UNIT 2 - ANCIENT EGYPT ASSIGNMENT Egyptian Burial Chamber As part of our class project to mummify a chicken, we will also be constructing a burial chamber that will complete the mummification and burial process. As part of your contribution to the overall project, you will be required to do some research on the section you’ve chosen. The burial chamber will include wall paintings, the sarcophagus with coffin in it, a death mask, canopic jars, and items this Egyptian will need in the afterlife. The class will be divided into groups; each responsible for one aspect of the burial process. Students will sign up for each section and will be responsible for producing their piece to be added to the final product. Research is required to see what each section should actually look like and the meaning behind each. Students will be evaluated based on authenticity and realism of the item they supplied. 1) The Sarcophagus (3 Students) The sarcophagus should be constructed to resemble a real one and painted to resemble the Egyptian being buried. This section will be worked on by all 4 students together and will therefore get the same mark for that part of the assignment. Consider the size of our corpse and make the sarcophagus to scale. 2) The Death Mask (3 Students) One death mask will be completed by two students working together, therefore the mark will be the same for both. The mask should be a stylized/idyllic version of what the individual looked like in life. 3) The Wall Paintings (4 Students) Wall paintings are required for the burial chamber. One large painting will cover each wall of the chamber. The wall paintings should successfully capture the life of the individual being buried and should be complete with various scenes depicting his/her life. The paintings should be fully coloured and contain hieroglyphics as well. One piece of chart paper is an appropriate size. 4) Canopic Jars (4 Students) As part of the mummification process, the ancient Egyptian embalmers removed several of the internal organs from the body. These were treated and placed into four vases called Canopic Jars. The lids were often in the shape of the heads of the Four Sons of Horus. Each student will be responsible for creating one jar to be placed in the chamber. 5) Items For The Afterlife (14 Students) Students signed up for this section will be responsible for providing one item they believe the individual will be able to use in the afterlife. You can be creative as you want. Examples: statues, reed boats, vases, food, jewelry, amulets, religious artifacts, etc. Each item should have an authentic and genuine feel to it and have a story behind it. Each student will ALSO be responsible for the following: a) 1 page explanation (single-spaced and typed) of their contribution and their rationale for why they designed it that particular way. Your explanation should also give a brief description of the item’s importance during the burial process. Some research will obviously be required. b) A 1 page, single-spaced and typed, biography/creative piece (story, poem, song, etc) describing the mummy’s role in life (job, position in society, family, etc). DUE DATE: _______________________________________ UNIT 2 - ANCIENT EGYPT ASSIGNMENT Egyptian Burial Chamber Name: ______________________________ Item Responsible For: __________________________________ CRITERIA Item Produced (APPLICATION) Authenticity Evidence of Research Creativity Mark 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 /15 TOTAL Item Description (KNOWLEDGE & UNDERSTANDING) Explanation of Item’s Importance to Burial Process Description/Rationale of Actual Item 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 /15 TOTAL Biography/Creative Piece (THINKING & INQUIRY) Authenticity Evidence of Research Creativity 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 /15 TOTAL Mechanics/Overall Presentation (COMMUNICATION) Spelling and Grammar Vocabulary Instructions Followed/Overall Aesthetics TOTAL 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 /15