Sharing your Favourite Piece

Name: ________________________________________
Sharing your Favourite Piece
Gr. 12 Instrumental Listening Assignment
Presentation Date: _____________________
For this assignment, each student will choose one of their favourite pieces of music (must be
composed between the years 1600 and 1899). You can choose from a short instrumental piece, a
choral composition, or a movement from a longer work. The piece that you choose should not be
longer than 8-10 minutes. (So if you like a whole symphonic piece, only choose one of the
It is important that you settle on a piece as soon as possible. No two students will be allowed
to research and present on the same piece. There will be a calendar available and you will sign up
for a day (starting in March) to present your material to the class.
**(One way to really help your understanding of the piece is to obtain the written score. If you are
able to acquire this, I can sit down with you and help you analyze the piece and help to find your
ideas in the piece)
The platform that you use to present information to the class is totally up to you. My advice
would be to be creative. There are a variety of ways and platforms to present information to the
class, which we will talk about in class.
You must include the following in your presentation (no longer than 20min)
A. The music selection (You will locate / play the piece you have selected)
B. A brief history of the composer (interesting facts)
C. A brief history of the era that the piece was composed in. (Who were the other popular
composers at the time? Contemporaries?)
D. Any interesting information on the selected piece
E. Why you chose the piece, and what you like about it? (A musical explanation)
o This is where you want to talk about the musical elements (as many as you can) that
really make this one of your favourite pieces.
F. A list of resources included somewhere in your presentation.
o An MLA Works Cited format would be best.
What will you need to have on your presentation day?
Your piece of music (either found on YouTube or on USB)
Your presentation (PowerPoint, or another program that will work on our computers)
The rubric (this page)
A printed copy of your presentation; an exact version of what appears in your presentation (If
you are using PowerPoint, you will need to print out what each slide looks like.)
 OR provide the link to your website ( or your project on USB for me to grade.
On the Gonzaga Music website you will find:
1. A copy of this rubric (just in case)
2. An explanation (two PDF’s) of some of the elements of music and how to explain/use them
when referencing a piece of music
Name: ________________________________________
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Presentation and research
demonstrated limited
knowledge of facts, terms,
concepts, principles,
theories and/or relationships.
Presentation and research
demonstrated some
knowledge of facts, terms,
concepts, principles, theories
and/or relationships.
Presentation and research
demonstrated considerable
knowledge of facts, terms,
concepts, principles,
theories and/or
Presentation and
research demonstrated
thorough knowledge of
facts, terms, concepts,
principles, theories
and/or relationships
Uses critical/ creative
processes with limited
Presentation was not
organized in an effective
Uses critical/ creative thinking
processes with some
Uses critical/ creative
thinking processes with
considerable effectiveness.
Presentation was organized
in a somewhat effective
Presentation was organized
in an effective manner
Uses critical/ creative
thinking processes with
a high degree of
Presentation was
organized in a highly
effective manner
Presentation did not
generate participation and/or
interest by other members of
the class
Presentation was able to
generate some participation
and/or interest by other
members of the class.
Presentation was able to
generate participation
and/or interest by other
members of the class
Presentation generated
a great amount of
participation/interest by
other members of the
(Oral & Visual)
Language and/or delivery
resulted in information being
communicated orally with
limited effectiveness
Language and/or delivery
resulted in information being
communicated orally with
some effectiveness
Language and/or delivery
resulted in information
being communicated orally
with considerable
Language and/or
delivery resulted in
information being
communicated orally
with thorough
Inappropriate or ineffective
visuals were utilized
Appropriate visuals were
utilized in an ineffective
Appropriate visuals were
utilized in an effective
Appropriate visuals were
utilized highly effectively
The presentation’s
formatting and organization
of material are confusing to
the reader
The presentation has wellorganized information
The presentation has
attractive formatting and
well-organized information
The presentation has
exceptionally attractive
formatting and wellorganized information