is the angle θ which the left-hand cable makes with respect to the wall? Correct answer: 63.1528. m/ .8 10 Building F22 = F12 − 2 F1 F3 sin θ1 + F32 F 2 + F32 − F22 sin θ1 = 1 2 F1 F3 2 F3 + F12 − F22 θ1 = arcsin 2 F1 F3 (685 N)2 + (730 N)2 = arcsin 2 (730 N) (685 N) (710 N)2 − 2 (730 N) (685 N) s Solution: Since sin2 θ + cos2 θ = +1 and adding Eqs. 2 and 3, we have ◦ 59 h 15.3 m How tall, h, is the building? Correct answer: 11.6091. Explanation: Basic Concepts: vx = vx0 = constant vy = vy0 − g t Explanation: Using Eq. 1, we have F1 cos θ2 = cos θ1 F2 F1 cos θ1 θ2 = arccos F2 (730 N) ◦ = arccos cos 29.8661 (710 N) = 26.8472◦ θ = 90◦ − θ2 = 90◦ − 26.8472◦ = 63.1528◦ . x = vx0 t y = vy0 t − 1 2 gt . 2 Let : θ = 59 ◦ , v0 = 10.8 m/s , ∆x = 15.3 m , and m = 0.84 kg . Solution: The flying time can be determined by: Question 29, chap 4, sect 4. part 1 of 1 10 points A 0.84 kg rock is projected from the edge of the top of a building with an initial velocity of 10.8 m/s at an angle 59 ◦ above the horizontal. Due to gravity, the rock strikes the ground at a horizontal distance of 15.3 m from the base of the building. Assume: The ground is level and that the side of the building is vertical. The acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s2 . 15 x = v0x t , or x t= v0x x = . v0 cos θ From the point where the rock was projected (set to be the origin O), the y-coordinate of the point where the rock struck the ground is y = v0y t − 1 2 gt 2 midterm 01 – JYOTHINDRAN, VISHNU – Due: Feb 14 2007, 10:00 pm 2 x 1 x = v0 sin θ − g v0 cos θ 2 v0 cos θ 2 gx = x tan θ − , so 2 (v0 cos θ)2 h = |y| g x2 − x tan θ = 2 (v0 cos θ)2 (9.8 m/s2 ) (15.3 m)2 = 2 [(10.8 m/s) cos 59 ◦ ]2 − (15.3 m) tan 59 ◦ = 11.6091 m . 16