Our Lady of Mercy Staff 2007-2008 Grade Teacher’s Name

September 2008
T. Cruz
Vice Principal
M. MacDonald
D. Nolan
J. Harvey
Mississauga North
M. Prospero
Merciful Redeemer Parish
Phone: 905-812-0030
Fr. Vid Vlassic
Associate Pastor
Fr. Ivan Camilleri
Fr. Mariush Runevich
School Council Chair
Gail Bellissimo
School Council Vice-chair
Megan Scott
Esther O’Toole
Ward 9
Phone: 905-812-5163
Attendence Verification
Phone: 905-814-9216
Web Site
5820 Glen Erin Drive, Mississauga, Ontario L5M 5J9
Fax: (905) 814-9217
Telephone: (905) 814-9216
Beginning of School Prayer
Dear Lord
You give us this new school year.
We are excited to be back
With our friends and teachers.
Help us to make the best of a new beginning.
Guide us to make wise decisions and
To do the best that we can.
Help us to make this a happy year.
Let us share with our friends and
make new friends feel welcome.
Principal’s Message
On behalf of the staff at Our Lady of Mercy School, I
am pleased to welcome everyone to the start of a new
and exciting school year.
I would like to extend a special welcome to the new
families who have joined our school family. A special
greeting and best wishes to our Junior Kindergarten
children who are starting school for the first time and I
hope that their journey will be filled with only positive
In partnership with Merciful Redeemer Parish, the
home and other community partners, our school will
be able to offer a wide range of learning opportunities
created to enhance the spiritual, academic and physical lives of our students. Our Lady of Mercy School
will continue to be an active community that relies on
cooperation and teamwork. We are very blessed to
have a very devoted School Council and Parish team.
We will continue to focus on the Boardwide “Virtues”
character formation program that was implemented
last year and supports our safe schools initiatives.
I wish everyone a very successful school year. Our
staff is committed to working with our parents, parish
and community partners as they support the children
in their quest for knowledge and spiritual development. May God bless you and your families.
T. Cruz
P.D. Day (Re-organization)
Friday, September 12th, 2008
(No School for Students)
Our Lady of Mercy Staff 2007-2008
Teacher’s Name
Grade 1
Grade 1/2
Grade 1/2
Grade 2/3
Grade 3
Grade 3
Grade 3/4
Grade 4
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 5
Grade 6
Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 7
Grade 7/8
Grade 8
Grade 8
Planning Time
Head Secretary
Vice Principal
T. Fang
H. Maxwell
R. Merle
M. Pereira
S. Cunningham
D. Jessome
J. Cahill
C. Loiacono
C. Mant
P. Fitzgerald
M. Murphy
N. Rockarts
G. Rabiega
M. Capobianco
K. Karaim-Rudyk
R. Sowinski
C. Roda-Zaffino
M. Xerri-Galiardi
S. Daley
C. Dodaro
M. Abilleira
D. Guzman
T. Hillyer
J. Quintana
K. Read
J. Adamkowski
N. Policelli
S. Attard
E. Armstrong
M. Santos
A. Jones
D. Nolan
J. Harvey
M. MacDonald
T. Cruz
Early Release Day
Tuesday, September 30th
(Students will be dismissed at 11:45 a.m.)
School Operations
Communication Updates
Supervision in the yard
School Entry
We welcome C. Roda-Zaffino who will be teaching
Grade 7 and G. Rabiega who will teaching Grade 5.
10:50 Morning Recess (Grade 1-8)
Extra-curricular Activities & Excursions
11:15 Kindergarten Dismissal
Students will have the opportunity to take field trips and
participate in a number of extra-curricular activities. Permission forms will be sent home to be filled out, signed
and promptly returned to school.
11:45 Lunch (Grade 1-8)
12:45 Afternoon Start
Afternoon Recess
All students are expected to attend school regularly and
punctually. In the event that your child will be late or
absent, please telephone the school before 8:45 a.m. and
12:45 p.m. to inform us of the absence. All students who
arrive after 8:45 a.m. or 12:45 p.m. must obtain a late slip
from the office. This measure is to ensure the safety of
your child. We thank you for your continued support in
following this procedure.
The number to call is: 905-814-9216
Provide the following information:
Date of absence(s)
Name(s) of student(s)
Name of student’s Teacher(s)
Reason for absence
Date of Return
A Student Verification Form for each child has been
sent home. All sheets (even those which have correct information) should be returned to the appropriate classroom teacher. If you have not returned yours, please do
so as soon as possible, as this will greatly help us to update our records. In case of an emergency, we need current phone numbers and up-to-date information to contact
you immediately. Please add cell phone numbers if available. In addition, any students leaving or returning to the
school due to appointments must be signed out and in at
the office.
Congratulations to three of our teachers who were
married during the summer months:
Ms. Larose is now Mrs. Cahill
Ms. Commosso is now Mrs. Mant
Ms. Xerri is now Mrs. Xerri-Galiardi
NOT BE ACCEPTED. No exceptions will be allowed.
Teachers give ample notice for trip consent forms.
We encourage parents to support these educational opportunities by volunteering to assist and supervise these
excursions. For the safety of your child, excursions lacking appropriate adult supervision will be cancelled.
Visitors & Volunteers
To ensure school security for students and teachers, the
Board policy requires that all visitors (including parents)
and volunteers must report to the office when entering the
school. Please enter through the main doors only. Identification stickers are required to be worn when visitors are
in the school.
Volunteers are welcome and appreciated in the school. If
you wish to volunteer, you must complete a criminal reference check. If you completed a criminal reference
check last year, and submitted a copy to the school, you
are requested to complete an Offence Declaration Form
this year. Please contact the school office for more information.
Combined Classes
With the introduction by the Ministry of a primary classroom cap on class sizes, combined classrooms have become much more common. At Our Lady of Mercy this is
the case and as we check enrollment each day we may be
reorganizing over the next week. Parents have been
bringing in letters requesting classroom changes for their
children, however, it will be impossible to accommodate
all requests. We will do our best but I want to reassure
parents that teachers use many different strategies to
teach students in combined grades. All classrooms,
whether single grade or combined, include students performing at a range of achievement levels. Several studies
have found that students in combined classes do just as
well as students in single-grade classes. In fact, some
students actually do better in language and reading.
Virtue of the Month
Safety Procedures
Beginning and Dismissal of School
1. Kiss and Ride Program
I am faithful to what I believe
I am a faithful friend. I do not backbite.
I clear up problems face to face.
I keep my promises. I walk my talk.
What is Faith?
It is holding to what you believe is important no matter what happens.
Faithfulness is being like a rock in the midst of rushing waters. When
you are faithful you can be counted on and trusted. Faith is needed
when you have beliefs and principals that cannot be proven to others.
If you are faithful to your belief, such as belief in God, honesty and
friendship, others see your values in the way you act.
Why practice being Faithful?
When people do not show faithfulness, they say one thing and do another. One day they believe something, and the next day they believe
something else. You can never count on them for anything. When
people are faithful, you know what they stand for and you can trust
them. You can count on them to do what they say they will do. They
are faithful friends.
How do you practice Faithfulness?
Being faithful means you keep your promises. You walk your talk. To
do a job faithfully means you do it with as much excellence and precision as you can. And you do it on time. Listen to your heart when
things come up to test your faith. Faith is not really Faith until it is
tested. Your faith gets stronger when your beliefs are tested and you
still find that they are true.
When you are faithful in relationships, you are loyal. You do not talk
to someone behind their back. If you feel hurt or hurt their feelings,
you go to them and talk about it privately. You do not leave an old
friend when a new one comes along. You make the circle wider.
You are practicing the Virtue of FAITH when you…
Listen to your heart when your beliefs are tested
Only make promises you can keep
Make your words and deeds match
Do a job as carefully and fully as it needs to be done
Are loyal to your friends and family
Clear up problems face to face
You need more practice when you…
Do not believe that anything is important
Accept a belief without thinking for yourself
Say one thing and do another
Talk about people behind their backs
Don’t keep your commitments
Do a quick or sloppy job
Vehicles entering school property from
8:30 to 8:45 a.m. are to use the school’s
Kiss & Ride Program. The program is
supervised by staff and volunteers.
There are two lanes to enter the Kiss and Ride, and then
three that have very specific functions.
The lane on the right and closest to the school is for
buses and emergency vehicles ONLY.
There are two lanes to the left of the cement barrier that
serve different purposes. The right Kiss and Ride lane is to
be used for dropping children off at the Drop Off Point.
This drop off point is approximately half of the lane or the
first five vehicles at the front of the Kiss and Ride lane.
Please DO NOT let children leave the car anywhere before
that point. You are definitely putting them in serious danger
of possibly being struck by a vehicle. Children should be
prepared with their bags to exit the vehicle on the passenger
side only. Never exit a vehicle from the driver’s side. Drivers should remain in their vehicles at all times, and a Kiss
and Ride supervisor will assist them to exit the vehicle.
Once your child(ren) has been dropped off, you can access
the left ‘drive through’ lane and ‘slowly ‘ exit the Kiss and
Ride. There is a serious issue with vehicles travelling too
fast through this lane, either to get to the front of the line or
to exit. You will not be able to stop in time when a child
comes out between cars. .
When entering or exiting, be VERY mindful of pedestrian
traffic. Cars travelling southbound on Glen Erin and turning
into the driveway often run the red light, and pull in quickly.
There is a cross walk on the south side of the driveway.
Many children from both schools utilize the crosswalk. You
must be vigilant. Pedestrians have the right of way always.
Thank you for co-operation!
Remember - SAFETY FIRST!!!
2. Supervision in School Yard
Staff are on duty for 15 minutes before the start of the
school day and throughout the entire noon hour. Therefore,
you may safely leave your child in the school yard upon
arrival in the morning or returning to the school after lunch.
3. Picking Up Students at Dismissal
At the end of the school day, parents, babysitters, older siblings are to meet students outside (Grades 1-8) at the side or
back doors. The front area and doors of the school are only
for Kindergarten parents, staff and bus students. Parents
picking up their children by car at the end of the school day,
can only park in lane 2 of the Kiss & Ride Lane and must
stay in their vehicles. Staff will be present to help students
walk to the front of the school to meet you.
Dates to Remember
On occasion, the school is asked to
store and/or give medication to students. A completed form must accompany each request for medication to be
stored and given out by the school personnel. Ask the Office to supply you with the appropriate
forms. Medical Alerts and Anaphylaxis forms were sent
home at the end of June to facilitate doctor’s appointments and time to complete documentation. This is necessary to update files and inform staff of concerns.
Accommodation Review Committee report to the
Board of Trustees - @ Catholic Education Centre
School Council Nomination Forms Due
P.A. Day - Re-organization and Division Meetings
Accommodation Review Committee report to the
Board of Trustees - @ Catholic Education Centre
Peanut Awareness & Other Allergens
We have a number of children in our school who have
severe life threatening allergic reaction to peanuts, peanut
butter, peanut oils and any peanut by-products.
School Council Meeting - 6:30 p.m.
(date changed from Sept. 16 due to ARC report)
Grade 6’s (Mrs. Rudyk’s class) to Silvercreek
Other life threatening allergens may include allergies to
eggs, dairy, and flour products, sesame seeds and types of
seafood if ingested by the student.
Opening Mass - 9:30 a.m.
Open House - 7 to 8 p.m. (Book Fair open)
Chocolate Fundraiser Begins
As required by the Education Act and the Ministry of
Education, the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School
Board annually provides parents with information about
cost-effective student accident insurance coverage via
student courier. Although enrolment is voluntary, the
board encourages parents to take advantage of the inexpensive insurance coverage, especially if their child/
children participate in sports, excursions/field trips, or, if
parents do not have dental insurance coverage.
Early Release Day
22-25 Book Fair in the library
Grade 8 Trip to Mt. Alverno
1st Communion Parent Meeting - 7 p.m.
Chocolate Fundraiser Ends
Cross Country Family Meet
1) Complete the traditional form and mail it in
Information Meeting for Confirmation
2) Photocopy the form and fax it to Reliable Life at 1905-522-7211 or 1-800-463-KIDS (5437).
School Photo Day
Enrolment is required in writing -- there are two options
for enrolment:
Lunch Students & Leaving School Grounds
The school lunch hour is 11:45 a.m. – 12:45 p.m. When
children stay for lunch, they will eat with their classmates
and remain on school property throughout the lunch period. Supervision is provided by staff and a lunch supervisor. For safety reasons, students either stay for lunch or
leave for lunch every day. Changes to this routine are
done only with written permission by a parent/guardian.
Students are not allowed to call home to go out for
lunch. The office is very busy at this time and phones are
needed for office communication and emergency phone
calls. Parents accept the responsibility for conduct,
safety and the well being of students when they are given
permission to leave school property. We thank you for
continuing to support this safety routine.
School Council Elections and Nomination Forms
If you are interested in an elected position on School
Council, please pick up a self-nomination form at the office or send a note in with your child. Please ensure that
you fill out your self-nomination form and return it to the
office by September 11th. Elections will take place at the
School Council meeting on September 18th at 6:30 p.m.
Pick-Up and Drop-Off Policy
Parents or designated individuals are required to sign children in at the office when bringing them to school late and
must also sign them out at the office when withdrawing
them from school before regular dismissal time.
Parents are requested to provide the classroom teacher with
a note if it is necessary for a child to leave for an appointment. Please meet the child(ren) at the main office and sign
them out. Upon their return, they must report to the office
for an admittance slip.