Document 14458604

)arch ./0/
12./ 3len "rin 8rive: )ississau=a: >ntario %1) 1AB
&elephone: EB/1F 20GHB.0I
JaK: EB/1F 20GHB.0L
Principal’s Message
T" $%&'
It has Neen a very mild winter Nut our
students are certainly enSoyin= this new
snow fall. As we are movin= toward
sprin= our students and teachers looW forH
ward to seein= the =reen =rass in our field
and flowers Nloomin= in our peace =arH
den. &hese si=ns of new life are a wonH
derful time to reSoice in 3odXs love and
Yis continuous commitment to us as a
=loNal community.
Vi%e !rin%i&'(
(" (a*+,na./
+" 0,.an
1" 2a%3e5
Mi..i..'u2' 3orth
+" 6&/e78eime%in;
(e%*i<&. 8e/eeme% =a%ish
!r'=er for >ent
8ear 3od^
8urin= this season of %ent:
)ay you help us to thanW you for
the new life you =ave
to our world and to our spirits.
H%" Ii/ I.asi*
6..o%i'te !'.tor
H%" =ete% 1ae $h,i
&o find your presence around us in the
sparWle of the sunshine:
a word =iven in encoura=ement:
and a smile shared in passin=.
&o open our hearts to your call.
,%hoo( 7oun%i( 7h'ir
Kai. Le..issim,
,%hoo( 7oun%i( 7o87h'ir
(eMan N*,tt
Osthe% 6PT,,.e Qa%/ A
6tten0'n%e Verifi%'tion
&o serve one another with
your lovin= compassion.
&o have coura=e to asW for help
as we Sourney
and to Wnow when we have =one
off the path.
>ur $chool Zouncil continues to worW
hard on Nehalf of the community and orH
=ani[ed a very worthwhile evenin= on
JeNruary .G: with 8icW >X\rien. ]arents
from other schools had an opportunity to
attend and we spent a couple of hours
lau=hin= and smilin= as we listened to
how we can help our children cope with
the future.
"aster will soon Ne upon us and for us
this is a time of =rowth: penance and
prayers. It is a time to follow Aesus more
closely. As we Sourney throu=h the seaH
son of %ent: let us use what remains of
the forty days to pray for peace and harH
mony in our world. %et us pray that our
students: families and staff will Ne aNle to
Sourney throu=h %ent in =ood health and
filled with the awe of our faith.
Yave a wonderful )arch NreaW and I looW
forward to seein= everyone NacW and
worWin= hard durin= the third term.
3od \less.
&. Zru[
&o rememNer what %ent is all aNout
and to turn our lives toward _ou.
;e< ,ite
Mercy’s Got Talent
Mer%=?. @ot 9'(ent8 6 MeAor'<(e BCent
>ur %ady of )ercy $chool has always
taWen seriously our commitment to
continuin= our worW of charity. &his
year we decided to eKpand this worW to
include an or=ani[ation that always
attempts to Nrin= smiles to children
who are eKperiencin= serious illnesses:
the M'De868;i.h Eoun0'tionF &he
Intermediate students and staff from
>ur %ady of )ercy $chool or=ani[ed a
`)ercyXs 3ot &alenta event to raise money for )aWeHAH
#ish in honour of some of our students who have: or
have had: lifeHthreatenin= illnesses. It was an eKcitin=
show and the students involved did an ama[in= SoN. )uH
sicians: vocalists and dancers auditioned to Ne part of the
show. In the end: the studentsX desire
to maWe a difference in their commuH
nity: and their =reat school spirit
helped raised b0:G// dollars for the
Joundation. &his presentation helped
to foster school spirit and allowed us
to showcase how we live our virtues
on a daily Nasis.
M'De868;i.h Eoun0'tion
&o the 3rade L d 2 Zlasses of >ur %ady of )ercy
I would liWe to eKpress our thanWs for your donation of
time: ener=y and puttin= on MMer%=?. @ot 9'(entN to
Nenefit the )aWeHAH#ish Joundation. ItXs with the help
of schools liWe yours that wishes really do come true.
Zommunity activities liWe yours are Sust one way indiH
viduals unite to=ether to help share the power of a wish.
&he Nenefit of your support will reach far Neyond the
event day and the awareness it raised. It has enaNled us
to create ma=ical eKperiences for families who have lost
hope to Nelieve a=ain. #ishes Nrin= people to=ether and
provide much needed respite from hospitals: doctors and
treatment pro=rams.
&he )aWeHAH#ish Joundation is the lar=est and most
respected wish =rantin= or=ani[ation in the world. $ince
inception in 0B2/: with the help of dedicated volunteers
and stron= community support )aWeHAH#ish has =ranted
over ..1:/// wishes worldwide.
&hanW you for supportin= )aWeHAH#ish.
eery $incerely:
caren cwapienf"vent Zoordinator
)aWeHAH#ish Joundation of Zanada
4iss 5’ 6ide 6eminders
". 9e'%her. Gi(( not <e o&enin2 %'r 0oor.F &hey will
ensure that parents will drive to the end of the lane Nefore
lettin= their children out.
$. Hi.. 'n0 Ii0e Vo(unteer. Gi(( o&en 0oor.F
%. ,tu0ent. Au.t Dee& their
<'%D&'%D. Gith theA in the %'rF
&his speeds up the drop off proceH
dure. $tudents can Weep their
NacWpacWs on their laps or on the
floor of the vehicle.
&. !=(on. 're &('%e0 in the Hi.. 'n0 Ii0e ('ne for the
.'fet= 'n0 &rote%tion of the %hi(0renF #e eKpect parH
ents to respect and aNide Ny our the use of pylons.
'. ]olice and ]arWin= Zontrol will monitor and enforce
the traffic flow Nefore and after school as well as durin=
00:01 a.m. cinder=arten picW up. Jur >'0= of Mer%=
,%hoo( '..uAe. no re.&on.i<i(it= for ti%Det. i..ue0F
;e 0o not h'Ce the 'uthorit= to oCer8ru(e ti%Det.
2iCen out <= !'rDin2 7ontro(F
9h'nD =ou for =our he(& 'n0 7o8o&er'tionK
!o&%orn for O'iti
As a fundraiser to support the people of
Yaiti: >ur %ady of )ercy has Neen sellin=
]opcorn. &hrou=h this endeavour: we
were aNle to raise b0G// for Yaiti. &he
=overnment matched our b0G// for a total
Nenefit of b.2// =oin= to Yaiti from the
efforts of students: parents and staff of
>ur %ady of )ercy $chool.
$ince that donation: we have Neen continuin= to sell popH
corn until our supplies run out. &he money raised will Ne
donated to $hare %ife throu=h )erciful 'edeemer ]arish.
#e will Ne providin= you with a final total for the April
newsletter. $o far: we are doin= guite well with this
charitaNle fundraisin= event.
&hanW you for your =enerosity and support for those in
need throu=h all of our fundraisin= efforts for charity
here at >ur %ady of )ercy.
!>6,! !'rDin2 IeAin0er
#hen picWin= up children from ]%A$]:
do not parW in the 3o !'rDin2 Lone. It
causes poor visiNility and it is unsafe for
the children. #e appreciate your attenH
tion to this matter.
Virtue of the Month
, a% kin./
, look "or 1ays to help others an. sho1 , care/
, sho1 kin.ness to any person or ani%al , see/
, .o all , can to take care o" the earth/
, re%e%8er that all thin9s ha:e 8een create. 8y ;o./
;h't i. Hin0ne..P
cindness is carin= aNout what happens to others. It is doin=
thin=s to maWe others happy. \ein= Wind is showin= that you
care aNout anyone or anythin= Necause everythin= is a part of
what 3od has made.
;h= &r'%ti%e Hin0ne..P
cindness should Ne practiced Necause it Nrin=s us to=ether and
celeNrates diversity. It is a virtue of inclusion Necause Windness
is a universal lan=ua=e that everyone understands. #hen we
are Wind to each other: we no lon=er use hurtful lan=ua=e or
ridicule anyone^ this produces a safe environment where everyH
one can increase in selfHesteem and feel comfortaNle to particiH
pate. &hrou=h the Windness we =ive and receive: we Ne=in to
understand how we are connected to those around us. 3ivin=
and receivin= Windness are vital to our health: harmony: and
OoG 0o =ou &r'%ti%e Hin0ne..P
#hen we sense someoneXs need: we either choose to help them
in some way or not to. If we choose to help: we are offerin=
Windness: and at that moment we eKperience a surprisin= and
overwhelmin= feelin= Necause we have made a connection and
difference in someoneXs life. cindness is a positive power that
we all possess and when we use it Ny performin= acts of WindH
ness we feel a =reat sense of worth. %et Windness flowh
Qou 're &r'%ti%in2 the Virtue of HR3S3B,, Ghen =ouT
!" $hare with others
!" ise your manners
!" %isten to others
!" Are inclusive and never leave anyone out
!" &hinW of others first
!" ise Wind words
Qou nee0 Aore &r'%ti%e Ghen =ouT
!"#alW away from others
!""Kclude others from activities
!"Are rude and insultin=
!"8onXt share with others
!"Always thinW of yourself first
(")" and seasonal flu can take a real toll on your
students. (")" has affected children and young
adults at a greater rate than the regular seasonal flu.
Almost half of the people hospitalized from (")"
have been under the age of $&. And even a mild
case of (")" can have a significant impact.
This yearBs flu season is anticipated to be a long one,
and may last throughout the winter.
The single, most effective way to protect yourself
against the flu is to receive both the (")" and seasonal flu shots. The Finistry of (ealth and GongTerm Hare is asking for your help in encouraging parents to speak to their children about getting vaccinated.
(ere are some products that we hope will help you
spread the wordI
A letter to parents from Jr. Arlene King,
LntarioBs Hhief Fedical Lfficer of (ealth
Flu Nhot Fact Nheets for parents
Flu Nhot Article for school newsletters
All of these resources and more can be found by visitingI
Is Your Child Stressed?
Stress can effect people of all ages. How can you tell if your child is
stressed? Physical symptoms may be similar in children as in
adults. However, the way children deal with these feelings could be
quite different. Causes of stress for children can stem from school,
home or peers, with the symptoms varying with each child. Look for
signs such as inability to concentrate, sleep difficulty, a drop in
grades, toileting, eating concerns or isolation from family and peer
Here are a few tips to help minimize stress in your child:
• Encourage your child to tell you if he or she feels overwhelmed.
• Set a good example of how to deal with stress.
• Make your child aware of anticipated family changes, in an ageappropriate way. Children will often think the worst about a
situation they do not understand.
• Help your child select appropriate extracurricular activities and
limit over-scheduling.
• Encourage physical activity, good nutrition and rest.
• Encourage healthy and diverse friendships.
• Use encouragement and natural consequences when poor decisions are made.
• Monitor television viewing, web browsing and video game use.
• Remind your child of his or her ability to get through tough times,
particularly with the love and support of family and friends.
• Communicate with your child’s teacher for possible concerns.
• Seek the assistance of a physician, school psychologist, school
counselor, or school social worker if stress continues to be a
For more information, visit:
>ur %ady of )ercy is an aller=en aware school. &here
are pupils in attendance who suffer from severe and life
threatenin= aller=ies to certain foods: such as peanut and
nut products. "Kposure to the smallest guantities can
cause severe life threatenin= reactions. AnaphylaKis is a
severe and life threatenin= aller=ic reaction. &he most
common aller=en tri==ers are food: insect stin=s: medicaH
tions: eKercise and lateK. An anaphylactic reaction inH
volves symptoms from two or more Nody systems.
$afety of all our students is paramount.
#e at >ur %ady of )ercy would apH
preciate the coHoperation of the entire
school community Ny 3J9 sendin=
any lunches or snacWs that contain any
of these in=redients: whole pressed
peanut oil: =round nuts: miKed nuts: re=istered trademarW
flavoured nuts: peanuts: peanut Nutter: foods that may
indicate the presence of peanuts protein. &he Jood AlH
ler=y !etworW recommends avoidin= these in=redients to
ensure a peanut free diet. ]lease maWe sure that all of
your childrenXs care=ivers are aware of the food restricH
As "aster is approachin= and children often receive
treats at this time: we once a=ain remind you not to send
any to school that may containin= aller=ens. As well:
please avoid sendin= food for Nirthdays or special occaH
sions. &here are many alternatives such as sticWers or
pencils that children can share with their classmates.
If you have any guestions please talW to your childXs
teacher or to school staff. _our coHoperation in helpin=
to Weep all our pupils safe is =reatly appreciated.
[xtended French \eminder
Qrade & parentsOguardians who wish to enroll their
child in a Qrade ' [xtended French class for Neptember, $]"] are reminded to submit the [xtended
French application and recommendation sheet to the
designated centre for your area. Applications will be
accepted at that centre until %I]] p.m. Wednesday,
Farch %, $]"].
French Immersion \eminder
NK parentsOguardians who wish to enroll their child in
a Qrade " French Immersion class for Neptember,
$]"] are reminded to submit the French Immersion
application and recommendation sheet to the French
Immersion centre(s) of choice. Applications will be
accepted at that centre until $I]] p.m. Wednesday,
Farch %, $]"].
]8 8ay j !o $chool H "valuation of ]upil
]ro=ress d 'eport Zard ]reparation
Zonfirmation Zonfessionsf00 a.m.
)ississau=a !orth $peech Zompetition
3rade kXs swimmin=H 0H. p.m.
Jirst 'econciliationf3rade . H0/:G1 a.m.
Zhildren will Ne Nussed to )erciful 'edeemer
]arents are welcome to Soin ush
Intermediate dancefp.m.
01H0B )arch \reaW
'eport Zards =o home
]arentl&eacherl$tudent Zonferences for some
AssemNlies f $leepin= Zhildren Around the #orld
$prin= ]ictures for $iNlin=s
3rade GXs to %ivin= Arts Zentre
)rs. !olanXs %ast 8ayh Yappy 'etirementh
3ood Jriday H $chool Zlosed
"aster )onday H $chool Zlosed
$chool Zouncil )eetin=fI:k/ p.m.
Jirst Zommunion 00 a.m. at )erciful 'edeemer
3rade 2 3raduation ]ictures
)ississau=a !orth ZZZ$Z
at $t. "li[aNeth $etonfI:k/ p.m.
$chool Zouncil )eetin=fI:k/ p.m.
Zonfirmationf00 a.m. at )erciful 'edeemer
Lrder Fagazines Lnline
Qo online at to order your new or renewal
magazine subscriptions. Tse our schoolBs name
(Qroup IJ. W X&$%) and a portion of your subscription
goes to support our school. If you buy a magazine
online, you will also be entered in a contest for a
chance to win a Jell GaptopZ