Bush Excellence Committee – BEC SDMC September 11, 2013

Bush Excellence Committee – BEC
September 11, 2013
Members of BEC were introduced
SDMC Training
Minutes of the BEC must be posted
� Recorder: Dorothy Baldwin
� Time Keeper: Verstene Traylor
4. Budget
� State of the School
� Last year’s attendance of 97.5% was down from the previous year. Funding
in the amount of $69,500 was lost. This amount would fund a teacher and an
aide’s salary.
� Enrollment – 771
� Due to enrollment a new Kindergarten class was opened.
� Capped in K, 1, & 2
� At this time, students trying to enroll on these grade levels will be sent to
Ashford Elementary School.
5. Instruction
� School Improvement Plan (SIP)
� Review
� Grade levels completed their own SMART goals.
� SMART goals: Rigor for All
Goal 1 – Student performance will remain at 95% or above on STAAR
Goal 2 – Student performance will increase from 94% to 95% on STAAR
Goal 3 – Increase percentage of students who say their classes are
challenging from 68% to 78%. Teachers will help children understand how
to take a survey.
Goal 4 – Increase student attendance from 97.5% to 97.8%.
Goal 5 – Decrease office referrals for unkind and unsafe acts by 5% by
building a positive learning community.
Campus Compliance – 100% of teachers are certified for the position they
New this year
� Justin Shorter will be responsible for a coordinated Health Program
� Cindy Tiet will be responsible for a 1% increase in the number of GT
identified students. Right now 36.48 % of our population is labeled
We have already exceeded our goal of an increase of 3% of parents and
community leaders attending PTO meetings.
There was discussion about the Level 1 MI students who took the STAAR
Alt test and scored a 48. TEA states they must score a 50 to pass. This is
unattainable because 48 is the highest they can earn.
Next meeting: Thursday, October 17 at 3:10 in the library
Discussion was had about the Dyslexia Program. Approximately, 89% of
Kasaundra Hall’s salary comes out of special education funds and 11%
comes from general education funds
� Vote
� Kelly Strange made a motion to accept the SIP, Valerie McMaster seconded
and the vote to accept the SIP was unanimous.
6. Staff Development
� November 20 – Early Dismissal Day – 12:35 – 3:15
� This will be the first Staff Development Day since the 9 days of training in August
� Rigorous Work at Bush
� Presentations will be made by the teachers attending the National GT
7. Other School Concerns
� Field Trips – Increase from 1 a semester (2 total) to up to 3 a year
� Discussion
� Second grade would like to reinstate the walking field trip to Parkway Plaza
retirement home.
� First grade mentioned that it would be nice to take the children to Eagle’s
Trace to see where our math mentors live and to perform for them.
� Valerie McMaster was concerned about another day of instruction being
taken away.
� It was discussed that the third field trip would be optional not mandatory.
� Vote
� Lynn Buza made a motion to accept the new field trip options and the vote to
accept was unanimous.
End: 4:05
In attendance:
Verstene Traylor
Dorothy Baldwin
Kelly Strange
Sandra Carlin
Mary Hime
Theresa Rose
Cindy Tiet
Allyson Peyton
Valerie McMaster
Melissa Gonzalez
Maria Graf
Martha Cuellar
Nancy Scott
Lynn Buza
Marcia Mills
Next meeting: Thursday, October 17 at 3:10 in the library