PAWPRINTS BARBARA BUSH ELEMENTARY BOBCATS – MARCH 27, 2013 Houston Independent School District CHARACTER EDUCATION THEME: COMMITMENT To sign up to receive news from HISD via e-mail, visit HISD Inclement Weather Hotline 713-267-1704 K-12 Radio Listen Now!! SPECTACULAR SCIENCE ** MARK YOUR CALENDAR March 28 9:00 a.m. K – Oil Ranch March 28 9:00 a.m.2:15 p.m. March 28 2:50 p.m. 2nd Grade – Museum of Natural Science/Ray Miller Park Report Cards go Home March 29 April 2 & 3 April 18 8:00-10:00 a.m. SPRING HOLIDAY – NO SCHOOL STAAR TESTING – NO VISITORS PRE-K ROUND-UP ******************************** HANDBOOK HIGHLIGHTS EMERGENCY PROCEDURES It is imperative that all information on each child’s enrollment card be complete and kept current. If phone numbers (home, work, emergency or doctor) change, please notify the school office immediately. Be sure that you have a plan for picking your child up during the day should he/she get sick at school. Students should not be picked up from school early except in emergency situations or for appointments that cannot be scheduled at other times. Be sure that changes in “pick-up procedures” are clearly communicated and discussed before the child leaves home. Notify the teacher in writing when such changes occur. Students will not be called out of class to talk on the phone. In emergency cases, messages will be relayed to students. This will not be done for messages that are of a routine nature. Plan ahead! Your child’s instructional time is important. The entire handbook is available at: ******************************** REMINDER NO SCHOOL Friday is a holiday. Please enjoy this day off from school to spend time with your families, read a good book, and relax. The Spectacular Science Word for the week of March 25 is organism. ********************************* BOBCAT NEWS LET THE TESTING BEGIN! April 2 and 3 are very important days at Bush Elementary. All fourth and fifth graders will be taking their first STAAR test of the “testing season.” All of the fourth and fifth graders are working hard to learn the required curriculum and are ready to show their mastery of the subject. Our first and second graders will have a rigorous week too as they will take a writing benchmark exam next Tuesday and Wednesday. Please make sure all first, second, fourth, and fifth grade students are at school by 7:45 a.m. HISD requires each campus to have procedures in place to ensure the least amount of disruptions on testing days. Therefore, parents will not be able to volunteer in the lunchroom, classroom, or workroom on Tuesday, April 2 and Wednesday, April 3. Parents and visitors will be able to access the office, but all other areas need to remain secure due to testing purposes. Bush Elementary is fortunate to have so many incredible parents and volunteers, but on testing dates we must limit the number of people on campus. Thank you for your understanding! First, second, fourth and fifth grade parents, please do not schedule any doctor or dentist appointments on test days or plan to pick your child up early on these days. Also, parents should not drop lunch off for their child on testing days as the office will be unable to communicate with teachers. SHIRTS OF MANY COLORS CELL PHONES AND E-READERS Cell phones, E-readers (i.e. Kindle, Nook, etc), and/or other personal electronic devices are not permitted in the classroom during STAAR and Stanford testing. Please make sure your child has a traditional book to read on STAAR and Stanford testing days. On STAAR testing days, students should leave their cell phones turned off and in their backpacks. Please help ensure a pristine testing environment for all fourth and fifth grade students. THE PTO NEEDS YOU……….. Are you interested in becoming a member of the PTO Board? There are several openings for the 2013/2014 school year. We have a number of working parents on the board, so don’t count yourself out if you have a job. If you are interested in being considered for a position, please contact Melissa Gonzales at REGISTRATION The following items are required for registration to attend an HISD school. ALL original documents must be present at the time of registration: proof of birth date, proof of immunizations, proof of residency, parent or legal guardian’s ID. For a more detailed list, please check the registration section on the Bush website. The Tie-Dye Shirts will become part of the dress code on Monday, May 20. CALLING 5TH GRADE PARENTS Sharpstown International School is holding a Magnet Expo Night on Thursday, March 28, 2013 from 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. INDIVIDUAL PICTURES The spring portrait packets were sent home last week. These portraits have not been prepaid. Please review the portraits and pricing. Purchase the pictures you like and return payment and non-purchased portraits to your child’s teacher by Monday, April 1, 2013. You may pay with cash/check or credit card. Use the envelope provided to return your payment and those pictures you do not wish to purchase. PROSPECTIVE PARENT INFORMATION SESSIONS Do you have a child coming to Bush next year? Then come and join a prospective parent information session that will answer all your questions about Bush Elementary programs and curriculum. We will tour the school and discuss all of the wonderful things Bush has to offer. If you know a neighbor or friend who would like to attend one of these information sessions, please pass the invitation on to them. The sessions for this school year will take place at 9:00 a.m. on April 11, May 2 and May 22. Please have your driver’s license ready for check-in. EARLY REGISTRATION SAFETY ABOVE ALL ELSE! (Pre-K – 5) May 2, 2013 – 8:00-10:00 a.m. May 23, 2013 – 8:00-10:00 a.m. June 13, 2013 – 8:00-10:00 a.m. August 20, 21, 22, 2013 – 8:00-10:00 a.m. All parents and visitors must show ID when entering the building. Sorry for any inconvenience, but we will be very strict in enforcing our policies. Thank you for your cooperation. Only the first 30 people in line will be able to enroll on each day. The first day of school is Monday, August 26, 2013. ********************************** SCHOOL SPIRIT NEWS PRE-K ROUNDUP Once again, Bush Elementary will offer tuition-based prekindergarten for the 2013-2014 school year! There are three methods to be eligible for full day pre-kindergarten classes at Bush Elementary: low income, limited English proficiency, or tuition-based. Registration date (for pre-k only) is Thursday, April 18 from 8:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Only the first 30 people in line will be able to enroll on this day. BUSH SPIRIT DAYS • • Third Wednesday of each month @ Marco’s Pizza Last Friday of each month @ Yogurti-Yo BUSH BOBCATS ARE BUILDING ON 20 YEARS OF EXCELLENCE IN 2012-2013 It is the policy of the Houston Independent School District not to discriminate on the basis of age, color, handicap or disability, ancestry, national origin, marital status, race, religion, sex, veteran status, or political affiliation in its educational or employment programs and activities.