Child's Name Gender Age Birthdate Relationship to Child If other, specify How well do you know the child? Have known the child for (months/years) Instructions: During the past 6 months, how often has each of the following behaviors been a problem? Never Sometimes Often Never Sometimes Often Never Sometimes Often 1. Overreacts to small problems 2. When given two things to do, remembers only the first or last 3. Is unaware of how his/her behavior affects or bothers others 4. When instructed to clean up, puts things away in a disorganized, random way 5. Becomes upset with new situations 6. Has explosive, angry outburt 7. Has trouble carrying out the actions needed to complete tasks (such as trying one puzzle piece at a time, cleaning up to earn a reward) 8. Does not stop laughing at funny things or events when others stop 9. Needs to be told to begin a task even when willing to do it 10. Has trouble adjusting to new people (such as babysitter, teacher, friend, or day care worker) 11. Becomes upset too easily 12. Has trouble concentrating on games, puzzles, or play activities 13. Has to be more closely supervised than similar playmates 14. When sent to get soemthing, forgets what he/she is supposed to get 15. Is upset by a change in plans or routine (for example, order of daily activities, adding last minute errands to schedule, change in driving routine to store) 16. Has outbursts for little reason 17. Repeats the same mistake over and over even after help is given 18. Acts wilder or sillier than others in group (i.e. birthday parties, play groups) 19. Cannot find clothes, shoes, toys or books even when he/she has been given specific instructions 20. Takes a long time to feel comfortable in new places or situations (such as visiting distant relatives or new friends) 21. Mood changes frequently 22. Makes silly mistakes on things he/she can do 23. Is fidgety, restless, or squirmy 24. Has trouble following established routines for sleeping, eating, or play activities 25. Is bothered by loud noises, bright lights, or certain smells 26. Small events trigger big reactions Never Sometimes Often Never Sometimes Often Never Sometimes Often 27. Has trouble with activities or tasks that have more than one step 28. Is impulsive 29. Has trouble thinking of a different way to solve a problem or complete an activity when stuck 30. Is disturbed by changes in the environment (such as new furniture, things in room moved around, or new clothes) 31. Angry or tearful outbursts are intense but end suddenly 32. Needs help from an adult to stay on task 33. Does not notice when his/her behavior causes negative reactions 34. Leaves messes that others have to clean up even after instructions 35. Has trouble changing activities 36. Reacts more strongly to situations than other children 37. Forgets what he/she is doing in middle of an activity 38. Does not realize that certain actions bother others 39. Gets caught up in the small details of a task or situation and misses the main idea 40. Has trouble "joining in" at unfamiliar social events (such as birthday parties, picnics, holiday gatherings. 41. Is easily overwhelmed or overstimulated by typical daily activities 42. Has trouble finishing tasks (such as games, puzzles, pretend play activities) 43. Gets out of control more than playmates 44. Cannot find things in room or play area even when given specific instructions 45. Resists change of routine, foods, places, etc. 46. After having a problem, will stay disappointed for a long time 47. Cannot stay on topic when talking 48. Talks or plays too loudly 49. Does not complete tasks even after given directions 50. Acts overwhelmed or overstimulated in crowded, busy situations (such as lots of noise, activity, or people) 51. Has trouble getting started on activities or tasks even after instructed 52. Acts too wild or out of control 53. Does not try as hard as his/her ability on activities 54. Has trouble putting the brakes on his/her actions even after being asked 55. Unable to finish describing an event, person, or story 56. Completes tasks or activities too quickly 57. Is unaware when he/she does well and not well 58. Gets sidetracked during activities Never Sometimes Often 59. Has trouble remembering something, even after a brief period of time 60. Becomes too silly 61. Has a short attention span 62. Plays carelessly or recklessly in situations where he/she could be hurt (such as playground, swimming pool) 63. Is unaware when he/she performs a task right or wrong Instructions: Read each item carefully, then mark how well it describes your child or how frequently it has happened in the past month. 0 = In the past month, this was not true at all about my child. It never (or seldom) happened. 1 = In the past month, this was just a little true about my child. It happened occasionally. 2 = In the past month, this was pretty much true about my child. It happened often (or quite a bit) 3 = In the past month, this was very much true about my child. It happened very often (very frequently) Please select one answer for each item. It is important to respond to every item. For items that you find difficult to answer, please give your best guess. 1. Forgets to turn in completed work. 2. Is perfect in every way. 3. Is one of the last to be picked for teams or games. 4. Does not know how to make friends. 5. Runs or climbs when he/she is not supposed to. 6. Cannot grasp arithmetic. 7. Is difficult to please or amuse. 8. Is hard to motivate (even with rewards like candy or money). 9. Acts as if driven by a motor. 10. Starts fights with others on purpose. 11. Is happy, cheerful, and has a positive attitude. 12. Doesn't pay attention to details; makes careless mistakes. 13. Has trouble keeping friends. 14. Bullies, threatens, or scares others. 15. Loses things (for example, schoolwork, pencils, books, tools, or toys). 16. Tells lies to hurt other people. 17. I cannot figure out what makes him/her happy. 18. Threatens to hurt others. 19. Has trouble with reading. 20. Is angry and resentful. 21. Tells the truth; doesn't even tell "little white lies". 22. Has trouble organizing tasks or activities. 23. Is fun to be around. 24. Spelling is poor. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 25. Is patient and content, even when waiting in a long line. 26. Has no friends. 27. Does not understand what he/she reads. 28. Behaves like an angel. 29. Does not get invited to play or go out with others. 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 32. Do you have any other concerns about your child? 33. What strengths or skills does your child have? Instructions: Indicate how frequently each behavior occurs. Never 1. Shares toys or possessions with other children. 2. Speaks in short phrases that are hard to understand. 3. Gets colds. 4. Compliments others. 5. Acts without thinking. 6. Eats things that are not food. 7. Seems unaware of others. 8. Gets sick. 9. Sleeps with parents. 10. Break other children's things. 11. Misses school or daycare because of sickness. 12. Pouts. 13. Provides own telephone number when asked. 14. Says, "Nobody likes me." 15. Seeks revenge on others. 16. Congratulates others when good things happen to them. 17. Worries about what parents think. 18. Argues when denied own way. 19. Worries about parents. 20. Complains about being teased. Sometimes Often Always Never Sometimes Often Always Never Sometimes Often Always 21. Has headaches. 22. Avoids other children. 23. Is fearful. 24. Recovers quickly after a setback. 25. Provides full name when asked. 26. Vomits. 27. Begins conversations appropriately. 28. Has poor self-control. 29. Listens carefully. 30. Says, "I'm afraid I will make a mistake." 31. Babbles to self. 32. Is shy with other children. 33. Complains about health. 34. Decides what clothing to wear without help. 35. Calls other children names. 36. Complains about being cold. 37. Communicates clearly. 38. Is sad. 39. Interrupts others when they are speaking. 40. Annoys others on purpose. 41. Offers to help other children. 42. Gets very upset when things are lost. 43. Whines. 44. Worries about what other children think. 45. Cries easily. 46. Has ear infections. 47. Is too serious. Never Sometimes Often Always Never Sometimes Often Always 48. Provides home address when asked. 49. Needs help tying shoes. 50. Says, "please" and "thank you." 51. Needs too much supervision. 52. Pays attention. 53. Worries about things that cannot be changed. 54. Bangs head. 55. Shows fear of strangers. 56. Makes frequent visits to the doctor. 57. Needs help putting on clothes. 58. Hits other children. 59. Tries new things. 60. Stares blankly. 61. Says all letters of the alphabet when asked. 62. Acts strangely. 63. Encourages others to do their best. 64. Worries. 65. Loses temper too easily. 66. Has a hearing problem. 67. Listens to directions. 68. Has fevers. 69. Is shy with adults. 70. Is cruel to animals. 71. Is easily soothed when angry. 72. Answers telephone properly. 73. Needs help using zippers. 74. Politely asks for help. Never Sometimes Often Always Never Sometimes Often Always 75. Fiddles with things while at meals. 76. Is easily distracted. 77. Worries about making mistakes. 78. Acts confused. 79. Readily starts up conversations with new people. 80. Has stomach problems. 81. Fails to wash hands when needed. 82. Teases others. 83. Shows feelings that do not fit the situation. 84. Responds appropriately when asked a question. 85. Says things that make no sense. 86. Needs help bathing self. 87. Uses appropriate table manners. 88. Tries to be perfect. 89. Is clear when telling people about personal experiences. 90. Refuses to join group activities. 91. Falls down. 92. Pays attention when being spoken to. 93. Complains of pain. 94. Clings to parents in strange surroundings. 95. Interrupts parents when they are talking on the phone. 96. Has seizures. 97. Is able to describe feelings accurately. 98. Has trouble fastening buttons on clothing. 99. Volunteers to help with things. 100. Is easily annoyed by others. 101. Says, "I'm not very good at this." Never Sometimes Often Always Never Sometimes Often Always 102. Chews clothing or blankets. 103. Wets bed. 104. Has sore throats. 105. Has trouble eating with a fork. 106. Disrupts the play of other children. 107. Does strange things. 108. Sets fires. 109. Is negative about things. 110. Has toileting accidents. 111. Needs to be reminded to brush teeth. 112. Has eye problems. 113. Is nervous. 114. Is unclear when presenting ideas. 115. Quickly joins group activities.