Giving a scientific talk – tips for success Colm McDonald

Giving a scientific talk – tips
for success
Colm McDonald
National University of Ireland, Galway
Outline of talk
• First I will talk about some key principles of
scientific presentation
• Then I will focus on how to prepare slides
• Then I will give some do’s and don’ts
• Then we can have a Q&A bit
Scientific talk
Three core principles
• preparation
• preparation
• preparation
More confident, professional, likely to stick to time and
focus on key messages, and address questions well
How do I prepare?
Remember that you are the expert!
Revise scientific material and most recent lit.
Finalise results in time
Who are you speaking to?
- peers
- experts
- scientifically informed audience
- students
- lay people
& adjust content accordingly
• Prepare Powerpoint slides
- introduction
- methods
- results
- discussion/conclusion
• Practice and refine
• It is normal to feel anxious!
• The more you focus on the presentation at hand,
the easier it is
• The more you gain exposure to presenting, the
easier it gets
How should I present myself?
Dress and behave professionally
Be in plenty of time
Familiarise with equipment
Try to display enthusiasm
Face the audience and talk to them!
Use facial expressions/gestures
Find your own voice (be prepared to ignore a lot
of this advice….)
How to prepare slides
• Some basic principles about form
- good contrast
- consistent background/colours/font
- minimum 24 font – should be easy to read
- principle of 7 lines per slide, 7 words per
line (but don’t be hamstrung by this)
- bulletpoints and phrases – not sentences
- use graphics instead of text/tables
• Some basic principles about content
- what will interest your audience?
- your audience should listen to you rather
than read the screen
- the slides are there to support your story
- the slides are to clarify rather than confuse
- you must stick to time and leave time for Qs
- estimate about 1 minute per slide
- structure presentation so enough time for
each section
• Should motivate the audience to believe that the
topic is worth researching
• Amount of background will depend upon the
- eg clinical audience, tell them what a
knockout mouse is
- nonclinical, tell them what schizophrenia is
• May include aims/hypotheses
• Amount of detail will depend upon audience
- peers/experts may be more interested in
deviations from normal experimental technique
- if standard, do not explain exhaustively
- use narrative approach – what I did…
• This is core of presentation – leave enough time
for it!
- present key results and most salient details
- use graphics to emphasise key results
- don’t feel you have to include everything
you have done – questions at end
• Summarise your results and their implications
• Relate to aims/hypotheses and existing literature
• Need not be exhaustive
– likely to be further interrogated in questions
• May like to include section on future work
• Acknowledge and thank collaborators,
supervisors and funding source
Questions and Answers
• You must leave time for this
• More questions means the talk was stimulating
(not unclear)
• Can be daunting since less predictable
• Remember you are the expert!
• Repeat the question – audience may not have
heard if no mic, and gives you time to think
• Don’t waffle and don’t insult the questioner!
Some Do’s and Don’ts
• Do practice your talk – incl. with peers
- especially first bit
• Do stick to time - don’t force the chair to interrupt!
• Do not compensate for lack of time by talking fast
• Do not compensate for lack of space by
squashing lots of text/graphics into slides
• Do doublecheck for spelling/grammatical errors
• Do not overestimate your audience – do explain
things simply, especially at start
• Do not read the slides
- wordy slides are for speaker not audience
- exception is quotation
- OK to use index cards
• Do talk to the audience
• Do turn to slides if you want your audience to
• Do not sit down and face your computer
• Do speak loudly and slowly – can be helpful to
pick out a couple of people and talk to them
• Do not include material in your slides that you
are not going to talk about
Do use humour
Do not feel you have to use humour
Do not use raw output (eg. SPSS,uncoded axes)
Do make your own figures
Do use laserpointer/mouse to explain figures
Do make sure any clips/links work in advance
Do not waffle in Q&A session
Do listen to the question
Do not insult the questioner
Do say “I don’t know” or “I will have to check”
A poor figure
A poor table
A better figure
Total Hippocampal Volume (ml)
Healthy Comparison (n = 298)
Bipolar not on lithium(n = 68)
Bipolar on lithium(n = 94)
Use other’s good images and acknowledge sources
Hypothetical roles of schizophrenia genes at a glutamatergic
Gray and Roth, Molecular Psychiatry 2008
Pictures/cartoons can lighten – don’t overdo it
My supervisor
My collaborators
My funding sources