Minutes 2012 Bond Project Advisory Team (PAT) Meeting Austin High School

2012 Bond Project Advisory Team (PAT) Meeting
Austin High School
LOCATION: Austin High School
DATE / TIME: May 14, 2015
ATTENDEES: (those marked with a check were present)
 Jorge Arredondo
Yadira Banuelos
Class President
 Covey Nash
 Casiano Cruz
Karen Degollado
 Marsha Eckerman
 Albert Wong
HISD Project Manager
 Noelia Longoria
School Support
 Angelita Henry
 Tania Roman
 Jacque Royce
 Catherine Smith
 Eli Ochoa
ERO Architects
 Georgianne Sigler
Lydia Zamora
Nancy Bennett
C. Guerrero
Dan Bankhead
Clay Clayton
Princess Jenkins
Nestor Martinez
Sue Robertson
Steve Guerrero
Kendrick Wright
ERO Architects
Teacher, Science
Agricultural Teacher
HISD – Facilities
Design– Facilities
Design– Facilities
HISD – Facilities
Planning Principal
HCISD FacilityDesign
The purpose of the meeting was to meet with the Project Advisory Team and HISD Bond office
project team to provide an update on progress to date.
• Introduce Attendees
• Action Item Follow Up
• Review, discuss and edit room descriptions
• What to expect at the next PAT meeting
1. ERO Architects Principal, Eli Ochoa, began by providing an overview of the ideas and input given at the
Austin HS Design Charrette. The Design Team begins with concepts and these grow into ideas that are
modified. Ultimately, ERO’s goal is to complete the product that everyone had an opportunity to
provide input on, from a design and functional point of view.
2. Mr. Ochoa took those ideas from the Design Charrette and developed them to the next level. A cost
model has been developed and, within the next two weeks, ERO will be developing new estimates on
the current plans so the cost model is constantly updated. HISD has a finite budget that they were
assigned for this project. What is presented now may change, but ERO will present those changes to
everyone for collaboration. Steve Guerrero stated that all changes have cost implications.
3. Mr. Ochoa stated that the 1936 & 1966 buildings that were discussed at the Design Charrette are
considered to be in good condition and will be reused in order to stay within the available construction
budget. The square footage in the existing 1936 & 1966 buildings will be considered renovation areas
and calculated differently than the new construction costs for new additions.
4. Mr. Ochoa stated that they were looking at significant renovation in these existing buildings to remain,
with these areas used primarily as reconfigured classrooms. ERO is envisioning that some corridor
walls and lockers will be taken out. The walls will become more transparent and will open up the
corridors. The full spectrum lighting in the classrooms is not seen from the corridor and the design team
is looking into getting that natural light into these corridor areas.
5. Mr. Ochoa discussed the Administration Area and the Learning Commons, also referred to as the
Library. In the 21st Century Design, the Learning Commons is transformed to become more interactive
and will be dispersed throughout the campus facility.
6. Mr. Ochoa continued with review of a two story volume that is intended to be the Dining Commons
(Cafeteria). The second floor is proposed to have bridges that will lead to small learning areas where
students can interact and will make it easier for the Administration to monitor the students.
7. Mr. Ochoa stated that as we continue with the design, we will start showing 3D hand sketches to show
what ERO is envisioning for this campus.
8. Mr. Ochoa will need input from the PAT members in regards to the current dressing rooms. The Design
Team can either centrally locate them or move them to another location. If these are kept where they
are currently placed, the Design Team can keep the buses on Lockwood or pull them off the street to a
slip lane where they can unload in front of the Administration area and Learning Commons. This will
allow the students to gather in one area before their first classes. The Courtyard and Dining Commons
will be the central HUB of a lot of student interaction.
9. The design team would like to re-orientate the Sky Bridge’s existing access stairs and make them more
convenient, especially when there is a lot of vehicular traffic on S. Lockwood Drive. Lydia Zamora
asked if the bridge would be rotated as previously discussed. Mr. Ochoa and Mr. Cantu stated that the
options would be to either add risers or move the entrance to the parking lot. The Design Team will do
whatever is most cost effective and functional. Mr. Ochoa stated that there is the possibility of a
pedestrian street light on S. Lockwood Dr., with a pedestrian walk way, but will not know for sure until
they meet with the Traffic Engineer.
10. In response to a question from Nestor Martinez about a presented illustration, Eli Ochoa stated that
everything in multicolor was proposed to be demolished. Everything to the west of the 1966 building will
be removed and not be part of the final design, with the exception of the JROTC and Field House;
these will remain and be renovated.
11. Eli Ochoa stated that the two new gymnasiums will be set back from S. Lockwood Dr. This will make it
convenient to take the Sky Bridge to the gyms from the existing parking lot. The Dining Commons can
become a lobby to the gymnasiums. It can be a controlled space, through a series of doors and gates
that can be locked, keeping the rest of the campus secure.
12. Albert Wong asked if the Dining Commons was intended to feed all of the students at one time and Mr.
Ochoa replied “No”. The Dining Commons is designed to be a fun place to be in. The outside courtyard
area will have places for students to sit down, including large steps and ramps to make it handicapped
accessible, and be shaded to make it inviting for students.
13. Mr. Ochoa stated that, from a planning perspective, the way the campus is laid out works well. The
classrooms are located closer to the surrounding community’s residential area where it is quieter.
14. Mr. Ochoa requested input from the PAT in regards to the Band Hall and where the band students will
be practicing. Tania Roman stated that the band only needs the fields to practice on during football
season. By the time football season is over, they can use the parking lot if they need to practice. Eli
Ochoa stated that the band hall would be kept in the area discussed to help get the band students in
and out of the area when they are traveling. Lydia Zamora stated that the soccer fields, which can
hopefully be added into the Program, could be an area where the band can practice on until soccer
season begins. Soccer would then take priority and the band would move elsewhere.
15. Mr. Ochoa stated that the Design Team is limited in what they can do with the electrical easement
located under the parking lot. The Design Team cannot put a building on that area, due to this existing
16. Mr. Wong stated that, across S. Lockwood, there are currently 8.56 acres that can be used as part of
this campus. However, it’s difficult to access because it’s across the street from the main campus.
ERO’s Octavio Cantu stated that the area across S. Lockwood might be used for storm water detention;
it is unclear at the moment. It could also be used for relocating the Agricultural Building.
17. Ms. Zamora asked if the locker rooms are doubling as regular gym class lockers rooms and athletic
locker rooms. Mr. Ochoa stated that the locker rooms are shown as indicated in the program. Currently,
these are all boys’ lockers rooms but will be changed to accommodate both genders.
18. Mr. Ochoa proceeded with the second slide which includes the CTE building that needs access to the
service yard. The new parent drop off would be on Dumble Street, which has only a 50’ right of way.
The Design Team will have to meet with the Traffic Engineer and the City of Houston before any final
decisions can be made.
19. Mr. Wong asked if the community used the facility after hours and Principal Steve Guerrero responded
that some schools use it for after-school programs and Saturday classes. Mr. Ochoa stated that
movement in the building will be controlled after hours so that people are not roaming the campus.
20. Mr. Martinez asked if there will be any signage to indicate where the students’ dropoff, bus lanes, etc.
are to direct people and Mr. Ochoa stated that there will be way-finding signage throughout the campus
and on the streets.
21. Tania Roman asked if Jefferson St. will be maintained as the main entrance to Austin High School and
Mr. Ochoa stated that it would become a new entrance for visitors.
22. Mr. Cantu stated that, during the Design Charrette, the possibility of moving the central plant was
discussed. At the moment, however, it appears that the central plant will remain where it is located. Mr.
Martinez stated that it would be allow funds to be spent on student, staff and program needs if it
remains in the same location.
23. Eli Ochoa indicated that there would be two loops around the campus. The old 1941 building was
added when the girl’s gymnasium was added. The Design Team would like to keep the 1941 building.
The corridor from the 1936 building will continue until it hits the second floor outer loop and will continue
all around the campus. Mr. Ochoa continued with the second floor and proposed to take out an existing
stairwell which will become a corridor that will become part of the loop indicated above.
24. Mr. Martinez asked where the elevator was located and Mr, Ochoa showed the PAT on the site plan.
The existing elevator may not stay, but other elevators will be added.
25. Mr. Ochoa continued discussion about the Administration areas which will be dispersed throughout the
26. Mr. Ochoa mentioned that there is a possibility of including a glass wall at one of the Gym or Dining
Commons areas, but the sun’s heat radiation will have to be considered.
27. Marsha Eckerman asked if there would be an entrance from Lockwood and Mr. Ochoa stated that there
would be emergency exits facing S. Lockwood Dr. These entrances and the canopy added for the band
hall were shown on the illustration.
28. Lydia Zamora voiced her concern regarding the walls facing S. Lockwood Dr. getting tagged from top to
bottom. Mr. Ochoa will keep this in mind as a valid concern.
29. Ms. Eckerman asked how the rest of the PAT, who didn’t attend the Design Charrette, felt about
moving the entrance to Jefferson Street. Mr. Ochoa clarified that the entrance on Jefferson Street will
be primarily for visitors. Bus students will be coming in from S. Lockwood Dr. and parents will drop off
students on Dumble Street. Lockwood and Jefferson will be used for after-school purposes. Students
will be entering through the entrance on Lockwood. The Design Team will not know which area might
be considered the school’s main entrance until they get the survey and building plat information. Ms.
Eckerman asked if the Design Team will have a modernistic design approach for these Austin High
School changes or reinforce the historical façade on Dumble St. Mr. Ochoa stated that the Design
Team will combine a modern design while maintaining the history of the building. Mr. Martinez stated
that HISD would like to preserve the history and legacy of the school. Mr. Ochoa stated that the biggest
design challenge is how to maintain a residential feel to an institutional entrance.
30. Depending upon how many buses are assigned to Austin High School and due to the high traffic along
S. Lockwood Dr., the Design Team would rather relocate the buses elsewhere, if possible. The traffic
engineering survey should help to determine its best and safest location for serving the campus
31. Ms. Eckerman asked if there is a possibility to make Jefferson Street a one way street. Mr. Ochoa
replied that it was a really good idea, but this will have to be discussed with the Traffic Engineer.
32. Mr. Ochoa continued by showing an inventory of the spaces that are available and where they can be
located as part of the current Austin HS Program. All of the colors on their illustration mean something
to the Design Team, with the standard classroom size set at 850 sq. ft.
33. Tania Roman asked if the Design Team is still looking at the idea of the teachers sharing classrooms.
Mr. Ochoa’s responded that this not shown on the capacity model, but it is a possibility that teachers
may share classrooms in the future.
34. Ms. Roman asked if the CTE classrooms were included in the program and Mr. Ochoa stated that
certain CTE’s are grouped with the Maritime program. The pool area might house an elevator that Mr.
Martinez suggested to make it easier for students to access the second and third floors.
1.) Eli Ochoa asked for any other questions that the PAT might have. All the questions were asked and
answered throughout the meeting.
1-1 Prepare for the next PAT Meeting.
1.) The Design Team will provide 3D Sketches.
2.) More input from the Traffic Engineers
NEXT PAT MEETING: June 11, 2015
Please review the meeting minutes and submit any changes or corrections to the author.
After five (5) calendar days, the minutes will be assumed to be accurate.
Albert Wong, AIA
Interim Project Manager
HISD – Construction & Facility Services
3200 Center Street, Houston, TX 77007
Phone: (713) 556-9271
Email: awong@houstonisd.org