and the redemption The waste ZVIELLI ALEXANDER his kapo in order to be able to blindlyservingKonczal. No other kapo and the underground. Two prisoners'was judgedby such prejudices, "honor courts" concluded that there was was mutual. The task of animosity kapo about his kapo acwas nothing exceptional demanding one; it was difficultto tivities and this allowed him to jointhe keep order under terrifying camp conditions and violent means were underground. frequently However, his release from Buneeded to keep order. Haredi Jews would upon each other? chenwald, on ,52 ,5491 the Polish not forgive Eliezer for beatings that they Jewish Kapo in slandering May Auschwitz, well-written and documentCommunist would suffer silently under other kapos. Partystarted to conduct an the ed biographyof Eliezer Gruenbaum, extensive inquiry in Warsaw, BuchenAfter prolonged and costlyproceedCommunist wald and Paris and found him guilty of Jewish kapo at Auschwitz, ings,the French court had decided in their ra1946 that it could not judge foreigner proves that it was important to convey to maltreating prisoners, stealing us the whole truth, no matter how bitter, tions. It denied that he had ever foughtin whose alleged crimes were committed in of this conflict which stillcontinues to his Communist record Spain,questioned foreign country.Eliezer was freed, but he Tuvia Friling, he was barred from rehad nowhere to go. He could not remain profes- and subsequently separateJews today. at Ben-Gurion Unisor of Modern turn to bePoland. This was bitter in France, Poland refused to take him in. History joke, and fair cause offers us an all-embracing in refugees' versity, camps he encouraged Here again,his father secured from Hillel of the painful of some other Jews to return to Poland and begin Seidman an Agudat Israelcertificate )!( for pages presentation of our history, Palestine. Thus Eliezer arrived in Jerusagood lifethere. Yitzhak Gruenbaum was In September ,5491 Eliezer was beaten lem on May ,1 ,6491 where he lived qui)0791-9781( the leader of Polish Jewry,the organizer on Paris street by number of Jewish etlyand fellin defense of Ramat Rahel on of the Bloc of Minorities in the Polish parsurvivors, denounced "war criminal" as ,22 .8491 The haredi version was that May of the liament, General Zionist, member and arrested by police. The new shot him dead. His friend, Stefa inqui- someone of the World Zionist Executive, chairman committed suicide. ry ran along four different perspectives:Rosenzweig, Rescue Committee War IljewishAgency's There was the haredi (ultra-Orthodox) The Israeli Defense Ministry's official and interior minister in the provisional version that accused him of hatingreli- memorial, agreedupon in close coopera.9491-8491 giousJews, murdering,beatingand hution with family, tellsus that at the begingovernment of Israelin in His son, Eliezer, born in Warsaw ,9091 out of spite. ning of the War of Independence,he remiliatingthem, sometimes Polish-Hewas educated in "Tarbut," There was the Communist Guard, Partyverdict portedfor service with the People's brew Zionist school. former member of that accused him of spreading fear that and when the fighting intensified, for CommuHashomer Hatzair, he became the Soviet Union would lose the war and regularservice. His militaryexperience, nist and was sentenced to four-and-half his sound judgment as an older man blindly serving Nazi masters. among But who there were also witnesses his friendliness, self-disciyears in Polish prison.After two years in younger ones, name as join the due jail, Miriam's to his mother connec grantedleave to recuperate and was out of Poland, through spirited Czechoslovakia, to study in France. In ,8391 he joinedthe SpanishInternational Brigadeto fight the fascists and upon tions he his return was was interned in France, but his again secured his release. Eliezerearned degreein law and mother War volunteered II, he army, but was ish Sikorski of France for the worked French and joined the Polrejected, brigadeinstead. After the fall he refused to be ,0491 in evac- England,and joinedthe French underground.Caught by French police. under the name he arrived in July, ,2491 of Eeon Berger, in Auschwitz-Birkenau and uated was to tattooed No. .75034 of his prisoners,aware and experience,knowledge of German other languages(butnot Yiddish), recomThe Block that if plineand the good humor with which he made his comments alldid much to raise necessary for the common ,22 ,8491 good, for the block's discipline his company's morale. On May and cleanliness had to be keptfor the sake concerted attack was on made Ramat that he saved he beat of the prisonersthemselves. And there said he who They vigorously. being blamed to Paris and came son him his father, Yitzhak fending his his settled in Palestine in 1933 defended was was Rahel. Eliezer volunteered familynarrative;good was Zionists who hated lives, and it was someone, and who At the outbreak of World journalist. as claimed by those who spent fortune de- He firmlybelieved beingblamed by those formed in the Polish Ukrainians, comrades, was The coveringhis hit again. Eliezer'sconduct con- tinued for the next show this uniting Jews, parliament, and until he strifeabout was shoot, that of the Minorities," Belarusians to who 1920s, Yitzhak Gruenbaum "Block hit, but continued 50 years, duringwhich books, films,newspaper articles,even TV hated his Polish activities. had with to set out and took his machine gun with him. During the retreat he Gruenbaum, son. During the the reinforcements Germans 40 percent of the population. This angered the Poles suspiciousof planned to ,2002 continued in to elaborate Haredi journalists continued tragedy. blame him and his father as partof with two severe larger process of grappling blows to their society: the Holocaust and the birth of the State of Israel.'Fheyargued that Zionism asked whether generated Nazism. JEWISH KAPO on They Jews should have accepted Jewish domination and also the Aguof responsibility that served the positions da, which believed that he was Nazi "I'hefact was that stirring regime. kaposhad anti-Semitism, and that the Jews should to be brutal, but they frequently helped mended him as assigned kapo,(prisoner interests only. l-'i- prisonerssurvive. Many witnesses who by SS guards to superviseforced labor), look after their own in 1926 Josef Pilsudski became met Eliezer in the camps and in the underdeputy to the well-known murderer Block nally, ,2491 he was Chief Konczal. In August dictator, but the Aguda struggle against ground found him helpful. sent to Block Officers School and appoint- Gruenbaum and Zionism continued unTuvia Friling writes well and with deep at Block claimed ed .4 After he recuperat- abated. The haredim The book offers substantial clerk in Block feeling. as that Eliezer inherited the hatred of reli- background historical information. ed from typhushe returned to Block We Konczal's deputy.Later, in Blocks 39 and watch with understandingthe tragedy giousJews in the house of his father. as he was removed from his position Itwas fact that Eliezer,as of who started his intellec,02 good Comyoung man laborer. From block chief and placedas munist, had littlerespectfor those Yidtual progress at Hashomer Hatzair, but him 1944 until January 1945 he toiled reminded fell victim to Communism March and betrayal. Jews who dish-speaking and in Jawischowitz of the ghettohe sought to escape, and in Buna-Monowitz strangequirkof fate led this misguidmines, and was have treated them more ed evacuated to BuchenJew to make the supreme sacrifice at harshly. may he returned to Paris afBut many such prisoners were dewald. Eventually, prejudiced Ramat Rahel, and thus he became to him since they were ter liberation, taughtto despise fender of Israel, and this should not be his father. They also found him arrogant While stillin camps Eliezer had to clear forgotten By Tuvia Friling Translated by Haim Watzman Brandeis University Press 344 pages; 04$