Astronomy Review


Astronomy Review


Constellations – what are they? Give examples


What are the 2 motions of the Earth? Explain them.


2 models of our solar system – name and describe them; which scientists support each model?


What is an astronomical unit? How big is it?


What makes up our solar system?


Planets a.

Place in order from the sun b.

What are the inner planets? c.

What are the outer planets? d.

What are the other names used for inner and outer planets? e.

What are some special features of each planet? f.

Compare planets vs. stars


What is another name for the North Star?


What is the next closest star to Earth after the sun?


The Sun a.

What is it made up of? b.

Name and describe the special features c.

What is its fuel? How does it create its fuel? d.

How old is the sun? e.

Be able to label a diagram of the Sun

10.What are asteroids? Where are they found? What is the asteroid belt?

11.What are comets? Where are they found?

12.What is the difference between meteors/meteorites/meteoroids? a.

What is another name for shooting star?

13.Stars a.

Life stages – name and describe b.

Death of a star c.

What are they made of? d.

Temperature/colour change e.

Supernova? Black hole? Neutron star? White dwarf?

14.What is the difference between a solar eclipse and a lunar eclipse?

15.What is the Solar Nebula Theory?

16.Galaxies a.

What are they? b.

What is the name of our galaxy? c.

What are the different shapes possible?

17.What is a satellite?

18.Star Clusters – difference between the two types

19.Big Bang Theory!

20.What is the Doppler Effect?

21.What is Hubble’s Law?

22.What are the effects on the bodies of Astronauts?

23.What are the greenhouse effect/global warming?


25.Know how to express small or large numbers using scientific notation
