ECE 634—C OMPUTATIONAL S ENSING : S PECTROSCOPY S PRING 2011 C OURSE S YLLABUS C OURSE D ESCRIPTION Recent years have seen the growth of computational sensing—sensor system design that assumes full integration of computational processing into sensor operation. The result is sensor system with capabilities that are not possible with traditional methods. This course looks at this design mindset as it is applied to the sensing modality of spectroscopy. Optical spectroscopy (spectroscopy utilizing wavelengths from UV through IR), is an important sensing modality for chemical/material detection and identification because the relevant wavelengths are those that directly interact with the electronic and molecular structure of matter—thereby providing important information about the constituents of a sample. There has been tremendous growth in this area, particularly for medical and security applications. Unfortunately, the nature of spectroscopic signatures (manifestly non-negative, strength variations of many orders of magnitude, etc.) make the problem of extracting information from the measured spectrum especially challenging, and requires a highly-integrated approach. This course is designed to provide exactly such an integrated view of the topic at the advanced graduate level. The first half of the course covers spectroscopic fundamentals and traditional spectrometer designs, while the second half looks at how signal processing/communication concepts (eg. channel coding) can be integrated into the design process to produce computational spectrometers as well as how specific detection/estimation techniques can be incorporated into the system design or used post-measurement to extract information from the spectra. C OURSE P REREQUISITES There are no specific course pre-requisites, however, the course assumes a solid understanding of linear system theory (eg. ECE 501), random processes (eg. ECE 503), and introductory optics (eg. ECE 559) at the graduate level. L OCATION AND T IME Chavez 316 m 3:30–6:00pm I NSTRUCTOR Dr. Michael Gehm, Assistant Professor of ece Office: ece 556f Phone: 626-1120 Email: ECE 634, Computational Sensing: Spectroscopy Spring 2011 Course Syllabus O FFICE H OURS To Be Determined. C OURSE W EBSITE∼gehm/634 R EQUIRED T EXTS None. The course will utilize instructor prepared notes and readings from the published literature (available through the UA library). ATTENDANCE P OLICY Attendance during lectures is at your discretion. However, habitual absentees will be shown absolutely no leniency with regard to grading, late homework, etc. Attendance during examinations is mandatory and no make-up examinations will be given unless prior arrangements are made with the instructor. AUDIT P OLICY Students are welcome to audit the course. However, an audit is intended to be a good faith effort by the student to learn the material, albeit one without the pressure of a grade. To this end, a successful audit requires regular course attendance and good faith efforts on the homework assignments (no exams or project). If you have any questions about this policy, please see the instructor. ACADEMIC H ONESTY Your work in this course will consist of a mix of individual and group work, as described in sections below. You are expected to conduct yourself in accordance with the University Code of Academic Integrity at all times. Cases of academic dishonesty will be treated extremely harshly. H OMEWORK P OLICY Homework assignments will be due at the start of class one week after the assignment was given. On each assignment, one problem will be randomly selected and graded. Solutions to the entire problem set will be made available. Late homework will be penalized at the instructor’s discretion. Each homework assignment will consist of a small number of problems designed to test (and improve!) your conceptual understanding of the material as well as your ability to apply the material in real situations. While you are encouraged to discuss the problems with others in the class, you are expected to work-out and write-out your own solutions. Use of solutions from prior semesters or solution manuals is strictly prohibited. P ROJECT In the latter half of the course you will be assigned a group project that requires you to apply the knowledge you have gained to real-world problems. More information about the project will be provided later. 2 ECE 634, Computational Sensing: Spectroscopy Spring 2011 Course Syllabus C ASE S TUDIES We will occasionally look at journal publications relevant to our topics. When an article is assigned, everyone is responsible for reading the article and coming to class ready to discuss the work. In addition, a group will be assigned to provide a short (10-15 minute) presentation on the article, describing the work and presenting the strengths and weaknesses of the work. G RADING There are no midterm or final examinations in this course. Your grade will be solely determined by your performance on the homework and project, and your participation in class and the case studies. The final course grade will be reported via standard letter grades. Percentage scores are assigned to each grade component and combined in the proportions indicated below. The assignment of regular (letter) grades based on the final percentage scores is based on a combination of absolute and relative performance, taking into account the effective difficulty of the various assignments (which is only known fully ex post facto). Homework Project Class participation and case studies 35% 35% 30% C OURSE O UTLINE Below is an approximate outline of the course. This will likely change dynamically as we proceed through the semester. Week 1/24 1/31 2/7 2/14 2/21 2/28 3/7 3/14 3/21 3/28 4/4 4/11 4/18 4/25 5/2 Topic Fundamentals of E&M/optics review Electronic structure of matter, Light-matter interaction Light-matter interaction, Types of spectroscopy Types of spectroscopy, traditional spectroscopic designs Traditional spectroscopic designs Traditional spectroscopic designs, computational sensing principles Design of computational spectrometers SPRING BREAK!! Design of computational spectrometers Design case studies Design case studies Spectroscopic detection and estimation techniques Spectroscopic detection and estimation techniques Project presentations Project presentations 3 Comments No class