 Universe __________________________________________________________________________
 Cosmology ________________________________________________________________________
 Relies upon the __________________ that the physical laws that govern basic processes in the
solar system, like __________________________________________ are the same throughout
the Universe.
Foundation of Cosmology
 Modern cosmology is based on ______________________, which is widely accepted and explains that
the Universe formed ______________________________________________________.
 All of ________________________ that make up the Universe today is believed to have come from
this single event.
 Many observations have been made to support this theory.
Evidence for the Big Bang Theory
 Until the ____________, astronomers thought _____________________________________________.
 The acceptance of this concept was so strong that when _____________________________________
 ____________ was an _______________________ who was one of the first scientists to study galaxies.
 Between 1918 and 1929, two of his major findings changed astronomy.
1. __________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________
 Hubble measured ____________________________________________________________________.
 Hubble used _________________________________________________________________________.
 The unique spectral lines for common elements were not in the correct positions.
 Instead, they were ________________.
 Used the _______________________________________________.
The Doppler Effect
 In 1842, _________________________________, published a theory regarding changing wavelengths
of light or sound as a result of their motion __________________________________.
 Example: ______________________________________.
 This same principle can be applied to ____________________.
Evidence for the Big Bang Theory: Hubble
 Hubble used to Doppler Effect to explain __________________________________________________
 Observed that almost all light from the distant galaxies was ___________________________________
 Red wavelengths are ______________ based on what we know from the Doppler Effect, _________
 _________________________________________________________________.
Red Shift & Velocity
 Depending on the _________________________________________________, the speed at which the
___________________________________ can be determined.
Evidence for the Big Bang Theory: Hubble
 Since Hubble’s first measurements, evidence from observations of __________________________ has
confirmed his early findings.
 His work and ideas remain _____________________________________________________________
 The idea of the expanding universe laid the foundation for ______________________ – at one time in
the past, ____________________________________________________________________________
The Big Bang Theory
 The event that released _____________________________________________.
 As the energy created from the Big Bang began to spread wider, _______________________________
 As matter and energy continued to spread apart and the universe grew larger, random clumps of dust
and gas called _________________________________.
 These molecular clouds eventually created ______________________________________.
Cosmic Microwave Background
 The ___________________ left over from the Big Bang can be detected today, and _______________
 This radiation is known as the ______________________________.
 It was detected by ____________________________, for which they later won the Nobel Prize.
 Aka _________________________________________.
 The radiation was ____________________________________________________________________
 Every point on this map of the microwave sky represents _____________________________________
Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP)
 The WMAP satellite has shown that ______________________________________________________.
 The probe has also shown that at this point in time, it ________________________________________
 If everyone on Earth were the same height to within plus or minus 1 part in 5000, the tallest person on
Earth would be only 1 mm taller than the shortest person on Earth.
Observable vs. Physical Universe
 ______________________________________________.
 Physical Universe is ___________________________________________________________________.
The Big Bang & Our Universe
 The Big Bang was a ___________________________________.
 The physical universe has ____________________________.
 The observable universe is __________________________: we observe light from everything that was
within _____________________________________________.
 Recall: Law of Conservation of Mass ____________________________________________________
Missing Matter
 Using the Big Bang Theory, astronomers __________________________________________________
 If mass and matter ___________________________________, what accounted for this finding?
 There is _____________________________ than we would expect from the galaxies and hot gas that
we can see.
 Astronomers hypothesized that there must be _____________________________________________
Dark Matter
 Dark Matter ______________________________________________________________________
i.e. the visible light is absorbed and not reflected, it is ______________.
 The term dark matter was coined by ______________________, who theorized its existence to
 ______________________________________________________________.
 Ordinary matter account for ______ of the universe... What is responsible for the other ________?
Dark Energy
 Dark Energy ______________________________________________________________________
 Most accepted _______________________________________________________________________