Western Michigan University Place Project Title Here

Western Michigan University
Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering Department
Place Project
Title Here
Your Name
Your Name
Your Name
Prepared for
Dr. Daniel Kujawski
ME 365 Machine Design I
Month, Day,Year
Executive Summary
The executive summary contains a single paragraph description of the paper. This includes the
relevant topics, goals, and outcomes devised when working on the project. Highlight the salient
features of your design.
Table of Contents
Executive Summary ........................................................................................................................ ii
Table of Contents........................................................................................................................... iii
Design Specifications.......................................................................................................... 4
Material Specifications ....................................................................................................... 4
Product Specifications ........................................................................................................ 4
Sketches and Drawings ....................................................................................................... 4
Design Calculations ............................................................................................................ 4
Summary ............................................................................................................................. 5
References....................................................................................................................................... 6
Appendix A..................................................................................................................................... 7
Calculations?................................................................................................................................... 7
Appendix B ..................................................................................................................................... 8
Detailed Computer Program? ......................................................................................................... 8
The table of contents should include the headings of the paper and can be updated by right
clicking on the listing and choosing update field.
1.0 Design Specifications
These are design specifications and constraints you have chosen to meet the requested
Repeat the numbering of headings and subsections, as needed for the topic you are using. This
should start as 1.0, then 1.1, then 1.1.1 as different levels of detail are needed. Break
information into smaller sections as needed to avoid lowering the levels too deep. Also, use the
styles formatting for the different heading types to modify them to Heading 1, Heading 2, etc…
as needed.
Equations should appear in the paper with the following format:
where F is force, P is load, and A is area.
Note the space above and below the equation. Use the tab key to separate the equation from the
equation number. In the further subsections of the paper, the equations will be listed as 1.1 or
4.2 depending on their location in the paper and order in the section (‘section’ period ‘equation
2.0 Material Specifications
While justifying your selection of materials, you should also provide all relevant properties of the
materials chosen in a table.
3.0 Product Specifications
What were the major product specifications you target to meet?
4.0 Sketches and Drawings
Give figure numbers and captions for each sketch and drawing (CAD) in the report. Write a
sentence or two on what you want to highlight in that figure.
5.0 Design Calculations
It is not just giving the calculations. Specify why you did, what you did. (Supporting sketches
and FBDs are important)
6.0 Summary
Two paragraphs, including:
first – what you achieved in this design, and
second – what you couldn’t and what should be done to improve the design:
(1) size,
(2) efficiency/performance,
(3) cost
Cited references as they are listed in same order as they appear in the paper (first citation is the
first reference listed). Samples follow below.
Journal Paper:
1. Burke S. (1994). “Eddy-current inversion in the thin-skin limit: determination of depth
and opening for a long crack”. Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 76, No. 5, pp. 30723080.
2. Dowling, N.E. (1993). Mechanical Behavior of Materials. Prentice-Hall, Englewood
Cliffs, NJ, p. 317.
Technical Report:
3. Harter, J.A. (1999). AFGROW users guide and technical manual. AFRL-VA-WrightPatterson-TR-1999-3016.
Conference Proceedings:
4. Paris, P.C., Tada, H., Donald, J.K. (1998). “Service load fatigue damage.” In:
Proceedings of Fatigue Damage of Structural Materials II, 7-11 September, Cape Cod,
Appendix A
A different appendix is listed for each portion of the project (i.e. the program code, the
calculations, the setup details, schematics, test data, and additional tables of results). These
should be detailed enough that your work can be readily recreated.
Note each appendix has a title page as shown and then following the title page is the information
contained in that appendix.
Appendix B
Detailed Computer Program?