Glossary – Chapter 7


Glossary – Chapter 7

Checkpoint reviews – Meetings held at the conclusion of each project phase to determine if the rest of the project should be completed or if modifications to the project are required

Conceptual integrity – Consistent theme focusing on intended functionality in a software program

Constructive cost model (COCOMO) – Software project estimation method based on a nonlinear regression against lines of code

Critical activity – Activity with zero scheduling slack

Critical path – Chain of activities with zero slack that must be completed on time in order for the project to meet its scheduled completion time

Critical path method – Project scheduling methodology for determining optimal activity schedule with respect to time

Detail task list – Listing of work packages that briefly describes the work to be done

Function point (FP) analysis method – Sofware project estimation method base on the functions the software is designed to accomplish

Lines of code (LOC) – Software project estimation method based on extrapolation from the estimated lines of code required

Milestone – Distinct event signifying completion of a blck of tasks

Organization chart – Hierachical sketch of reporting relationships among the people in an organization

Planning process – Information systems project management procedure consisting of steps that systematically establish work activities, schedules, budgets, and control mechanisms

Program – Software code that functions for its author

Programming product – Software code that others can use

Programming system – Software code that is marketable

Programming system products – Advanced marketable codes that have been established over time

Responsibility matrix – Chart identifying the individuals responsible for project tasks

Slack – Extra time that is available for accomplishing a specific task later than the time scheduled but still allows the project to be completed on schedule

Statement of work – Document describing what a system is to do in terms of functionality

Status review meetings – Meetings held to update project participants about project status, as well as to gather cost, qualtiy, and time information

Surgical team – Software project team consisting of a small number of specialists who focus on supporting the activities of the chief system developer

Work breakdown structure – Hierarchical chart of the tasks required to accomplish a project
