final 01 – JYOTHINDRAN, VISHNU – Due: May 14 2007, 8:00 pm Mechanics - Basic Physical Concepts 3 Math: Circle: 2 π r, π r2 ; Sphere: 4 π r2 , (4/3) √ πr 2 −4 a c −b± b 2 Quadratic Eq.: a x + b x + c = 0, x = 2a Cartesian and polar coordinates: y x = r cos θ, y = r sin θ, r2 = x2 + y 2 , tan θ = x Trigonometry: cos α cos β + sin α sin β = cos(α − β) α−β sin α + sin β = 2 sin α+β 2 cos 2 α−β cos α + cos β = 2 cos α+β 2 cos 2 sin 2 θ = 2 sin θ cos θ, cos 2 θ = cos2 θ − sin2 θ 1 − cos θ = 2 sin2 2θ , 1 + cos θ = 2 cos2 2θ ~ = (Ax , Ay ) = Ax ı̂ + Ay ̂ Vector algebra: A ~ =A ~+B ~ = (Ax + Bx , Ay + By ) Resultant: R ~·B ~ = A B cos θ = Ax Bx + Ay By + Az Bz Dot: A Cross product: ı̂ × ̂ = k̂, ̂ × k̂ = ı̂, k̂ × ı̂ = ̂ ¯ ¯ ¯ ı̂ ̂ k̂ ¯ ¯ ¯ ~ ~ ~ ¯ C = A × B = ¯ Ax Ay Az ¯¯ ¯ ¯ B x By Bz C = A B sin θ = A⊥ B = A B⊥ , use right hand rule d xn = n xn−1 , d 1 Calculus: dx dx ln x = x , d sin θ = cos θ, d cos θ = − sin θ, d dθ dθ dx const = 0 Measurements Dimensional analysis: e.g., 2 F = m a → [M ][L][T ]−2 , or F = m vr → [M ][L][T ]−2 PN PN Summation: i=1 (a xi + b) = a i=1 xi + b N Motion One dimensional motion: v = ddts , a = ddtv s −s v −v Average values: v̄ = tff −tii , ā = tff −tii One dimensional motion (constant acceleration): v(t) : v = v0 + a t s(t) : s = v̄ t = v0 t + 12 a t2 , v̄ = v02+v v(s) : v 2 = v02 + 2 a s Nonuniform acceleration: x = x0 + v0 t + 12 a t2 + 1 j t3 + 1 s t4 + 1 k t5 + 1 p t6 + . . ., (jerk, snap,. . .) 6 24 120 720 ttrip v0y 2 = g 1 2 h = 2 g tf all , R = vox ttrip 2 Circular: ac = vr , v = 2 Tπ r , f = T1 (Hertz=s−1 ) q Curvilinear motion: a = a2t + a2r Relative velocity: ~v = ~v ′ + ~u Projectile motion: trise = tf all = Law of Motion and applications Force: F~ = m ~a, Fg = m g, F~12 = −F~21 2 Circular motion: ac = vr , v = 2 Tπ r = 2 π r f Friction: Fstatic ≤ µs N Fkinetic = µk N P Equilibrium (concurrent forces): ~ i Fi = 0 Energy Work (for all F): ∆W = WAB = WB − WA 1 RB F~ · d~s (in Joules) Fk s = F s cos θ = F~ · ~s → A Effects due to work done: F~ext = m ~a − F~c − f~nc Wext |A→B = KB − KA + UB − UA + Wdiss |A→B RB Kinetic energy: KB −KA = A m ~a ·d~s, K = 12 m v 2 R K (conservative F~ ): U − U = − B F~ · d~s B A A Ugravity = m g y, Uspring = 12 k x2 ∂ U From U to F~ : Fx = − ∂x , Fy = − ∂∂yU , Fz = − ∂∂zU Fgravity = − ∂∂yU = −m g, U = −k x Fspring = − ∂∂x 2 ∂ U ∂ U Equilibrium: ∂x = 0, ∂x2 > 0 stable, < 0 unstable W = F v = F v cos θ = F ~ · ~v (Watts) Power: P = ddt k Collision Rt Impulse: I~ = ∆~ p = p~f − p~i → tif F~ dt Momentum: p~ = m ~v x1 +m2 x2 Two-body: xcm = m1m 1 +m2 pcm ≡ M vcm = p1 + p2 = m1 v1 + m2 v2 Fcm ≡ F1 + F2 = m1 a1 + m2 a2 = M acm K1 + K2 = K1∗ + K2∗ + Kcm Two-body collision: p~i = p~f = (m1 + m2 ) ~vcm vi′ = vi∗′ + vcm vi∗ = vi − vcm , Elastic: v1 − v2 = −(v1′ − v2′ ), vi∗′ = −vi∗ , vi′ = 2 vcm − vi R P ~r dm m ~r Many body center of mass: ~rcm = P i i = R mi mi P p Force on cm: F~ext = d~ = M~ a , p ~ = p ~ cm i dt Rotation of Rigid-Body Kinematics: θ = rs , ω = vr , α = art R P Moment of inertia: I = mi ri2 = r2 dm 1 1 2 Idisk = 2 M R , Iring = 2 M (R12 + R22 ) 1 M ℓ2 , I 1 2 2 Irod = 12 rectangle = 12 M (a + b ) Isphere = 25 M R2 , Ispherical shell = 23 M R2 I = M (Radius of gyration)2 , I = Icm + M D2 Kinetic energies: Krot = 12 I ω 2 , K = Krot + Kcm Angular momentum: L = r m v = r m ω r = I ω Torque: τ = ddtL = m ddtv r = F r = I ddtω = I α Wext = ∆K +∆U +Wf , K = Krot + 12 m v 2 , P =τω Rolling, angular momentum and ´ ³ ´ ³ torque Ic + M v 2 Rolling: K = 12 Ic + M R2 ω 2 = 12 R 2 ~ Angular momentum: L = ~r × p~, L = r⊥ p = I ω ~ Torque: ~τ = d L = ~r × d~p = ~r × F~ , τ = r F = I α dt dt 1 dL = τ = mgh Gyroscope: ωp = ddtφ = L L Iω dt Static equilibrium P P~ ~τi = 0 Fi = 0, about any point +mB ~rBcm Subdivisions: ~rcm = mA ~rAcm mA +mB Elastic modulus = stress/strain stress: F/A strain: ∆L/L, θ ≈ ∆x/h, −∆V /V ⊥ final 01 – JYOTHINDRAN, VISHNU – Due: May 14 2007, 8:00 pm Gravity F~21 = −G m12m2 r̂12 , r12 for r ≥ R, g(r) = G M r2 G = 6.67259 × 10−11 N m2 /kg2 Rearth = 6370 km, Mearth = 5.98 × 1024 kg ³ ´2 2 Circular orbit: ac = vr = ω 2 r = 2Tπ r = g(r) U = −G mrM , M E = U + K = −Gm 2r r0 r2 = 1−ǫ Fluid mechanics Pascal: P = FA⊥1 = FA⊥2 , 1 atm = 1.013 × 105 N/m2 1 2 Archimedes: B = M g, Pascal=N/m2 P = Patm + ρ g h, with P = FA⊥ and ρ = m V R R F = P dA −→ ρ g ℓ 0h (h − y) dy Continuity equation: A v = constant Bernoulli: P + 21 ρ v 2 + ρ g y = const, P ≥0 Oscillation motion f = T1 , ω = 2Tπ 2 2 S H M: a = ddt2x = −ω 2 x, α = ddt2θ = −ω 2 θ x = xmax cos(ω t + δ), xmax = A v = −vmax sin(ω t + δ), vmax = ω A a = −amax cos(ω t + δ) = −ω 2 x, amax = ω 2 A E = K + U = Kmax = 12 m (ω A)2 = Umax = 21 k A2 Spring: m a = −k x Simple pendulum: m aθ = m α ℓ = −m g sin θ Physical pendulum: τ = I α = −m g d sin θ Torsion pendulum: τ = I α = −κ θ Wave motion Traveling waves: y = f (x − v t), y = f (x + v t) In the positive x direction: y = A sin(k x − ω t − φ) λ T = f1 , ω = 2Tπ , k = 2λπ , v = ω k = T q Along a string: v = F µ fixed end: phase inversion open end: same phase General: ∆E = ∆K + ∆U = ∆Kmax 1 ∆m 2 P = ∆E ∆t = 2 ∆t (ωA) ∆m ∆x ∆m Waves: ∆m ∆t = ∆x · ∆t = ∆x · v P = 21 µ v (ω A)2 , with µ = ∆m ∆x ∆m ∆A ∆r ∆m Circular: ∆m ∆t = ∆A · ∆r · dt = ∆A · 2 π r v ∆m 2 Spherical: ∆m ∆t = ∆V · 4 π r v v= q Sound B, ρ s = smax cos(k x − ω t − φ) 1 2 Intensity: I = P A = 2 ρ v (ω smax ) I Intensity level: β = 10 log10 I , I0 = 10−12 W/m2 0 Plane waves: ψ(x, t) = c sin(k x − ω t) Circular waves: ψ(r, t) = √c sin(k r − ω t) Spherical: ψ(r, t) = rc sin(k r − ω t) L ⊥ ⊥ ii) L = r m ∆r −→ ∆A = 21 r ∆r const. ∆t = 2 m = ³ 2´ ³∆t ´2 ∆t r 1 4π 2 π a M 3 2 1 +r2 iii) G a2 = a, a = 2 , T = GM r T Escape kinetic energy: E = K + U (R) = 0 Reflection of wave: ∂s ∆P = −B ∆V V = −B ∂x ∆Pmax = B κ smax = ρ v ω smax ∆m A ∆x Piston: ∆m ∆t = ∆V · ∆t = ρ A v r 2 F = − ddrU = −m G M = −m vr r2 Kepler’s Laws of planetary motion: r0 0 i) elliptical orbit, r = 1−ǫrcos θ r1 = 1+ǫ , 2 ′ v Doppler effect: λ = v T , f0 = T1 , f ′ = λ ′ ′ Here v = vsound ± vobserver , is wave speed relative to moving observer and λ′ = (vsound ± vsource )/f0 , detected wave length established by moving source of frequency f0 . freceived = fref lected Shock waves: Mach Number= vvsource = sin1 θ sound Superposition of waves Phase difference: sin(k x − ωt) + sin(k x − ω t − φ) Standing waves: sin(k x − ω t) + sin(k x + ω t) Beats: sin(kx − ω1 t) + sin(k x − ω2 t) Fundamental modes: Sketch wave patterns λ String: λ 2 = ℓ, Rod clamped middle: 2 = ℓ, Open-open pipe: λ 2 = ℓ, Open-closed pipe: λ 4 =ℓ Temperature and heat Conversions: F = 95 C + 32◦ , K = C + 273.15◦ Constant volume gas thermometer: T = a P + b Thermal expansion: α = 1ℓ ddTℓ , β = V1 ddTV ∆ℓ = α ℓ ∆T , ∆A = 2 α A ∆T , ∆V = 3 α V ∆T Ideal gas law: P V = nRT = N kT R = 8.314510 J/mol/K = 0.0821 L atm/mol/K k = 1.38 × 10−23 J/K, NA = 6.02 × 1023 , 1 cal=4.19 J Calorimetry: ∆Q = c m ∆T, ∆Q = L ∆m R First law: ∆U = ∆Q − ∆W , W = P dV −H ℓi ∆T Conduction: H = ∆Q ∆t = −k A ∆ℓ , ∆Ti = A ki Stefan’s law: P = σ A e T 4 , σ = 5.67 × 10−8 m2WK 4 Kinetic theory of gas 2 m vx x F = ∆p ∆t = d N 2 Pressure: P = NAF = mVN vx2 = m 3V v K 1 P = 23 N V K, K x = 3 = 2 k T , T = 273 + Tc , P V = N k T , n = N/NA , k = 1.38×10−23 J/K, NA = 6.02214199 × 1023 #/kg/mole Constant V: ∆Q = ∆U = n CV ∆T Constant P: ∆Q = n CP ∆T Ideal gas: ∆px = 2 m vx , C γ = CP , CP − CV = R V CV = d2 R, for transl.+rot+vib, d = 3 + 2 + 2 Adiabatic expansion: P V γ = constant t 1 Mean free path: ℓ = (v vrms = √ 12 ) t π d2 n rel rms V 2 π d nV final 01 – JYOTHINDRAN, VISHNU – Due: May 14 2007, 8:00 pm Question 1, chap 13, sect 4. part 1 of 1 10 points ~ = (2 N)ı̂ + (3.4 N) ̂ is applied A force F to an object that is pivoted about a fixed axis aligned along the z coordinate axis. The force is applied at the point ~r = (4.1 m)ı̂+(5.5 m) ̂. Find the z-component of the net torque. Correct answer: 2.94. Given: The radius of the earth is REarth = 6.37 × 106 m . How high does a rocket have to go above the Earth’s surface until its weight is 0.36 times its weight on the Earth’s surface? Correct answer: 4246.67. Explanation: Basic concepts By Newton’s Universal Law of Gravitation, Explanation: Basic Concept: W ∝ ~ ~τ = ~r × F = [(4.1 m) (3.4 N) − (5.5 m) (2 N)]k̂ = (2.94 N m) k̂ In this case, the net torque only has a zcomponent. REarth = 6.37 × 106 m . The rocket will be at a distance of h + REarth from the center of the Earth when it weighs n W . Thus 1 2 REarth nW (h + REarth)2 = = 1 W (h + REarth)2 2 REarth and 2 n (h + REarth)2 = REarth Question 2, chap 14, sect 4. part 1 of 1 10 points 1.7 m3 of concrete weighs 61000 N. The compression strength of concrete is 1.3 × 107 N/m2 . What is the height of the tallest cylindrical pillar, made from this amount of concrete, that will not collapse under its own weight? Correct answer: 362.295. Explanation: Stress ≡ So S= And force area W W Wh = = A V /h V SV h= W Question 3, chap 9, sect 99. part 1 of 1 10 points 1 r2 Solution: The radius of the Earth is Solution: From the definition of torque ~ ~τ = ~r × F = [xı̂ + y ̂] × [Fx ı̂ + Fy ̂] = [(4.1 m)ı̂ + (5.5 m) ̂] × [(2 N)ı̂ + (3.4 N) ̂] 3 2 REarth n REarth h + REarth = √ n (h + REarth)2 = REarth √ − REarth n 1 = REarth √ − 1.0 n 1 6 = 6.37 × 10 m √ − 1.0 0.36 = 4246.67 km . h= Question 4, chap 13, sect 99. part 1 of 1 10 points A thin hollow cylindrical rod has length 2.6 m, mass 0.05 kg, and diameter 0.3 cm . The thin cylindrical rod is free to rotate about final 01 – JYOTHINDRAN, VISHNU – Due: May 14 2007, 8:00 pm 0.3 cm 0.05 kg when ω = 0 1m Determine the value of the spring constant k if the masses are located at 1 m from the center of the cylinder when the cylindrical rod rotates at 20 rad/s . Correct answer: 720. Explanation: Let : Lc = 2.6 m , Rc = negligible ≪ Lc , m = 0.9 kg , M = 0.05 kg , x = 0.5 m , x + ∆x = 1 m , ∆x = (1 m) − (0.5 m) = 0.5 m , and ω = 20 rad/s . Applying Newton’s second law, the net inward force acting on each of the 0.9 kg masses is X Fradial : k ∆x = m (x + ∆x) ω 2 , thus m (x + ∆x) ω 2 k= ∆x (0.9 kg) (1 m) (20 rad/s)2 = (0.5 m) A uniform flat plate of metal is situated in the reference frame shown in the figure below. 5 b 4 y a vertical axis that passes through its center and is perpendicular to the cylinder’s axis. Inside the cylinder are two masses of 0.9 kg each, attached to springs of spring constant k and unstretched lengths 0.5 m . The springs have negligible mass. The inside walls of the cylinder are frictionless. Assume the diameter of the cylindrical rod is much smaller than its length. 2.6 m 0.9 kg 0.9 kg 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 b 4 5 6 x 7 8 Calculate the x coordinate of the center of mass of the metal plate. Correct answer: 8. Explanation: Basic Concept: The center of mass coordinate is Z x dm , x≡ m Z where m ≡ dm , and dm = σ y dx , where σ mass of the plate. is the areal density area Solution: Let (x1 , y1 ) = (4, 0) (x2 , y2 ) = (10, 0) (x3 , y3 ) = (10, 4) . The equation for the hypotenuse is y − y1 y3 − y1 = . x − x1 x3 − x 1 The slope of the hypotenuse is y3 − y1 x3 − x 1 2 4−0 =+ . = 10 − 4 3 s= Rewriting the equation, we have = 720 N/m . Question 5, chap 10, sect 2. part 1 of 1 10 points b 9 10 y = s (x − x1 ) + y1 2 (x − 4) + 0 . = + 3 final 01 – JYOTHINDRAN, VISHNU – Due: May 14 2007, 8:00 pm The x-coordinate of the center of mass is Z x2 x y dx σ x1 x = Z x2 y dx σ x1 Z x2 x s (x − x1 ) dx x1 = Z x2 s (x − x1 ) dx x1 Z x2 x (x − x1 ) dx x1 = Z x2 (x − x1 ) dx x1 x2 1 3 1 2 x − (x1 ) x 2 = 3 1 2 x − (x1 ) x 2 x1 1 3 1 (x2 − x31 ) − (x1 ) (x22 − x21 ) 3 2 = 1 2 2 (x − x1 ) − (x1 ) (x2 − x1 ) 2 2 3 x1 (x22 − 2 x1 x2 + x21 ) = 3 (x22 − 2 x1 x2 + x21 ) 2 (x2 − x1 ) (x22 − 2 x1 x2 + x21 ) + 3 (x22 − 2 x1 x2 + x21 ) 2 = x1 + (x2 − x1 ) (1) 3 2 = 4 + (10 − 4) 3 = 8. Alternate solution: The center of mass 1 of any triangle is of the height of the triangle 3 measured from its base. Therefore Eq. 1 is the x-coordinate of the center of mass of the metal plate. The y-coordinate of the center of mass of the metal plate is 1 (y3 − y2 ) 3 1 = 0 + (4 − 0) 3 = 1.33333 . y = y2 + Note: This problem has a different triangle for each student. 5 Question 6, chap 17, sect 3. part 1 of 1 10 points A vertical tube 1.12 m long is open at the top. It is filled with 27 cm of water. If the speed of sound is 344 m/s, what will the fundamental resonant frequency be? Correct answer: 101.176. Explanation: Let : lt = 1.12 m , lw = 27 cm = 0.27 m , v = 344 m/s . and The frequency of the nth harmonic in an air column is given by fn = n v 4L (n = 1, 3, 5, ...) . n = 1 gives the fundamental frequency and the height of the air column is the length of the tube minus the length of the water column, so f1 = v 4L v 4 (lt − lw ) 344 m/s = 4 (1.12 m − 0.27 m) = = 101.176 Hz . Question 7, chap 7, sect 2. part 1 of 1 10 points To stretch a certain nonlinear spring by an amount x requires a force F given by F = 40 x − 6 x2 , where F is in Newtons and x is in meters. What is the change in potential energy ∆U when the spring is stretched 2 meters from its equilibrium position? 1. ∆U = 56 J 2. ∆U = 64 J correct final 01 – JYOTHINDRAN, VISHNU – Due: May 14 2007, 8:00 pm 6 agains a frictionless vertical wall. The angle between the ladder and the horizontal is 59◦ . 3. ∆U = 80 J 4. ∆U = 16 J 5.8 m 5. ∆U = 28 J From conservation of energy, this is the change in potential energy. Question 8, chap 16, sect 4. part 1 of 1 10 points A stretched string is fixed at both ends, 494.1 cm apart. If the density of the string is 0.037 g/cm and its tension is 600 N, what is the wavelength of the first harmonic? Correct answer: 988.2. Explanation: For a string with both ends fixed, its wavelength of the nth harmonic is λn = 2d , n which doesn’t depend on its other properties. So the wavelength of its first harmonic is 2 d . Question 9, chap 14, sect 2. part 1 of 1 10 points A 69 kg (676.2 N) person climbs up a uniform 12 kg (117.6 N) ladder. The ladder is 5.8 m long; its lower end rests on a rough horisontal floor (static friction coefficient µ = 0.28) while its upper end rests b µ=0 Explanation: The work required for the spring to move 2 meters from its equilibrium position is Z 2m ∆U = F · dx 0 Z 2m = (40 x − 6 x2 ) · dx 0 2 m = 20 x2 − 2 x3 0 2 = 20 (2 m) − 0 − 2 (2 m)3 − 0 = 64 J . 59◦ d b 117.6 N 676.2 N µ = 0.28 Note: Figure is not to scale. Let d denote the climbing person’s distance from the bottom of the ladder (see the above diagram). When the person climbs too far (d > dmax ), the ladder slips and falls down (kaboom!). Calculate the maximal distance dmax the person will reach before the ladder slips. Correct answer: 2.66849. Explanation: Let : θ = 59◦ , L = 5.8 m , Wℓ = 117.6 N , Wp = m g = 676.2 N , µ = 0.28 . and The ladder and the person, remain in static equilibrium up until the critical distance dmax where the ladder begins to slide. At this point, the static friction reaches its maximum magnitude f = fmax , and any further displacement will cause the bottom of the ladder to begin to slide. At any distance d ≤ dmax the forces must balance and the torques must balance since the ladder is in static equilibrium. The relevant forces acting on the ladder are shown in the figure below. final 01 – JYOTHINDRAN, VISHNU – Due: May 14 2007, 8:00 pm Nw 7 maximal height dmax follows from the maximal magnitude of the static friction force, thus Wp dmax Wℓ + . 2 tan θ L tan θ (6) Solving this equation for the dmax , we finally have h i L Wℓ dmax = µ Wℓ + Wp tan θ − Wp 2 5.8 m × = 676.2 n Nh i fmax = µ (Wℓ + Wp ) = b Wℓ f θ mg b P ivot Nf The forces in both the x and y directions must balance separately to maintain equilibrium. Also, since the system is in equilibrium, we can choose any point as the origin to define the net torque on the ladder. We will choose the bottom of the ladder as this point because it will simplify the calculation (there are two forces acting at the bottom of the ladder–if we choose the bottom of the ladder to define the moment arms, these forces will have a zero moment arm, so they will not enter into the torque balance equation). Thus, at any distance d ≤ dmax we have X Fx =f − Nw = 0 , (1) X Fy =Nf − Wℓ − Wp = 0 , and (2) X L τ◦ =Wp d cos θ + Wℓ cos θ (3) 2 − Nw L sin θ = 0 , where f is the static friction force and Nf and Nw are the normal forces from respectively the floor and the wall. Solving for all the forces we have: Nf = Wℓ + Wp (4) Wp d Wℓ + . (5) f = Nw = 2 tan θ L tan θ The maximum magnitude of force that static friction can exert is f = fmax = µNf . According to eq. (5), the static friction increases as d increases. Consequently, the × 0.28 117.6 N + 676.2 N tan 59◦ 117.6 N o − 2 = 2.66849 m . Question 10, chap 17, sect 4. part 1 of 1 10 points Standing at a crosswalk, you hear a frequency of 556 Hz from the siren on an approaching police car. After the police car passes, the observed frequency of the siren is 473 Hz. Assume the speed of sound in air to be 343 m/s. Determine the car’s speed from these observations. Correct answer: 27.6667. Explanation: Let : f ′ =556 Hz , f ′′ =473 Hz , and v =343 m/s . When the police car is approaching, the observed frequency is f′ = f 1− vs . v After the police car passes, the observed frequency is f f ′′ = vs . 1+ v final 01 – JYOTHINDRAN, VISHNU – Due: May 14 2007, 8:00 pm Thus vs 1+ f′ v = v + vs = v ′′ s f v − vs 1− v f ′ (v − vs ) = f ′′ (v + vs ) f ′ − f ′′ vs = ′ v f + f ′′ 556 Hz − 473 Hz = (343 m/s) 556 Hz + 473 Hz = 27.6667 m/s . disk is carefully lowered onto a horizontal surface and released at time t0 with zero initial linear velocity along the surface. The coefficient of friction between the disk and the surface is 0.01 . The kinetic friction force between the surface and the disk slows down the rotation of the disk and at the same time gives it a horizontal acceleration. Eventually, the disk’s linear motion catches up with its rotation, and the disk begins to roll (at time trolling ) without slipping on the surface. The acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s2 . keywords: Doppler effect Question 11, chap 4, sect 5. part 1 of 1 10 points 8 6 kg 20 cm , radius 4 rad/s 2 I= m R2 3 A turntable is designed to acquire an angular velocity of 45 rev/s in 0.7 s, starting from rest. Find the average angular acceleration of the turntable during the 0.7 s period. Correct answer: 403.919. Once the disk rolls without slipping, what is its angular speed? Correct answer: 1.6. Explanation: Explanation: µ = 0.01 ω = 45 rev/s = 282.743 rad/s Let : r = 20 cm = 0.2 m , ω0 = 4 rad/s , m = 6 kg , and µ = 0.01 . We have: ∆ω ∆t 282.743 rad/s = 0.7 s = 403.919 rad/s2 α= From the perspective of the surface, let the speed of the center of the disk be vsurf ace . Using the frictional force f , we can determine the acceleration Question 12, chap 13, sect 2. part 1 of 1 10 points Assume: When the disk lands on the surface it does not bounce. The disk has mass 6 kg and outer radius 20 cm with a radial mass distribution (which may not be uniform) so that its moment of 2 inertia is m R2 . 3 The disk is rotating at angular speed 4 rad/s around its axis when it touches the surface, as shown in the figure below. The f = µmg, X and Fsurf ace = m a , or m a = µ m g , so a = µ g , and µg α= . R (1) Since ωsurf ace = α t , we have µg t. = R (2) final 01 – JYOTHINDRAN, VISHNU – Due: May 14 2007, 8:00 pm After pure rolling begins at trolling there is no longer any frictional force and consequently no acceleration. From the perspective of the center of the disk, let the tangential velocity of the rim of the disk be vdisk and the angular velocity be ω ; the angular acceleration is X τ = I α , so τ α= I µmgR = 2 m R2 3 3 µg = (3) 2 R 3 (0.01) (9.8 m/s2 ) = 2 (0.2 m) = 0.735 rad/s2 . 2 ω0 , 5 2 = (4 rad/s) 5 = 1.6 rad/s . = 3 µg t 2 R 3 µg 2 R = ω0 − ω0 2 R 5 µg 2 = ω0 . 5 2 = (4 rad/s) 5 = 1.6 rad/s . ωrot = ω0 − Using Eqs. 1 and 5, we have ωrot = α t µg t = R µ g 2 ω0 R = T 5 µg (6) Question 13, chap 8, sect 5. part 1 of 1 10 points (4) When the disk reaches pure rolling, the velocity from the perspective of the surface will be the same as the velocity from the perspective of the center of the disk; that is, there will be no slipping. Setting the velocity ωdisk from Eq. 4 equal to ωsurf ace from Eq. 2 gives ωdisk = ωsurf ace 3 µg µg ω0 − t= t , or 2 R R 5 µ g t = R ω0 , so 2 2 R ω0 t= . 5 µg 2 (0.2 m) (4 rad/s) = 5 (0.01) (9.8 m/s2 ) = 3.26531 s . (6) or using Eqs. 4 and 5, we have The time dependence of ω is ω = ω0 − α t 3 µg t. = ω0 − 2 R 9 A student weighing 700 N climbs at constant speed to the top of an 8 m vertical rope in 10 s. The average power expended by the student to overcome gravity is most nearly 1. P = 875 W. 2. P = 5, 600 W. 3. P = 560 W. correct 4. P = 1.1 W. (5) 5. P = 87.5 W. Explanation: P = W Fd (700 N) (8 m) = = = 560 W . t t 10 s Question 14, chap 18, sect 2. part 1 of 1 10 points A fountain sends a stream of water 26.4 m up into the air. final 01 – JYOTHINDRAN, VISHNU – Due: May 14 2007, 8:00 pm The acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s2 . If the base of the stream is 6.14 cm in diameter, what power is required to send the water to this height? Correct answer: 17425.6. 10 Question 15, chap 9, sect 99. part 1 of 1 10 points Given: G = 6.67 × 10−11 N m2 /kg2 Explanation: Mearth = 5.98 × 1024 kg . Let : h1 = 26.4 m , d = 6.14 cm , 6.14 cm r= = 0.0307 m , 2 g = 9.8 m/s2 . and Using conservation of energy, we may write 1 m v 2 = m g h , and 2 p v = 2gh q = 2 (9.8 m/s2 ) (26.4 m) = 22.7473 m/s . is the velocity of the stream at its base. The flow rate at the base is π r 2 v = π (0.0307 m)2 (22.7473 m/s) = 0.0673529 m3 /s . Using the density of water as 1000 kg/m3 , we see that 67.3529 kg of water emerges from the fountain each second. m = ρ π r2 v t = (1000 kg/m3 ) π (0.0307 m)2 (22.7473 m/s) = 67.3529 kg . Thus, each second, sufficient work is done to raise 67.3529 kg to a height of 26.4 m or W P = t = mg h t h t = (1000 kg/m3 ) π (0.0307 m)2 (26.4 m) ×(22.7473 m/s) (9.8 m/s2 ) (1 s) = ρ π r2 v g = 17425.6 W . An earth satellite remains in orbit at a distance of r = 19930 km from the center of the earth. What is its period? Correct answer: 27991.6. Explanation: The orbiting satellite is pulled towards the GM m earth with a force , where G is the r2 Gravitational constant, M is the mass of the earth, m is the mass of the satellite and r is the distance between the center of the earth and the satellite. The force serves as the centripetal force m v2 . r Mm m v2 G 2 = r r r GM v= r (6.67 × 10−11 N m2 /kg2 ) = 1.993 × 107 m 1 (5.98 × 1024 kg) 2 × 1 = 4473.63 m/s and l = 2πr = 2 (3.1415926) (1.993 × 107 m) = 1.25224 × 108 m So, l v 1.25224 × 108 m = 4473.63 m/s T = = 27991.6 s final 01 – JYOTHINDRAN, VISHNU – Due: May 14 2007, 8:00 pm Question 16, chap 16, sect 99. part 1 of 1 10 points A pulse moves on a string at 1 m/s, traveling to the right. At point A, the string is tightly clamped and cannot move. 1 m/s A 1m Which of the following shows how the string would look soon after 2 seconds? 1. 2. A A The pulse travels to the right and is reflected back from the fixed point. The wave cannot propagate to the right beyond the point A. Reflected pulses from fixed end points are inverted. Question 17, chap 7, sect 4. part 1 of 1 10 points A 6.7 kg bowling ball is lifted 2.2 m into a storage rack. The acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s2 . Calculate the increase in the ball’s potential energy. Correct answer: 144.452. Explanation: Potential energy is U = mgh = (6.7 kg) (9.8 m/s2 ) (2.2 m) = 144.452 J correct 3. 4. 5. A A Question 18, chap 18, sect 4. part 1 of 1 10 points The air pressure above the liquid in figure is 1.28 atm . The depth of the air bubble in the liquid is h = 32 cm and the liquid’s density is 827 kg/m3 . The acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s2 . air A density of liquid 827 kg/m3 32 cm 6. 7. 8. Explanation: A 11 air A Determine the air pressure in the bubble suspended in the liquid. Correct answer: 132257. A Explanation: We use P = P0 + ρ g h, where ρ = 827 kg/m3 for the liquid, and P0 = 1.28 atm = 129664 Pa . Thus, P = P0 + ρ g h = (129664 Pa) final 01 – JYOTHINDRAN, VISHNU – Due: May 14 2007, 8:00 pm + (827 kg/m3 ) (9.8 m/s2 ) (0.32 m) = 132257 Pa . Question 19, chap 17, sect 4. part 1 of 1 10 points A police car is traveling at a speed vc to the left. A truck is traveling at a speed vt to the left. When the police car is stationary its siren’s has a wavelength of λc = 0.343 m and a frequency of fc = 1000 Hz . The speed of the observer in the truck, and the speed of the source, the police car are shown in the figure below. 41 m/s 44 m/s Police Truck What is the frequency ft heard by an observer on the moving truck? Correct answer: 1007.81. Explanation: Let : vc vt λc fc va = 41 m/s , = 44 m/s , = 0.343 m , = 1000 Hz , ≡λf = (0.343 m) (1000 Hz) = 343 m/s . The Doppler shifted frequency f ′ heard in the truck is va ± v0 f′ = f, (1) va ∓ vs where va is the speed of sound in air, vo is the speed of the observer, and vs is the speed of the source. The upper sign is used when the relative velocities are toward one another, and vice versa. The relative velocity of the observer is towards the source so the upper sign is used in the numerator (± → +), and the relative velocity of the source is away from the observer 12 so the lower sign is used in the denominator (∓ → +). Therefore Eq. 2 becomes va + vt ft = fc va + vc (343 m/s) + (44 m/s) (1000 Hz) = (343 m/s) + (41 m/s) = 1007.81 Hz . First of four versions. Question 20, chap 18, sect 3. part 1 of 1 10 points The acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s2 . What must be the contact area between a suction cup (completely exhausted) and a ceiling in order to support the weight of an 44.2 kg student? Correct answer: 0.00427601. Explanation: Since the suction cup is exhausted, the force on it given by the atmospheric pressure is F = Patm A, where A is the area of the suction cup. In order to support the student, this force must be equal in magnitude to the student’s weight, so mg A= = 0.00427601 m2 . Patm Question 21, chap 13, sect 3. part 1 of 1 10 points A 28.0 kg turntable with a radius of 50 cm is covered with a uniform layer of dry ice that has a mass of 7.39 kg. The angular speed of the turntable and dry ice is initially 0.57 rad/s, but it increases as the dry ice evaporates. What is the angular speed of the turntable once all the dry ice has evaporated? Correct answer: 0.720439. Explanation: Basic Concepts: Li = Lt,i + Ldi,i = It ωi + Idi ωi 1 1 = Mt R2 ωi + mdi R2 ωi 2 2 final 01 – JYOTHINDRAN, VISHNU – Due: May 14 2007, 8:00 pm 1 Lf = Lt,f + Ldi,f = It ωf = Mt R2 ωf 2 Lf = Li Given: Mt = 28.0 kg R = 50 cm mdi = 7.39 kg ωi = 0.57 rad/s of the U-tube is in the liquid being tested, and the other side is in water of density 1000 kg/m3 . The air is partially removed at the upper part of the tube and the valve is closed. The height of the water above its pool surface is 0.68 m . The height of the liquid above its pool surface is 0.45 m . The difference in the heights of the pool surfaces is 0.08 m . ⊗ Valve Solution: Angular momentum is conserved, so 1 1 Mt R2 ωf = (Mt + mdi ) R2 ωi 2 2 Mt + mdi ωf = · ωi Mt 28 kg + 7.39 kg · (0.57 rad/s) = 28 kg = 0.720439 rad/s Question 22, chap 6, sect 3. part 1 of 1 10 points A car is moving at 18 m/s along a curve on a horizontal plane with radius of curvature 59 m . The acceleration of gravity is 9.8 . What is the required minimum coefficient of static friction between the road and the car’s tires to keep the car from skidding? Correct answer: 0.56036. Explanation: The frictional force between the car and the road must supply the centripetal acceleration necessary to keep the car on the curve. Therefore, we have m 2 vcar = µ Fnormal = µ m g , so r v2 (18 m/s)2 µ = car = = 0.56036 . gr (9.8) (59 m) Question 23, chap 18, sect 4. part 1 of 1 10 points One method of measuring the density of a liquid is illustrated in the figure. One side 13 0.68 m 0.45 m 0.08 m test liquid water Figure: Not drawn to scale Find the density of the liquid on the left. Correct answer: 1511.11. Explanation: Let : ρw = 1000 kg/m3 , hw = 0.68 m , h = 0.45 m , and ∆h = 0.08 m . Note: The difference in the heights of the pools 0.08 m does not matter since atmospheric pressure is nearly the same at both pool heights. The pressure at the upper surface of each liquid is given by P = Patm − ρw g hw = Patm − ρ g h. Therefore, hw ρw h (0.68 m) (1000 kg/m3 ) = (0.45 m) ρ= = 1511.11 kg/m3 . final 01 – JYOTHINDRAN, VISHNU – Due: May 14 2007, 8:00 pm Question 24, chap 15, sect 4. part 1 of 1 10 points Having landed on a newly discovered planet, an astronaut sets up a simple pendulum of length 1.14 m and finds that it makes 190 complete oscillations in 338 s. The amplitude of the oscillations is very small compared to the pendulum’s length. What is the gravitational acceleration on the surface of this planet? Correct answer: 14.2213. Explanation: Basic Concept A simple pendulum oscillating with small amplitude has period s ℓ T = 2π g where ℓ is the pendulum’s length and g is the gravitational acceleration at the pendulum’s location. The pendulum in question made n = 190 complete oscillations in time t = t 338 s, which implies the period of T = . n Thus s t ℓ = 2π n g s ℓ t = 2nπ g t2 ℓ = 2 2 4n π g 4 n2 π 2 ℓ t2 Thus the planet’s surface gravity is g= g= 4 n2 π 2 ℓ = 14.2213 m/s2 . t2 Question 25, chap 8, sect 1. part 1 of 1 10 points A spring-loaded toy gun is used to shoot a 64 g projectile straight up in the air. When the spring is compressed by 30 cm before the 14 shooting, the projectile reaches a maximum height of 49 cm . The acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s2 . Assume there is no air resistance, no friction inside the gun’s barrel, and the spring is ideal (i.e., spring force is exactly according to Hooke’s law). The spring’s equilibrium position is at the end of the gun barrel and all measurements are made from the end of the gun barrel. The figure below shows the toy gun (a) when the projectile is pressed against the spring, and (b) when the projectile reaches its maximum height. h x k k (a) (b) How high will the projectile rise if the spring is compressed three-fifth its previous value before shooting? Correct answer: 10.44. Explanation: Let : the direction be straight up g = 9.8 m/s2 , m = 64 g , x1 = 30 cm , h1 = 49 cm , and 3 3 x2 = x1 = (30 cm) 5 5 = 18 cm . The gun converts the elastic energy of the compressed spring to kinetic energy of the projectile, which is then converted to the projectile’s potential energy as it rises, 1 1 k x2 → m v2 → m g H . 2 2 Note: The total height H should include the spring’s compression H = h + x . final 01 – JYOTHINDRAN, VISHNU – Due: May 14 2007, 8:00 pm In the 18 cm shooting, the spring’s com3 pression is of the compression in the 30 cm 5 shooting, 1 k x21 = m g (h1 + x1 ) , and 2 1 k x22 = m g (h2 + x2 ) , or 2 2 3 3 1 k x1 = m g h2 + x1 2 5 5 2 3 1 3 2 k x1 = m g h2 + x1 5 2 5 2 3 3 m g (h1 +x1 ) = m g h2 + x1 5 5 3 9 (h1 + x1 ) = h2 + x1 , so 25 5 3 9 (h1 + x1 ) − x1 h2 = 25 5 9 15 = (h1 + x1 ) − x1 25 25 9 − 15 9 h1 + x1 = 25 25 6 9 h1 − x1 = 25 25 9 = (49 cm) 25 6 − (30 cm) 25 = 10.44 cm . h2 Note: If the compression of the spring is not included in the height h , we have 9 = h1 25 9 (49 cm) = 25 = 17.64 cm , percent error is |h2 − h′2 | ∆h2 = 100 h2 h 2 9 h1 − 6 x1 − 9 h1 25 25 25 100 = 6 9 h1 − x1 25 25 |−6 x1 | 100 = 9 h1 − 6 x1 h′2 15 6 (30 cm) 100 9 (49 cm) − 6 (30 cm) (180 cm) = 100 (441 cm) − (180 cm) = 68.9655 % . ← big error = Question 26, chap 13, sect 4. part 1 of 1 10 points At a certain instant the position of a stone in a sling is given by x = 1.7 mı̂. The linear momentum ~p of the stone is 14 kg m/s ̂. Calculate the magnitude of its angular mo~ = ~r × ~p mentum: L Correct answer: 23.8. Explanation: Basic Concepts: ~ = ~r × ~p L ~ = ~r × ~p L = (1.7 mı̂) × (14 kg m/ŝ) = 23.8 kg m2 /s k̂ Question 27, chap 7, sect 3. part 1 of 1 10 points A 4.38 kg block initially at rest is pulled to the right along a horizontal, frictionless surface by a constant, horizontal force of 17.4 N. Find the speed of the block after it has moved 2.44 m. Correct answer: 4.40299. Explanation: The weight of the block is balanced by the normal force, and neither of these forces does work since the displacement is horizontal. Since there is no friction, the resultant external force is the 17.4 N force. The work done by this force is W = F s = (17.4 N) (2.44 m) = 42.456 J Using the work-energy theorem and noting that the initial kinetic energy is zero, we obtain 1 W = Kf − Ki = m v 2 − 0 . 2 final 01 – JYOTHINDRAN, VISHNU – Due: May 14 2007, 8:00 pm Therefore, s r 2W 2 (42.456 J) vf = = = 4.40299 m/s . m 4.38 kg The final momentum is pf = (m1 + m2 ) vf . 7 kg 7 m/s 20◦ 17 kg 8. 6 m/ s What is the speed of the two objects after the collision if they remain stuck together? Correct answer: 8.04059. Explanation: Let : m1 m2 mf v1 v2 p1 p2 p1 p2 = 7 kg , = 17 kg , = m1 + m2 = 24 kg , = 7 m/s , = 8.6 m/s , = m1 v1 = 49 kg m/s , = m2 v2 = 146.2 kg m/s , = m1 v1 m2 v2 = 14327.6 kg2 m2 /s2 , px = p1 + p2 cos θ = 186.383 kg m/s , py = p2 sin θ = 50.0033 kg m/s , θ = 20◦ , and π − θ = 160◦ . vf mf m1 v1 φ θ v2 m2 (1) Momentum is conserved Question 28, chap 11, sect 4. part 1 of 1 10 points A(n) 7 kg object moving with a speed of 7 m/s collides with a(n) 17 kg object moving with a velocity of 8.6 m/s in a direction 20 ◦ from the initial direction of motion of the 7 kg object. 16 ~p1 + ~p2 = ~pf . (2) Using the law of cosines, we have p21 + p22 − 2 p1 p2 cos(π − θ) = p2f . Solving for vf , we have q p21 + p22 − 2 p1 p2 cos(π − θ) vf = m1 + m2 1 = (7 kg) + (17 kg) h × (2401 kg2 m2 /s2 )2 + (21374.4 kg2 m2 /s2 )2 − (14327.6 kg2 m2 /s2 ) cos(160◦ ) = 8.04059 m/s . i1/2 Since the direction of the total momentum before and after the collision does not change, the initial and final momentum direction is py φ = arctan p x 50.0033 kg m/s = arctan 186.383 kg m/s ◦ = 15.0178 . Alternate Solution: Since p2f = p2x + p2y , we have vf = q p2x + p2y m + m2 1 1 = (7 kg) + (17 kg) h × (34738.6 kg2 m2 /s2 ) i1/2 2 2 2 + (2500.33 kg m /s ) = 8.04058 m/s . final 01 – JYOTHINDRAN, VISHNU – Due: May 14 2007, 8:00 pm Question 29, chap 8, sect 5. part 1 of 1 10 points 17 T1 1 A single constant force 19.1 N acts on a particle of mass 6.74 kg. The particle starts at rest at t = 0. What is the instantaneous power delivered by the force at t = 2.87 s? Correct answer: 155.342. T3 T3 W1 T2 T2 2 W2 Explanation: The instantaneous power delivered by a force F is At pulley 2, P = F v = F at F F2 t =F t= m m 2 (19.1 N) (2.87 s) = 6.74 kg = 155.342 W 2 T2 = W2 W2 T2 = . 2 At the weight W1 , T3 = T2 + W1 W2 + W1 . = 2 Question 30, chap 5, sect 5. part 1 of 1 10 points The system is in equilibrium, and the pulleys are weightless and frictionless. The acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s2 . T T3 T3 12 N T2 At pulley 1, T1 = 2 T3 = W2 + 2 W1 = (14 N) + 2 (12 N) = 38 N . T2 14 N Find the tension T . Correct answer: 38. Explanation: Let : W1 = 12 N and W2 = 14 N . Question 31, chap 12, sect 5. part 1 of 1 10 points Three identical thin rods of length 18 m and mass 59.7 kg are placed perpendicular to each other with their centers intersecting each other, as shown below. This setup is rotated about an axis “parallel to the z-axis” that passes through the end of one rod “along the y-axis” and is perpendicular to another “along the x-axis”. final 01 – JYOTHINDRAN, VISHNU – Due: May 14 2007, 8:00 pm x z 18 m y Determine the moment of inertia of this arrangement. Correct answer: 17730.9. Explanation: Let : m = 59.7 kg L = 18 m . and Since r is much smaller than L, we can use the thin rod approximation. Let the junction be at the center of our coordinate system. The axis of rotation is parallel to the z-axis and the y-axis is along the rod touching the axis of rotation. For the rod along the z-axis the parallel axis theorem gives: m r2 Iz = +m 2 2 L ≈m 2 1 = m L2 . 4 2 L 2 For the rod along the y-axis, from the table Iy = L/2 L2 x =2 + L 3 4 0 3 3 L L 2m + = L 24 8 1 = m L2 . 3 m x3 59.7 kg per rod f so i x a on at i t o r 18 1 m L2 . 3 In the rod along the x-axis, the bit ofmaterial m d x and between x and x + d x has mass L s 2 L is at a distance r = x2 + from the 2 axis of rotation, so the total moment of inertia for this rod is Z L/2 L2 m 2 dx Ix = 2 x + 4 L 0 Hence, the overall moment of inertia of the three-rod system is I = Iz + Iy + Ix 1 1 1 = m L2 + + 4 3 3 11 m L2 = 12 11 = (59.7 kg) (18 m)2 12 (1) = 17730.9 kg m2 . Alternate Solution: The moment of intertia of a thin rod about its center-of-mass is 1 mL2 . Therefore the center-of-mass Icm = 12 moment-of-inertia of the three perpendicular rods about an axis concentric to one of the rods is Icm = Iz + Iy + Ix 1 1 m L2 + m L2 =0+ 12 12 1 2 = mL . 6 Using the “parallel axis theorm”, we have 2 L I = Icm + 3 m 2 3 1 = m L2 + m L2 6 4 11 2 mL , = 12 which is the same as Eq. 1.