This course draws on a variety of frameworks, such as the ecozone framework and principles of physical, human and economic geography, to explore
Canada’s distinct and evolving character. Students will investigate the interconnections among the landforms, climate, soils, plants, animals, and human activities in
Canadian ecozones to develop geographic knowledge and skills that contribute to an understanding of
Canada’s diversity and its role in the world.
Textbook and workbook issued to each student
students responsible for replacement cost of lost/damaged books (text - $ 85.00)
Unit 1 – Les méthodes d’enquête géographique
Unit 2 – Les liaisons physiques : les écozones
Unit 3 – Les liaisons culturelles
Unit 4 – Les liaisons économiques
Unit 5 - Les liaisons internationales du Canada
Unit 6 – L’avenir du Canada
Be prepared and on time for every class! Each day you will need to bring:
2 blue pens
1 red pen
1 ½ ” binder with 6 indexes
200 three-holed punched paper
French-English dictionary
binder must be used only for this course
should be a reflection of Catholic values
will be evaluated for accuracy/ completeness/professionalism at any time
have lots of lined paper
keep your notebooks neat and organized
date each entry, indicate title, page and exercise numbers in the target language
make sure that you understand all corrections.
daily homework and review essential to language learning
homework checked on a regular basis
consequences for incomplete/missing homework to be set by teacher
if absent, student is responsible for class work missed by establishing two student contacts from this class
Student Phone #
1. ____________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________
sign up for help sessions in Room 361 or with your language teacher
individual help available with language teacher before, during and after school, by appointment only
suspected use of computer translator programs and Internet accessible assistance will result in a “0” as well as all other forms of cheating (plagiarism)
all assignments are to be submitted at beginning of the period in which they are due
a form will be sent home to parents regarding an assignment not submitted by the due date and a “0” will be assigned as a place holder
the student will have 3 days (including weekends) to submit the assignment by the closure date with a 10% deduction
the above-mentioned form must be completed and submitted together with the late assignment
if the assignment is not submitted or submitted without the form, the “0” will then become the mark
all final copies must include rubric and all rough work/drafts and should be typed
(double spaced) or neatly handwritten in either dark blue or black ink (no gel pens)
grade 11 and 12 students must use MLA format
each unit will be evaluated in the areas of language knowledge, creative writing, oral, listening and reading
students will also be assessed formatively to facilitate summative evaluations
students will be informed ahead of time in order to study/prepare for evaluation
students aware of missed evaluations are required to complete them on the day they return from the absence
students who were unaware of the evaluation will complete them on a make-up day assigned by teacher ( students are responsible for following up with teacher)
all absences which include a missed test must be verified by parental contact/note the same day of the absence to the attendance office
an additional note must be given to the subject teacher indicating that the parent/guardian is aware that the student has missed an evaluated task
should students sign out on the day of the evaluation without parental notification to the school the same day , the mark will be 0
parents are to call in absences before 2:00 p.m. the same say of the students absence in order for it to show on teacher status reports
calls received after 2:00 p.m. require students to pick up an admit slip from the attendance office prior to 8:20 a.m.
if no call is made, a parental note must be written and submitted to the period 1 teacher the day that the student returns
when an admit slip is issued, it must be shown to each teacher throughout the day
all language students are invited to join the
Modern Languages Club
extra-curricular activities include culinary experiences, foreign films, cultural events reflecting French and Italian customs
events are scheduled on a monthly basis
Your final mark in (CGC 1DF) will reflect the attached ministry’s achievement chart:
Knowledge/Understanding 17.5%
17.5% Thinking
Communication 17.5%
Final Evaluation
written exam 20%
(during exam week)
course culminating performance task 10%(during class)
(The CCPT is mandatory and absences on these days must be accompanied by a medical note stating that the student was unable to attend school, otherwise, a mark of 0 will be given.)
Learning skills will be assessed according to the attached rubric.
knowledge of language forms and conventions understanding of content
demonstrates limited knowledge of language forms and conventions demonstrates limited understanding of content
demonstrates some knowledge of language forms and conventions demonstrates some understanding of content demonstrates considerable knowledge of language forms and conventions demonstrates considerable understanding of content
demonstrates thorough knowledge of language forms and conventions demonstrates thorough understanding of content critical and creative thinking skills inquiry skills (e.g., formulating questions; planning, selecting strategies and resources; analyzing, interpreting, and assessing information; forming conclusion) uses critical and creative thinking skills with limited effectiveness applies few of the skills involved in an inquiry process
uses critical and creative thinking skills with moderate effectiveness applies some of the skills involved in an inquiry process uses critical and creative thinking skills with considerable effectiveness applies most of the skills involved in an inquiry process uses critical and creative thinking skills with a high degree of effectiveness applies all or almost all of the skills involved in an inquiry process communication of information and ideas use of language communication for different audiences and purposes, using various forms communicates information and ideas with limited clarity uses language with limited accuracy and effectiveness communicates with a limited sense of audience and purpose, using few appropriate forms application of knowledge and skills in familiar contexts use of language in new contexts making connections
(e.g., between personal experiences and that subject, between
FSL/LWI and other subjects and the world outside the school)
communicates information and ideas with some clarity uses language with some accuracy and effectiveness communicates with some sense of audience and purpose, using some appropriate forms communicates information and ideas with considerable
clarity uses language with considerable accuracy and effectiveness communicates with a clear sense of audience and purpose, using appropriate forms communicates information and ideas with a high degree of clarity, and with confidence uses language with a high degree of accuracy and effectiveness communicates with a strong
sense of audience and purpose, using appropriate forms applies knowledge and skills in familiar contexts with limited effectiveness demonstrates limited ability in using the language in new contexts makes connections with limited effectiveness
applies knowledge and skills in familiar contexts with moderate effectiveness demonstrates some ability in using the language in new contexts makes connections with moderate effectiveness applies knowledge and skills in familiar contexts with considerable effectiveness demonstrates considerable ability in using the language in new contexts makes connections with considerable effectiveness applies knowledge and skills in familiar contexts with a high degree of effectiveness demonstrates a high degree of ability and confidence in using the language in new contexts makes connections with a high degree of effectiveness
Student rarely:
- completes and submits class work, homework and assignments according to timelines
-takes responsibility for and manages own behaviour
Student rarely:
- devises and follows a plan and process for completing work and tasks
-establishes priorities and manages time to achieve tasks and goals
Student rarely:
- uses class time appropriately to complete tasks
-follows instructions with minimal supervision
-monitors or revises plans to complete tasks
Student rarely:
- accepts various roles and an equitable share of work in a group
-responds positively to the ideas, opinions, values and traditions of others
-builds healthy peer to peer interaction
-resolves conflicts to achieve group goals
Student rarely:
-demonstrates interest and curiosity in learning
-approaches new tasks with a positive attitude
-shows a willingness to take risks or advocates for self and other
Student rarely:
-sets own individual goals and monitors progress towards achieving them
-seeks clarification or assistance when needed
-perseveres and makes an effort when responding to challenges
-reflects upon own strengths, needs and interests through choices
Student sometimes:
- completes and submits class work, homework and assignments according to timelines
-takes responsibility for and manages own behaviour
Student generally :
- completes and submits class work, homework and assignments according to timelines
-takes responsibility for and manages own behaviour
Student sometimes:
- devises and follows a plan and process for completing work and tasks
-establishes priorities and manages time to achieve tasks and goals
Student generally :
- devises and follows a plan and process for completing work and tasks
-establishes priorities and manages time to achieve tasks and goals
Student sometimes:
- uses class time appropriately to complete tasks
-follows instructions with minimal supervision
-monitors or revises plans to complete tasks
Student generally:
- uses class time appropriately to complete tasks
-follows instructions with minimal supervision
-monitors or revises plans to complete tasks
Student sometimes:
- accepts various roles and an equitable share of work in a group
-responds positively to the ideas, opinions, values and traditions of others
-builds healthy peer to peer interaction
-resolves conflicts to achieve group goals
Student generally:
- accepts various roles and an equitable share of work in a group
-responds positively to the ideas, opinions, values and traditions of others
-builds healthy peer to peer interaction
-resolves conflicts to achieve group goals
Student sometimes:
-demonstrates interest and curiosity in learning
-approaches new tasks with a positive attitude
-shows a willingness to take risks or advocates for self and other
Student generally:
-demonstrates interest and curiosity in learning
-approaches new tasks with a positive attitude
-shows a willingness to take risks or advocates for self and other
Student sometimes:
-sets own individual goals and monitors progress towards achieving them
-seeks clarification or assistance when needed
-perseveres and makes an effort when responding to challenges
-reflects upon own strengths, needs and interests through choices
Student generally:
-sets own individual goals and monitors progress towards achieving them
-seeks clarification or assistance when needed
-perseveres and makes an effort when responding to challenges
-reflects upon own strengths, needs and interests through choices
Student always:
- completes and submits class work, homework and assignments according to timelines
-takes responsibility for and manages own behaviour
Student always:
- devises and follows a plan and process for completing work and tasks
-establishes priorities and manages time to achieve tasks and goals
Student always:
- uses class time appropriately to complete tasks
-follows instructions with minimal supervision
-monitors or revises plans to complete tasks.
Student always:
- accepts various roles and an equitable share of work in a group
-responds positively to the ideas, opinions, values and traditions of others
-builds healthy peer to peer interaction
-resolves conflicts to achieve group goals
Student always:
-demonstrates interest and curiosity in learning
-approaches new tasks with a positive attitude
-shows a willingness to take risks or advocates for self and other
Student always:
-sets own individual goals and monitors progress towards achieving them
-seeks clarification or assistance when needed
-perseveres and makes an effort when responding to challenges
-reflects upon own strengths, needs and interests through choices