Annotated Bibliography - The Awo Campagna, Palmiro. Storms of Controvers)r: The Secret Stoddarr Publishing Co. Limited. 1992. Arrow r' Awo Arrow File Revealed. Toronto, Canada. The book provides information regarding the American influence to the untimely demise of the Arrow project. There are sections devoted to the controversy involving the American influence/n choosing the Sage and Bomarc systems over the Arlow. Carnpagna provides a well-researched vieul Sdthe reasonsihy the Arrow project was destroyed due to political influence frgm south ofthe border. z Holmes, Harry'. Awo: The History of an Aircraft Company. London, England. Airlife PublishingLtd. 1994. .; This source weighs heavily on aircraft history involving the United Kingdom. There is mention of the Arrow oncd, as being the source of design for the Vulcan. The Vulcan was purchased and used by the United Kingdom as a long-range transport and bomber. The aircraft bore resemblance to the Arrglin its design. There is also evidence provided that the British lost interest in the Arrow for the Vlidan. This book exhibits the data that links modern aircraft to the Arrow designs, thereby revealing/the Arrow's advanced design. i.. Peden, Murray. Fall of an Arrow. Toronto, Canada. Stoddart Publishing Co. Limited:' i987. on inarrr/As well as a detailed account as to the events and influences that led to the cancellation of the Awdd,rrow project. There is also a clear pictorial and written description of the capabilities of the Bomarc system that Canada purchased instead of the Arrow. Stewart, Greig. Shutting Down The National Dream. Toronto, Canada. McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited. 1 988 Greig's book contains numerous amounts of quotations of ind.iviiuals involved in the construaion and destruction of the Arrow. There are first hand commentarieslodr engineers and directors of Awo. The books provide an in-depth comparison between the use ofptlomarc and the Arrow, as well as how a ioint usage of the two remains insufiicient to the defence of North America. Zuring, Peter. The Arrow Scrapbook. Canada. Friesens. 1999. The scrapbook contains many unclassified documents from the Department of National Defence I / \.\)^ \fn\l Y and memorandums revealing the continuous communication bpt{een the defence stafi, Awo and the federal government. Many of the documents diwlge the changing Q*{ns and positions of various key players. S Ineses: \J I Trudeau the Philosopher Kine Theses: The strength that was in the leader ofthis great nation did not succeed alone on his fierceness or his intensiry; it was the pridel-e 6ilug-_-E't forth in being Canadian. pierre Trudeuy'lfuuii tt philosopher king, with his brilliant theories, wonderful humanily and his advice to h,g4ation " of A Canada. r"*l b\-""- : The passion and dreams ofa proud Canadian took flight before and during the Trudeau era. He brought forth a new school of polirics w,ith his inventive ideas, evident patriotism and his acts of alhuism. i n * )tu/1,,hL: ) drl/.lrrkl! //l &tr,& Annotated BibliodraJhv B iblio(radhv ! / u2) / qitt{tht' " Axworthy, Thomas S. Towards a Just Society: 'The Trudeau years. Toronto, Canada. Penguin Bqoks Canada LTD. 1990. I book..:u..ul: Tru-deau's ideas and opinions on foreign policy. Also work of Trudeau's theory of fbqualiry which sheds light on his ideas of opportunify for the multi-cultural Canada he helped realjze. fihis Christiano, Kevin J. Piene EIIiot Trudeau: Reason Before Passion. Toronto, Canada. ECW Press. 1994. . zf-\->. 3-1 .fj C'*u u39($lcussE9the anibunt of patriotism Piene Trudeau had for Canada. It speaks of politics and that of the e-Ifffs of bringing the constitution home. This book will prove usefui because it will provide information on the crucial decisions Trudeau made for canada. {rus Deneau Publishers. Trudeau. onaw4 canada. Deneaupublishers. 19g4- This book quotes mgny things Pierre Trudeau said. This book exemplifies rhe brilliance as a theorist n and a philo.sop\dHis thoughts are revealed on what is a strong Nation, in Canada stemming from \N U.f , roots of will, rdity and the size of its heart is hat makes Canadaqqruv's a strong nation. \ /o/ LUd,l Radwanski, George. Trudeau. T.H. Best Printing Company Limited. Toronto, Canada. , Y \y le78' ilIY nd N ', \ .(\t \\ / frus book delves in the politicai philosophy of Pierre Trudeau. As well it discusses his theories on )d ,- ',1 I many different topics. George Radwanski provides information on the theories of Trudeau. One of \ \ fZ Y ) those theorfs is "Functional Politics" which in essenci: could have provided so much success within Vn d ($ lrudgaogovernment',/ '*(f\*t,/'n Trudeag Piene. Conversaticjn with Canadians. Toronto, Canada. University of Toronro \ yX d'{tt/ Press. 1972. ,tl t\n\r) \/ \ This. book is a collection of interviews shedding light on his beliefs with Natle and minoriry equaliry. Trudeau speaks of democracy and of a Canada rhar is unired and proud. \*fr, dilferent interviews show Trude#and his thoughts on issues ranging from Natives toAmer6an relations. _- ,,,/. I f / rt Kt./1 / ,. /'V/no,.1 ,l /rur/l ,u - a /n/ --/ t / /t'n-s';'^'//'( /f/."?.a--77u -t - Iol, / I )( 2 /,