New England Association for Schools and Colleges Re-Accreditation for Brandeis University

Brandeis University
New England Association for
Schools and Colleges
for Brandeis University
Marty Wyngaarden Krauss
Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
February Faculty Meeting, 2005
Brandeis University
Elements of Brandeis
Preparation of the Brandeis Self-Study
Ongoing Brandeis Community Feedback
NEASC Team Visits Campus
Evaluation of Our Accreditation Status
Re-Accreditation for Brandeis
Brandeis University
Principles for Self-Study
• Faculty and Senior Administration: Leadership
• Staff: Draft, Organize, Facilitate Outreach
• Faculty and Students: Review Drafts and
Revisions, Give Feedback
• Rely on Existing University Faculty Committees
• Entire Brandeis Community Informed about
Process, Given Opportunities for Feedback
Brandeis University
University Advisory Council is the Steering
Committee for Re-Accreditation
• Co-Chairs Marty Krauss and Peter French
• 3 School Deans and Senior VP Students and Enrollment
• Chair of the Faculty Senate, Dagmar Ringe
• 7 Faculty from all 3 Schools
• 2 Student Government Presidents (Student Union and
the GSA)
Brandeis University
Timeline for Brandeis
• Spring 2005: Appoint Committee Chairs, Identify
Faculty Reviewers
• Fall 2005: Information Collection and Community Outreach,
Committees Draft
• Spring 2006: Drafts Reviewed, Integrated, Public Forum
• Summer 2006: Self-Study Submitted to NEASC
• Fall 2006: NEASC Team Visit to Campus
Brandeis University
1996 NEASC Visiting Team
Chair, President of Dartmouth, James Freedman
Yale University Librarian
President Emeritus, College of Holy Cross
Dean of Student Affairs, Washington University
Head, Physics Department, University of Illinois
VP, Maryland Independent College & Univ. Association
Professor of History, Wesleyan
VP for Budget & Planning, University of Rochester
Professor of Mathematics, Trinity College
Brandeis University
11 NEASC Standards
Mission and Purposes (5 items)
Planning and Evaluation (7 items)
Organization and Governance (12 items)
The Academic Program (50 items)
Faculty (23 items)
Brandeis University
11 NEASC Standards
Students (17 items)
Information Resources and Technology (12 items)
Physical and Technological Resources (6 items)
Financial Resources (14 items)
Public Disclosure (15 items)
Integrity (11 items)
Brandeis University
New Revised NEASC Standards
• Emphasis on institutional capacity
• Institutional effectiveness integrated through all
• Quality of the academic program in all locations,
• Integrity: retaining the public trust in higher
education and accreditation
Brandeis University
Institutional Effectiveness=Assessment
• Assessment is a type of “action research”
intended to gather indicators and evidence to
inform decision-making (Walvoord, Barbara)
• “Assessing for learning is a systematic and
systemic process of inquiry into what and how
well students learn over the progression of their
studies and is driven by intellectual curiosity. . .”
(Maki, Peggy)
Brandeis University
Challenges of Assessment
• Linking assessment to institutional goals and
• Articulating goals for student learning in
departments, majors and minors, degree areas,
residence life
• Understanding what we are already doing, even
if it isn’t called assessment
• Gathering both direct and indirect evidence of
student learning
Brandeis University
New England Association for Schools and Colleges (NEASC)
Reaccreditation Self-Study Standards
Standards Comprising the Self-Study
Marty Wyngaarden Krauss
Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
February, 2005
Brandeis University
Standard 1: Mission and Purposes
The institution’s mission and purposes are appropriate to
higher education, consistent with its charter or other
operating authority, and implemented in a manner that
complies with the Standards of the Commission on
Institutions of Higher Education. The institution’s mission
gives direction to its activities and provides a basis for the
assessment and enhancement of the institution’s
Brandeis University
Standard 2: Planning and Evaluation
The institution undertakes planning and evaluation
appropriate to its needs to accomplish and improve
the achievement of its mission and purposes. It
identifies its planning and evaluation priorities and
pursues them effectively.
Brandeis University
Standard 3: Organization and Governance
The institution has a system of governance that facilitates
the accomplishment of its mission and purposes and
supports institutional effectiveness and integrity. Through
its organizational design and governance structure, the
institution creates and sustains an environment that
encourages teaching, learning, scholarship, and where
appropriate research and service. It assures provision of
support adequate for the appropriate functioning of each
organizational component.
Brandeis University
Standard 4: The Academic Program
The institution’s academic programs are consistent with and serve to fulfill
its mission and purposes. The institution works systematically and
effectively to plan, provide, oversee, evaluate, improve, and assure the
academic quality and integrity of its academic programs and the credits
and degrees awarded. The institution develops the systematic means to
understand how and what students are learning and to use the evidence
obtained to improve the academic program.
Undergraduate Degree Programs, General Education and the Major or
Graduate Degree Programs
Integrity in the Award of Academic Credit
General Academic Program and Assessment
Brandeis University
Standard 5: Faculty
Faculty qualifications, numbers, and performance are
sufficient to accomplish the institution’s mission and
purposes. Faculty competently offer the institution’s
academic programs and fulfill those tasks appropriately
assigned them.
A. General, Teaching and Advising, Research and Scholarship
Brandeis University
Standard 6: Students
Consistent with its mission, the institution defines the
characteristics of the students it seeks to serve and provides an
environment which fosters the intellectual and personal
development of its students. It recruits, admits, enrolls, and
endeavors to help ensure the success of its students, offering the
resources and services that provide them the opportunity to
achieve the goals of their program as specified in institutional
publications. The institution’s interactions with students and
prospective students are characterized by integrity.
Admissions, Retention, and Graduation
Student Services
Brandeis University
Standard 7: Information Resources and Technology
The institution demonstrates sufficient and appropriate
information resources and services and instructional and
information technology and utilizes them to support the
fulfillment of its mission.
Brandeis University
Standard 8: Physical and Technological Resources
The institution has sufficient and appropriate physical and
technological resources necessary for the achievement
of its purposes. It manages and maintains these
resources in a manner to sustain and enhance the
realization of institutional purposes.
Brandeis University
Standard 9: Financial Resources
The institution’s financial resources are sufficient to
sustain the achievement of its educational objectives and
to further institutional improvement now and in the
foreseeable future. The institution demonstrates through
verifiable internal and external factors its financial
capacity to graduate its entering class. The institution
administers its financial resources with integrity.
Brandeis University
Standard 10: Public Disclosure
In presenting itself to students, prospective students, and
other members of the interested public, the institution
provides information that is complete, accurate,
accessible, clear and sufficient for intended audiences to
make informed decisions about the institution.
Brandeis University
Standard 11: Integrity
The institution subscribes to and advocates high ethical
standards in the management of its affairs and in all of its
dealings with students, faculty, staff, its governing board,
external agencies and organizations, and the general
public. Through its policies and practices, the institution
endeavors to exemplify the values it articulates in its
mission and related statements.
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