Parenting and Human Development Grade 11/12 Career Path HPC 3OW-01 This course focuses on the skills and knowledge needed to promote the positive and healthy nurturing of children, with particular emphasis on the critical importance of the early years in human development. Students will learn how to meet the developmental needs of young children, communicate and discipline effectively, and guide early behaviour. They will have practical experiences with infants, toddlers and preschoolers, and will learn skills in researching and investigating questions relating to parenting. Unit 1: Personal and Social Responsibilities -Understanding parenting -Preparation for parenthood -Parenting decisions Unit 2: Self and Others -Pregnancy, birth and postnatal care -Stages of Growth and Development -Experiences with Children Unit 3: Diversity and Universal Concerns -Family variations -Parenting practices -Universality of Childhood Unit 4: Social and Legal Challenges of Parenthood -Parenting challenges -The role of society in the lives of children and families -Finding solutions to family problems Evaluation: TERM (tests and assignments) CULMINATING TASK FINAL EXAM 70% 15% 15% Assessment Categories Knowledge/Understanding Thinking Communication Application 25% 25% 25% 25%