Revolutions—A Study in Conflict 1 VAMPY 2016

Revolutions—A Study in Conflict—Jan W. Lanham, Ph.D., Instructor
VAMPY 2016
Mon., June 27
Tues., June 28
Wed., June 29
Thurs., June 30
Fri., July 1
Sun., July 3
Read and discuss
introduction and Ch. 1 of
Anatomy of Revolution;
Develop chart of critical
attributes of revolution;
Read and discuss
American Revolution
Handout; Participate in
Mercantilism Game;
Watch section of
American Revolution
video/complete viewing
guide to discuss myths vs
Journal Entry—What is
the role of the monarch in
developing and sustaining
the mercantilism system?
Journal Entry—Explain
the impact of the policy of
benign neglect on the
progression of colonial
revolutionary thought.
Revolutions Pretest
Students will be
assigned a variety of
types of projects—
written, artistic, acting,
debate, etc. and will
complete projects
based on group and
individual choices of
topic and presentation
style; Introduce/review
research strategies for
use of primary research
and document analysis;
Review prioritization
and organizational
strategies for multiple
tasks throughout the
Read American Revolution;
complete AR puzzle packet
developing bullet points of
OR on causes of American
Begin Revolutions
Simulation, assuming
characters as Loyalists,
Patriots, or Neutralists and
researching issues for debate
in the simulation; Begin
Acting Up activity—
researching and developing
chronology of the acts and
proclamations that influenced
British and American actions
prior to revolution. Read Ch.
2 in Anatomy & complete
reading guide;
Journal Entry—Explain the
link among economic status,
philosophy, and education in
the actions of the colonial
revolutionary leaders.
Journal Entry—Discuss the
role of the use of the military
and its impact on preventing
Anatomy jigsaw of two
sections; American
Revolution Who’s Who;
American Revolution
Timeline; Watch section of
American Revolution video;
Stamp Act Congress DBQ;
Revolutions simulation;
Creation of Historical Bulletin
cards providing overview of
significant chosen revolution
events; Am. Revolution Crisis
points; American Revolution
jigsaw; Lexington and
Concord primary resources;
Journal Entry—Justify the
imposition of the Stamp Act
and the resistance to the
Stamp Act from the
conflicting perspectives of the
English and colonists?
Journal Entry—As your
simulation character, analyze
your stance regarding
proposed non-importation
agreements and the impact
of that stance on you and
your community.
American Revolution Daily Life
research; prepare commercial
for product representing colonial
daily life; Anatomy of Revolution
ch. 3/ reading guide;
American Revolution Test;
Revolutions simulation;
American Revolution Who’s
Who research; Am. Revolution
Historical bulletin activity;
Military action sequencing
activity; matching game with
revolutions terms and people;
American Revolution DBQ;
Journal Entry—Analyze the
progression of events
surrounding the Suffolk resolves
and the Galloway plan of Union
and the impact on revolutionary
Journal Entry—Respond to the
question—Do Revolutionaries
cause the circumstances or do
circumstances cause the
revolutionaries that lead to
Introduce Tale of Two Cities;
discuss social commentary in
literature; complete reading
guide for Book One; Daily Life
commercials videotaped and
evaluated; Tale of Two Cities
character matching; causes of
the American Revolution activity
Anatomy of Revolution ch.
4/readers guide; Matching
activity to match American
Revolution leaders with the
revolutionary types identified by
Brinton in Anatomy of
Revolution; Revolutions
simulation; American Revolution
Timeline research; American
Revolution timeline test;
Journal Entry—Analyze the
progression of colonial
revolutionary activity through the
sequence outlined by Brinton in
Anatomy of Revolution.
Read Tale of Two
*Activities and pacing of course will be adjusted, augmented, and differentiated based on pre-assessment and student strengths/needs.
Revolutions—A Study in Conflict—Jan W. Lanham, Ph.D., Instructor
VAMPY 2016
Mon., July 4
Tues., July, 5
Wed., July 6
Thurs., July 7
Fri., July 8
Sun., July 10
French Revolution matching;
French Revolution Who’s
Who; French Revolution
Timeline; character research
for Liberté simulation; create
character profile; Tale of Two
Book/video comparison
chart; Short French Rev.
read ch 1; French rev.
pretest; French revolution
crisis questions
Journal Entry—Analyze the
impact and causes of class
antagonism on the French
revolutionary movement.
Liberté simulation; French
daily life research; Tale of
Two Cities Book/video
comparison chart; Short
French Rev.; French daily life
jigsaw; French Revolution
Who’s Who research;
Anatomy of Revolution, Ch.
5; Reading guide; French
Revolution matching—terms,
people, and events;
Journal Entry—Justify with
evidence from the French
and American Revolutions,
the common problems faced
by moderates throughout the
revolutionary honeymoon
Journal Entry—Compare and
contrast the composition,
purposes and outcomes of
the Assembly of Notables,
Estates General, and
National Assembly.
Liberté simulation; French
daily life research;
Preparation of On-the Spot
report for chosen historical
revolutionary event; Tale of
Two Cities Book/video
comparison chart; Short
French Rev.; French
Revolution Timeline
research; French Revolution
Journal Entry—Contrast the
principles of the Declaration
of Rights of Man & Citizen
with the French Law of
Suspects in the context of the
events of the time. Journal
Entry—Explain the role of
propaganda in promoting
revolutionary ideas and
insighting mob action.
Liberté simulation; French
Revolution test; On-the-Spot
report preparation; Tale of Two
Cities Book/video comparison
chart; Short French Rev.;
French Revolution event
research for On-the-Spot
journalist report; Anatomy of
Revolution, Ch. 6; reading
guide; French Revolution DBQ;
Journal Entry—Compare and
contrast the 2 Continental
Congress and the National
Assembly in terms of purpose,
motivations, and outcomes.
Liberté simulation; preparation
for trial of Louis XVI; French
Revolution test; Tale of Two
Cities Book/video comparison
chart; On-the-Spot report
preparation; Russian Revolution
Silent Search;
Journal Entry—Compare and
contrast the role of class
antagonism in impacting
revolutionary thought and action
between the American and
French Revolutions.
Read Tale of Two
Cities; Anatomy of
Mon., July 11
Tues., July 12
Tale of Two Cities
Book/video comparison
chart; Short Russian Rev.
Liberté simulation; French
Revolution test; Russian
Revolution Who’s Who
research; On-the-Spot
French revolution
presentations for video
taping; Russian Rev. pretest;
Journal Entry—Compare and
contrast the political,
economic, and leadership
factors that influence
revolutionary thought and
action in the French and
Russian Revolutions.
Tale of Two Cities
Book/video comparison
chart; Short Russian Rev.;
Animal Farm; Simulation-Trial of Louis XVI; Russian
Who’s Who and What’s
What; jigsaw of Russian
events; visual timeline;
Russian government/political
party comparisons; Russian
Revolution Timeline
Journal Entry—Analyze the
impact of Marxist theory and
social economics on the
Russian Revolutionary
Wed., July 13
Tale of Two Cities
Book/video comparison
chart; Short Russian Rev.;
Simulation--Trial of Louis
XVI; Animal Farm; Animal
Farm packet/reading guide;
Complete political
comparisons chart; Watch
sections of Nicholas and
Alexandra video;
Journal Entry—Analyze
Dickens’ use of social
commentary in Tale of 2
Cities using specific
examples from the text.
Thurs., July 14
Fri., July 15
Tale of Two Cities Book/video
comparison chart; Short
Russian Rev; Simulation--Trial
of Louis XVI Animal Farm;
Animal Farm packet/reading
guide; Revolution Comparisons
between American, French, and
Russian; Journal Entry—Justify
the outcome of Louis XVI’s trial
despite the fact the evidence
was poor or nonexistent.
Revolution Venn Diagram
comparing the three revolutions
based on leadership, economic
factors, social factors, and
government factors;
Russian daily life jigsaw; Animal
Farm; Animal Farm
packet/reading guide; Visual
timelines—French, Russian,
American; revolutions jeopardy;
Complete symbolic
representation of assigned
events from the French,
American, and Russian
revolutions; Final test; Journal
Entry—Compare and justify the
role of extremists in the French
and Russian Revolutions.
*Activities and pacing of course will be adjusted, augmented, and differentiated based on pre-assessment and student strengths/needs.