
Canada in the 50's
o Newfoundland joins confederation(e.g. Canada) in 1949
o Last province to join
Relations with USA
o Tighter friendship after WWII (US gave us economic help during the war)
r NATo and NoRAD military partnerships because of cold war
o US invests million in Canadian economy
r US becomes our largest trading partner
'o US money helps build and modemize Canada but they control a lot of our industry
This relationship continues to get closer and by 1989, Canada and USA sign a Free Trade
Agreement (FTA)
50's economy
o Just like the 20's,lots of good jobs for everyone
o People were obsessed with buying the newest and best (consumerism)
Ba by Boom
r Good jobs and lonely soldiers coming home from war created lots of babies
o Population grew as more babies born than ever before
o The Baby Boom Generation is the largest age group in Canada, and have made a special
impact on Canadian society (e.g. Health Care is a big Issue in Canada because the
Boomers are all seniors)
50's Culture
o TV invented - newest form of entertainment, became very popular
o Cars were cheaper and far better
o Cities grew bigger and subdivisions started because people could live farther from work
r Rock and Roll - new form of music adapted from Rhyhm and Blues, loved by kids hated
by adults - Eivis Presley was the most popular and Paul Anka was best selling Canadian
In the past, people in their teens were expected to be adults, but in the 50's teenagers .
stayed in school and could still act like kids
Teens had both time and money, they rebelled against society and developed their own
culture (language, fashion, music and values)
Generation gap as parents and teens didn't understand each other
The Booming
For most canadians, the late forties and early
fifties marked a return to a "normal" 1ife. The
birth rate i-ncreased significantly as canada
experienced a baby boom.
The baby boom generation has i_nfluenced social_
and economi-c decision making in canada since the
in synthetic fibers, plastics and
electronics made duri-ng worrd war rr were applied
to the production of many new consumer prod.ucts.
The automobile became a symbol of success in
Canadian society.
American firms establ-ished many branch plants in
canada, providing new jobs and products. profits
and the most promising managers were sent to the
parent firrn in the united States. some canadians
worried about American control of the canadran
Advances made
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American television programmi-nq and ad.vertisinq
greatly inf l_uenced Canadj_an fami_lies.
Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) was
funded by the federal_ government to buil_d a
national- Canadian television service.
canadlans began movi-ng to suburban communities to
provide a less crowded l_if estyle.
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accidents, reduced adult supervisj-on of children,
and the treatment of Aboriginar peoples were
the 1950's.
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Teens emerged in large numbers and with more
leisure time and spending money. RebeIling
against an overly formal and conformist adul_t
society, teenagers developed a youth culture with
its own language, musi_c and fashions.
Rock-and-rol-l_ music was an important part of
youth cul-t,ure. Adults reacted harshly to this
loud, energetic and rebell_ious new music.
1. Explain why the 1950's are referred to as al. Explain why the 1950's
are referred to as a period of mixed emotions.
2. Why is a baby boom and how can it be recognized statistically?
3. How did the baby boom generation impact
Canadian society?
4. What is an echo boom?
5. Explain why the Canadian
economy kept growing rapidly after WW2.
How much did the Canadian economy grow between 1947 and 1957?
6. To what
extent was Canada's economic prosperity from 1947.to 1957
aided by American involvement in the Canadian economy?
7. Explain
the relationship that exists between an American parent firm
and a Canadian branch plant.
8. Explain how television helped to Americanize Canadians during
it important for the govemment of Canada to fund the CBC?
10. How did leaving home to attend residential schools affect Aboriginal
children during the 1950's?
11.Why did teenagers become a significant age group during the 1950's?
IZ.a) What is meant by the generation gap? What were 1950's
rebelling against?
b)"Rock and Roll music was a youthful demonstration of antiestablishment attitudes." Do you agree with this statement? How
does today's new music challenge the adult establishment?