October 15, 1998 / Vol. 23, No. 20 / OPTICS LETTERS 1579 Circular solitons do not exist in photorefractive media M. Saffman Optics and F luid Dynamics Department, Risø National Laboratory, Postbox 49, DK-4000 Roskilde, Denmark A. A. Zozulya Department of Physics, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, 100 Institute Road, Worcester, Massachusetts 01609-2280 Received March 26, 1998 The shape of two-dimensional solitary beams propagating in photorefractive media with an externally applied f ield is studied. The analytical results indicate that, for both focusing and defocusing nonlinearities, radially symmetric self-channeled beams do not exist. Some recent experiments are interpreted in light of the present results. 1998 Optical Society of America OCIS codes: 160.5320, 190.5330. The current interest in the properties of photorefractive spatial solitons was initiated by the suggestion of Segev et al. in 1992 (Ref. 1) that self-channeled, spatially localized beams could be observed in photorefractive media in the presence of a strong, externally applied electric field. As was first pointed out in Ref. 2 and subsequently demonstrated by several groups,3,4 in the case of a single transverse coordinate hs1 1 1-dimensional fs1 1 1dDg propagationj the photorefractive response is formally equivalent to a saturable Kerr nonlinearity5: dn , jBj2 ys1 1 jBj2 d, where dn is the nonlinear increment to the refractive index and B is the slowly varying envelope of the optical field. The s1 1 1dD spatial solitons have been observed for both focusing and defocusing nonlinearities.2,6 By contrast, the physics of three-dimensional hs2 1 1d-dimensional fs2 1 1dDgj beam propagation in photorefractive media are remarkably different from those observed in Kerr or saturable Kerr media that are describable by an isotropic and local nonlinearity. Analytical, numerical, and experimental studies4,7 – 13 have revealed phenomena that are due to the strong anisotropy of the photorefractive nonlinearity in the plane transverse to the direction of propagation. In particular, an analytical solution describing a highly elliptical self-channeled beam with characteristic diameter along the y coordinate (perpendicular to the applied field) approximately 1.5 times larger than along the x coordinate (parallel to the applied field) was obtained in the limit of weak saturation of the nonlinearity.10 Numerical calculations showed that s2 1 1dD solitary solutions are strongly elliptical over a wide range of intensities, including the limit of strong saturation, and convergence of a circular input beam to an elliptical prof ile was demonstrated experimentally.10 This elliptical soliton is the analog of the bright circular soliton that exists in s2 1 1dD saturable Kerr-type media. Conversely, for a defocusing nonlinearity, numerical and experimental studies have indicated that localized vortex solitons do not exist in photorefractive media.12 Concurrently, there have been a number of experimental reports of radially symmetric bright14 and dark15,16 solitons in photorefractive media. Furthermore, a recent analysis17 of the same 0146-9592/98/201579-03$15.00/0 three-dimensional model as that used below [see Eqs. (1)] appeared to demonstrate circular solitary solutions. The question of the spatial prof ile of solitary solutions is of central importance in the study of threedimensional propagation effects, and the possible existence of structurally simple, circular s2 1 1dD solitary solutions in photorefractive media is considered here. It was shown in Ref. 4 that time-independent three-dimensional propagation in photorefractive media is described by the equations µ ∂ ≠ ≠f i 2 =2 Bsrd ­ is Bsrd , (1a) ≠z 2 ≠x ≠ (1b) lns1 1 jBj2 d . =2 f 1 =f ? = lns1jBj2 d ­ ≠x Equation (1a) is the parabolic wave equation in the presence of a nonlinear increment to the refractive index proportional to ≠fy≠x. Equation (1b) determines the form of the potential f induced by the optical beam in the presence of an external voltage applied along the x axis or of a photogalvanic current. This form follows immediately from Eq. (3) of Ref. 4 in the diffusionless approximation,18 where kDebye ! `. Depending on the polarity of the external voltage, the factor s is equal to 11 or 21, corresponding to a focusing or a defocusing nonlinearity, respectively. The transverse gradient operator is = ­ x̂s≠y≠xd 1 ŷs≠y≠yd, and f satisf ies the boundary conditions =fsr' ! `d ! 0. We show below that the anisotropy of Eqs. (1) is unavoidable in the sense that circular solitary solutions do not exist for any parameter values. We seek a general soliton solution in the form Bsx, y, zd ­ bsrdexpfiGz 1 icsx, ydg , (2) p where r ­ x2 1 y 2 . Note that the above soliton ansatz has a radially symmetric intensity profile, but no assumptions are made about its phase distribution. Separating real and imaginary parts of Eq. (1a) results in the set of equations b=2 c 1 2s=cd ? s=bd ­ 0 , Gb 1 1 ≠f f2=2 b 1 s=cd2 bg ­ s b. 2 ≠x 1998 Optical Society of America (3a) (3b) 1580 OPTICS LETTERS / Vol. 23, No. 20 / October 15, 1998 For s ­ 11 we seek localized bright soliton solutions satisfying limr!` bsrd ­ 0. It then follows from Eq. (3b) that the propagation constant G . 0 and that the soliton amplitude b has exponentially decaying p asymptotics at infinity, bsr ! `d ~ exps2 2G rd. For s ­ 21 we seek dark soliton solutions with limr!` bsrd ­ bmax , which leads to G ­ 0. Owing to radial symmetry of the soliton amplitude bsrd, Eq. (1b) in cylindrical coordinates sr, ud takes the form =2 f 1 ≠f d d lns1 1 b2 d ­ cossud lns1 1 b2 d . ≠r dr dr (4) The solution of Eq. (4) has the form f ­ cossudhsrd, where h satisf ies the equation ∂ µ d2 h h d 1 dh dh 2 2 1 21 lns1 1 b2 d ­ 0 . 1 2 dr r dr r dr dr (5) The nonlinear refractive index ≠fy≠x has the form µ ∂ µ ∂ ≠f 1 dh h 1 dh h ­ 1 1 2 coss2ud . (6) ≠x 2 dr r 2 dr r The function h in Eq. (5) has asymptotic behavior hsr ! `d ~ 1yr, so the nonlinear refractive index ≠fy≠x has asymptotic form ≠fy≠x ~ 2coss2udyr 2 . From Eq. (3b) we have s=cd2 ­ asrd 1 ss≠fy≠xd , (7) so the angular dependence of c must cancel the term proportional to coss2ud in Eq. (6) to yield a solution. The phase c is determined modulos2pd, so the general solution of Eq. (3a) can be written as X Fl srdcosslu 1 ul d , (8) c ­ mu 1 l.0 where m is an integer and the function Fl satisf ies the equation d2 Fl l2 1 dFl dFl d 2 2 Fl 1 2 ln b ­ 0 . 1 2 dr r dr r dr dr (9) The term with l ­ 0 in Eq. (9) has been discarded, since Z r dr̃ b22 1 const . F0 srd ­ (10) r̃ is divergent for both bright and vortex solitons. In the first case limr!` bsrd ­ 0, and in the second case bsr ­ 0d ­ 0 and limr!` bsrd ­ bmax . Now consider the case of vortex solitons with topological charge m fi 0 [see Eq. (8)]. Asymptotics of two linearly independent solutions for Fl are r 6l for large arguments. Finiteness of the function Fl implies the r 2l asymptotics at infinity. At large distances the leading contribution to the phase gradient =c comes from the mu term in Eq. (8) and has the form =c ­ ef myr, where ef is the azimuthal unit vector. All the other contributions have at least 1yr 2 dependence on the radial coordinate. This means that s=cd2 ~ m2 yr 2 . This contribution cannot cancel the angle-dependent term ≠fy≠x on the right-hand side of Eq. (3b), and this concludes the proof. For bright solitons asymptotics of two linearly independent solutions for Fl for small parguments are r 6l and p for large arguments are exps2 2G rd and s1 1 l2 y2 2G rd. Exponentially growing solutions do not satisfy p Eq. (3b), so we have to require the s1 1 l2 y2 2G rd asymptotics for r ! `. For such asymptotics the main contribution to the phase gradient =c comes from the azimuthal derivative; the radial derivative is 1yr times smaller. Consequently, at large distances s=cd2 ­ r 22 s≠cy≠ud2 . Equation (7) in this limit yields s≠cy≠ud2 ~ bsrd 2 coss2ud. Since s=cd2 $ 0, we should require that b $ 1. If b . 1, then cs2pd fi cs0d, which contradicts the periodicity of the phase with respect to the azimuthal angle u in the absence of topological charge. Hence b ­ 1, which results immediately in c ~ cossud. This shows that only the l ­ 1 term in Eq. (8) can be nonzero. The angledependent part of Eq. (7) then yields µ dF1 dr ∂2 µ 2 F1 r ∂2 ­ h dh 2 dr r (11) for all r. It is easy to show that Eq. (11) cannot be satisf ied for all r. Indeed, for large r the left-hand side is proportional to 1yr 2 1 Os1yr 3 d (see asymptotics for F1 ), whereas the right-hand side is proportional to 1yr 2 plus exponentially small corrections [see Eq. (5)]. This observation concludes the proof. The above proof is valid for any relative intensity of the light beam. Thus, in particular, in the weak saturation limit sb2 ,, 1d circular solitons are not possible, contrary to the claims of Ref. 17. Equations (1) also exclude the possibility of the existence of almost circular solitons. Direct substitution of any circularly symmetric envelope into Eq. (1) shows that the anisotropic part of the nonlinear response is of the same order of magnitude as the isotropic part. Since there is no smallness parameter, a soliton beam (if it exists) must be considerably different from a circular one. These results disagree with the experimental reports given in Ref. 14 of circular solitons for s ­ 1 and in Refs. 15 and 16 for s ­ 21. We have previously explained the apparent observations of bright circular solitons in terms of oscillatory self-focusing in the regime of high saturation sb2 .. 1d.10,11 For s ­ 21 previous numerical analysis of unit-charged vortex beams shows that the vortex core rotates and stretches on propagation, leading to complete delocalization of the core region.12 Together with the stretching, which occurs along a direction at a small angle to the x coordinate, self-focusing and compression of the core region can be observed along the y coordinate. These effects are illustrated in Fig. 1, where we show the evolution of the full width at half-maximum of the core region calculated numerically from Eqs. (1) for an input field of the form 2 dp g, B ­ expsiud f1 2 exps2rywcore dgexpf2sr 2 ywouter with p ­ 7. wcore was chosen to give an input core diameter of 26 mm (FWHM), while wouter was chosen to be suff iciently large that the numerical October 15, 1998 / Vol. 23, No. 20 / OPTICS LETTERS Fig. 1. Evolution of the core of a unit-charged vortex. The diameters were measured along the x (solid curve) and the y (dotted curve) coordinates. The insets show the intensity profiles along x and y in the central portion of the beam s20.3 mm , x, y , 0.3 mmd. results were unaffected by spreading of the outer core sFWHMouter , 2 mmd. The numerical parameters were chosen to correspond to a strontium barium niobate crystal with index of refraction n ­ 2.3, electrooptic coeff icient r33 ­ 340 pmyV, an applied field of 850 V ycm, and normalized intensity jBj2max ­ 0.95. These values are comparable with those reported in Ref. 16. Note that, while the core diameter measured along y is roughly constant, the diameter along x diverges. Additional numerical studies with both larger and smaller input beams show that the diameter along x always diverges. Our analysis and numerical results concerning the propagation of vortex beams are at odds with experimental results given in Refs. 15 and 16 of circular photorefractive vortex solitons. To understand the apparent discrepancy one should recall that the numerical results given in Fig. 1 were obtained with a beam having an idealized, smooth background intensity. By contrast, a striking feature of the intensity prof iles shown in Ref. 16 is that the background beam is strongly modulated with a peak-to-peak amplitude that exceeds 50% of the mean background level. Self-focusing of the vortex core along both x and y coordinates over a finite propagation distance can be observed with nonideal, modulated background prof iles. The asymptotic behavior is, however, always characterized by spreading of the core. Strong background modulation also results in the fact that the input and the output prof iles given in Fig. 1 of Ref. 16 coincide in the center of the core but differ by 50% or more at radial distances comparable with the core diameter. In our opinion, it is not possible to infer the existence of solitary solutions under such conditions. This work was supported by NATO collaborative research grant 970173. The work of M. Saffman was supported by grants 9502764 and 9600852 from the Danish Natural Science Research Council. References 1. M. Segev, B. Crosignani, A. Yariv, and B. Fischer, Phys. Rev. Lett. 68, 923 (1992). 1581 2. M. D. Iturbe-Castillo, P. A. Márquez Aguilar, J. J. Sánchez-Mondragón, S. I. Stepanov, and V. Vysloukh, Appl. Phys. Lett. 64, 408 (1994). 3. M. Segev, G. C. Valley, B. Crosignani, P. Di Porto, and A. Yariv, Phys. Rev. Lett. 73, 3211 (1994); A. A. Zozulya and D. Z. Anderson, Opt. 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