The Re-Politicization of Religion in Europe: The Next Ten Years Author(s): Jytte Klausen Reviewed work(s): Source: Perspectives on Politics, Vol. 3, No. 3 (Sep., 2005), pp. 554-557 Published by: American Political Science Association Stable URL: . Accessed: 28/11/2012 10:49 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact . American Political Science Association is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Perspectives on Politics. This content downloaded by the authorized user from on Wed, 28 Nov 2012 10:49:55 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Now Symposium I TenYearsfrom Aaron.1993-94. Ripe forrivalry: Prospects Friedberg, forpeacein a multipolar Asia. International Security 18 (3): 5-33. Glaser,Charles.1992. Politicalconsequencesofmilitary thespiraland deterstrategy: Expandingand refining 44 (4): 497-538. rencemodels.World Politics Goldstein,Avery. Risingto thechallenge: Forthcoming. China'sgrandstrategy and international security. Press. CA: Stanford Stanford, University Ericand RichardJ.Samuels.2003. Heginbotham, ed. Asia2002-03: Asianaftershocks, Japan.In Strategic withMiRichardJ.Ellingsand AaronL. Friedberg chaelWills,87-121. Seattle:NationalBureauof AsianResearch. Hoge,Jr.JamesE 2004. A globalpowershiftin the 83 making:Is theUnitedStatesready?Foreign Affairs (4): 2-7. and East G. John.2004. Americanhegemony Ikenberry, International Asianorder.Australian Journalof Affairs 58 (3): 353-67. 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JytteKlausen The Re-PoliticizationofReligionin Europe: The Next Ten Years In thecomingdecadereligion willbecomean increasingly salientissuein Europeanpolitics.'This predictionruns counterto theconventional wisdomthatEuropeansare When Europeto theUnited comparing "post-Christian." note thatchurchpews are empty,that States,observers fewerpeopleprofess to believein God, and thatEuropeans are moralrelativists who shyawayfromprincipled In theEuropean authoritarian countries. positionsagainst and by this view,modernization secularization, implies standardEuropeansare modernwhile Americansare, or is, eitherpostmodern dependingon who theobserver the then are we with evidence of flooded irrational.2 Why ofEurope? "re-Christianization" show recent Surveys growthin thenumberof Europeans who expressan increasing measureof religiouscommitment.It is only in Sweden and the formerEast When the are themajority.3 Germanythatnonbelievers newconstitution oftheEuropeanUnion(EU) wasdrafted, German,Italian,Polishand Slovakiandelegatesargued values"should thata reference to "God" and to "Christian in thetext,and theyweresupportedby be incorporated theformer Frenchpresident, ValkryGiscardd'Estaing,a RomanCatholic.4Greece,Denmark,and Irelandfought to includea preemptive (ArticleI-51 [3]) that paragraph church protected privileges againsttheconvention's existing antidiscrimination clauses,arousingtheireof theBritish Associationof HumanistSocietyand the International Bund and Atheists(Internationaler Non-Confessionals assoa German-based und Konfessionslosen der Atheisten) the BBC criticized of the ciation.5The governors corpoA Danishsocial rationforcutting programming.6 religious democratand formerNew Left historian,Karen Jespersen,has declaredthatshe does not wantto live in a to stickto thenational multicultural societyand prefers a nineteenthvaluesarticulated by N. E S. Grundtvig, The reformer. Lutheran pressis sudNorwegian century to with references filled Christianity.7 denly Beforewe pronouncea Christianrevivalto be on its on way,we shouldpauseto consideriftheoriginalreports The the dearthof faithwereperhapsnot exaggerated. comparisonpresumesthatifyou do not go empty-pews to churchon Sunday,youdo notcareaboutreligion.But religionmattersmoreto Europeansthan theirSunday tosupbehaviorletson. Europeanspaytheirgovernments church that the assume and churches their quiterightly port ofessenwillbe therewhentheyneedit.The consumption tialreligious confirmations, weddings, services-baptisms, Klausenis associate politicsat professor ofcomparative Jytte BrandeisUniversity (klausen 554 on Politics Perspectives This content downloaded by the authorized user from on Wed, 28 Nov 2012 10:49:55 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions resistant to change. and funerals-hasbeen remarkably Denmarkand Swedenareoftendescribedas theepitome ofEuropeansecularism, but85 percentofthepopulation in the two countriesbelongto the nationalProtestant churches. Swedesaremoreproneto churchweddings(61 Danes are percent)thanareDanes (43 percent);however, morepartialto confirmations (80 percent).Aboutthreein bothcountries ofthenewborns arechristened, quarters and theygetchristened eveniftheparentsare not marprovide ried.8The Danishand Swedishnationalchurches burial.One 90 percentofthepopulationwitha religious has to concludethatmanySwedesand Danes whoprofess not to believein God nevertheless turnto thechurchfor lives. assistance their throughout But ifEuropeis stillChristian, and perhapsbecoming moreso, it is also grappling withnew issuesof religious millionMuslimsliveinwestern Fifteen pluralism. Europe The new insistence on Christianvaluesis clearly today. linkedto a backlashagainstIslam.AngelaMerkel,the leader of Germany'sChristianDemocraticParty,has said thateveryone who livesin hercountrymustaccept that it is based upon a Judeo-Christian value system. AnnetteSchavan,theChristianDemocraticcultureministerin Baden-Wiirttemberg who was responsiblefor teachers fromwearpushingthrough legislation prohibiting ing the Muslimheadscarfin public schoolsin Badenstatethatalsomandates Wiirttemberg-a placingcrucifixes in publicclassrooms-gaveas thereasonfortheapparent of Christianity and Islamthat inequityin the treatment is an essential of the value ofthe Christianity systems part "occident."It is, in herview,a matterofpublicethicsto in the classroom:"We cannotallow a keep Christianity vacuum to spiritual emergethatwouldleaveour society withoutguidance,"theMinister warned,"We muststand our cultural and as theyareexpressed traditions by religious in our Constitution."9 Academicshave also voiced the viewthatthemoralidentity ofEuroperestsuponsecularized Christianvalues,whichotherfaiths(forexample, Islam)areperceivednotto share.10 The problemwithMuslims,it is widelyargued,is that theyare too religiousand do not distinguish properly betweenprivatefaithand publicvalues.Lastfall,Helmut chancellor ofGermany, his Schmidt,theformer expressed that under his had regret Germany opened stewardship, thedoorsto Muslimlabormigrants. In retrospect, he said, ithad beena mistake, becauseitwasnowclearthatChristiansand Muslimscouldnottolerate eachother.Schmidt blamedtheChristianchurchesforhavingindoctrinated Germanswithresentment againstMuslims,but he said also that peacefulaccommodationbetweenIslam and is possibleonlyin authoritarian states." Christianity WesternEuropeanstatesare not secular.Nor are they neutralin matters ofreligion.On thecontrary, Europeis riddledwith Christianprivileges.Existingstate-church frameworks ofthe1555Treaty ofAugscarrytheimprint theprinciplethatsubjectswould burg,whichestablished havethefaithsof theirrulers.Amongthecountries that havebothconstitutionally established confessions andpubareAustria, FinDenmark,Norway, liclysubsidizedfaiths and The Church of is land, Greece, Italy. England an established church,althoughit receivesfewdirectsubsidies.Ifwe countfunding forfaith-based educational institheeducationofChristian atthetheological tutions, clergy faculties atpublicuniversities, andpubliclyfundedChristiansocialand healthservicesas examplesofpublicsupof Europeas deeply portforreligion,the self-portrayal committed to secularvaluesand stateneutrality crumbles evenfurther. theNetherlands, andSwedenareconFrance,Germany, secular states but stitutionally providedirector indirect subsidiesforinstitutions associatedwithrecognized faiths, forexample,religious schoolsorsocialandhealthservices. In Sweden,Belgium,andtheNetherlands, funding opportunities arede jureavailableto all religions, butstateneuremainsan elusiveand notfullyacceptedgoal. In trality theProtestant and RomanCatholicchurches, Germany, as wellas Judaism, but not Islam,thethirdlargestfaith, are entitledto federally collectedchurchtaxesand the rightto runstate-subsidized religioussocialservicesand createdafter theoverhospitals. Spain's1978 constitution, throwof theFrancoregime,declaredthestateto be secular and ended the Roman Catholic Church'slongstandingassociationwiththe state.Yet the government tofundtheCatholicChurchfollowing continued an informal agreement reachedin 1979 and stillin effect. The Netherlandsand Sweden"privatized" but fullyfunded clergysalariesand pensionsin 1983 and 2000, respectively.Even in France,wherethe law of 1905 and the principleof laicitehas been invokedto prohibitMuslim girlsfromcoveringtheirheads in school,churchesare and are lentfreeof chargeto parmunicipalproperties areownedbymunicipalities butrunby ishes,cemeteries parishcouncils,and 25 percentof Frenchstudentsgo to Catholicschools,whicharepubliclyfunded.No publicly fundedMuslimschoolexists. Twentieth-century Europeanstatesmodernizedrelibut never embraced constitutional they gion principles about stateneutrality and theseparationof churchand state.Secularization in Europewas achievedbymeansof statecontrolof religion.Germanyand Francestillmaintainlistsof bannedsects.SteinRokkan'stheoryofpathsince the sixteenthcentury dependentnation-building and thesubsequent"freezing" ofpartisancleavagesin the age ofmasspoliticsdependedupon theunacknowledged butassumedstability of basicreligiousaffiliations, of the cuiusregio, eiusreligio have principle.12Politicalscientists fora decadedebatedtheconsequencesof thecollapseof theWestphalian order-so namedafterthe 1648 Treaty of Westphalia,whichestablishedthe sovereignnationstateas the basic unit of the international order-for September2005 Vol.3/No.3 555 This content downloaded by the authorized user from on Wed, 28 Nov 2012 10:49:55 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Now Symposium I TenYearsfrom international but we haveneglectedtheattenrelations, dant consequencesforthe Augsburgprinciplesof Religionsfriede.13 Migrationis one of manyconsequencesof the new international order,and it means that many no faithsof states. subjects longerbelongto theofficial Conflictoverthe role of religionin westernEurope does not pit ChristiansagainstMuslims,but secularists againstthosewho want publicpolicyto endorsefaith. Muslimsareas dividedas Christians on theseissues.Lale the SPD of member the toldme that, Akgiin, Bundestag, in herview,whenhistorians come to explainhow Muslims changedEurope,theywill concludethatMuslims promotedthe belatedseparationof stateand church. "Becauseof [theheadscarf bans],we arehavinga discusI do notsaythatthingswillchange sionaboutsecularism. in two months,but we are lookingfora new parityof stateand secularism and religionin Germany.It is very a newdimensionto the that Islam hasbrought interesting It is a verybigdifference, discussionin thiscountry. and whenyou look in fiveyears,in tenyears,whatwillhave 14 changedwillbe becauseofthisdecision." Muslims Nonetheless, manyreligious prefera ChrisA youngman tianstateto one thathasno publicreligion. and a Germancitizen,who ofTurkishorigin,native-born waselectedas a Christian Democratto a stateparliament, whodrawtheir explainedto methatMuslimslikehimself, civicvaluesfromtheirfaith,see nothingwrongwitha partyprogramthatmentionsGod. But when religion and "occidental comesto meanexclusively "Christianity" values,"thenMuslimshaveto object.'5The managerofa controversial Germanassociationof mosqueshesitated couldbest whenI askedwhichpartyMuslimslikehimself in to with the future. work "Manypeoplesaythe expect theChrisGreens,"he said,"I am notso sure.Probably, was undertian Democratsare better."16His hesitation standable,since he and his associationhad just been subjectedto yetanothervolleyfromtheChristianDemto "occidental"and ocratsabout Germancommitments The have attracted values. Greens "Christian" supportfrom manyMuslimsfortheirstrongsupportforhumanrights butthe antidiscrimination andstrengthened enforcement, partyis also secularist. Religiouspluralismis a new socialfactthatEuropean stateshaveyetto engage.Europeanshave to reexamine thetwentieth-century "stability pacts"betweenchurchand aboutreligion andpubstate.New nationalconversations lic policycannotbe avoided.The EuropeanUnion is a centralactorin thesedebatesfortwo reasons.First,the of the European awkwarddebateson the ratification accessionwillsoakup thesimandTurkey's Constitution meringconflict.Second,the EU is based upon a postThe EU has no one framework. Augsburgconstitutional "national"religionand mustremainneutralwithrespect to all the religionswithinthe Europeanspace. Europe's taskof largepoliticalpartiesare facedwiththedifficult 556 betweentherocksofxenophobic negotiating partiesmobion nativist sentiments about the dilution ofnational lizing "values"causedbyimmigration and theshoalsoftheEU's efforts to endowthefederalist projectwitha billofrights based upon principlesof nondiscrimination thatreach mere I mercantilism. in that a decade, beyond predict will no be able to accuse of Americans Europeans longer mix the ones to and Governments being politics religion. facea choiceof fundingIslamor allowingforeign sponsorsto continueto providemoneyformosquesand supinstruction. Muslimassociations, plyimamsand religious community groups,and politicaland civicleaders,who favordismantling the tiesto the Islamiccounstrongly tries,havefoundan allyin nationalsecurity agencies.At thesametime,growingpublicsentiment thatIslamis a threatto nationalidentities and thepopulistembraceof as tool for votersguarantee Christianity mobilizing heightenedconflict overtheplaceofreligionin publicpolicy. Notes 1 The argument hereis basedupon Klausen presented 2005. 2 Anderson2004; Kagan2002; Cooper2001. Mattei 3 Basedon the 1990-91 WorldValuesSurvey, forthenonDogan (2002) pronouncedvictory in Europe.Nonetheless, believers evenin thissurvey 62 percentoftheFrenchsaid thattheybelievedin God. The 1999 WorldValuesSurveyrevealeda increasein believers, evenin themore significant See Lambert2004. secularcountries. 4 Terrence Murray, "EuropeDebatesGod's Place in New Constitution," ChristianScienceMonitor, 10, 2003, April -woeu.html. 0410/p07s01 5 See Ladwign.d.; Stinsonn.d. 6 The Guardian,May 9, 2005. 7 Gullestad2002. 8 Statistisk 2000, Arbog2002, Denmark;Stiftslista ofApril communication 9 Land Baden-Wiirttemberg, 1, 2004. 10 Seidentop2001, 191. 11 Quoted in Hamburger November24, Abendblatt, 2004. 12 Rokkan1968. 13 Marchand Olsen (1998) describedtherigiddomesticorderassociatedwiththeWestphalian system, but theirargument aboutthepost-Westphalian systemfocusedexclusively upon thechangesto the international order. 14 Interview withLale Akgiin,Berlin,November8, 2004. 15 Interview, Boston,June15, 2004. 16 Interview, Berlin,November26, 2004. Perspectiveson Politics This content downloaded by the authorized user from on Wed, 28 Nov 2012 10:49:55 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions References Taeku Lee and NationBack to Anderson,BrianC. 2004. SecularEurope,religious BringingClass,Ethnicity, America.PublicInterest 155:143-58. Race: The ColorLines in 2015 67: Cooper,Robert.2001. The nextempire.Prospect Much has been made of the dramaticinfluxof immi22-26. grantsto the UnitedStatessince the mid-1960s.This declineof religious Dogan, Mattei.2002. Accelerated is remarkable notjustforits "FourthWave"ofmigration 1 (2): beliefin Europe.Comparative Sociology withnewbutalso foritsethnicdiversity, sheernumbers, 127-49. from Asia and Latin comersdisproportionately arriving Gullestad,Marianne.2002. Invisiblefences:Egalitarian- America.Muchtoo hasbeenmadeofthe changesin how and racism.JournaloftheRoyal ism,nationalism, thestateclassifies and countsbyraceand ethnicity. Most 8 (1): 45-63. Institute Anthropological and of the Office recently, Management Budget(OMB) Kagan,Robert.2002. Powerand weakness.PolicyReissued DirectiveNo. 15 in 1977, requiringall federal view113. agenciesto collectdataforat leastfivegroups-American kagan.html. Indiansand AlaskaNatives,Asiansand PacificIslanders, 2005. Thechallenge Klausen,Jytte. ofIslam:Politicsand non-Hispanicblacks,non-Hispanicwhites,and Hisin western Europe.Oxford:OxfordUniversity panics-thenrevised religion in 1997toinclude"mark thisdirective Press. one or more" responsesthat would allow for selfArticlesI-51Ladwig,Rudolf.N.d. EU constitution The faceof identification withmultipleraces/ethnicities. statusofchurchesmustnothinderthedefenceof Americais changingbeforeus. humanrights! someto conjurePanglossThesechangeshaveinspired euconst.html. ian reveries of a multiracial cityon thehill,whileothers evoluYves.2004. A turning Lambert, pointin religious the rise of Manichean "racewars"and"culture wars" portend tionin Europe.JournalofContemporary Religion19 as we knowit.Several and theendofournationalidentity (1): 29-45. thesedebates.Will Asians pointedquestionsprefigure March,JamesG., and JohanP. Olsen. 1998. The instiWill Latinosincreasbe whites"? increasingly "honorary tutionaldynamicsofinternational politicalorders. or fragmented? WillAfriassimilated, inglybe racialized, International 52 (4): 943-69. Organization can Americansremainrelatively unified,or will theybe ofmasspoliticsin Rokkan,Stein.1968. The structuring dividedbyclass,politicalideology, or someincreasingly thesmallerEuropeandemocracies: A developmental willthemultiracial thingelse?Whateffect populationof Studiesin Society and History typology. Comparative Americahaveon thesetrends? what can theworkof Lastly, 10 (2): 173-210. socialsciencetellus aboutthelikelyconfiguration ofrace in Europe.New York: andethnic Seidentop,Larry.2001. Democracy 1 over a finite ten hence? future, politics say, years ColumbiaUniversity Press. to keepreligionout Stinson,Hanne. N.d. Stillfighting A fineline separatesforecasting as destiny. oftheEU Constitution! Demography http://www.humanism. from in a domainas complexand dynamic 1398. fortune-telling as racialand ethnicpolitics.But therearesomeobvious to drawovera timehorizonoftenyears.Forepredictions most among theseis the persistence of currentdemoIn trends. the decade we can expectthe graphic coming with the of and, it, foreign-born population proportion Asiansand Latinosin theUnitedStatesto continueto rise.Sometimein thiscentury, we are told,whites(as defined)willno longercomprisea majorconventionally ityof thevoting-age population.Based on the lasttwo themigration ofAsiansand Latinos censuses,moreover, to theUnitedStatesis likelyto spreadwellbeyond"gateway"citieslikeNew York,Los Angeles,and Miami into moregeographically dispersedlocales.Thus fewerAmericans in 2015 willbe able to claimno directencounter withan Asianor Latinoperson. TaekuLeeisassistantprofessor science at theUniofpolitical at Berkeley versity ofCalifornia ( September2005 1Vol.3/No.3 557 This content downloaded by the authorized user from on Wed, 28 Nov 2012 10:49:55 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions