Name: _______________________________ Music and You Grade 12 Communication Assignment Due Date: ____________________________ In this assignment, you will be recording answers to a series of questions in two formats. You will begin the assignment by writing down some brief talking points that will help keep your answer directed and meaningful. You are not to write out your answer, rehearse it, and then record it. The goal of this assignment is for your answers to be more of a conversation with the listener. Once you have recorded your answers, (either into your computer, or phone, or other device) you will then need to go back and type out your recorded answers, as a type of script for the teacher to follow and evaluate after. It’s definitely ok if you make mistakes on the recording, and your language can vary from professional to casual. But remember…I do not want to hear you “rehearsing an essay” Steps for Success 1. Write out some point-form notes for each question. This will help you to highlight some of the different areas that you may want to talk about. 2. Start recording! I would prefer that you submit the assignment as one long recording. 3. After you have finished recording your answers, go back and type out your answers. a. Follow the basics for proper MLA format (Name, teacher’s name, course, date of submission, pages are numbered, title is centered, all lines are double-spaced, Times New Roman font, Font size:12) b. Write the questions you have chosen to answer (Bold them) before each of your answers. 4. You are submitting two items: Your recorded answers (on a USB) and the written representation of those answers. Reflection Questions Group 1 – Answer the following three questions 1. Explain, with as much detail as possible, your musical journey to date? 2. What has learning and performing music at Gonzaga meant to you over the past years? 3. Why did you decide to make music a part of your four years at Gonzaga? What has kept you going? Group 2 – Choose two questions from the following group of questions 1. What is something you have done / been a part of in Gonzaga music that you will remember for the rest of your life? 2. If you could change one thing that has happened to you since joining our music program, what would it be? 3. What are the three most important things you have learned while being involved in music at Gonzaga? Explain. 4. What advice would you give to future students involved in our music program (either for our classes or extra-curricular ensembles) Name: _______________________________ Communication Clarity Relevance Analysis Self-Criticism Written Submission / Basic MLA format Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Language is unclear and confusing throughout. Concepts are either not discussed or are presented inaccurately. There are frequent lapses in clarity and accuracy. Minor, infrequent lapses in clarity and accuracy. Most of the reflection is irrelevant to student and/or course learning goals. Student makes attempts to demonstrate relevance, but the relevance is unclear to the reader. The learning experience being reflected upon is relevant and meaningful to student and course learning goals. Reflection does not move beyond description of the learning experience(s). Student makes attempts at applying the learning experience to understanding of self, others, and/or course concepts, but fails to demonstrate depth of analysis. The reflection demonstrates student attempts to analyze the experience but analysis lacks depth. There is some attempt at selfcriticism, but the self-reflection fails to demonstrate a new awareness of personal biases, etc. The reflection demonstrates the ability of the student to question his or her own biases, stereotypes, and preconceptions. The language is clear and expressive. The reader can create a mental picture of the situation being described. Explanation of concepts makes sense to an uninformed reader. The learning experience being reflected upon is relevant and meaningful to student and course learning goals. The reflection moves beyond simple description of the experience to an analysis of how the experience contributed to student understanding of self, others, and/or course concepts. The reflection demonstrates ability of the student to question their own biases, stereotypes, preconceptions, and/or assumptions and define new modes of thinking as a result. Information is very organized with wellconstructed paragraphs, use of subheadings, and information is factual and correct; the submission is an exact representation of the recorded answers. No attempt at selfcriticism. The information appears to disorganized; information is suspect to being correct; little effort has gone into recording the answers with accuracy Basic MLA format is not followed Information is somewhat organized and information is factual; several inconsistencies with the recorded material Basic MLA format is present, but some inconsistencies Information is organized with well-constructed paragraphs and information is mostly factual and correct; a few inconsistencies when compared to the recording. Basic MLA format is present, with few inconsistencies Totals /10 /10 /10 /5 /10 Basic MLA format is correct, with no mistakes TOTAL /45