Delta-Montrose Technical College Strategic Plan 2015-2018 Motto “Where Careers Begin” Mission Our mission is to be where careers begin by setting the standards for education and training to enhance career competencies, employability, and the well-being of our students and community. Our commitment and dedication to excellence ensures quality through innovation and vision. Vision To provide technical certificates for credit programs that prepare students for employment. To provide quality education for all students. To provide opportunities for lifelong learning through credit and non-credit courses, workshops, and seminars. To contribute to the enhancement of business, industry, and the community through customized education, job training, and retraining. To provide a seamless education system by collaborating with area secondary and postsecondary institutions. To provide support services to enable students to develop and achieve educational, personal, and career goals. To support continuous improvement through the enrichment of personnel and programs and the strategic allocation of personnel, facilities, technology, and equipment. To optimize our public image via quality education, community and alumni involvement, marketing, and public relations. Objectives To provide technical certificates for credit programs that prepare students for employment. Year 2015-16 Objectives Identify one industry that has a need for employees with technical certificates. Strategies for achieving objectives Research department of labor long-term employment projections to identify growth industries. Initiate discussions with area Workforce Centers to determine local workforce needs in growth industries. Evaluating Progress toward objectives List will be developed of industries with local projected growth. The list will be refined to identify one industry with the most growth potential in our area. Year Objectives Identify potential alternative delivery methods (online, hybrid, extended classroom) and course schedules (evenings, weekends, summer). Strategies for achieving objectives Review curriculum for each program to determine possible alternate delivery methods and/or course schedules. Evaluating Progress toward objectives Create chart for each program showing which delivery methods could be used for each course. Create chart for each program identifying all potential course scheduling. 2016-17 Identify one specific occupation within a growth industry for which we could develop a training program. Research occupations within the selected growth industry and identify occupations that require certificate-level training. Initiate focus group to facilitate development. Research requirements for skills/knowledge, facilities, equipment, supplies, instructor qualifications, etc. Meet with staff and advisory committees to review charts and identify target programs. Develop proposals for alternate delivery/scheduling for target programs. Identify one occupation we could reasonably offer and for which we could develop training. Develop a plan for implementing the new program and present to the institutional advisory committee. Get program approved by COE and CCCS. Hire instructor. Prepare facilities. Purchase equipment, tools, and supplies as needed. Market program. Enroll students. Prepare infrastructure to support new delivery/schedule (facilities, staff, technology, etc.). Market new offering. Recruit students. Enroll students. Active new program with completers. Develop list of target programs that could be offered using alternative delivery methods and/or course schedules and select one to pilot next year. 2017-18 Offer new program. Pilot the addition of alternative delivery or scheduling for one program. Present list of target programs to institutional advisory committee. Review proposals and select one program to pilot alternative options. Enrollment in both traditional and alternative delivery/schedule offerings with completers in both. To provide quality education for all students. Year 2015-16 Objectives Identify barriers preventing enrollment in and completion of programs. This may include nontraditional students (based on gender stereotype), special populations such as disabled or disadvantaged students, minority students, and single parents. It may also include barriers based on age or residence. Strategies for achieving objectives Join National Alliance for Partnerships in Equity (NAPE). Videotape instructors and review to identify micro-messages. Organize a focus group to evaluate facilities for barriers. Provide staff with professional development opportunities related to non-traditional enrollment, special populations, and micromessages. Continue to receive targeted technical assistance from the Colorado Community College System office to develop strategies to increase nontraditional student enrollment and placement. Work with employers to identify barriers to nontraditional employment. Develop a list of barriers within each department. Explain the cause of the barrier and which students are affected by it. Identify specific strategies to address each barrier. Create and implement a plan to address barriers. Evaluating Progress toward objectives Each instructor will be videotaped and review video with administration. Focus group will visit campus and report on findings. Staff members will be able to explain what barriers are within their department. 2016-17 Implement strategies to reduce barriers. 2017-18 Improve non-traditional and special population enrollment by at least 5%. Continue to identify barriers and implement Non-traditional and special population enrollment strategies to eliminate them. numbers will increase. Work with employers and the community to increase awareness of gender balance and identify the benefits of non-traditional employees. Develop better support for special populations and non-traditional students. Partner with the community to provide scholarship for non-traditional and special population students. Work with employers to improve placement options for non-trad and special pops. Work with Workforce Center, Warrior Resource Center, SWOP, and other community based organizations to make sure special populations are aware of opportunities at DMTC and receive All staff will understand the barriers and how the impact can be reduced. Strategies will be implemented in each department and school-wide to reduce the impact of barriers on our students. Increased enrollment of special populations and non-traditional students. Increased completion and employment of special populations and non-traditional students. To provide opportunities for lifelong learning through credit and non-credit courses, workshops, and seminars. Year Objectives Strategies for achieving objectives adequate support for successful enrollment, completion, licensure, and placement. Evaluating Progress toward objectives 2015-16 Determine what type of training the community wants. Develop and deliver a community survey. Receive data from a cross-section of the community. Analyze the data to discover areas of interest Partner with Career Step to add at least one noncredit training certificate. Meet with Career Step to learn more about course Have a new, active course with enrollment. offerings. Research employment opportunities. Select a course to offer. Market course and recruit students. Select a topic. Host the events with a minimum of five Recruit a presenter. participants per workshop/seminar. Market the workshop/seminar. Enroll participants. 2016-17 Each department will host a low-cost, informational workshop or seminar on a topic related to the represented industry. Partner with Career Step to add at least one noncredit training certificate. Develop new Community Education courses based on results from survey last year. 2017-18 Each department will host a low-cost, informational workshop or seminar on a topic related to the represented industry. Expand Community Education offerings to other communities. Meet with Career Step to learn more about course offerings. Research employment opportunities. Select a course to offer. Market course and recruit students. Enroll students. Analyze survey results. Recruit instructors. Develop curriculum. Market courses. Enroll students. Select a topic. Recruit a presenter. Market the workshop/seminar. Enroll participants. Review survey data to determine interests in outlying communities. Gather additional data if needed. Establish partnerships in the community. Have a new, active course with enrollment. Offer at least two new Community Education courses based on survey results. Meet minimum enrollment of five students in each new course. Host the events with a minimum of five participants per workshop/seminar. Offer at least two courses in at least one community outside of Delta and Montrose. Have at least five students enrolled in each course. Year Objectives Partner with Career Step to add at least one noncredit training certificate. To contribute to the enhancement of business, industry, and the community through customized education, job training, and retraining. 2015-16 Offer POST Refresher class in summer 2016 Offer Forest Service FPO training in summer 2016. Develop plan for a mobile training lab for healthcare professions. 2016-17 Develop partnerships and obtain funding through grants and other sources to complete the mobile training lab. Strategies for achieving objectives Locate facilities. Recruit instructors. Develop schedule. Market courses. Enroll students and hold classes. Meet with Career Step to learn more about course offerings. Research employment opportunities. Select a course to offer. Market course and recruit students. Enroll students. Recruit instructors. Develop schedule. Get schedule approved by POST. Market program and recruit students. Enroll students. Evaluating Progress toward objectives Get approval from US Forest Service. Develop schedule. Market program and recruit students. Recruit instructors. Enroll students. Research other mobile labs. Work with focus group to determine use of the lab. Develop a blueprint and list of required equipment, tools, supplies, etc. Get quotes on cost to develop a fully functioning lab that meets all requirements. Present the mobile training lab plan to potential partners (hospitals, Workforce Center, long-term care facilities, vendors, and ???) Apply for DOLA and other grants. Give presentations to local civic groups. Hold a FS FPO training with a minimum of 20 students. Have a new, active course with enrollment. Hold a POST Refresher class with a minimum of six students. Complete blueprint for layout of lab. List of everything needed to have a fully functioning lab. Price estimates for completed project. Develop a presentation to promote the mobile lab project and present it to potential supporters. Get letters of support from the community. Get financial support from partners. Receive grant funding. Obtain sufficient funding to purchase mobile training lab and have it fully stocked and ready for implementation. Year Objectives Partner with Wilderness Medical Institute (WMI) to offer a Wilderness EMT course in Gunnison/Crested Butte area in spring 2017. Strategies for achieving objectives Propose course to WMI. Locate facilities. Assist in course marketing and student recruitment. Provide support. Research costs. Recruit instructor. Secure funding to purchase equipment. Get program approved by COE and CCCS. Develop curriculum. Hire staff. Schedule courses. Do open house and promotional activities. Recruit students. Evaluating Progress toward objectives Hold a course with at least six students enrolled. Offer CDL Training. Schedule courses. Market courses. Recruit students. Hold courses. Have at least eight students complete CDL training. Expand our secondary offerings. Offer a second section of Automotive-Basic at DMTC. Offer Drafting and Hairstyling in Gunnison. Reach minimum enrollment levels in each of the new secondary offerings. Expand concurrent enrollment options for high school students. Offer BIO 104 as concurrent enrollment to high school students. Have at least two high school students in BIO 104. Increase postsecondary enrollment. Develop and use postsecondary plans of study. Offer additional sections of hybrid CNS. Develop new promotional material for programs. Utilize SonisWeb tools for recruiting. Maintain enrollment levels in full programs. Increase enrollment in other programs by one student or 1%, whichever is more. Prepare to offer CDL courses. 2017-18 To provide a seamless education system by collaborating with area secondary and postsecondary institutions. 2015-16 Use mobile lab to begin offering healthcare courses throughout our service area. Have approved program with necessary facilities, staffing, equipment, and curriculum ready to implement in summer/fall 2017. Have the mobile lab on the road and in use for classes an average of at least two days a week. Year 2016-17 To provide support services to enable students to develop and achieve educational, personal, and career goals. Objectives Expand certificate offerings in broader service area. Strategies for achieving objectives Partner with long-term care facilities in outlying areas to do skill labs and clinicals at their site to allow for more hybrid CNA classes to be offered. Explore options for other hybrid offerings in outlying communities. Evaluating Progress toward objectives Add at least one section of hybrid CNA with skills lab off-campus. Improve transition from DMTC to associate and bachelor level programs. Identify institutions with higher-level degrees related to our programs. Collaborate with higher ed institutions to develop pathways for transfer between schools. Develop articulation agreements. Have at least one articulation agreement for each program with higher-level degrees available. 2017-18 Formalize a relationship with a higher education institution to give seamless access to associate or bachelor degrees. Provide facilities for other institutions to offer academic coursework at DMTC. Establish a well-defined process for transfer from DMTC to another institution. Develop the necessary system at both DMTC and the other institution to support students through the transfer process. Have an institution offering English and math courses at DMTC. Have at least one DMTC student or alumni enrolled in English or math courses. Have at least one completer from DMTC continue on to a degree program. 2015-16 Hold a career fair. Partner with local employers and Workforce Center. Schedule event and recruit employers to attend. Market the event. Have a career fair with participation from at least 15 employers, all enrolled students, and at least 25 alumni or other community members. Provide students with easily access to postings about job opportunities. Gather information from employers about job openings. Post job openings in SonisWeb. Train students to utilize the job postings in SonisWeb. Have at least twenty jobs posted in SonisWeb. Have at least a dozen students actively using the SonisWeb job postings. Have at least two students find jobs through the job postings in SonisWeb. Make sure each program is associated with applicable state and industry certification or licensure. Research state and industry certification or licensure requirements. Determine which certifications or licensures improve employability. Compare certification or licensure requirements with program curriculum. Modify curriculum as necessary to prepare students for certification/licensure. Each program with a state or industry certification will train students to meet the requirements. 2016-17 Year 2017-18 To support continuous improvement through the enrichment of personnel and programs and the strategic allocation of personnel, facilities, technology, and equipment. 2015-16 Objectives Maintain placement rates for all programs at 90% or better and improve placement by at least 5% for all other programs. Strategies for achieving objectives Maintain job openings in SonisWeb. Assist students with job search. Discuss placement with advisory committees and get input about how to improve placement. Evaluating Progress toward objectives Annual CPL rates will be improved. Partner with local employers and Workforce Center to hold a career fair. Schedule event and recruit employers to attend. Develop seminars/workshops. Market the event. Have a career fair with participation from at least 20 employers, all enrolled students, and at least 50 alumni or other community members. Exceed placement benchmark in all programs. Work with local employers and workforce center to place students. Maintain job openings in SonisWeb. Assist students with job search. Close programs that have not met benchmark for two or more years. Annual CPL rates will show all programs meeting placement benchmarks. Partner with local employers and Workforce Center to hold a career fair. Schedule event and recruit employers to attend. Develop seminars/workshops. Market the event. Have a career fair with participation from at least 20 employers, all enrolled students, and at least 50 alumni or other community members. Ensure all programs are preparing students for state and industry certification or licensure. Teach students about certification and licensure options. Provide students with information about certification and licensure. Complete self-study process. Staff professional development on COE. Annual CPL rates will show all programs meeting licensure benchmarks. Paint and replace flooring in Enterprise. Update multimedia in Enterprise Develop plan for improved ventilation for Cosmetology department. Schedule roof replacement on Building C. Identify appropriate professional development opportunities. Schedule in-house professional development. Assist with registration, lodging, travel, and meals for professional development activities. Enterprise Center renovated and ready for use by end of summer. New roof on Building C. Become a knowledgeable COE accredited school. Upgrade facilities. Provide professional development opportunities for all staff. Receive accreditation. Send 1-2 staff to COE annual conference or summer conference. Send appropriate instructors to Nurse Educator’s training, hair show, CACTE, and CACTA conferences. All new instructors will attend new instructor training. Support staff will receive training in computers and/or other skills as needed. Year 2016-17 Objectives Strategies for achieving objectives Evaluating Progress toward objectives Offer at least one non-credit CTE credentialing course. Maintain and improve learning and instructional resources. Perform routine and annual maintenance. Update inventory. Each department will develop a purchase and replacement plan for purchases of tools, equipment, and major supplies. Purchase instructional and learning resources as needed. Renovate Uncompahgre Room. Renovate Student Center. Each department will have the necessary learning and instructional resources to carry out the school’s mission and vision. Upgrade facilities. Provide professional development opportunities for all staff. Identify appropriate professional development opportunities. Schedule in-house professional development. Assist with registration, lodging, travel, and meals for professional development activities. Maintain and improve learning and instructional resources. Perform routine and annual maintenance. Update inventory. Each department will develop a purchase and replacement plan for purchases of tools, equipment, and major supplies. Purchase instructional and learning resources as needed. Work on challenges identified during COE selfstudy. Work to meet CPL requirements. Continue to evaluate and improve DMTC. Meet COE guidelines for continuous improvement. Have Uncompahgre Room ready for use by fall semester. Have Student Center renovation completed by fall registration. Send appropriate instructors to Nurse Educator’s training, hair show, CACTE, and CACTA conferences. All new instructors will attend new instructor training. Support staff will receive training in computers and/or other skills as needed. Offer at least two credit or non-credit CTE credential courses at DMTC. Provide training in operation of new mobile training lab in preparation for roll-out in 2017. Each department will have the necessary learning and instructional resources to carry out the school’s mission and vision. Implement strategies identified in self-study. Improve CPL averages as described in other goals. Implement continuous improvement. Year 2017-18 Objectives Upgrade facilities. Strategies for achieving objectives Evaluate all facilities and determine areas in need of improvement. Evaluating Progress toward objectives Complete facility upgrade as needed. Provide professional development opportunities for all staff. Identify appropriate professional development opportunities. Schedule in-house professional development. Assist with registration, lodging, travel, and meals for professional development activities. Maintain and improve learning and instructional resources. Perform routine and annual maintenance. Update inventory. Each department will develop a purchase and replacement plan for purchases of tools, equipment, and major supplies. Purchase instructional and learning resources as needed. Begin using mobile lab for off-campus training. Work on challenges identified during COE selfstudy. Work to meet CPL requirements. Continue to evaluate and improve DMTC. Send appropriate instructors to Nurse Educator’s training, hair show, CACTE, and CACTA conferences. All new instructors will attend new instructor training. Support staff will receive training in computers and/or other skills as needed. Offer at least two credit or non-credit CTE credential courses at DMTC. Provide training in operation of new mobile training lab in preparation for roll-out in 2017. Each department will have the necessary learning and instructional resources to carry out the school’s mission and vision. Meet COE guidelines for continuous improvement. Implement strategies identified in self-study. Improve CPL averages as described in other goals. Implement continuous improvement. To optimize our public image via quality education, community and alumni involvement, marketing, and public relations. Year 2015-16 Objectives Revitalize our image as a training provider for CTE certificates, industry training, and community education. Strategies for achieving objectives Develop new promotional material. Develop relationships with partner organizations throughout our service area. Invite community involvement through participation in surveys and focus groups. Increase FaceBook and web site presence. Inform community of events at DMTC through press releases and other information releases. Encourage alumni involvement at DMTC. Develop a comprehensive marketing and public relations plan. Evaluating Progress toward objectives Increase FaceBook and web site traffic. Increase number of inquiries from prospective students. Increase inquiries and enrollment from outside Montrose and Delta Counties. Implement marketing and public relations plan. 2016-17 Increase awareness of the training opportunities available at DMTC and the contributions DMTC graduates have and continue to make in our service area. Host an open house to recognize our 40th anniversary. Highlight the successes of our alumni over the last 40 years throughout the year on FaceBook, the web site, and other publications. Have each department offer free or low cost seminars and workshops related to each occupation. Increase FaceBook likes and visits. Increase web site visits. Increase inquiries. Have strong attendance from students, alumni, and the community at the anniversary open house. Have at least five people in attendance at each seminar or workshop. Increase enrollment. 2017-18 Modernize community presence of DMTC at local campus and throughout our service area. Purchase and install a digital sign at the campus entrance that faces traffic. Use our mobile lab throughout the service area. Complete installation of new signage throughout campus. Install signage for all extended classrooms. Purchase magnetic signs for DMTC vehicles or personal vehicles used for school business. Have a presence at community events. Survey incoming students about community presence of DMTC. Surveys will indicate increased awareness of DMTC. DMTC will have a stronger presence in the community.