CONSTRUCTION AND FACILITY SERVICES (CFS) 3200 Center Street, Houston TX 77007-5909 Project Advisory Team (PAT) Meeting Minutes Facilities Planning DeBakey High School for Health Professions MEETING NO.: 012 LOCATION: DeBakey High School for Health Professions DATE / TIME: January 10, 2014, 4:00 pm ATTENDEES: Agnes Perry, Principal; Barbara Williams, Faculty; Mary Hayes, Faculty; Bernice Shargey, Dean; Lana Hayes, Library Media Specialist; Natalie Abrameit, Assistant Principal; Steven Gee, Program Manager, TCM; Mary Le Johnson, Architect, WHR Architects; Charlesetta Deason, Community Member; Chris Saikin, Teacher; Neda Khan, Visual Arts Teacher; Nina Jolivet, Teacher; Kedrick Wright, HISD-Facilities Design; Greg Papay, Architect, Lake Flato; Adrianna Swindle, Architect, Lake Flato; Princess Jenkins, HISD Facilities Planning; Doris Rios, Magnet Coordinator PURPOSE: The purpose of this meeting was to provide a Schematic Design status update for DeBakey High School for Health Professions. AGENDA: Schematic Design Update Questions and Answers What to Expect at the Next PAT Meeting NOTES: Discussion 1. The architect presented progress plans and perspectives. 2. The site has approximately .8 acres less than earlier schemes. This has decreased the length of the building from east to west causing the building to increase in depth north to south. Two lanes for bus traffic run one way from west to east and two lanes for car traffic run one way from east to west. There is limited site parking. 3. Levels 2-4 are relatively the same. Lockers are shown on these floors in a space equal to a flex lab. The first and fifth floors still need additional work to provide better functional adjacencies. 4. The stair locations now accommodate better access from the first floor through the building and the rooms on the fifth floor were relocated to accommodate a better gym layout on the north side. 5. The design has more gross square footage than programmed and the Architect has been asked by HISD to reduce approximately 10,000 sf. The square footage reduction strategies include changing to roof top units to reduce the interior mechanical spaces and decreasing corridor width by 1’-0” at the east west corridors. One of the atrium stairs will be shown as an add alternate so it can be added if budget allows. The number of restrooms will also be reviewed for potential reduction as the building is over the code required number of toilet fixtures. 6. Comments from the PAT: Will there be a fence around the school with gate access for faculty and students from each parking area? Yes, this will be added to the site plan. The Architect needs to ensure that the roof area on level 5 has not been added to the area summary. The architect will confirm that this area has not been included in the square footage calculation. The atrium/dining space needs to accommodate seating for 533 students. A possible layout of tables and chairs will be added for the next design review meeting. One elevator has been removed and the freight elevator has been relocated to the other side of the building. How does this affect accessibility? One elevator was removed for cost reasons. Most of the occupant and visitors should be using the stairs. The science department had requested a dumbwaiter to transport materials and the freight elevator is not near the science labs. The elevator was relocated to be near the dock. The design team will review costs at SD to see if the dumbwaiter can be added. Customer Focused . . . Always Responsive! Office: 713-556-9299 Fax: 713-676-9582 7. In reducing the corridor widths, safety is diminished. Can we take square footage out of the learning centers? HISD will not allow the design team to take away space from the core academic learning centers. The size was based on standard classroom guidelines. However, the PAT may present their findings on reducing CTE spaces. The CTE labs seem to be too large. Can any square footage be reduced from these spaces? The Architect needs direction from HISD but can look at the possibility of reducing the larger spaces on the east side of the building if the District is agreeable. The SD package will be completed at the end of the January. What to expect at the next meeting: 1. WHR/ Lake Flato Architects will provide a Schematic Design status update for DeBakey High School for Health Professions. NEXT MEETING: The next PAT meeting will be held on January 23, 2014 at 4:00 pm. Please review the meeting minutes and submit any changes or corrections to Steven Gee. After five (5) days, the minutes will be assumed to be accurate. Sincerely, Steven Gee Program Manager HISD – Construction & Facility Services 3200 Center Street, Houston, TX 77007 Phone: (713) 556-9261 Email: Customer Focused . . . Always Responsive! Office: 713-556-9299 Fax: 713-676-9582