CONSTRUCTION AND FACILITY SERVICES (CFS) 3200 Center Street, Houston TX 77007-5909 Project Advisory Team Meeting Minutes Facilities Planning Washington High School MEETING NO.: 010 LOCATION: Washington High School DATE / TIME: January 14, 2014 4:00pm ATTENDEES: LaShonda Bilbo-Ervin, Principal; Ryan Cozad, Teacher; Martin Lavergne, Parent; Noe Resendiz, Student; Princess Jenkins, HISD-Facility Planning; Amanda Goodie, RPH/Kwame Building Group; Jim Hepburn, FH/HP; Ed Schmidt, FH/HP; Bob Myers, HISD Facilities Planner; Licia Green, FHHP; Kim Jones, One World Strategy Group; Tanya Debose; teacher, Kathy Moreland; Dean, Geoff Bay; FH/HP, Daniel Bankhead; HISD Gen. Mang., Russ McLeed; KBR, Matt Wood; KBR PURPOSE: The focus of this meeting is to review updated design for Booker T. Washington High School. AGENDA ITEMS: Design Update Exterior Materials What to expect at the next PAT NOTES: Discussion: 1. Design Documents Phase is complete and the Architects have received comments from HISD. a. The Architects will be moving on to the Construction Document Phase. b. Site acquisition is underway by HISD and should be completed by end of the 1st quarter of the year. 2. Fanning Howey-House Partnership provided a power point presentation including: a. Review of the building orientation on site b. Further explanation of exterior materials including various masonry unit finishes (smooth, split face, burnished) and metal siding. c. Examples of 2 schools in Sheldon ISD which used similar materials were shown to the PAT. i. Images were provided for the PAT to see from Garratt Elementary School and Null Middle School in Sheldon ISD. ii. Renderings of Booker T. Washington High School were compared to the example schools. e. Review of the tensile structure canopy design for the main entrance of the school f. Examples of alternate canopy structures to define the front entrance of the school 3. Comments from the PAT: a. There was positive feedback regarding the current design however, some members of the PAT requested that the Architect provide an elevation study using only masonry and no metal on the exterior of the building. b. The Architect was requested to show where and how the school name will appear on the building. This will be added to the elevations. c. The Architect was asked to provide alternate front entry concepts showing interior illumination. d. Dan Bankhead, HISD General Manager of Facilities Design, indicated that the design presented was in keeping with a 21st century school look. He added that the trip to Seattle, Washington will include schools that have similar use of materials. 4. The field trip to Seattle, Washington is scheduled for 1-21-2014 through 1-23-2014. 4 Members of the PAT will tour 21st Century Learning Environments to see how they operate and the types of of building materials o that are used on21st century projects. Customer Focused . . . Always Responsive! Office: 713-556-9299 Fax: 713-676-9582 What to Expect Next PAT Meeting: 1. PAT members were encouraged to visit the Sheldon ISD Schools. 2. The Architect will provide an elevation indicating masonry only. 3. The Architect will provide alternate entrance studies including sketches of canopies, a possible atrium scheme and the school name. ACTION ITEMS: 10-01 Provide an elevation indicating masonry only (Fanning-Howey House Partnership Architects) 10-02 Provide alternate entrance studies including sketches of canopies, a possible atrium scheme and the school name. (Fanning-Howey House Partnership Architects) NEXT MEETING: The Next PAT Meeting is will be held on February 11, 2014 at 4:00 pm. Please review the meeting minutes and submit any changes or corrections to Amanda Goodie. After five (5) days, the minutes will be assumed to be accurate. Sincerely, Amanda Goodie, PMP, AVS Director, Program Management and Strategic Planning RPH Consulting Group Direct 713.504.8606 Office 713.275.4200 Fax 866.704.8917 Customer Focused . . . Always Responsive! Office: 713-556-9299 Fax: 713-676-9582