Apply online at Apply to a maximum of ten (10) Magnet programs, of which a total of five (5) may be Vanguard Magnet Programs. APPLICATION FOR CARNEGIE VANGUARD HIGH SCHOOL 2015-2016 Do not use this form to apply to other Magnet programs. Students who ARE CURRENTLY IDENTIFIED as G/T in HISD Fill in the information requested in questions # 1-15 and return the application to Carnegie Vanguard High School on or before December 19, 2014 in order to be considered in the first round of screening. Applications received after the deadline will be considered in the second round of admissions if space is still available. Important Note: You will be notified on March 27, 2015 as to whether you have been offered a seat at Carnegie Vanguard High School. If you are offered a seat and wish to accept it, you must go to the school in person, by April 10, 2015, to sign an entrance agreement. At that time you must bring with you proof of HISD residency (current electricity, gas or water bill, lease agreement, property tax receipt, or affidavit of residency) and any other required documents. Failure to sign an entrance agreement or provide proof of residence will likely lead to forfeiture of your seat. Students who ARE NOT CURRENTLY IDENTIFIED as G/T in HISD Fill in the information requested for questions # 1-15 and return the application along with all required items to Carnegie Vanguard High School on or before January 31, 2015, in order to be considered in the first round of screening. Applications received after this deadline will be considered if space is still available. Please mark all items below that you have included. Parent is responsible for submitting all required data. Incomplete applications delay the admissions process for your child. Attached Teacher Recommendation Form in a sealed envelope with signature across seal. If available Nationally-normed Achievement Test scores (Iowa or Stanford/Aprenda) (February, 2014 or later) Previous year’s final report card sent home, June 2014 If available Non-verbal Abilities Test (CogAT 7) (February 2014 or later) Completed application including parent’s signature The Carnegie Vanguard Coordinator will contact all parents who submitted paper applications to schedule any required testing. HISD I.D. #: _____________________ Applying for grade level: ______ 1. Name of Student: Last First 2. Date of birth: Month ________ Day ________ Year ________ 3. School currently attending: M.I. Gender: □ Male □ Female Current grade: ______ 4. HISD high school student zoned to attend: 5. Present address of parent or legal guardian (Domicile): Street Address Apt. # City State Zip Code 6. Is either parent/guardian an HISD employee? □ No □ Yes, Employee I.D. # _______HISD email username:_________ If yes, do you live within HISD’s attendance zone? □ Yes □ No □ Out of District 7. With whom does student live as a permanent resident? □ Both Parents 8. Father’s name: _____________ □ Mother □ Father Father’s cell phone: □ Other ____________ Father’s business phone: _______________________________________ Father’s home phone: ________________ 9. Mother’s name: _____________ Mother’s cell phone: Mother’s business phone: __________ __ Mother’s home phone: 10. E-mail contact: Revised, October 2014 Page 1 of 3 11. Does applicant have a sibling who is currently enrolled and will be attending Carnegie Vanguard High School in 20152016? □ Yes □ No If yes, sibling’s name: _____________ sibling’s grade for 2015-2016: _________ sibling’s school(s): ____________________________ 12. Is there a sibling applying to Carnegie Vanguard High School in 2015-2016? □ Yes □ No If yes, sibling’s name: ___________________ Grade to which sibling is applying: ________ sibling’s school(s): _______________________________________ sibling’s date of birth:__________ 13. HISD provides bus transportation for Magnet students in accordance with the Transportation of Magnet Students Guidelines. If eligible, are you requesting transportation? □ Yes □ No 14. In what language does your child receive instruction at school? __________________________________________ 15. If your child is receiving any special services from an HISD school or any educational facility, please inform Carnegie Vanguard Coordinator. Check all that apply and submit district documentation: □Special Education-Full Individual Evaluation (FIE) □ Section 504—504 Accommodation Plan □ Bilingual/ ESL (LEP)—if not enrolled in an HISD school, complete a Home Language Survey (HLS). Parents are required to provide documentation of special services with the Vanguard Magnet Application. Federal Student Ethnicity (select one) 2014-2015 REDUCED INCOME CHART If your annual, monthly, or weekly salary is at or below levels listed and corresponds to household size on same row, please check: Hispanic/Latino Not Hispanic/Latino Household Size Annual Monthly 2 $29,101 $2,426 3 $36,612 $3,051 4 $44,123 $3,677 5 $51,634 $4,303 6 $59,145 $4,929 7 $66,656 $5,555 8 $74,167 $6,181 For each additional Family member add: Student Race (select all that apply) American Indian or Alaska Native Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander Asian White Black or African American +$7,511 +$626 Weekly $560 $705 $849 $993 $1,138 $1,282 $1,427 +$145 Please hand deliver or mail this application and all required documents by January 31, 2015, to: Carnegie Vanguard High School Attn: Magnet Coordinator 1501 Taft Houston, Texas 77019 The Vanguard Magnet Coordinator from Carnegie will contact you to schedule any required testing for your child. If you are missing any of the above items, please contact the Carnegie Vanguard Coordinator. Students will be required to show a photo ID such as a student ID or passport for testing. Important Reminder: The application deadline is December 19, 2014. This application is only for Carnegie Vanguard High School. If you are applying to other Magnet programs, use the Magnet application. Call 713-556-6947 or go to By signing below, you are verifying that: (1) you are responsible for bringing your child to the designated testing site at the proper place and time, (2) you are responsible for submitting all the required data, and (3) you certify that the above information is true and correct. Parent’s Name (please print): Parent’s Signature: Revised, October 2014 __________________________________________________ Page 2 of 3 Date: ___________________________________ 2015-2016 HISD Vanguard Programs TEACHER RECOMMENDATION FORM Student Name: _____________________________________ Current Grade Level: ______________________ This form should be completed by the current teacher, or teacher from the previous school year only. Submit only one teacher recommendation form with your application. This form must be returned in a sealed envelope signed by the teacher across the seal. Evidence of Possible Giftedness: Please circle the word that best indicates the degree to which the student exhibits the following characteristics. A. General Intellectual Ability 1. Shows a preference for complex tasks and “why” of things 2. Has knowledge and vocabulary unusual for age or grade; has fluent verbal ability 3. Demonstrates abstract and critical thinking ability, an ability to think things out, to think things logically or analytically 4. Is a keen and alert observer; often “sees more” in a learning situation than other; may show evidence of long, detailed memory 5. Shows an interest in problem solving and is flexible and resourceful in problem solving 6. Has a quick grasp of concepts and underlying principles and can see relationships between ideas, events, people and things; may ask provocative questions Rarely (1) Less than half the time (2) About half the time (3) More than half the time (4) Consistently most of the time (5) Rarely Less than half the time About half the time More than half the time Consistently most of the time Rarely Less than half the time About half the time More than half the time Consistently most of the time Rarely Less than half the time About half the time More than half the time Consistently most of the time Rarely Less than half the time About half the time More than half the time Consistently most of the time Rarely Less than half the time About half the time More than half the time Consistently most of the time Rarely Less than half the time About half the time More than half the time Consistently most of the time B. Creative Ability 1. Is curious and asks many questions Rarely Less than half the time About half the time More than half the time Consistently most of the time Rarely Less than half the time About half the time More than half the time Consistently most of the time Rarely Less than half the time About half the time More than half the time Consistently most of the time Rarely Less than half the time About half the time More than half the time Consistently most of the time Rarely Less than half the time About half the time More than half the time Consistently most of the time Rarely Less than half the time About half the time More than half the time Consistently most of the time Rarely Less than half the time About half the time More than half the time Consistently most of the time 1. Is self confident with peers and adults Rarely Less than half the time About half the time More than half the time Consistently most of the time 2. Demonstrates a willingness for and skills in decision making Rarely Less than half the time About half the time More than half the time Consistently most of the time 3. Is willing to take risks; tends to think independently Rarely Less than half the time About half the time More than half the time Consistently most of the time Rarely Less than half the time About half the time More than half the time Consistently most of the time Rarely Less than half the time About half the time More than half the time Consistently most of the time Rarely Less than half the time About half the time More than half the time Consistently most of the time Rarely Less than half the time About half the time More than half the time Consistently most of the time 2. Produces work which is fresh, vital, and unique; creates new ideas, products, and processes; does the unexpected 3. Exhibits playfulness and a keen sense of humor; may make jokes, puns, etc. at times 4. Shows unusual capacity for concentration, imagination, and originality on tasks that interest him or her 5. Bores quickly with routine tasks, memorization of facts and details; prefers talking about ideas and problems 6. Exhibits emotional sensitivity, expressing intense feelings 7. Enjoys variety and novelty in learning experiences C. Leadership Ability 4. Exhibits organizational skills with tasks, peers, time, and/or materials 5. Carries responsibility well, works well in situations that require initiative and independence 6. Shows empathy and tolerance toward others; generally relates well with others 7. Can express self well, has good verbal skills and is usually well understood Student’s Name: Current School: Current Grade Level: ________ Subject Area of Instruction: Teacher’s Name (please print): Phone Number: Date: Teacher’s Signature: Teachers: Please return completed form to parent/applicant in sealed envelope with signature across seal. Revised, October 2014 Page 3 of 3