University of Baghdad College of Nursing Department of Basic Medical Sciences Overview of Anatomy and Physioloy –II Second Year Students Asaad Ismail Ahmad , Ph.D. Electrolyte and Mineral Physiology 2012 - 2013 ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY - II Brief Contents 1- Cardiovascular System 2- Blood 3- Lymphatic System 4- Urinary System 5- Male Reproductive System 6- Female Reproductive System 7- Sensory Function Asaad Ismail Ahmad, Ph.D in Electrolyte and Mineral Physiology College of Nursing – University of Baghdad / 2012 – 2013 Text book Martini FH. Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology, 5th ed. Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 2001. References: 1.Barrett KE, Barman SM, Boitano S, Brooks HL. Ganong's Review of Medical Physiology, 23rd ed. McGraw Hill, Boston, 2010. 2.Drake RL, Vogl W, Mitchell AWM. Gray's Anatomy for Students. Elsevier, Philadelphia, 2005. 3.Goldberger ,E. 1975.A Primer of Water Electrolyte and Acid-Base Syndromes. 5th ed., Lea and Febiger ,Philadelphia. 4. Martini, FH and Welch K. Applications Manual Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology,4th ed., Prentice Hall, NewJersey, 1998. 5.Maxwell, MH and Kleeman CR. 1980.Clinical Disorders of Fluid and Electrolyte Metabolism. McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York. 6.McKinley M, and O'Loughlin VD. Human Anatomy, McGraw Hill, Boston, 2006. 7.Nutrition Foundation.1984.Present Knowledge in Nutrition. 5th ed., Nutrition Foundation, Inc , Washington, D.C. 8.Vander A, Sherman J, Luciano D., Human Physiology, 7th ed., McGraw Hill, Boston, 1998. Contents: CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM I- ANATOMY OF THE HEART II- ANATOMY OF BLOOD VESSELS III- PHYSIOLOGY OF THE HEART IV- PHYSIOLOGY BLOOD VESSELS Asaad Ismail Ahmad, Ph.D in Electrolyte and Mineral Physiology College of Nursing – University of Baghdad / 2012 – 2013 THIRD LECTURE Physiology of the Heart 1. Functional Properties of CardiacMuscle 2. Action Potential and Conducting System 3. Cardiac Cycle 4. Electrocardiogram 5. Arrhythmia 6. Cardiodynemic Asaad Ismail Ahmad, Ph.D in Electrolyte and Mineral Physiology College of Nursing – University of Baghdad / 2012 – 2013 PHYSIOLOGY OF HEART AND BLOOD VESSELS Maintaining Blood Flow ( Tissue Perfusion ) Contents: 1- Functional Properties of CardiacMuscle FUNCTIONAL PROPERTIES OF CARDIAC MUSCLE IIIIIIIV- EXCITABILITY CONDUCTIVITY RHYTHMICITY CONTRACTILITY I- EXCITABILITY I- EXCITABILITY Response of the tissue to stimuli, are created and conducted by development action potential ( example of excitable cells are nerve cell and muscle cell) Action Potential of Cardiac Muscle Voltmeter for Measuring Potentials STEPS OF ACTION POTENTIAL IN CARDIAC MUSCLE FIBER 668-669 1- DEPOLARIZATION (Na+ entry) 2- PLATEAU (Ca++ entry) 3- REPOLARIZATION (K+ loss) ACTION POTENTIAL OF CARDIAC MUSCLE 669 Action Potential of Nerve Cell (Neuron) II- CONDUCTIVITY II- CONDUCTIVITY 670-671 Ability of cardiac muscle to transmit electrical signal (impulse) produce by SA node to all cardiac muscle cell by special conducting system CONDUCTING SYSTEM 670 A network of specialized cardiac muscle cells that initiates and distributes electrical impulses STRUCTURES OF CONDUCTING SYSTEM 670 123456- SA node Internodal fiber AV node AV bundle Bundle branches Purkinje fiber RESTING MEMBRANE POTENTIAL 1- Cardiac muscle fiber = - 90 mV 2- SA node = - 60 mV 3- Perkinje fiber = - 95 mV Threshold membrane potential Membrane potential at which an action potential (electrical signal) begins CONDUCTION PATHWAY Sinus nodal action potential is compared with that of a ventricular muscle fiber 670 III- RHYTHMICITY III- RHYTHMICITY Ability of the tissue to produce its own impulses regularly, also called autorhythmicity or self excitation RHYTHMICITY OF DIFFERENT PART OF THE HEART SA node 75 / minute AV node 50 / minute Atrial muscle 50 / minute Ventricular muscle 30 / minute PACEMAKER Cardiac pacemaker is part of the heart which impulses for the heart beat are produced normally. SA node is the cardiac pacemaker where the electrical activity start first. AUTONOMIC INNERVATION OF SA node (PACEMAKER) 684 1- Parasympathetic stimulation releases Acetylcholine which extends repolarization and decrease the rate of spontaneous depolarization. (Slow the heart rate ) 2- Sympathetic stimulation release norepinephrine which shortens repolarization And increased the rate of spontaneous depolarization, as a result, (Increase heart rate ) AUTONOMIC INERVATION OF THE HEART 684 CONTROL of PACEMAKER FUNCTION 685 IMPLANTED PACEMAKERS When there is marked bradycardia in patients implanted pacemaker are useful in patients with sinus node dysfunction, AV block and third-degree heart block. ARTIFICIAL PACEMAKER An electronic cardiac pacemaker that generates an extrinsic electrical impulse, which cause the heart muscle to depolarize and then contract. Its rate is preset regardless of the heart intrinsic activity, it can be either temporary (transcutaneous, transvenous, or epicardial) or implantated IV- CONTRACTILITY Ability of the tissue to contract after receiving a stimulus (action potential). REFRECTORY PERIOD 669 Period in which the muscle does not show any response to stimulus. There are two types of refractory period: a- Absolute refractory period b- Relative refractory period PHYSIOLOGICAL HEART PARAMETERS Normal Range Heart rate (pulse): 60–80 bpm Stroke volume: 60–80 mL/beat Description Generated by the SA node, propagated through the conduction pathway; parasympathetic impulses (vagus nerves) decrease the rate; sympathetic impulses increase the rate The amount of blood pumped by a ventricle in one beat Cardiac output: 5–6 L/min The volume of blood pumped by a ventricle in one minute = stroke volume x pulse Ejection fraction: 60%–70% The percentage of blood within a ventricle that is pumped out per one beat Cardiac reserve: 15 liters or more The difference between resting cardiac out put and maximum cardiac output during exercise ECG ELECTROCARDIOGRAM , Recorded or graphical registration of electrical activities of the heart Echo HEART RATE (PULSE) 668 Number of heart contraction per minute. Both sympathetic and parasympathetic From cardiac plexus innervate SA node And AV nodes, atrial and ventricular muscle cells. CHRONOTROPIC ACTION: Effect on heart rate either a- Tachycardia (+ chro.trop) b- Bradycardia (- chro.trop) CONTROL HEART RATE FACTRS AFFECTING HEART RATE 683 I- AUTONOMIC INNERVATION 1- Sympathetic release NE bind to beta-1 receptor, lead to opening Ca++ influx, Ca++ influx increase rate of depolarization and shortens period of repolarization. SA node reach the threshold more quickly, this result in increase heart rate. 2- Parasympathetic release Ach lead to opening K+ efflex channels which prolonge repolarization and slow spontaneous depolarization, and thise result in decrease heart rate. II- HORMONES 1- Epinephrine 2- Norepinephrine 3- Thyroxine CARDIAC CYCLE 674 One complete heartbeat, include atrial and ventriculars systole and diastole lasting for 0.8 second (800 msec). SYSTOLE: period of cardiac contraction lasting for 0.3 second (300 msec). DIASTOLE: period of cardiac relaxation lasting for 0.5 second (500 msec). HEART SOUND 677 Sound produce during mechanical activity of each cardiac cycle (systole and diastole). These are: LUBB: The first sound due to sudden closure of atrioventricular valves DUPP: The second sound due to sudden closure of semilunar valves in aorta and pulmonary artery CARDIAC MURMUR ABNORMAL HEART SOUND 1- Systolic murmur 2- Diastolic murmur 3- Continuous murmur Contents: 4. Electrocardiogram (ECG) ELECTROCARDIOGRAM “ ECG “ 673 Recorded or graphical registration of electrical activities of the heart (the sum of extracellular electrical activity of all cardiac muscle cells ELECTROCARDIOGRAPH Machine used in ECG ELECTROCARDIOGRAM 673 LEADS IN ECG “electrocardiogram” Lead is a pair of electrodes used in recording changes in electric potential ( action potential) of the heart (electrocardiography) or the brain (electroencephalography). TYPES OF LEAD 1- Lead I (between two arms) 2- Lead II (btween right arm and left leg) 3- Lead III (between left arm and left leg) 4- Leads V 1-6 (over the heart) 5- Others Normal Electrocardiogram (ECG) WAVES, SEGMENT AND INTERVAL OF NORMAL “ECG” P wave : QRS complex : T wave : P-R interval : QRS duration: QT interval : S-T interval : Atrial depolarization Ventricular depolarization Ventricular repolarization Atr.depo. = 0.18 second Ven.depo. = 0.1 second Ven,Elec.Act.=0.4 second Ven.Repo. =0.08 second Basic ECG Assessment Follow these steps for basic electrocardiogram interpretation. 1. Determine ventricular rate. 2. Determine QRS duration and shape. 3. Identify P waves and determine if a P wave precedes every QRS complex. 4. If more than 1 P wave precedes a QRS complex, determine the ratio of P waves to QRS complex (ex., 4:1, 3:1, 2:1). 5. Is P wave shape consistent? 6. Determine atrial rate and rhythm. 7. Determine P-R intervals and if they are consistent. Contents: 5. Arrhythmia CARDIAC ARRHYTHMIA Abnormal or irregular heartbeat CAUSES OF CARDIAC ARRHYTHMIA 1- Electrolyte imbalance 2- Hypoxia 3- Trauma 4- Inflammation 5- Drugs TYPES OF ARRHYTHMIA I- NORMOTROPIC ARRHYTHMIA Abnormality in SA node (the normal cardiac pacemaker) 1- Sinus tachycardia 2- Sinus brady cardia 3- Sinus arrhythmia Continue: TYPES OF ARRHYTHMIA II- ECTOPIC ARRHYTHMIA (ECTOPIC BEATS) In this abnormalities, the cardiac pacemaker is any cardiac tissue other than SA node. 1- Extrasystole 2- Paroxysmal tachycardia 3- Heart block 4- Atrial fibrillation 5- Atrial flutter 6- Ventricular fibrillation ECTOPIC FOCI OF EXCITATION (ECTOPIC BEATS) Normally myocardial cells, his bundle and purkinje system are low spontaneously discharge, becaus the normal pacemaker discharge of SA node is more rapid than their rate of spontaneous discharge. In excited ectopic focus, the abnormal dischrge of cardiac muscle cells and purkinje system occur before the expected next normal beat and transiently interrupts the cardiac rhythm (atrial nodal or ventricular extrasystole or premature beat). If the focus discharges are higher rate than SA node produce ( atrial, ventricular, or nodal paroxysmal tachycardia or atrial flutter) Application of electrical current to the chest to stop ventricular fibrillation CARDIODYNAMICS STROKE VOLUME CARDIAC OUTPUT CARDIAC RESERVE ( productivity of the heart) CARDIODYNAMICS 680 Movements and forces generated during cardiac contraction. End-diastolic volume (EDV): volume of blood in each ventricle at the end of ventricular diastol End-systolic volume (ESV): volume of blood remaining in each ventricle at the end of ventricular systole Stroke volume (SV): volume of blood pumped of each ventricle during single beat, expressed as: SV = EDV - ESV Note: stroke volume is the most important factor in an examination of a single cardiac cycle CARDIAC OUTPUT Blood volume pumped by each ventricle in one minute (ventricular efficiency). CO = SV X HR CARDIAC STROKE HEART OUTPUT VOLUME RATE ml / min. ml / beat beats / min. FACTORS AFFECTING CARDIAC OUTPUT 681 FACTORS AFFECTING CARDIAC OUTPUT 686 FACTORS AFFECTING CARDIAC OUTPUT 681 1234- Autonomic innervation Heart Hormones Rate End-diastolic volume (EDV) Stroke End –systolic volume (ESV) Volume CONDITION INCREASE CARDIAC OUTPUT 1- Fever ( oxidative process ) 2- Anemia ( hypoxia ) 3- Hypothyroidism ( BMR ) CONDITION DECREASED CARDIAC OUTPUT 12345678- Hypothyroidism Atrial fibrilation Coronary stenosis Myocardial infarction (MI) Congestive heart failure Incomplete heart block Shock Hemorrhage ABNORMAL ELECROLYTE DISORDERS AFFECTING CARDIAC OUTPUT 686 12345- Hyperkalemia Hypokalemia Hypercalcemia Hypocalcemia Abnormal body temperature FACTORS AFFECTING STROKE VOLUME “EDV and ESV” 681 Factors affecting EDV 1- Filling time 2- Venous return Factors affecting ESV 1- Preload 2- Contractility of ventricle 3- After load FACTORS INFLUENCE “ESV” 681 Definitions: Preload: degree of stretching experience during ventricular diastole Contractility ( inotropic ): amount of force produced during a contraction at a given preload Afterload: amount of tension (force) the contracting ventricle must produce to force open the semilunar valve and eject blood CARDIAC RESERVE The difference between resting and Maximal cardiac outputs during heavy exercise (increase SV and HR). Heavy exercise can raise CO by 300 – 500 % to 18 – 30 liters / minute. Trained athlets with maximum exercise increase CO by 700 % to 40 liters / minute. FACTORS AFFECTING FORCE OF CONTRACTILITY (INOTROPIC) 1234- Autonomic innervation Hormones Drugs Change in ion concentration in ECF TYPES OF IONTROPICS Positive inotroic 1- Sympathetic stimulation 2- Epinephrine and norepinephrine 3- Thyroid hormones 4- Glucagon 5- Agents stimulate influx of Ca++ into cardiac muscle cells CONTINUE: TYPES OF INOTROPIC Negative inotropic 1- Parasympathetic (Ach) 2- Agents block Ca++ channels ( e.g. verapamil – antiarhythmia ) 3- Drugs block alpha and beta receptors ( drugs used for treat hypertension e.g. propranolol, atenolol, timolol,metoprolol …