Canadian History Series Page 1 of I Canadian Historv Series l. List three trends of the mid 1950s: 2. The Canada J. By 1956, almost of music was was established in 1957 with the purpose to help Canadian dancers, writers, artists and musicians. As well, it wanted to prevent of Canada's population was under the age 2- of -^ _' , The new form The biggest star was the "king" Canada's biggest stars were 4. During the Suez Crisis on 1956, Lester B. 5. The "space race" began in 1957 when satellite called the "Sputnik". The "Telestar" and then Canada" with the " 6. In the 1957 election, Canada's new prime minister was chief accomplishments were: 7. During the 1960s, the " Revolution" in Quebec had began with Premier Jean Lesage's quote, "Maitres Chez Nous", which meant won the for establishing the United Nations Emergency Force. launched the first artificial was next with the launchins of the Diefenbaker. Two of his tt. 8. Three "signs" of the on-going Cold war were: 9. One reason why this technological aerospace marvel, the was because it could not prevent a Soviet missile attack. 10. During the the was scrapped Missile Crisis. the North America stood on the brink of a nuclear war as had placed nuclear missiles in 11. By the early 1960s, violence shock the province of committed terrorist acts to force the issue of Quebec separatism. http://www.markville. ss.yrdsb. I chonglcs2.html as the 5t2t2006