Library Institutional Repository General 4/8/2014

Project Explorer
Library Institutional Repository
In Workf low
Reques t I D : 1 1 7 8
Completed By
T im Buc her
on Tue 4/8/2014
A c c t/D ept: U nivers ity L ibrary
P rojec t T ype: I .T . P rojec t Reques t Forms > P rojec t Reques t (XT C /P P M O )
P ortfolio(s ):
C las s ific ation: Bus ines s O perations
P riority: M edium
Spons or: A lis on M organ
C reated: Fri 3 /1 4 /1 4 2 :4 1 P M by A lis on M organ
T ime Frame: Fri 3 /1 4 /1 4 to M on 6 /3 0 /1 4
D uration: 7 7 weekday(s )
E valuator: T im Buc her (Read on Fri 3 /1 4 /1 4 4 :4 3 P M )
D es c ription: T he library needs to replac e the ins titutional repos itory (I R) D igital Spac e, formerly s upported by
O hioL I N K and not available as of 1 2 /3 1 /1 3 . A new repos itory c an be us ed to hous e digital
c ollec tions inc luding library arc hives , fac ulty and s tudent res earc h, and digital projec ts c reated in
c ours es . A robus t I R c an help market and promote the s c holars hip of the univers ity, help the
library organize and c entralize Xavier- c reated c ontent, as s is t with reporting and analys is for
as s es s ment and ac c reditation needs , and provide world- wide ac c es s to Xavier s c holars hip.
Requirements : T BD
1. Logistics
C ategory N ew applic ation implementation
P P M O L iais on T im Buc her
D ivis ion I nformation T ec hnologies
H as funding been s ec ured?
Funding Sourc e A waiting U P RC or D ivis ion approval
2. Project Definition
A lternative Solutions
[What is the bus ines s impac t if the reques t is not approved? A re there alternatives to s olve the
problem? ]
T he library mus t have a s ys tem for the long- term management of digital c ollec tions . T here are
open s ourc e alternatives that may not be as robus t as the s ys tem(s ) we are c ons idering for
purc has e.
Suc c es s C riteria [I f the projec t is approved lis t meas urements that would as s ure the projec t was s uc c es s fully
C onc lus ion and Rec ommendation [E ns ure that your c onc lus ion touc hes on the bus ines s objec tives , outlines the dec is ion c riteria
inc luded, and explic itly s tates the res ults and findings . Rec ommendations mus t formally outline
how you think the organization s hould addres s the problem.
3. Technology Assessment
D rivers
I nfras truc ture N eeds
[For example, an operating s ys tem is going out of s upport]
T he library's former I R, D igital Spac e, is no longer s upported by O hioL I N K. We have the
c ontent/data from D igital Spac e, but no public interfac e on whic h to hous e it.
[E xamples inc lude: Servers , s torage, data drops , c omputer equipment, audio/vis ual equipment,
Project Explorer
etc .]
T he s ys tems we are c ons idering are hos ted and don't require c omplex infras truc ture needs .
T ec hnic al Res ourc es
[T ec hnology- related res ourc es potentially needed to implement the reques t]
L ibrarians may need tec hnic al as s is tanc e from A pplic ation Servic es s taff to populate the new
s ys tem with the data from D igital Spac e. Signific ant library s taff and s tudent employee time will be
needed for the implementation of the new s ys tem.
IT Project Request Process
started Fri 3/14/14 (17 work days ago)
N ame
Res pons ibility
C ompleted
P P M O Review
T im Buc her
Fri 3 /1 4 /1 4 4 :4 3 P M (T im
Buc her)
T ue 4 /8 /1 4 8 :5 5 A M (T im
Buc her)
XT C Review
T im Buc her
T ue 4 /8 /1 4 8 :5 5 A M (T im
Buc her)
P rioritization &
P lanning
M ark Broc kman, T im Buc her, E rik
E xpens e
Completed By
C omments
T im Buc her
on Tue 4/8/2014
Q ty
T otal
T ravel
0 .0 0
$ 0 .0 0
$ 0 .0 0
T raining
0 .0 0
$ 0 .0 0
$ 0 .0 0
0 .0 0
$ 0 .0 0
$ 0 .0 0
P rojec t M anagement
0 .0 0
$ 0 .0 0
$ 0 .0 0
L odging C os ts
0 .0 0
$ 0 .0 0
$ 0 .0 0
I mplementation
0 .0 0
$ 0 .0 0
$ 0 .0 0
Food/M eals
0 .0 0
$ 0 .0 0
$ 0 .0 0
C ons ulting Servic es
0 .0 0
$ 0 .0 0
$ 0 .0 0
Strategic Alignment
Business Process Improvement
Enhance educational opportunity
Expand resources and improve effectiveness
Integration of systems and resources
Completed By
T im Buc her
on Tue 4/8/2014
Completed By
T im Buc her
on Tue 4/8/2014
Low: Difficult Learning Curves
There will be a learning curve for the new system, but nothing that is likely to significantly
threaten the project's success. Library staff has expertise in IRs and has managed systems
such as these before.
Medium: Increased Workflow Complexity
Project Explorer
Initial workflow complexity will increase within the library (to populate the system), and the
system may increase workflow for academic departments if faculty are making significant
contributions to the IR.
Low: Lack of cohesive stakeholder buy-in/support
We are hoping for significant buy-in from the colleges at the dean and associate dean level.
Without this support, the library will still need to purchase a system, but it will not be used to
its full capacity without university-wide support.
Low: Resource Bottlenecks
Resource bottlenecks would likely be in library staff time, but we don't anticipate significant
problems of this nature.
Low: Unknown Complexities
It's possible that the new system could be more complex than we anticipate, but not likely
that anything will significantly threaten the overall success of the project. It will be a new
system, but a known and familiar TYPE of system, for the library staff.
Score Card
Completed By
T im Buc her
on Tue 4/8/2014
Sc orec ard Sc ore: 3 .7 5
G oals Sc ore: 0 .5 7
Ris ks Sc ore: 0 .7 2
C ompos ite Sc ore: 4 8 .0 8
(G oals Sc ore * Weight) + (Ris ks Sc ore * Weight) + Sc orec ard Sc ore
C ompos ite Sc ore P C T : 4 8 .0 8 %
Stakeholders (Non-Technical)
Completed By
T im Buc her
on Tue 4/8/2014
David Mengel
C onsulted, Informed
A s s oc iate D ean for C A S, c ons ulted on initial plans for how a new I R might be us ed by fac ulty.
Fri 3/14/14 3:50 PM
Dennis Long
C onsulted, Informed
A s s oc iate D ean for C SSH E , c ons ulted on initial plans for how a new I R might be us ed by fac ulty.
Fri 3/14/14 3:50 PM
Jim Snodgrass
C onsulted, Informed
A s s oc iate D ean for C A S, c ons ulted on initial plans for how a new I R might be us ed by fac ulty.
Fri 3/14/14 3:50 PM
Sandy Richtermeyer
C onsulted, Informed
A s s oc iate D ean for WC B, c ons ulted on initial plans for how a new I R might be us ed by fac ulty.
Fri 3/14/14 3:51 PM
Project Explorer
Tim Bucher
has marked the "P lans " s ec tion c omplete.
T ue 4 /8 /1 4 9 :1 2 A M
Tim Bucher
has marked the "Stakeholders " s ec tion c omplete.
T ue 4 /8 /1 4 9 :1 2 A M
Tim Bucher
has marked the "Sc ore C ard" s ec tion c omplete.
T ue 4 /8 /1 4 9 :1 2 A M
Tim Bucher
has marked the "Returns " s ec tion c omplete.
T ue 4 /8 /1 4 9 :1 1 A M
Tim Bucher
has marked the "E xpens es " s ec tion c omplete.
T ue 4 /8 /1 4 9 :1 1 A M
Tim Bucher
has marked the "Files " s ec tion c omplete.
T ue 4 /8 /1 4 9 :1 1 A M
Tim Bucher
has marked the "Ris ks " s ec tion c omplete.
T ue 4 /8 /1 4 9 :1 1 A M
Tim Bucher
has marked the "G oals " s ec tion c omplete.
T ue 4 /8 /1 4 9 :1 0 A M
Tim Bucher
has marked the "G eneral" s ec tion c omplete.
T ue 4 /8 /1 4 9 :1 0 A M
Tim Bucher
C hanged H as funding been s ec ured? from "Y es " to "N o".
C hanged Funding Sourc e from "D epartment or D ivis ion Budget" to "A waiting U P RC or D ivis ion approval".
T ue 4 /8 /1 4 9 :1 0 A M
Tim Bucher
C hanged C las s ific ation from "Strategic I nitiatives " to "Bus ines s O perations ".
T ue 4 /8 /1 4 9 :1 0 A M
Project Explorer
Tim Bucher
approved the "P P M O Review" s tep in the "I T P rojec t Reques t P roc es s " workflow.
M ove to XT C Review Stage for c ommunic ation and awarenes s . A lis on and T im will pres ent during the A pril
2 4 th meeting.
T ue 4 /8 /1 4 8 :5 5 A M
Tim Bucher
C hanged P P M O L iais on from "N othing" to "T im Buc her".
M on 3 /1 7 /1 4 4 :5 7 P M
Tim Bucher
as s igned this reques t to the "I T P rojec t Reques t P roc es s " workflow.
Fri 3 /1 4 /1 4 4 :4 3 P M
Alison Morgan
s ubmitted the reques t.
Fri 3 /1 4 /1 4 3 :5 3 P M
Alison Morgan
C hanged C ategory from "N othing" to "N ew applic ation implementation".
C hanged D ivis ion from "N othing" to "I nformation T ec hnologies ".
C hanged H as funding been s ec ured? from "N othing" to "Y es ".
C hanged Funding Sourc e from "N othing" to "D epartment or D ivis ion Budget".
C hanged A lternative Solutions from "N othing" to "[What is the bus ines s impac t if the reques t is not approved? A re
there alternatives to s olve the problem? ]
T he library mus t have a s ys tem for the long- term management of digital c ollec tions . T here are open s ourc e
alternatives that may not be as robus t as the s ys tem(s ) we are c ons idering for purc has e.".
C hanged Suc c es s C riteria from "N othing" to "[I f the projec t is approved lis t meas urements that would as s ure the
projec t was s uc c es s fully implemented.]
T BD ".
C hanged C onc lus ion and Rec ommendation from "N othing" to "[E ns ure that your c onc lus ion touc hes on the bus ines s
objec tives , outlines the dec is ion c riteria inc luded, and explic itly s tates the res ults and findings . Rec ommendations
mus t formally outline how you think the organization s hould addres s the problem.
T BD ".
C hanged D rivers from "N othing" to "[For example, an operating s ys tem is going out of s upport]
T he library's former I R, D igital Spac e, is no longer s upported by O hioL I N K. We have the c ontent/data from D igital
Spac e, but no public interfac e on whic h to hous e it.".
C hanged I nfras truc ture N eeds from "N othing" to "[E xamples inc lude: Servers , s torage, data drops , c omputer
equipment, audio/vis ual equipment, etc .]
T he s ys tems we are c ons idering are hos ted and don't require c omplex infras truc ture needs .".
C hanged T ec hnic al Res ourc es from "N othing" to "[T ec hnology- related res ourc es potentially needed to implement the
reques t]
L ibrarians may need tec hnic al as s is tanc e from A pplic ation Servic es s taff to populate the new s ys tem with the data
from D igital Spac e. Signific ant library s taff and s tudent employee time will be needed for the implementation of the
new s ys tem.".
Fri 3 /1 4 /1 4 2 :4 1 P M