SNC1P - Grade 9 Applied Science FINAL EXAM Review

SNC1P - Grade 9 Applied Science
DATE OF THE EXAM: _________________
Necessary Tools for the Exam: your periodic table, a calculator; a pencil; blue or black pen; an eraser; a ruler; a highlighter.
 HHPS, WHMIS and MSDS- know what the letters stand for and
review the symbols
 Pure substances vs. mixtures
 Physical change vs. chemical change
 Physical properties of matter-know the definitions of terms such as:
your notes)
 Chemical properties of matter
 Clues for a chemical change
 Families in the periodic table
 Names for changes of state
 Homogenous vs. heterogeneous mixtures
 Lab equipment
 Parts of an atom and their location
 Know how to find/determine the following info for any element in the
periodic table: Atomic number; Atomic mass; # of protons, electrons
and neutrons
 Bohr-Rutherford diagrams- be able to draw one
 Know how to test for the presence of Hydrogen, Oxygen and Carbon
dioxide gas. (Look at the testing for gases lab)
 Density calculations
Earth and Space Science:
 Inner planets vs. outer planets in our solar system
 Forms of radiation emitted by the sun
 How is the Earth protected from harmful solar radiation?
 What is a comet?
 Composition of the Sun
 How does the time required by the various planets to orbit the sun in
our solar system compare?
 List the order of the planets in our solar system from the sun outwards
 Terrestrial planet vs. a gas planet
 Characteristics of series circuits
 Characteristics of parallel circuits
 Purpose/ Function of circuit breakers and fuses
 Prediction of charge based on an electrostatic series
 The law of electrical charges
 The basic concept of a battery. How does it work? From which
terminal if it do the electrons leave
 Calculating resistance, voltage and current (GRASS method)
 Predicting the current and voltage readings in a series and parallel
 Drawing circuits using Schematic Circuit Symbols
 Different forms of energy generations from renewable and nonrenewable sources (BIOMASS, FOSSIL FULES, PHOTOVOLTAIC
etc.) Know: thee advantages and disadvantages of the different
methods; what sources are renewable and what sources are nonrenewable
 Classification of organisms based on their diet (OMNIVORE ,
 Trophic levels
 Energy in Food chains
 Bioaccumulation and Bioamplification
 Biotic vs. abiotic components of an ecosystem
 Pesticides. What they are and how they affect ecosystems.
 Levels of biological organization (ORGANISM, POPULATION,
 Definitions of species at risk (ENDANGERED, EXTIRPATED, etc.)
 Food chains vs. food webs
 Photosynthesis. What is it? Who carries out this process? What are
the reactants and products of photosynthesis?
 The Carbon cycle (study the diagram)
 Layers of soil
 The effect of altering the population of a species in a food web
 Predator –prey relationship
 The effect of an introduction of exotic species into an ecosystem.
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