Sustaining Progress – Fourth Progress Report Name of Institution National University of Ireland, Galway. I confirm that I have assessed and verified the extent of progress and co-operation which has been achieved to date in respect of each grade in the institution in completing the specific actions set out in the institution’s agreed Action Plan. The basis of this assessment is set out below in this document. Signed by Head of Institution: Date: Stable Industrial Relations Climate (SP Section 19) The parties recognise the importance of stable industrial relations and are committed to maintaining a well-managed industrial relations environment to minimise disputes affecting the level of service to the public. A stable industrial relations climate has important benefits for the general public and the public service itself. These benefits include the provision of uninterrupted services, improved productivity and staff morale, increased public confidence and the maintenance of Ireland as a desirable location for foreign direct investment. Progress Achieved (Indicate whether parties have complied with the terms of the Agreement) The General Industrial Relations climate in NUIG is good. The Partnership process has been seen as a positive step forward, which has led to a number of initiatives that have been well received by staff and management alike. Implementation Difficulties / Outstanding Issues An objective of the Partnership Group is to improve the industrial relations climate thus potentially reducing the number of third party referrals. As the Partnership Group develops this area they will be instrumental in proactively maintaining a stable industrial relations climate. A Partnership Facilitator is being recruited to further develop the concept of organisation change throughout the University through the promotion, development and facilitation of the Partnership concept across the University. This will allow for further development of local Partnership groups in different areas within the University. The University regrets that it has been unable to secure external funding to support the appointment of a Partnership Facilitator and notes that the general financial situation will continue to put pressure on the process. This Agreement: a. Provides that no cost-increasing claims by trade unions or employees for improvements in pay or conditions of employment, other than those provided for in clauses 19.18 and 19.19, will be made or processed during the currency of the Agreement; b. Commits employers, trade unions and employees to promoting industrial harmony; and c. Precludes strikes or other forms of industrial action by trade unions, employees or employers in respect of any matters covered by this Agreement, where the employer or trade union concerned is acting in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. Stable Industrial Relations Climate (SP Section 19) Over the term of the agreement, the parties will fully utilise the dispute resolution machinery of the state in the following instances: a. Where the parties cannot reach agreement at local level on matters covered by the agreement b. Where a dispute arises as to what constitutes a breach of the agreement and c. Where there is disagreement as to what constitutes ongoing change The parties will comply with the terms of the agreement. a. The College has not received any cost increasing claims in respect of any issues covered in the national agreement, Sustaining Progress since its application in June 2003 b. Promoting Industrial Harmony – The partnership group continues to operate providing a forum for industrial relations issues to be addressed in consultation with all major employee groupings. Precluding strikes. There have been no strikes and none are pending. Progress Achieved (Indicate whether parties have complied with the terms of the Agreement) The dispute resolution machinery or any other agreed machinery as outlined in section 19 has been fully accepted by the Partnership committee as a means for dispute/disagreement resolution and formal procedures will now be put in place. Through the partnership process Management and Unions have outlined that dispute/grievance issues can be referred to the Partnership Group on a voluntary basis. (Refer to Revised Terms of Reference Document Appendix 1 “Main Partnership Committee”, Paragraph 3) Implementation Difficulties / Outstanding Issues Modernisation and Flexibility (SP 19.1 & 19.2) The increasing demand for improvements in the provision of public services requires a flexible approach to working practices by individual public servants, management and unions. This entails the removal of unnecessary demarcations, the adoption of more modern approaches to work and the promotion of innovative ways of meeting the demand for services. It is also necessary that managers have the flexibility to adapt procedures to respond to particular pressures, which may vary from sector to sector, and to ensure that work methods are suited to the efficient delivery of services. The report of the Public Service Benchmarking Body noted that change is accepted as an essential and ongoing criterion of survival, growth and prosperity in the private sector. The report identified flexibility of working as a key requirement in the achievement of greater efficiency and effectiveness in the public service. In light of the importance of this issue, the parties to this Agreement will cooperate with flexibility and modernisation as provided for in Sections 20 to 26. NUIG has a strategic plan, which sets out the context for modernisation from 2003 to 2008. The Sustaining Progress Action Plan is aligned with the Strategic Plan for the University, which was developed following extensive consultation with staff, students, alumni and partners in the University foundation industry and academia. It represents the combined thinking of the entire university community led by the University Management Team and the Standing and Strategic Planning Committee. There are seven key strategic priorities, which will run during the lifetime of sustaining progress and three years beyond. • Flexible working has been successfully piloted and is currently being rolled out across other areas within the University. • The University has identified a possible I.T. Solution to facilitate the needs of flexible work pattern monitoring. • Job Sharing schemes have been in operation throughout the University for some time with the exception of the academic area. This has recently been reviewed and a job-share scheme for academic staff has recently been put in place and two staff have availed of same. • A Term Time Working policy is currently under review by the Partnership Group. • Outsourcing of work using contractors has been implemented in the Buildings/Maintenance area and the employment of temporary staff has been agreed across the University. It is intended that this will be further developed under the Parallel Benchmarking process. • The University will continue to develop flexible work practices in consultation with Staff, the Unions and the Partnership Group. Flexitime is continuing to be rolled out on a manual basis pending the introduction of an IT solution. Job Sharing scheme for academics is finalised and in place. Partnership The parties to the Agreement recommit themselves to extending and deepening the partnership process at the workplace in accordance with commitments under previous national agreements. It is intended that the National Centre for Partnership and Performance will play an increasing role in supporting this process. (SP 19.16) The partnership approach has been a useful mechanism to help secure delivery of change and modernisation in organisations where it has become well-established. The parties are committed to building upon the structures that have been established, and to further embedding and refining the process across the public service, in order to deliver real improvements in performance at organisational level, involve staff in the change and modernisation process and improve the working environment. (SP 20.9) Progress Achieved (Indicate whether parties have complied with the terms of the Agreement) Revised terms of reference were agreed at a Residential Workshop in January. (See Appendix 1) This Workshop (which involved the National Centre for Partnership and Performance, NCPP) also reviewed the operation of The Partnership Process and implementation of the work programme scheduled for 2004. Further training was completed in June, which involved case studies on the partnership process in other organisations. The role of the Partnership Group is being further explored and embedded in University structures through training and the setting up of Partnership Sub groups to deliver on the changes required under Sustaining Progress. The Partnership Group has devised a programme for communicating Partnership across the University. This plan involves attending departmental meetings to present information on Partnership and the production of newsletters. The objective of this being the long term embedding and refining of Partnership as a vehicle for consultation and change. A Partnership Facilitator is being recruited to help with further development of the concept across the University. This will allow for further development of the local Partnership groups in different areas within the University. Implementation Difficulties / Outstanding Issues A consultancy brief has been agreed by the Partnership Group and HR Committee and is currently being circulated to partnership consultants seeking tenders. The parties will continue to approach on-going modernisation in the sector through partnership. Partnership will be supported by staff, unions and management and will become a central and mainstreamed feature in the day-to-day operations/business of institutions. In particular, partnership will be aimed at managing and responding to the challenges of change in the workplace, improving performance, influencing the development of future policy and strategic planning, and facilitating and improving quality and flexibility in the delivery of services. Every effort will be made to resolve issues through the partnership process. (SP 24.35) The Partnership Group is central to the implementation of the Sustaining Progress Action plan outlined below. The Partnership Group has a schedule of meetings for the coming year, which occur monthly. Due to the pressure of issues to be discussed a number of extra meetings were held during the Summer period. The next meeting is due to be held on the 13th of October. The partnership group is addressing the following issues. 1. Sick Leave for General operatives 2. Career Break Scheme. 3. Term Time Working. 4. Parking Management Scheme. The Parking Management Scheme has been implemented, which includes clamping/controls, a permit system for staff and students and allocation of car parks on an agreed basis as staff-only, student –only, shared or pay-and-display. Additional mobility management initiatives are being pursued. Specific Action(s) for each commitment set out in the Action Plan Action No. Specific Action Date for Completion Completed Yes – Y No - N Details of progress made to date supported by relevant examples. Please provide clear and concise examples of progress achieved. If specific action has not met completion date please provide an explanation 1 2 3 4 5. 6. Agreement in principle in introduce personal development planning for all grades Commence training for all administrative managers and staff for personal development planning scheme. Complete pilot scheme for administrative staff. Agree scheme with relevant trade unions for academic staff. Pilot scheme for academic staff and technical staff. Training for Heads of Departments and staff. October 2003 Y Completed as per 2nd Progress report Apr 04 Y Completed as per 2nd Progress report Jan 04 Y Completed as per 2nd Progress report Sep 04 Y Agreement has been reached. Oct 04 Y Dec 04 Y Final document being circulated to faculties for approval. Training provider identified - meeting with senior managers are organised to outline the scheme appropriate to the various target groups and training dates to be agreed 7. Implementation of scheme across the University. Jan 05 Ongoing Schemes for the relevant staff have been agreed and are being implemented. Training is ongoing and circa 100 staff, will have received training by July. A further 700 will be scheduled in the coming months. To date, there has been full co-operation with the schemes. 8. Review of promotion and probationary procedures. Sep 04 Ongoing A review of the Promotion Procedure for Senior University Administrators had been agreed with the HAY Group. There were many meetings held in order to reach agreement. The Parallel benchmarking process has delayed the roll out of Performance Appraisal to the groups involved. It is envisaged that this will progress when Action plans are completed. The IMLT discussions have also delayed the process. When these are completed this group will then be targeted. The review is currently being conducted. Completed date May 2005. 9. 10. 11. 12 13 14 15. 16 17. Development of scheme for all other categories of staff. Pilot scheme (personal development planning) for all other categories of staff. Apr 04 Ongoing Oct 04 Ongoing Introduction of scheme for all other categories of staff. Agree New Terms of Reference for the Universities Partnership Group Create Partnership Group for Craft Workers in the Buildings Office Devolve Partnership to departments by developing models of best practice. Mar 05 Ongoing Nov 03 Y Following completion of research it will be completed by Dec 2005. Completed as per 2nd Progress report Oct 03 Y Completed as per 2nd Progress report Dec 04 Ongoing Jul 04 Y The Partnership Group arising out of the Partnership Facilitator being Residential Workshop, have set recruited which will help develop themselves an objective of developing a this further. Communication Plan for Partnership across the University. This will involve attending departmental meetings, training and newsletters outlining models of best practice. Notice boards and website communication will also feature as part of this plan. Key Stakeholders are identified through the Partnership Process and are tasked with implementing the action items agreed under Sustaining Progress. For e.g. The Library Subgroups. Completed as per 2nd Progress report Nov 03 Y Completed as per 2nd Progress report Jul 04 Y Completed as per 2nd Progress report Workshop to identify relevant projects for Partnership including inter alia, organisational change issues. Establishment of Joint Working Group on the impact of the Fixed Term Workers Act on staff within the University Residential training weekend to review progress and establish an agenda for the future. A scheme for the general operative grades has to be developed. Pilot Scheme for academic staff to be rolled out by the end of October 2004. It is expected that this will be finalised early in ‘05 Other grades are being researched at present. 18. Development of an Executive Information System (EIS) Apr 04 19. University wide staff acceptance of ongoing changes to financial and related software, and resulting business process reengineering (if applicable) including Accounting, Payroll/HR Student Records/Fees and related systems. Provision of Financial Accounting web page and attendant self-service access to staff and students. Deploy online purchasing in 10 major spending Departments. University wide acceptance of higher levels of data captures to enhance quality of information systems and maximise VFM. Web based self-service system for procurement, expense reimbursement, cheque and bank draft requisitions & invoicing. Self-service access to departmental and research action financial information. Increased levels of interaction and cooperation between offices processing information for payroll and HR systems. Ongoing Y Completed Apr 04 Y Completed as per 2nd Progress report Apr 04 Y Completed Ongoing Y Completed Sep 04 Y Completed Apr 04 Y Completed as per 3rd Progress report Apr 04 Y Completed as per 2nd Progress report 20. 21. 22. 23. 24 25. Ongoing The project is to provide management in the university with key data / metrics spanning all aspects of the university and also covering intervarsity comparisons. Many of the reports are completed and available on the University Intranet. 26. 26.1 27. Implementation of new procedures to manage the quality assurance process, which will set out how quality, is to be achieved. The quality assurance process is the process by which the University ensures that its teaching, research and service delivery are critically evaluated and constantly reviewed and where possible improved. A synopsis of the quality assurance process in NUI, Galway was attached in Appendix I in the first progress report. This of course is an ongoing process. Dec 04 Y Initial discussions have taken place with the relevant stakeholders. Commitment to Implementation of Sept 05 the agreed action plan of the Quality Review Process while ensuring all the relevant stakeholders are consulted fully during and after the reviews. Develop procedures to ensure departments/units set objectives in line with the University’s strategic plans. Ongoing review of organisational units to identify strengths and weaknesses and to improve services to students via the QA process. Dec 04 Y Dec 04 Ongoing 29. Ongoing measurement of services to students via surveys etc. Dec 04 Ongoing 30. Roll out of the University’s academic plan. Ongoing 31. Review of management structure. Dec 04 28. Completed as per 2nd Progress report Y Ongoing Completed as per 2nd Progress report Student Services and Computer Services are being reviewed in 2004. Admissions, Examinations and Student Records will be reviewed in 2005 as well as the James Hardiman Library for the 2nd time. The results of the reviews will be published on the web. The 2nd professionally conducted survey of students satisfaction was carried out in March 2003. A further similar survey is planned for March 2005. Completed as per 2nd Progress report. This will be completed on schedule, according to the Strategic Plan. External assistance has been sought on appropriate models and a framework for looking at the management structure. 32. 33. 34. 35. As part of the Quality Assurance process, evaluate and review stakeholder standards and implement necessary changes to service in response to stakeholder needs while maintaining academic standards (see also initiatives involving organisational changes) Service delivery, performance measures and desired standards will be published as part of the quality reviews for each department as well as annually. Deployment of electronic access to student records in Academic Departments. Extend electronic collection of marks to all Academic Departments. Provide electronic self-service access to students. Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Mar 04 Y Completed as per 3rd Progress report Feb 04 Y Completed as per 3rd Progress report Jun 04 Ongoing Exam Results were available to Students on the web – June 2004. 36. Pilot web based recruitment. Apr 04 Ongoing Held due to resourcing /budget issues. Funding is not available for this initiative 37. Pilot self-service access to HR system. Apr 04 Ongoing 38. Pilot EIS reports for Heads of Departments linking information from Student, Finance & HR systems. Refer to Virtual Learning Environment in paragraph 24.2. Apr 04 Y Will form part of Flexitime project Pilot Q3 2005. Completed as per 3rd Progress report Dec 04 Ongoing Select Estates Management software. Implement electronic maintenance request logging. Dec 04 Apr 04 Y Ongoing 39. 40. 41. Completed as per 3rd Progress report Going live in Buildings Office April 2005. Room booking was implemented. Electronic maintenance request logging (PEMAC System) has been implemented on a limited basis. Exam Results to 95% UG Students on web Targeted July 2005 This element is being considered as part of the overall enhancement of the CoreHr system and will be developed when resources become available. As above. 42. 43. 43.1 43.2 44. Ongoing web development to improve external access to information. Implement a Training and Development Plan for all Staff. Mar 05 Ongoing Oct 03 Y The University will bring forward specific training on supervisory/management issues which appropriate staff will be required to attend. Sept 05 The University will ensure that July 05 & upskilling/retraining will be provided thereafter to staff in the event of organisational change. Promote equal opportunity and widen access to family friendly initiatives Review existing policies. Jan 04 Ongoing Completed as per 2nd Progress report The University has implemented a supervisory management programme. This is an accredited course under the banner of the “Introductory Certificate in Supervisory Development” Initial Discussions have taken place to identify what training may be required.. Specific Leadership Programmes are being developed. The Equality Subcommittee meets regularly. The Equality Subcommittee have introduced an Equality Monitoring Form, which is sent out to all applicants for jobs at NUI, Galway with a view to effective monitoring and statistics. Other initiatives including a Parenting Programme for Staff, which has been very successful. The Anti-Bullying Policy for Students has been agreed by the Equality Subcommittee. Student services committee are considering the document at present following this it will be passed to Governing authority for approval at which point it will be implemented. Completed as per 3rd Progress report The Partnership group are currently reviewing the Career Break Scheme and also Term Time Working policies. 45. 46. Ongoing consultation with Trade Unions. Promote Family Friendly Initiatives. Jan 04 Ongoing Y Ongoing 47. 48. Extension of job sharing. Explore the possibility of term time employment. Ongoing Jul 04 Y Y Completed as per 3rd Progress report Completed Implementation of Term – Time Working in administration areas. Mar 05 Y Completed 48.1 The Equality Web Site has been updated. 48.2 Ongoing Currently under review Consider expansion of Term Time Working to technical and academic areas. Sept 05 Promote opportunities and implement agreed code of practice for the employment of people with disabilities. Review code of practice. Jul 04 Y Completed as per 3rd Progress report 49.1 Begin an audit of disabled access to buildings and facilities March ‘05 Y Some buildings have been audited to date it is expected to complete all buildings as soon as possible. 49.2 Complete a review of policies and Mar ‘06 practices in respect of disabled access to buildings and facilities. 49. As this relates to the audit findings above it will be progressed in line with the above process. 50. 51. 52. 53. Ongoing consultation with Trade Unions. Sign off with Trade Unions. Implementation. Review interview/recruitment techniques. Jul 04 Jul 04 Sep 04 Jul 04 Y Y Y Y 54. Agree new roles for technical staff on foot of agreement on the application of MLT award. Agreement to outsource work and use private contract staff in line with the Procedural Agreement for the use of Private Contractors. Development of promotional scheme for administrative and related staff, which will include a competency, based element, to replace the job evaluation scheme. Jul 04 Ongoing Apr 04 Y Nov 04 In process 56.1 Begin the review of the promotional schemes for academic staff. Sept. ‘05 57. Co-operation with university initiatives to manage its resources in difficult financial circumstances. Ongoing 55. 56. Ongoing Completed as per 3rd Completed as per 3rd Completed as per 3rd Completed as per 3rd Progress report Progress report Progress report Progress report Agreement has been reached with all the trade unions to outsource work in line with the terms and conditions of the Main Trade Makes Good Agreement. Negotiations are being conducted at present in order to finalise agreement on the new scheme. Agreement has not been reached at national level on the application of the MLT award. This issue is directly linked to ongoing negotiations within the parallel benchmarking process. It is expected to conclude these shortly. 58. Reduction of overtime across the University. Dec 03 Y 59. Review of timetabling arrangements to enhance use of Physical Resources. Dec 04 Y 59.1 Begin the review of organisational Sept. ‘05 structures in line with best practice following appropriate consultation. In academic areas, this will be in accordance with the Academic Plan following appropriate consultation. 59.2 Begin the implementation of changes Mar. ‘06 to organisational structures in line with best practice following appropriate consultation. In academic areas, this will be in accordance with the Academic Plan following appropriate consultation. Provide communications equipment Jan 06 as appropriate i.e. mobile phone, pager and radios which staff will be required to use. 59.3 59.4 To establish a Duty Jan 06 Supervisor/Manager roster for monitoring out of hours activities for operational and health & safety reasons. An overtime group has been examining the expenditure and ways of reducing overtime have been identified. Some reduction have been achieved and it is expected that others will follow. A Working Group of the Physical Resources Committee brought forward recommendations regarding the improved use of teaching space. These are being implemented. Discussions are ongoing. Discussions are ongoing. Ongoing Staff roles are being examined where communications equipment may be considered necessary. This will be developed as the Parallel agreements are implemented. Again this issue is directly linked to the Parallel benchmarking process as outlined above. 59.5 To expand the use of web based March 06 technology for internal University business. 59.6 Review of the available facilities and Mar 06 training for staff on web-based technology. Full co-operation with the use of IT Mar 06 systems for generating reports, schedules etc. 59.7 59.8 59.9 60 61. 62. 62.1 63. 64. Requirements have been identified following a needs analysis. Initial discussions are arranged with the main software providers for early May. Resources will be a major issue. Resources will be a limiting factor. Software has been identified. This is linked to Parallel Benchmarking. This is linked to Parallel Benchmarking. Roll out and full implementation of Mar 06 fire detection system installation/maintenance. Begin the review of Fire Marshall Sept 05 training across the University. Introduction of Flexi-time for Administration Staff. Review and implement redeployment agreement for administrative, technical and general operative staff. Changes to opening hours for central services i.e. library. Oct 03 Y Completed as per 2nd Progress report Jul 04 Y Completed for General operative grades during Parallel Benchmarking process. Mar 04 Y Completed as per 3rd Progress report Begin the examination of the means of extending access to facilities & services – including buildings, computer suites & laboratories to students and staff. Sept 05 Provision of central administrative services to students & public on a 9 to 5 basis. Changing shift patterns as appropriate. Apr 04 Y Completed as per 3rd Progress report Oct/Nov 04 Y Completed for General operative grades during Parallel Benchmarking process. The stakeholders are being identified at present. 65. Continued development of team working. 66. Negotiate an agreed code of practice in Jul 04 relation to Terminal Examinations with the relevant Trade Unions. Ongoing Implementation of institutional planning and strategic development: A Strategic Plan and an Academic Plan covering the period 2003 – 2008 have been agreed and are in the process of being implemented. The University Management Team and Údarás na hOllscoile monitor the plan. 67 Nov 04 67.1 Put a plan in place to maintain Mar 06 critical I.C.T platforms on a 24/7 basis. 67.2 Identify the key stakeholders in Sept/ ‘05 relation to the provision and use of I.C.T. platforms. 67.3 Identify the key service requirements Mar 06 in response to needs of stakeholders identified. 68. Provision of formal programmes on Dec 04 teaching and learning methodologies. Development of virtual learning Dec 04 environment and increased use of technologies in support of the core teaching mission and student learning support. 69. Y Y Significant progress has been achieved within the Library. Many of the services will be provided through teamwork, which will enable services to be maintained throughout the day. Other areas have been agreed through the parallel benchmarking process. Completed as per 3rd Progress report Completed as per 2nd Progress report Y I.T. Department are reviewing requirements necessary. Y Completed as per 3rd Progress report Y Completed as per 3rd Progress report 69.1 Further encourage the development of “Blackboard” as a means of providing teaching materials via the net. Ongoing Y This is being further developed within the University. 70. Piloting of “teaching portfolio” process for individual academic staff and Continuing Professional Development (CPD) to encourage reflective practice. Establishment of a forum in the Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching for discussion and review of approaches to teaching and assessment in the light of a virtual learning environment. Dec 04 Y Completed as per 3rd Progress report Dec 04 Y Completed as per 3rd Progress report 71.1 Expand and develop the range of services to staff & students having regard to resource implications for service providers. Ongoing Library will be available on a seven day basis from Sept ‘05 71.2 Review employment patterns of research staff in Department and Research Centres to ensure recruitment & retention of high calibre candidates. Mar 06 Terms and conditions of employment are being reviewed nationally at present. 71.3 Review the terms and conditions of research staff in Department and Research Centres to ensure recruitment & retention of high calibre candidates. Mar. ‘06 71. Statement on Overall Progress in the Institution Commitments, supported by examples, where most progress has been made to date. Expected improvements in the institution resulting from full implementation of specific actions. The Partnership Group The Partnership Group has been in existence for 4 years. The commitment of all its members is evident by the amount of progress that has being made since the last Progress Report. The commitments entered into in the action plan will ensure the development and application of a Partnership approach to implementing the University’s Strategic Plan. The identification of key stakeholders and the need to increase participation and consultation on delivering the action items agreed under Sustaining Progress is allowing Employees the opportunity to “buy into” the change process, reinforcing the message and enabling implementation to be successful. The increased remit of the Partnership Group to accept referrals on dispute/grievance issues is seen as a very positive step for the University and will represent a significant move in the Industrial Relations Culture by moving away from the traditional adversarial approach to one of consensus. In order to develop the partnership model further the University is in the process of recruiting a Partnership Facilitator. There are five key areas being targeted these are Examples include: The Partnership Group have set themselves an action plan to increase the way Partnership is used as a vehicle for change by systematically targeting all departments with a view to increasing awareness on Partnership at work. A Communication Strategy is being devised to include regular Partnership Newsletters. The Revised Terms of Reference demonstrate a commitment to giving employees the option of referring dispute/grievance incidences to the Partnership Group for their comment. It is hoped that as awareness grows on the remit of the Partnership Group, this will result in the reduction of Third Party referrals. The Partnership Group has identified the key stakeholders required to implement the action items agreed under Sustaining Progress. They plan to support these subgroups through facilitation and training. Considerable work has been achieved in the area of widening access to Family Friendly Initiatives through initiatives such as Term Time Leave, extending Job Sharing to other departments and the proposed introduction of Flexible Work Patterns across the University. The Partnership Group meets on a monthly basis and meeting are pre-scheduled right through 2004. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Promotion Facilitation Training Development Advice and support It is envisaged that this post will help to consolidate the partnership process throughout the University. Quality Initiatives The Quality office was established to facilitate the implementation of the Strategic Plan, in particular the achievement of a “total quality culture”. Quality related activities are now a normal part of University life. The commitment to Quality is evident in the scale of evaluation and review that has taken place during 2002/2003 resulting in all of the 55 Departments and 11 interdisciplinary programmes being reviewed and the planned evaluation of 9 departments for review for the second time in 2004. Quality related activities inform Senior Management of the needs of Programmes and Students. They also act to promote improved effectiveness at all levels, identify strategic initiatives, and give recognition to all those who perform exceptionally. The development of an organisational structure that supports recognises and rewards quality initiatives will foster a culture of total quality practice to assure and control the quality of its services and programmes to students, staff and its external publics. These reports/initiatives are available for viewing on the Quality Website: Development of an Executive Information System (EIS) The objective of the EIS Project is to provide management in the university with key data/metrics covering all aspects of the University as well as intervarsity comparisons. The commitment to achieving this is demonstrated in the appointment of a Project Manager, the setting up of an EIS Steering Committee and the involvement of key stakeholders in five working groups to complete the work. The first phase was to supply 30 reports on a secure intranet suite, which is nearing completion. The next two phases involve creating web based dynamic reporting starting with the Admissions area and cover all areas of strategic data. Development of Family Friendly Initiatives Both the Equality Committee and the Partnership Group has been tasked with the development of Family Friendly Initiatives. The Equality Committee has been instrumental in extending the University Job Share Scheme to the Academic Departments. They are in currently in the formalisation stage of this policy document. The Partnership Group is currently working on the Term Time Leave policy document. The University has made a commitment to introduce Term Time Leave where practicalable. A subgroup has being set up to facilitate this and are on target for July 04. The Partnership Group is also working on broadening flexible working to all areas of the University. Meetings have taken place to review the I.T. requirement in light of this. Improved and timely management reports will provide a sound basis for management decisions throughout the University. The development of Family Friendly Initiatives has a two-pronged approach in that it allows employees to have a work/life balance whilst also enabling the University to facilitate the needs of Students and it’s Public to more flexible opening hours in essential services such as the Library and Academic Administration. Training and Development A comprehensive training and development plan is in place for Semester I of academic year 2004/2005, (September 2004 to January 2005) for all staff in NUI Galway. During this period of time 425 members of NUI Galway staff will have availed of training and development opportunities through 32 training programmes, which have been organised by Staff Training & Development in the Human Resources Department. Management Development Training has been targeted and resourced to facilitate the need to equip Managers with the skills to implement Modernisation planning for the University. The training programmes devised for Supervisors and Managers transfer learning on partnership approaches to dealing with issues and conflict. The provision of Training is seen as a vital resource in equipping Staff and Managers with the necessary skills to carry out their duties effectively and with due cognisance to the need to deliver a service that meets the needs of the Customer. Management Development Training has been targeted for Supervisors and Managers to ensure a Partnership Approach to dealing with issues/conflict are specifically covered. Code of Practice in relation to Terminal Examinations. In the case of essential services, additional procedures and safeguards are necessary for the peaceful resolution of disputes and these should be included in the appropriate agreements between employers and trade unions. These services include those whose cessation or interruption could endanger life, or cause major damage to the national economy, or widespread hardship to the Community and particularly: health services, energy supplies, including gas and electricity, water and sewage services, fire, ambulance and rescue services, certain elements of public transport and terminal exams (including those falling at the end of Semesters, if applicable). This list is indicative rather than comprehensive. Detailed consideration of this practice is ongoing. 1. These additional procedures and safeguards should be introduced through consultation and agreement in all services and employments coming within the scope of the above paragraph. The parties should recognise their joint responsibility to resolve disputes in such services and employments without resorting to strikes or other forms of industrial action. 2. The introduction of these additional procedures and safeguards should be accompanied by arrangements for the dissemination and exchange of information relating to various aspects of the life of the undertaking concerned including its relationship with the community, which it serves. Employers should make appropriate arrangements for consultation with the unions through the use of agreed procedures especially where major changes affecting employees’ interests are concerned. 3. Except where other procedures and safeguards have been introduced which ensure the continuity of essential supplies and services, agreements negotiated on a voluntary basis should include one of the following provisions in order to eliminate or reduce any risk to essential supplies and services arising from industrial disputes: a. acceptance by the parties of awards, decisions and recommendations which result from the final stage of the dispute settlement procedures where these include investigation by an independent expert body such as the Labour Court, an agreed arbitration board or tribunal or an independent person appointed by the parties; OR b. a specific undertaking in agreements that, in the event of any one of the parties deciding that an award, decision or recommendation emerging from the final stage of the dispute settlement procedure is unsatisfactory they will agree on the means of resolving the issue without resort to strike or other forms of industrial action, such agreements to include a provision for a review of the case by an agreed recognised body after twelve months, such review to represent a final determination of the issue; OR c. provision that the parties to an agreement would accept awards, decisions or recommendations resulting from the operation of the final stage of the dispute procedure on the basis that an independent review would take place at five-yearly intervals to examine whether the employees covered by the agreement had been placed at any disadvantage as a result of entering into such agreement and if so to advise, having regard to all aspects of the situation, including economic and financial considerations, on the changes necessary to redress the position. REPORT OF PARTNERSHIP COMMITTEE The following is the report of the Partnership Committee following consideration of the above report from the head of the institution. Signed by the Chairperson(s) of the Partnership Committee: Date: • The University is committed to extending and deepening the partnership process, which it believes can deliver on higher performance and a better working environment through consultation and development of co-operative work relationships. • The Partnership Group would like to highlight the lack of external funding to support Partnership in the University Sector. This is extremely problematic particularly when the Health Sector, I.T. and Local Authority have a national framework, which allows funding at a local level as well as designated funding to support Partnership Projects in certain sectors. The Partnership Group believes, that the key to successfully embedding Partnership into the Culture of the University requires dedicated resources to facilitate this process. To do this successfully funding arrangements need to be put in place for all Universities that secure resources for these activities. • The difficulties that have arisen regarding the Parallel Benchmarking process, are due to the payment of the first 75% of the monies due, apparently without the action plans and progress reports being completed within other public sector areas. The trade unions involved sought clarification from their national executives. This delayed progress under some of the action items agreed under Sustaining Progress, having now reached agreement with the Unions involved these matters should progress shortly.