MUSEUM STUDENT NAME (Advanced Experience)

MUSEUM STUDENT NAME (Advanced Experience) | 123-456-7890 | Brandeis University, 415 South Street, Waltham, MA 02454
Brandeis University, Waltham, MA
Bachelor of Arts in Fine Arts (Art History) and Women’s and Gender Studies
Minor in Psychology
GPA: 3.6, Dean’s List
Expected May 2015
Relevant Courses: Art and the Origins of Europe; 20th Century American Art; Buddhist Art; History of Modern
Sculpture: Statue, Structure, and Site; The Literature of the Caribbean; Human Memory; Visual Cognition
CET Intensive Language and Cultural Studies, Catania, Sicily Italy
Jun-Jul 2014
Hiatt Career Center World of Work (WOW) Grant to pursue unpaid summer internship, 2012
New York State Scholarship for Collegiate Study in the Arts, 2011
The Gilmore Gallery, Boston, MA
Sales Associate
• Greet and orient visitors; respond to inquiries concerning represented artists and their works
• Gather data and photographs for show brochures and gallery website
Aug 2014-present
Museum of European Art, Citytown, CO
May-Aug 2013
Curatorial Assistant
• Researched and wrote three entries in catalogue on 18th c. French Impressionism for upcoming exhibition
• Installed special display of British furniture for museum’s centennial celebration
• Wrote and presented “Spotlight” tours on individual objects; led tours of European galleries for young visitors
• Catalogued new acquisitions, observed packing of objects for loans to other museums
Waltham Public Library, Waltham, MA
Sep-Dec 2012
Archives Assistant
• Filed, recorded and provided routine storage care for over 10,000 town deeds, prints, drawings and maps
Museum of Women Artists, Cleveland, OH
May-Aug 2012
Collections Intern
• Maintained TMS database to track object locations in museum during extensive storage reconfiguration project
• Practiced safe collection handling techniques for fragile objects made of wood, fabric, ceramic and metal
• Assisted collections manager to install exhibition of over 50 art works, including sculpture and paintings
Spingold Theater, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA
Box Office Associate
• Manage e-mail, phone and direct ticket sales for theater’s performances
Department of Psychology, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA
Research Assistant to Prof. Maria Smith
• Located and analyzed scientific papers on the web related to schizophrenia for forthcoming book
Language: Italian (fluent), Spanish (intermediate), Hebrew (conversational)
Computer: Microsoft Word, TMS, Dreamweaver, PowerPoint, Excel, Lotus
Sep 2013-present
Sep-Dec 2012