WALNUT BEND ELEMENTARY PTO NEWCOMERS HANDBOOK 2012 – 2013 10620 Briar Forest Drive, Houston, TX 77042 713-917-3540 www.walnutbendelementary.com Welcome to Walnut Bend Elementary! The PTO would like to welcome you to our Walnut Bend Family. This booklet was put together to give you some basic information about how things work here at Walnut Bend, and to introduce you to the PTO and the wide variety of activities in which the PTO is involved. Walnut Bend has a long history of dedicated parent volunteers who help to support our school and our wonderful teachers. The booklet includes: Calendar of School Events PTO Officer and Committee Chairs PTO Committees Who, What, When, Where Why and How? Frequently asked questions Other useful sources of information include the Walnut Bend website (www.walnutbendelementary.com), and the HISD website (www.houstonisd.org). The PTO is here to help! If you have any questions after reviewing the material in this booklet, or at any other time during the school year, please feel free to contact any of the PTO officers. We look forward to getting to know you and assisting you and your child. 2012-2013 Walnut Bend Events August 20th -23rd 22th Meet the Teacher & Tool Up Night (5:00 to 7:00) 27nd First Day of School Parent Coffee September 3rd Labor Day No School 5th PK-1st Orientation (6:00) 6th 2nd-5th Orientation (6:00) 10th First PTO Meeting 17th No School 19th SDMC Meeting 28th Family Bingo Night October 17th SDMC Meeting 23rd 4th & 5th Grade Program 24th Early Dismissal (1:05) 19th SDMC Meeting 26th Individual Pictures 29th Turn in Pumpkins for Pumpkin Contest 31st Character Parade November 10th Fall Festival (11:00 to 2:00) 12th PTO Meeting (6:30) 14th Early Dismissal 21st-23rd Thanksgiving Holiday 28th SDMC Meeting December 7th Santa Pictures 18th 2nd-3rd Grade Program 19th SDMC Meeting 20th PTO Christmas Teacher Luncheon 21st Class Parties 24th Winter Break Begins January 8th School Begins 14th PTO Meeting (6:30) 21st No School 23rd SDMC Meeting 30th Early Dismissal February 8th Class Pictures 19th- 22nd Book Fair 19th K- 1st Program 21st Reading Night 20th Early Dismissal 1:05 27th SDMC Meeting March 4th PTO Meeting (6:30) 11th-15th Spring Break 20th SDMC Meeting 29th No school April 2nd STAAR Testing (4th & 5th Grade) 3rd STAAR Testing (4th & 5th Grade) 17h SDMC Meeting 23rd STAAR Testing (3rd & 4th Grade) 24th STAAR Testing (3rd, 4th & 5th Grades) May 6th- 10th Teacher Appreciation Week 10th Teacher luncheon 13th PTO Meeting 23rd Environmental Science Expo 27th Memorial Day No School June 6th Last Day of School PTO Board and Committee Chairs PTO Board President: Jennifer Marlowe 832-837-9176 st 1 Vice President: Kay Schneider 713-532-6432 nd 2 Vice President: Amy Vogel 713-705-0927 Treasurer: Penny Blair 281-831-5250 Corresponding Secretary: Helena Epps 281-799-9653 Recording Secretary: Kristen Berglund 713-398-8947 Parliamentarian: Janice Anderson jennmarlowe@hotmail.com schneide.mark@sbcglobal.net amysvogel@hotmail.com penny@kenblair.com devocean2@hotmail.com kristen_berglund@att.net Janice_anderson@yahoo.com Committee Chairs Book Fair Chair: Melissa Berry Box Tops Chair: Melissa Berry 713-898-5896 mberry96@hotmail.com 713-898-5896 mberry96@hotmail.com Copy Club Chair: Open Fall Festival Chairs: Toni Niece (donations) Kay Schneider (games) Kristen Berglund (publicity) Jennifer Marlowe (volunteers) Family Bingo Night Chairs: Karen Wallace Fundraising Chair: Toni Niece 281-435-5963 tniece@sbcglobal.net schneide.mark@sbcglobal.net kristen_berglund@att.net jennmarlowe@hotmail.com kdewallace@yahoo.com tniece@sbcglobal.net Grade Level Chairs Chair Overseer: Kristen Berglund 713-398-8947 kristen_berglund@att.net Kindergarten 1. Melissa Berry 713-898-5896 mberry96@hotmail.com First Grade 1. Kristen Berglund 2. Jennifer Marlowe 713-398-8947 832-837-9176 kristen_berglund@att.net Jennmarlowe@hotmail.com Second Grade 1. Karen Wallace 281-435-5963 kdewallace@yahoo.com Third Grade 1. Amy Vogel 713-705-0927 amysvogel@hotmail.com 281-799-9653 713-725-2499 devocean2@hotmail.com dmgbrown@gmail.com 713-532-6432 schneide.mark@sbcglobal.net Pre K (Open) Fourth Grade 1. Helena Epps 2. Diana Brown Fifth Grade 1. Kay Schneider Hospitality Back to School Breakfast Melissa Sale Holiday Teacher Luncheon Christina Filkins 832-272-8863 Teacher Appreciation Week Kay Schneider 713-532-6432 Publicity Chair: Jennifer Marlowe School Store Chair: Liz Beal 832-837-9176 mlsale@sbcglobal.net cfilkinsmay2000@hotmail.com schneide.mark@sbcglobal.net jennmarlowe@hotmail.com lizbeal@hotmail.com Tool Up Chair: Janice Anderson janice_anderson@yahoo.com PTO Standing Committees Committee Fall Festival Purpose A fall festival is held in November. It is one of our bigger fundraisers. Lots of volunteers are needed to help work the different booths and carnival games. The committee also works to solicit area businesses for donations and underwriting of the event. Book Fair The annual Book Fair promotes reading and enriches the library and classrooms through book donations and funds raised through book sales. Volunteers are needed for set-up and closing, as well as to work shifts throughout the Fair. Box Tops for Funds are raised by redeeming “box top” coupons from Education certain products. Also, Walnut Bend can be specified as the beneficiary of purchase credits from certain on-line retailers. Grade Level The Grade-Level chair is responsible for coordinating certain Chairs classroom and school events. The Grade-Level chair -Pre K coordinates the two class parties (winter holiday party and -Kindergarden end of the year party). The grade level chair helps coordinate st -1 grade classroom help as needed for the grade level teachers and -2nd grade finds volunteers to watch the classrooms during the teacher rd -3 grade holiday luncheon and teacher appreciation luncheon. The -4th grade grade level chair is responsible for sending out all th -5 grade correspondence to the parents for their grade level. Finally, the grade level chairs for Pre-K, K, 1st and 2nd grades are responsible for coordinating the stuffing of Wednesday folders each week (Wednesday folders contain informational material for parents from teachers, school administration, PTO and HISD). Hospitality The committee is responsible for coordinating PTOsponsored teacher breakfasts and luncheons, as well as teacher appreciation week. The committee provides decorations and refreshments for PTO functions and events as determined by the executive committee. Volunteers are needed to provide food, to set up for events, and to serve as hosts/hostesses. Product Sales The product sales fundraiser is a major PTO fundraiser. Fundraiser Students sell products (cookie dough, wrapping paper, etc) with a percentage of the total product being rebated to the PTO. Volunteers are needed to assist with distributing fundraiser information to students, collecting and proofing order forms, and distributing filled orders to students. Publicity School Store Fundraising Committee Tool Up Xeroxing/Teacher Resources Web Site Write and distribute stories and/or photos about Walnut Bend or its students to area publications (newspapers, neighborhood newsletters, etc.) Volunteers are need to develop and help distribute appropriate articles. Students can buy school supplies, Walnut Bend T-shirts and other school merchandise at the school store. The school store is open before the end of school on Fridays and during school wide events. The fundraising committee will assist in developing partnerships with area businesses. Solicit donations for various PTO events. Manage the publicising and coordination of “Walnut Bend” nights at area resturants . Tool –Up occurs during the week before the start of the new school year. The PTO arranges for the easy purchase of school supplies for students in all grades. Parents can purchase the required supplies and have them delivered to their student’s homeroom during the first week of school. Volunteers are needed to staff the various tables at Tool-Up and assist with the distribution of supplies to the classroom. Assist teachers with Xeroxing of classroom materials and preparation of other miscellaneous teaching items, to allow teachers more time to concentrate on lesson planning. Volunteers are needed to work shifts each school day. Maintain the PTO page on the Walnut Bend school website. The Who, What, When, Where, Why and How of Walnut Bend... Answers to some of the most often-asked questions of Walnut Bend parents. For additional not answered here, please contact the school office, your Grade Level Chair or any of the PTO Board Members. Who …do I contact if my child is having a problem at school? Generally, your first contact should always be your child’s teacher. Call or email your child’s teacher when the problem initially arises. Your call or email will be returned as soon as possible. In addition, Walnut Bend has a very concerned administrative staff that may also be contacted, as well access to numerous other specialists. For problems that are not as serious, it may be appropriate to simply write a note to the teacher in your child’s Agenda Book. ...do I contact if I have a question about a class party or special event? Contact the grade level chair. They coordinate the class parties and special events for the grade level. …do I contact if my child has an after-school activity? Send a note to your child’s teacher (via the Agenda Book) if your child is going home with a friend or participating in an after-school activity that requires a change in their daily routine. The child’s teacher must be notified by 2 PM any day there is a change in the normal after-school routine. What … is Tool Up? The week before the start of school, PTO conducts “Tool Up” an opportunity for parents and students to get ready for the start of school. Students can purchase all the required school supplies for their respective grade level in convenient pre-packaged bundle and have the school supplies delivered to their homerooms on the first day of school. Parents can also obtain car pool numbers. Tool up is a great opportunity for you and your child to take care of many necessary tasks associated with the beginning of school. This year Tool Up will be held on: Monday August 20th 9:00 to 12:00 Tuesday August 21st 9:00 to 12:00 Wednesday August 22nd 5:00 to 7:00 Thursday August 23rd 9:00 to 12:00 …Clothing and Supplies will my child need to start the school year? Your child’s Agenda book has a section in the front that outlines the dress code for all students. A Walnut Bend T-shirt for field trips and spirit days is very popular. Almost all students utilize a backpack-it should be large enough to hold weekly folders, a lunchbox, and a few library books. If classroom supplies were not purchased through the PTO at Tool-Up, a list of needed supplies is available from the office and on the schools website. …is the Agenda Book? The PTO supplies every child at Walnut Bend with an Agenda Book. It is a valuable information resource, and you should take time to become familiar with it. In the front of the Agenda Book is a section with information on school policies and procedures. There is also a school calendar, with a detailed listing of school functions and events. The bulk of the agenda book consists of a day-by-day organizer. Students use the Agenda Book to record their daily homework assignments. Teachers send notes to parents via the Agenda Book, and vice-versa. It is good to get in the habit of checking your child’s Agenda Book each and every day. Many teachers request that the parents initial the Agenda Book each day to ensure necessary communication is occurring. …time does school start and end? The first bell rings at 7:25 am, and all students are expected to be seated in their classroom by the time of the tardy bell at 7:35 am. Students arriving after the tardy bell must report to the Main Office and receive a tardy slip. After the third tardy slip, the parents will be contacted to try to remedy the late arrivals. After six tardy slips, the student will be assigned after-school detention. The dismissal bell at the end of the day rings at 2:45pm. … is Eagle’s Nest? Walnut Bend Elementary Eagle’s Nest is an after-school program (until as late as 6:00pm) that provides a safe, fun, and well-supervised environment where a variety of activities enhance each student’s academic performance, increase self esteem, promote healthy lifestyle choices. Academics are reinforced through study hall and assistance with homework. Enrichment classes in dance, science, art and sports will be offered at an additional cost. Space in Eagle’s Nest is limited sign up will be held at tool up. …events at the beginning of the school year are the most important for parent to attend? There are three key events during the first month of school. The first is Tool-Up, which occurs the week before school starts (see FAQ above). This year, on Wednesday , August 22nd , all students are invited to a Popsicle Party during the evening session of Tool-Up, from 5:30 to 7:30 pm. During the social, parents and students will have an opportunity to tour the new school building and familiarize themselves with the school. The second event is Orientation Night for your child’s grade. Orientation Night will be on September 5th for Pre-K-1, September 6th for 2nd -5th grades. This is an excellent opportunity for your to meet your child’s teacher, for you to learn a bit about what your child will be doing and learning during the school year, and for your to ask any questions you have of your child’s teacher or of the school’s administrators. The third event is the PTO general meeting on September 10th at 6:30. This meeting is an opportunity for you to meet the members of the PTO, to hear the PTO’s plans for the school year, and to learn about volunteer opportunities within the PTO. The PTO plays an important role in improving the educational experience for all the children at Walnut Bend, and our goal is to have as many parents as possible working toward that goal. These are the most important events that parents should try to attend. There may be others for your child’s class or grade level. Notices for other events will come home in your child’s Wednesday folder. ...is the Wednesday folder? Each Wednesday, your child will bring home a special folder. It may contain notices from the teacher, the grade-level chair, the school administration, PTO, and/or the school district (HISD). Be sure to check your child’s Wednesday folder each week, to be sure that you do not miss out on important information. …is the Nature Center The Nature Center is Walnut Bend Elementary School’s outdoor classroom. Along with teaching about growing plants for food in our vegetable garden, teachers can expand on the lessons taught in the classroom in many subjects, including writing and social studies. The Nature Center runs on donations of money and labor. We have volunteer workdays for the community to come out and help. Keep an eye out for notices! Be a part of making something fun and beautiful! …does joining the PTO involve? It’s simple and painless! All you have to do is sign up, either at ToolUp, returning the forms that are sent home at the beginning of the year in the Wednesday folder, or any time during the school year (just contact any PTO officer), and pay your annual dues ($10 per family). Joining the PTO is important, as it shows that you support the PTO’s efforts to work with the teachers and administration to make Walnut Bend the best school it can be. Once you’ve joined the PTO, your level of involvement in PTO activities is entirely up to you. Some parents have more free time, and are very heavily involved in multiple PTO committees and activities. We love them! Other parents have less free time, and we’ll see them mainly at school functions. We love them, too! The important thing is to join the PTO. We need everyone’s support! …are the most important “Don’t Miss” activities with my child? There are many activities to share with your child during the year. Your child’s teacher will notify you of specific classroom and grade-level activities throughout the year. Ask the teacher to tell you which events are important for a parent or close family friend to attend. The school weekly newsletter will also provide information on upcoming events. …should I do if my child requires medication during the school day? HISD policy states: “School personnel are NOT to administer medical treatment or medication, including over-the-counter drugs”. If your child is on a short-term medication, such as an antibiotic, please schedule the dosages so that your child receives a morning dose at home and the remaining dose(s) when s/he returns home from school in the afternoon. Please cooperate with the school by following the above guidelines. The health and safety of your child(ren) are our prime concern. Prescription medication can be administered at school only when advance written parental and physician permission is on file. HISD Form #40.3740, which is available from the school nurse, must be signed and on filed before any long-term medication may be given. Only personnel designated by the principal may administer prescribed medication to a student during the school day. For additional information, please contact the school nurse. ..should I do in case of severe weather? In the event of weather so severe that there is a possibility that schools may be closed, parents are asked to stay tuned to the radio or television for updates from HISD administration. In addition, Walnut Bend can automatically send out a recorded telephone message to all parents. (For this, and many other reasons, it is important that the school have an up-todate phone number for each student.) You may also call the HISD weather hotline at 713-267-1704. Parents are asked to please NOT call the school. If the school is to be closed, the decision and announcement will be made prior to 6:30 am. The school is not authorized to dismiss school early unless so directed by HISD administration. When …can my child celebrate his/her birthday? Many parents arrange for a celebration of their child’s birthday at school. A small celebration within the classroom or playground is allowed, but must take place after the final lunch period of the day. Parents may bring an appropriate snack or treat (cupcakes, cookies, ice cream, etc are OK, but candy is not permitted, due to HISD’s policy on healthy food consumption at school). Check with your child’s teacher a week or so in advance to arrange for an appropriate time and place (and to learn of any classmates with food allergies or other dietary constraints). …can I have lunch with my child? Parents are welcome to eat lunch with their child any day. Be sure to sign in at the school office and get a visitor’s nametag before meeting your child in the school cafeteria at the designated lunch time. If the weather is cooperative, parents can take their child (plus one additional classmate) outside to eat on the picnic tables at the outside entrance to the cafeteria. (Note: Food purchased at a restaurant, for example, McDonald’s cannot be brought into the cafeteria. It may be eaten outside at the picnic tables.) Since lunch time is relatively brief, parents are asked to not take their child off campus for lunch. ***Please note, a driver’s license or official identification card is required by each adult visitor to enter the school. This card will be scanned and reviewed by the Main Office to create an identification badge for each visitor.*** Where …is Walnut Bend’s website? The school website address is: www.walnutbendelementary.com The website is a great starting point for other questions you may have. We are continually adding more information to the website so be sure to check it periodically. If there is additional information you would like to see posted on the website, please let our website coordinator know. …can I purchase school supplies and school t-shirts? The Walnut Bend School Store will be open one morning and one afternoon weekly for making purchases of school supplies, spirit shirts, and other spirit novelties. The school store is sponsored by the PTO and run by volunteers along with 5th grade students managing store operations. How … will my child’s teacher communicate with me? Your child’s teacher will send home important information and homework with your child via the Wednesday folder and the homework folder, respectively. If your child’s teacher wants to schedule a conference or has a question for your, he/she may call your or write a note in your child’s Agenda Book. If you have a question for the teacher you may also write a note in the Agenda Book. …can I set up a conference with my child’s teacher? To request a conference, write a note in your child’s Agenda Book, email your child’s teacher, or leave a phone message at the school office. The teacher will get back with you to set up a time you can both meet (generally either during the teacher’s planning period, or after school.) Please understand that car pool times and class events are not conference times. Scheduled conferences take place twice each year. …does my child purchase a school lunch? Students may either bring money each day they wish to purchase a school lunch, or you can pre-pay your child’s lunch online at www.parentonline.net . You will need your child’s student ID to register but once you have signed up you can put as much money as you like in their account. You can monitor the choices they are making in the cafeteria as well as have the website send you a reminder when their account balance is low. For the 2012-2013 school year, breakfasts are free for every student. Lunches are $2.25 regular price or $0.40 for reduced price. Your child can also purchase additional items such as ice cream, chips, drinks etc. which range from $0.25 - $1.75. …are field lessons handled? Field lesson permission slips will come home in your child’s weekly folder, usually two to three weeks in advance of the field lesson. All students are transported on HISD school buses. Parents are encouraged to assist in chaperoning field lessons. You can sign up to be a chaperone using your child’s permission slip for the field lesson. Prior to chaperoning, parents must complete a background check and be approved. The background check form can be picked up at the school office or on this HISD website (www.hisd.org). The completed form and documentation should be turned into the school office. Teachers will receive a list of approved chaperones. …do I get my child’s birthday announced on the marquee? The general sign-up occurs as part of the during the September Family Bingo Night and parents contribute $15 to have their child’s name announced on the school marquee on the week of their birthday. If you don’t make it to family fun night, you can send a note with your child’s birth date, accompanied by $15, to school or drop it off at the front desk. You should make the request at least two weeks prior to your child’s birthday. …do I volunteer for a PTO activity? If you see a particular PTO committee or activity that you would be interested in volunteering for, we would love to have you! We really, really need more people to help with the activities that we have committed to support for 2012 – 2013. The simplest way to get involved is to call or e-mail any of the PTO officers. The time commitment required for our many volunteer opportunities spans a wide range (anywhere from an hour or two a week, to an hour every other week, to a couple of hours once every month or two), so hopefully you can find something that works for you. The folks in the PTO are really pretty friendly, and we have a lot of fun with all the activities we’re involved with for the school. …are teacher gifts handled? Teacher gifts from individual students generally are given before the December holidays and/or at the end of the school year. Each family has its own unique way of giving – some children make their own gifts or bake something. Others may purchase a gift. How or what you or your child do is up to you. …do I keep up with all the information that comes home from school? First off, parents are strongly encouraged to read all the information that comes home from school. Your child’s teacher, the school office, the Principal, and HISD will all be sending home information for you to read and/or forms for you to complete at various times during the school year. The best way to stay on top of your child’s education is to be familiar with what is happening at school. Having said that, here are three suggestions for keeping up with all the paperwork. Keep a school calendar in a convenient location in your house so you can readily see what events and activities are upcoming. Since most information comes home in the Wednesday folder, try to set aside 15 minutes on Wednesday evening to go through everything. Keep a separate folder, notebook or file for information pertaining to each child.